Monday, 11 January 2016

Monday Horoscope January 11 2016 - All Signs of the Zodiac

Monday Horoscope January 11 2016 ♒  

hello January.jpg

Today The Moon is in Aquarius we are ready for the new today especially after the New Moon that took place early hours of Sunday Morning! I think as we are re-thinking a lot of things today, we are almost able to get a new perspective upon something being as we disconnect from emotion and start to make commitments to what will will act on later… If you can write down some of the things you are thinking of doing and see if in the next two weeks they so happen to take place.

Whatever we commit to or decided upon as we are still in that feeling of the New Moon will create roots and grow something strong in a slow and steady way. . . There are a lot of thoughts going out in the direction of relationships as Venus turns 15 degrees today and when when looking at Sagittarius Ruling planet Jupiter, which is sitting in Virgo…. I mean we have Jupiter re-thinking as it too is retrograde and it is combining with not only the Destiny Node but also Lilith there is an old fear starting to creep back in and we are thinking to act or to not act.

It is in my opinion to do with the way in which your looking at it- Aquarius Moon Should help today as the past is the past and circumstances and the people involved have changed, and are no longer the same, so you really need to face that fear as it’s not going to turn out as expected - things are changing, people are changing you cannot treat it as if it was the same as before - What do you believe and what takes priority today in your mind.

Still commitments and decisions being made as we tread what feels like new ground we are reminded of the past in something's also.

All of what I spoke of at the Weekend is below and still applies for today… IF you would like a Tarot or Astrological reading with me please check out my Website & If you missed it I also have a Horoscope for the Month of January starting from the 10th through to the 7th of February on youtube and can be viewed at the link here or on my YouTube Channel

Saturn and Venus are conjuncting with Saturn at 12 degrees!!!! That’s pretty big by they way especially looking at the numerology. I’m still in Tarot Mode from the New Moon Horoscopes I did On Youtube (be up this Morning)

12, when you break it down it points to being at a crossroads and you almost feel stuck in choosing something, You need to make a choice today inorder to move forward- in this case I’m going to say that it almost always involves a person… The 1 represents the promise of the New Beginning and the 2 is the choice I also see it as a need to really feel your way through the decision all paths are going to have challenges to overcome and so you still must chose.

Saturn in Sagittarius is pretty much reinventing you, what you believe has changed a lot since Saturn left Scorpio (2012-2014 Summer 2015). What do you believe? Are you looking at the bigger picture can you see things from another angle to get a better perspective.

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and Jupiter is still conjunct the North Node or as I call it the Destiny Node… What I see which is interesting is that Jupiter is moving backwards as the North Node follows as Lilith Joins (in time for the New Moon on Sunday) in the equation… It’s about re-thinking, it’s involving overcoming a fear, it’s certainly about deciding but you need to act on your feelings what the heart knows and wants - To go a step more it’s about communication staying in integrity and trying to not live so much in the past - We are all remembering things with Mercury ® but we as people are different than we were back there so fear not! The outcomes are going to be different as we are different.

During the New Moon Venus will break away from Saturn we have contemplated enough and we are now looking at where we belong… You can expect to have some strange unexpected, maybe even coincidental things take place so pay attention to the signs! everything is about to manifest and what ever you start now, commit to, decide upon will grow into something solid and grow more and more in time - the strength of Capricorn is outstanding so choose well! & Think Long Term… Lots of Spooky, destined things occurring with relationships.

I feel like we all are experiencing a serious edge to ourselves and we are certainly re-thinking things over (Mercury ®), It’s important that we are not trying to rationalise but really check in with what we are feeling today.

Venus is joining now with Saturn we are all committing to something, Now this can be all to do with your new beliefs, as lets face it they are very different or at least something significant is different (than back in August 2015). Now the pair are at 11 degrees Sagittarius so it’s going to be a choice and a decision involved even if it’s not something new it’s certainly about re-committing or committing to something.

What I do want to say is today is the catalysis of all things in which you can start to manifest this weekend that can more than likely last throughout the rest of your life… The question being is are you going to take responsibility for the past, and are you being real and honest with yourself, and are you communicating it, are you thinking long term and are you going to take action upon it????

This Weekend is a powerful day where you can literally turn your life around - It doesn’t get more stronger than Sun Conjunct Pluto (cutting away the past/transformation), with Saturn combining Venus (making commitments being serious about what you love/believe) with the North Node conjuncting Jupiter (fated and destined things) I mean seriously!!! Now Jupiter  will go ® so you cannot move forward until you re-think and decide! Even Mars in Scorpio is happy to take action based on the deep emotion of truth - it’s literally walking the bridge between worlds, between the past and the future/life and death - Spirit is guiding you Neptune in Pisces at 7 degrees (spiritual intervention) and Uranus at 16 degrees (1+6=7)  and it is aligning you with love and it’s involving a relationship.

Honestly there is some serious magic this weekend and it all starts today! Choose wisely <3
If you would like a personal Reading with me please check out my Website… I’m also contemplating putting out Tarot Horoscopes for each sign… If this is something you would enjoy please drop me a message/comment to let me know…
For more of What I Spoke of Yesterday read on below

Mercury Retrograde ® , Let’s talk about this… I want you to think way back to January of 2015, What was occurring back then with you… A Lot of people where in the midst of a breakup or some kind of ending of sorts this was partly due to Saturn in Scorpio transit coming to an end among other things…

The reason I ask you this is in 2015 all the Mercury ® happened in Air Signs, We started the year in 2015 with a Mercury in Aquarius, Aquarius could be the change that was taking place for us all, Then it ® in Gemini which could reflect our, in two minds about the situation (Karmic Past), It could even of brought up or back some sort of News or communication with them during the Summer and lastly it ® in Libra… All Summing up relationships… Air Signs are mental, it’s our subconscious playing out, it’s our thoughts and Minds and it can be a confusing time for most that sends us back into reflection mode.

Well this Year we start off with Mercury going ® in Aquarius (ruled by Uranus) as Uranus starts to move forwards again… Now it’s a mere reflection of the previous year as it only reached 1 degree. 1 Degree of any Fixed Sign aka Aquarius, could indicate the sticking of such things, thoughts and feelings hitting on what we love as opposed to the people around us want for us in reflection to the ending that took place prior in January 2015. . . Then it Moves into Capricorn (Tomorrow), From here on out the Retrogrades ® will take place in Earth Signs so bringing about physical things.

So Mercury is our Self expression it is I guess the mind and Mercury in Air signs brought about a lot of contemplating and thinking whereas in an Earth Sign it can bring those thoughts into action. Today Mercury ® , will look at Mars who is sitting in Scorpio, Today we could be faced with the need to be honest with ourselves about someone/something.

Everything during this ® is going to be about friendships, relationships, you and other people! But the main belly of it will be as it moves back into Capricorn, control, status, lessons and working hard for something… Is someone trying to manipulate you, control you, there is a lot of “I need to do the right thing” That’s Aquarius, doesn’t like to close doors, and you have Pluto in Capricorn signaling an end

What is ending for you, what friendship has run it’s course, what relationship is needing to die… There is a little bit of tension because Mars is involved… What deep down has been constantly on your mind throughout 2015 specifically January 2015 and what is playing out now… It’s time to see the light, the truth - no matter how scary it is…

It’s hard to make big decisions and choices during a ®  and usually I’d say wait but I feel if you haven’t already this will be the time you will have too - Pluto/Sun combining forces require a purging and cutting of something old, or something that is no longer working… I see this to do with relationships if i’m honest.

Mercury is the messenger the one that takes the data are presents it to you and I think today of all days you could find something out about a friend, partner, work college that makes you see things differently… Ultimately this ® is for you to take that one last look back the rest is all action on this of which will play out up until and during the spring months… This year is about releasing and moving in the direction of our own destinies… - North Node/Destiny combining with Jupiter!

We are all going to be linking with someone this year that can grow into something long term… Today decide on where you are at and if you see a future with the people you surround yourself with. It seems we already have enough information the universe is speaking with each of us personally in our current situations… It’s up to you to listen and move in the direction of happiness.

Today there are still surprises and truths being revealed things are just being turnt up a notch. . . Today our minds are in deep thoughts about all of the above! Today try to be honest with yourself, where you see yourself heading, who you love and long term who you see yourself with - if anyone at all… It’s time to act from your heart, close old doors or revisit the past - whether it’s to reconnect or heal to move forward there is a vibe of “unfinished business” in the air.

With the Moon in Sagittarius looking over at Uranus expect some unexpected things and destined things to take place today!

I’ll leave what I spoke of yesterday for anyone who missed it!

So Welcome to January 2016, as we leave 2015 behind we will be scared about making some decision today however with Mars now transiting into Scorpio the place of truth, depth and fears, It really is time to protect what we believe to be the thing worth fighting for… What I will say is when Mercury goes ® you could find yourself thinking of the past looking at your actions, Mars here will also be going ® in February so we will be having this battle with ourselves over do we take action or do we not…

Mars in Scorpio can be somewhat possessive over something, It will have this profound Urge come over him to act on or do something. Now Mars has left Libra, the place of relationships, decisions and friendships - I guess you can say matters of heart! So we have all been thinking about this area, whether or not to fight for it or let it go, but you have not been able to act until now.

The Moon is now Fully in Scorpio today, So we are all going to have to be real honest with ourselves over what it is that we want and what we are actually feeling. It’s a kind of intense day today what with Scorpio being activated not only by Mars and the Moon (taking action on feeling), But also you have Scorpios ruler Pluto practically joining with the force of the Sun in Capricorn. We are ending something, deciding upon something and at 15 degrees we are having to think about what we love, 1+5=6, 6 is Relationships it’s Libra and over the course of this week something powerfully will come to an endTo know what comes to an end with you look at where it is located in your birth chart.

Now the Sun with Pluto is a transformation of sorts, It’s going to be something big, the truth of the matter and MArs now in Scorpio well… You need to take action based off of what the heart wants, not the ego, but the heart and then ask yourself through everything what is it that you believe?

Now the Capricorn energy can be all about work, it can be in relation to your path and your mission here, and are you doing something about it… It could be about how others see you, are not taking action out of fear of what your world might say or react to… But the Sun is Leo, it’s light, it’s joy and something is standing in the way of that - maybe it’s you, maybe it’s a relationship, maybe it is a past fear or regret… This week I feel we will illuminate just what needs to go.

Saturn is at 11 degrees Sagittarius and so we can all expect that this week is very much all about taking action and having the conversations because when Mercury goes backwards things get real confusing again… You could feel like your stuck in the past for a little while, I mean some people might already be feeling this.

I feel like there are a lot of fated and destined things are happening and I am a fond believer that those who are into their spiritual work will be aligning with partners that will last a lifetime… So I guess everything is wrapping up, that window of clearing the past is here and then it’s about moving forward and moving on… I think this next week or two will be profoundly significant. Time to face that fear and be honest with yourself about what the heart wants and to let go of the past.

Today something could take you by surprise! Could be something to do with the past, something that you need to resolve… Just a heads up for when that happens ask yourself how does this serve me? Then you can act upon it rather than reacting… It’s a little cue from above! A nudge if you will.

Saturn Square Neptune

Saturn Squares Neptune and here I believe what with “truths being revealed” that we should be able to see where we have been blind in the past. It’s the turning point, what will you decide to do with this information, will you continue to be blind “ignorance is bliss” or will correct a wrong… Saturn is lessons and Neptune is spirituality you was given something that now has you questioning the reality of it.

Looking at the world as a general and what’s going on we are all starting to change our views and opinions on things… on the Control (government/religion) aka Pluto but this will all break down in a few years time… As it’s clearly not working anymore.

I sense a lot of healing in link to the past and our views are certainly changing!

The Nodes/Destiny/Past Life

Now the North Node will move over into Virgo as Mars moves over into Libra this is igniting the need to take action in regards to a relationship, and with the South Node with signifies past lives moving into Pisces away from Aries you are less likely to be selfish but step up and do the right thing… If you hide away and ignore it will resurface later.

What I’m saying is a lot of people, myself included got into Karmic relationships from 2012-2014 and the way in which they ended were less than okay, infact I remember having a lot of people saying how they were completely confused and stumped - no ending is easy but a Karmic one is deeper routed. This is a moving/shifting of energy from Libra destined relationships and moving into being more practical, sorting things out… The shift will enable us to connect with someone new and say goodbye to someone old.

The fact the nodes are shifting indicates huge change a letting go and the opening of something new.. Obviously it will help greatly to see where these changes are and will be taking place by looking at where Virgo/Pisces are in your own birth chart.

I see that this Transiting North Node will play a part in doing what’s right, there is a lot of honesty, speaking out and healing as well so this could be a time where we think “Thank god”, I’m in a better position because that ended, it’s also that South node working through Pisces which will be less about you doing what you want because of your ego self, because it’s easier and more about what’s right for others, a big change! With Scorpio bringing the truth to the surface. The facts will be presented and well you can do the math - Everything happens for the right reason!

Today it’s time to seed new things! Make a wish… Look at what you have manifested since May 2015, and the things you have overcame and accomplished since November 2014! The things you set your mind to today will with some attention and hard work come about in May of 2016.
But the South node moving into Pisces will be in my opinion WOW there will be a lot of clarity and maybe even some confusion but with the nodes moving at the time of a New Moon signals a powerful new start in life! Make sure you utilize this energy!
What are the Nodes?

The North Node/Destiny Node is all about the physical, it’s our focus  it’s where our focus will be directed - So say Virgo falls in your 7th house your focus for the next year and half will be all on your relationships, in the 4th house all on your home ect… Wherever the North Node falls in your own chart will be where you will manifest - you will be stepping out of your comfort zones!

The South Node will be in connection to letting go and at the same time it’s to do with past lives so if you have Planets in Pisces prepare my friends this next year and a half will be powerful for transforming, tapping into your past life potential connecting with people from another life time and letting go of things/area that Pisces is ruling in your own chart.

Saturn hits 10 degrees!  ❤

Saturn takes a turn at 10 degrees, I believe we are now committing to those new beliefs, what we think we shall create and with the Sun now in Capricorn we will be working towards it. Especially being as there will be a Full Moon with the Sun so close to Pluto! All leading up to 11 degrees where we will be communicating it, directed into action or at least saying out loud you cannot hide it forever or keep it to yourself but for now you will see what is manifested based off of this new way of thinking.

The Capricorn Transit  ❤

The Sagittarius Transit is now over… We know what we believe in and what we do not no longer. This transit has expanded our way of looking at things, it has brought with it the truth from the Saturn in Scorpio transit and has flowed into the wisdom that Sagittarius will and has brought to us… Now with the Capricorn Transit prepare to work hard and diligently towards those new goals… That in which you believe will manifest itself, if you feel it, believe it and think it you will create it! But all things come with a huge transformation things will really shift before the end of 2015 as the Sun crosses over Pluto and soon after Uranus moves direct (forward)... Things will be completely different in 2016!

Jupiter in Virgo Transit

Jupiter is on the brink now and will be in Virgo, Changing our luck! Virgo does mean to serve, to work hard and so if your clear about what you want and your ready to put the work into it you will be rewarded like no other… I still see this being about relationships as Venus will transit back over Jupiter bringing this North Node/Destiny marker swapping places - To me this is HUGE! Relationships are transforming and your being pulled towards certain people… but you also must let something go (old habit, way of life, something has to change) in order to claim what it is that will bring you the most happiness.

Saturn in Sagittarius Transit

We had a taste of the Saturn in Sagittarius in December 23 2014 through to June 2015 when it went back into Scorpio… Now it is in Sagittarius for good and hopefully many of you released yourself from the prisons that held you captive be that a person, relationship, job or place ect.

Now yes Sagittarius is a beautiful expansive sign of learning, travel, beliefs and spirituality but when it becomes combined with Saturn it does bring in some restriction, tradition, delays and lessons of course. So do not expect things to happen quickly, you will have to put the work into it be that wherever Sagittarius falls in your birth chart but know this it is steering you into the right direction and you will be rewarded. Saturn does like to end things so if things do come to a close please know that it’s because the universe has something greater in store for you. This is a deeply spiritual and wise sign so if things end or your feeling dissapointed know that it is because that was not meant to be apart of your journey and it is literally steering you into the right direction of what is. So yes expect changes but they will not be dark and scary like that of the Scorpio Saturn transit.

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Note: Some people are finding these transits harder than others and that is due to Transiting planets hitting your natal Planets and things will be in relation on a personal level depending what house these planets are in =)

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

☪✮☯ With Love☯✮☪

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