Saturday 4 March 2017

Aquarius March 2017|Askalittlewitch

Aquarius March 2017 Predictions|Askalittlewitch

Apologies for the crap audio on this month's (March) Monthly predictions, being as it took me a full day to do them I won’t be re-recording them but I am in the process of writing them up, below is what I picked up on for the sign of Aquarius. The Mid-Months will be back to normal with my traditional Camera & Mic <3 Thank you so much! Please Share, Like and Sub if you like these.

For Aquarius in the Month of March, I actually feel like this is one for wishes and dreams coming true. You wanted this and now you got it so what you going to do with it.

It will probably feel like March goes by very fast for you, there is a certain momentum with this Month in link with you Aquarius folks. Now, this could be to do with travel or a spontaneous trip but they say you need to just keep in the mind the bigger picture your long term goal.

I felt like there being some kind of celebration, event, wedding, gathering, or special occasion taking place in March again the showed me a symbol associated with the past - perhaps this link has to do with someone from your past a friend, relative or an old flame.
This could bring forth hidden feelings, a heartfelt expression of emotions and a “meant to be” meeting with someone. Now I also am seeing that you could very well get stuck in your own head during this time, over thinking things perhaps. I do see a big and yet unexpected change that is going to be a result of this “meeting” or news that finds its way to you.

The key is not to act impulsively and to plan ahead, what is it that you want long term in your life and what are you doing to build it. Think ahead a little bit, 5-10 years from now where do you see yourself being, doing and are you with anyone else? I know you guys like to live each moment as it takes you but this change will turn something in a way that you will need to step up or walk away from it all together.

It's as if I see this news being “life changing”, for some it might be a pregnancy, I cannot put it into words, it doesn’t need to be news of a baby but image that news it’s something that will change the life of the person forever right, that’s the spectrum of what I feel it will do for you - your at a crossroads and then all of a sudden things seem to shift it all just slots.

For some of you who do act impulsively, you may need to acquire funds/money to get yourself out of it. Ensure you're gaining a sense of perspective.

The advice they gave for the month is to learn from the past. They say to not make the same mistakes twice, and perhaps the way to go about it is to go down a more traditional or methodical root. I know that may seem like the opposite of you but for March they are advising you try it out.

Maybe this Month you will be reflecting on old feelings, in a way that those assessments will have you thinking in a more long term role.

I feel March you could have a few expenses, concerned over money and stability and yet you have people around you who will help you - be that family or friends… You just don’t want to depend on them in a way that makes you feel you lose your independence.

You do need to think long term in regards to your future and yes there might be a temporary setback. Just do things in a traditional way and you will avert any potential roadblocks.

This is what I picked up for the sign of Aquarius, be sure to check out your Sun, Moon and rising sign for more in-depth reading for March.

If you would like a personal reading with me, head on over to  & feel free to connect with me on these interactive links Instagram, Facebook & Twitter

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