Showing posts with label predictions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label predictions. Show all posts

Tuesday 25 June 2019

NEPTUNE RX 🔮 JUNE 22 - NOVEMBER 26, 2019 // AskaLittleWitch

JUNE 22 - NOVEMBER 26, 2019
copyrighted 2019 © 

Work your magick to manifest your dreams...

Neptune is the planet of magic, mystery, illusion, spirituality and dreams, this planet spends a little under half the year in retrograde. When a planet is in retrograde, we can tend to feel it more internally and personally, after all, anything created in this life comes from the idea of having thought it first. 

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" - Einstein.

Neptune rules over the Zodiac sign of Pisces and will hold influence to the house that it transit's (currently in the sign of Pisces) and the place you find Pisces in your astrological birth chart. 

What does Neptune do in Astrology?

The purpose of Neptune in a chart is to point you in the direction to manifest what you dream of most. 
It's the muse, inspired action and inspiration. It's a deep and unconditional love. Neptune is how the divine, Spirit or God speaks to you, and it's a place for you to go to feel closer to the spiritual realm, the unknown to the point where you manifest.

Neptune Represents… 
Neptune is the Ocean, the great unknown just like the Ocean, the true essence of all it is and has to offer has yet to be discovered in its entirety. Neptune is like Magic, Magic is energy and energy is neither good or bad, it just is, and it's up to you with how you use this energy, and the intention will determine if it's for good or for bad. 

> Dreams > movies > dance > theatre > creativity > Sci-fi > fantasy > water > feet > Spirituality > meditation > healing > photography > Social media > filters > Ocean > water > mystery > paranormal > Spirits > escapism > drugs > alcohol > addictions > Inspiration > Universal Love > animals > Music > Relaxation > faith > Illusion > confusion > weather > Rain > Ice > Fog > Fantasy > Intuition >

The Affect of Neptune Retrograde…
Think of Neptune like the Ocean, conceptually you know that water surrounds the earth, you know we need water to cleanse, to heal and to survive. The Ocean is free, it takes the shape of whatever you pour it into, and so has no shape. Neptune is water and water is transparent as is Spirit, it's emotion, the things we feel and yet cannot see.

Let's say you go swimming, you feel the water around you, it supports you, it makes you feel weightless in a way, floating like how you would imagine as a child to float upon a cloud. 

Now imagine you're scuba diving in the Ocean, you see things that on the surface you had no idea was there before… You might imagine that there's fish for example, but you don't know for sure, the Ocean is another world and fish don't stay stagnant, they move, everything under the sea is changing and in motion. This is Neptune Rx the ability to see what you couldn't before, everything is closer, more real and clarity is almost given. It can be a time where a vision or inspired action begins the creation process. 

Neptune Rx is seeing the magic unfold around you. It's the secrets and mysteries being brought to the surface. It's Spirit visiting you in your dreams, it's just closer to our physical realm. 

During a Neptune Rx, your dream comes into focus as your muse/guide/angel begins to whisper in your ear to inspire you in a greater way. 

Things you may experience...

> You will feel more inspired (if natally you have Neptune direct in your birth chart)
> You can improve any sort of creative work, anyone in the entertainment industry can get guided opportunities for theatre, movies, music, dance etc. It's the rehearsal period for London's west-end shows.
> You can have profound spiritual experiences, mediation comes a little easier, you might be more interested in the unknown, spirituality, ghosts, paranormal, yoga, sci-fi/fantasy books, movies during this time 
> Self-help, alternative forms of healing like reiki, acupuncture, you might even gain a lot from seeing a therapist during this time. You can find solutions to health-related issues. 

Interesting fact for you… 
Most scary movies come out when Neptune is Rx, the fear gets real during this time because we feel the spiritual realms closer. You might think that it should be during a Pluto transit, but Neptune rules the movies and is almost always involved when it comes to the success of a film. Also, we can find it easier to fall into a movie, escape and get sucked into the story meaning successful for those who make the movie.

I know for me personally I am most inspired and active during this time, but then again I am a very Neptunian person.

Final note!
Use this time to manifest, create and listen to what you know inside. Remember if Neptune is Magic then why not use it to aid you as oppose to manifest the more negative aspects. 

Astro Readings can be purchased >>> Here <<<

Tuesday 8 August 2017



Good Afternoon, So this is a week where you can expect things to slow down as Mercury gets ready to go retrograde, it’s already in its shadow so you should all start to feel the changes.

Furthermore this week Mercury the planet that governs over our minds is looking across to Neptune the planet associated with confusion and dreaminess. I feel many of you guys might be confused this week, some may be lied to, some might be so stuck in their minds that they misplace things. A common trend of this is losing money, forgetting your bank card, leaving money in an ATM a general forgetfulness but one that will cause disruptions physically because Virgo is a working sign, a service sign and a very calculative and physical sign.

Many of you may be thinking back to the past, or looking at what you can do to make some positive changes in your life, it feels to me energetically that we are all looking for security and safety in something this week… Many of us might feel a little defensive or feel like giving up… It’s not the time to give up but it is the time to weigh out your options, don’t make fast or impulsive decisions this week and try to be observant or conscious of things you say to another, with all that illusion and confusion in the air it could get misunderstood or misinterpreted.

That being said let’s now have a look at what’s in store for your element/star sign…

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This week is a week of making that hard choice, you don’t want to make it but you feel pushed to do so. It feels like you just cannot see ahead, you just can’t see how something is going to work for you. It’s a week where you start to overthink past relationships, you could start to hear things about old connections of yours or they could simply appear in your dreams - Most water signs tend to have vivid dreams and it’s there you can attain special information from your spiritual guides or if you're not that much of a believer let’s call it messages from your subconscious. This is a week where it could be very therapeutic to release any pain, stress or anything that is holding you back - I feel it’s time to forgive and let go and allow yourself to be free from all that negative smog that is influencing you. I feel like Money, Work and finances are heavy on your mind this week - well let’s face it they have been for a while. I just feel there is a hard choice a big choice or something impactful happening this week and you feel confused by it or indecisive about it - Just don’t let fear hold you back.


For you guys, I feel that this week should be a positive one, especially when it comes to your creative side of self. I feel like you are going to be feeling good this week, you could gain a little extra money which is always good, or if not given money perhaps the opportunity to earn a little bit more, with extra hours, a bonus, a pay rise, or perhaps for those creative fire signs who make things or create things perhaps you get a few extra sales this week. I feel like you have a lot of drive and energy to see things through to completion this week as well as a positive something happening in and surrounding your family or personal life - maybe even preparing or planning for a trip - or your future.


I feel for you guys that pressure may be getting the best of you this week. You could find yourself reassessing your career choices, or decisions in and surrounding work or a choice you made in regards to your job. For many, I feel the sense of wanting to get away from something but you're being held back or you're holding yourself back this week. It “feels” like you feel that your efforts, skills and talents are going unnoticed but I feel that could be more of a fear of yours that actual fact because Planet Neptune is casting a fog when it comes to those you work alongside. Still, the main thing I get for you Earthy people is that there is to be a reflection and rethinking period this week. If I’m honest I feel that Capricorns are obtaining the brunt of this week’s energy.


For you guys, I get the sneaking suspicion that you are second guessing what your gut is telling you… If I’m honest there is a lot of hidden agendas going on and you might just be looking at things from the wrong angle. You see you could feel like something is in your way, but I actually don’t see it that way at all, you might feel like you have to do things in a certain way but there is another way. It feels to me that you feel as though something or maybe someone is far out of reach but I think that all that needs to happen is that you need to open up and although yourself to truly listen to what it is that your instincts are telling you, give your mind a rest and tap into your feeling self, you might be pleasantly surprised as to where it leads you - going back, revisiting something from another time doesn’t mean that you are moving backwards - sometimes we have to go back in order to move forwards. Your long term goals may have to be put on hold until you deal with whatever this is - this week is a time for deeper reflection, you may want to avoid it but it is necessary that you listen to what your subconscious is trying to tell you.


Have a beautiful week!

Tuesday 25 July 2017


Weekly Predictions for July 25 - 01 August
(Tuesday to Tuesday)

The general vibe I am picking up from this week is knowing your worth. I feel like many of us this week are finding ourselves at an impasse, we have options and yet we are in this state of an inevitable change with hesitance for it. It’s interesting to me that the term “knowing your worth” came through because this week we enter the famous Leo Season, and this Leo Season is packing a punch, not only are nodes that govern and steer our destiny in Leo, but we also have the New Moon in Leo along side Mars the planet of action and passion co-joining the Sun all in Leo with an eclipse coming up in August in LEO!

I’m reminded of a quote… “The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.” ― Charles Bukowski.

Now of course those that know me know that I don’t believe anyone is stupid we all have greatness inside of ourselves with infinite untapped potential… But I feel this week we need to start taking action on the things we have all been putting off! It’s time to make/take that next step.

Now usually Leo Season is where the parties at, but this time around I feel like it’s more deeper than that, I feel like we are being given a giant push in the right direction, Mars is driving you towards something that your heart wants and Mars is a warrior he's ready for combat and will not hesitate to knock those obstacles down utilize this energy.

This week I feel that we have to prepare for the future, that in which we start this week can and will have staying power so don’t slack, don’t put it off and start planning, studying up, knowledge is power after all, and look at what you invest your time into this week - TIME is the MOST VALUABLE thing we as humans have we cannot be certain when that time will run out so utilize it this week.

For personal readings please visit

This week I feel the focus is on moving ahead and where you have some great opportunities if you act upon them is in your working life. Now there might be some kind of boundaries being set, and as with most things you need to balance your lifestyle. You may need to separate from the feeling and emotion of doing something and find a way to just do it. This week it feels like things could be weighing on your heart, but sometimes that feeling is nothing more than a signal for you to do something to change it.


For you guys what I feel for you is that a lot of things are going to be changing for you in the coming months even year… and it starts now! A lot of Leos this week should be feeling the happy and joyous feeling of the bringing of Leo Season and all love to celebrate, relax, play and have fun but I feel many of you are needing to think ahead, set things in motion, plan and prepare for what’s next for you, dream big and actually set some things in motion if you can. Your energy and vitality should be returning to you this week and something fires up beneath you - things are different and it’s time to start this new chapter.


I feel for you guys that you could be experiencing some kind of pressure this week… When I tune into you I get this feeling of being observed, critiqued and perhaps this is happening in a more private way - perhaps some of you are being hard on yourselves, trying to control something that may not be in your hands to control. For others of you, there could be a partner, family member or authority figure that is seeing if you're up for the mission or task at hand. Some of you might be experiencing some kind of test or something this week. There is a theme of control and a test of faith - remember to know your worth, this is not a time of doubting but conquering.


For you guys I feel like things will not be a walk in the park, you really are having to put in a lot of work, some might say you're burning the candle at both ends just to meet some deadline that you have in mind. What I feel inclined to tell you this week is that your instincts, that gut feeling you have is spot on, I feel like you need to trust that a little more, I mean you guys tend to be a little more rational, logical when it comes to these things but this week please do pay attention to that inner feeling it will not lead you astray, and note that all that hard work will pay off, your still learning about something this week.


Thursday 6 July 2017



Apologies for not being able to see me today and I hope you can all hear me so I just wanted to get these July  predictions or insights up for you as soon as I possibly can and this is the quickest and easiest way to do so so without further or do let's just jump straight into what this month of July has in store for your Sun your Moon and your Rising sign.


Ok so for Aries, Aries what I get for you or what they can have shown me initially was kind of like almost being in a jungle but your kind of like observing something that's happening within like a clearing, and there looks like there's lots of people kind of gathered around and your kind of like in the bushes with your binoculars and they really emphasised and paid attention to your binoculars and then it looked like you were zooming in almost like to get a closer look and it looks like there is something more going on and the word examination kept coming up like something was being examined and then they showed me like tongs, medical tongs, they look like some sort of medical device and it looks like you were again trying to uncover something, discover something and I mean the setting in general, it was very late at night, shining a light or illuminating something for you.

Then after that, they showed mice, lots of little mice, now what I initially thought about this was that you might very well feel like you're the person in charge like you have something so under control... However, I got the impression that from this if you don't get a handle on something then you're going to end up with a full on infestation. I mean most of what I say is to be taken symbolically - I don't feel like every single Aries sun moon or rising is going to be having a full of mice infestation or anything. I just feel like the thing with Mice is that you don't really notice until they've made like lots of issues for you.

I feel like July, in general, be it you're an Aries sun moon or rising sign, is going to be a lot of hard work for you and what I would recommend, whenever I see mice the initial Instinct is to be cautious ok, cautious about rushing into something and it can kind of felt to me like you were playing both sides, so I would certainly recommend that you really think any sort of new friendships because even though it's like you're doing one thing but then they were very very adamant about you looking at something through binoculars, Maybe you feel like spying or you are being sneaky  about something.

It was set in the moonlight, so something is not going to be clear, that you may think that everything is going to go one way, but it can very quickly turn complete opposite way. so again I feel like July for Aries Suns, Moons and Risings, it's going to be very much about being cautious putting in the hard work and being honest - you know there's something about mice that CAN BE mischievous, you know it's kind of like nibbling away at something without you kind of knowing, so yeah because of this what I'm going to say is I don't think that you have everything under control this month because even if you think that you do I’d doubt that's the case. I’m not saying that to be horrible or anything and it's just to advise you and I would never get told anything that you wasn't supposed to know about, so this is just what I get for you guys for the month of July if you would like a personal reading with me you can do so at my website and I am hoping to actually get the mid- months back on schedule getting more YouTube videos out

So thank you so much - Speak soon =) x x x


Hi Taurus, Sun, Moon and Rising signs, ok so what they showed me with you was kind of like this storm... It was unclear, I don't know whether this storm had happened the previous month but I kind of felt like you were just washing up on Shore, a bit like you would imagine in the olden days where ships gets shipwrecked and you kind of find yourself in this very unknown territory - but they kind of symbolised you as a Clam, so I don't know whether you're in this uncharted territory, if you're in some sort of new situation that you feel a little bit kind of out of your element, that you're claming up, you know it's kind of like you're retreating like you're not as open as you would normally be.

Naturally you know they they say that Taurus’s don't do well with change and it kind of feels like something has changed for you… The scene they played for me was set again a bit like what I got with Aries, it was set at kind of like night time but not, it was more like you know when the sun is just about to come up, it’s still dark, silent, quiet as it embraces the new day, but there was this big bright star and it was kind of telling you that you need to follow the light follow that guidance system.

I feel like July for Taurus, that something very important is happening. I feel like you're making this new step and like I said it feels that you're out of your element, you know you're meant to be in the sea you're meant to be going in a certain Direction but you kind of ended up where you are now and you feel a little bit unsure, you know unsure of what to expect from this new land, with this new situation, from this… I mean fill in the blank, most of what I get is symbolic but you know it's going to resonate with people differently for some people it might be new work, you know a new job but other people it’s a relationship or you move, but there is certainly an element of change to your new surroundings.

Perhaps the month of July you're finding yourself in unexpected places in unexpected situations where you have to be resourceful. You know you can't just hideaway Retreat, bit like me with what I am doing. Whatever it is that you do next is going to define something long term  for you, it's gonna impact you and I guess your direction in a more serious tone.

The word that came through very strongly was resilience, it was like they were telling you that you know you have to follow the signs, like follow where you're being guided towards.  From what I saw looking at the stars, and the Clam (you) looking up at stars, it’s like your thinking what on an earth, how did I get here, you had everything kind of well Thought Out, you was meant to be here and I was meant to be doing this with this person and I'm here and I don't know what that means and it kind of feels a little bit confusing... but you know out of most of the signs you are probably one of the most resilient signs that there are but you are having to adapt to some sort of unexpected turn of events.

So this is what I get for you guys hopefully it will resonate with you, if you would like a personal reading with me please do so at my website and I will hopefully having the mid month up for you as well so I'm aiming to get more videos out, again apologies for not being able to see me in like a video form and lots of stuff is going on with me at the moment, so rather than me not putting something up, I guess I'm doing it this way, so hopefully it's cool with you,drop me a comment and I will speak to you very soon bye


GEMINI, SUN, MOONS AND RISINGS SIGNS!! What I see for you is that you seem to be trying to navigate through something confusing. There is a great deal of uncertainty that surrounds you, perhaps even uncertainty for the future and what lies ahead for you. They showed me a scene from American Gods the TV show, where one of the norns or vulvas are looking up at the stars watching a special constellation to ensure something doesn't escape to destroy the world.
The impression i got from this that answers that you are seeking are far from logical, they comes from a different place entirely.

Some of you are punishing yourself for something or someone or something feels to be punishing you. You see, i feel there is something that you need to release, to surrender, let go of the darkness that surrounds you - you cannot wait for what might be or could be you just have to hold onto what is, and to know that everything in this life is temporary, everything is moving, changing and adapting, the world moves, our lives move, the seasons change ect… nothing remains still.

There is a need to believe and trust that there is something bigger at play, you are where you need to be, look to the stars and watch them, because when you look to the stars everything else becomes silent and quiet and it really helps to put things into perspective.

The aim this month is to find that quiet space that you can hear what your hearts trying to tell you without the noise of your mind bringing up doubts, fears or what could be or should be.

This is what I get for you guys, hopefully you can resonate, if you would like a personal reading with me please visit, I am hoping to have mid-months up also to get back with video series ect.

Thanks so much - speak soon =) bye


HEY CANCERS, SUN’S, MOON’S & RISING SIGNS! What they showed me for the month of July was one of those table top spinners, like from the movie inception, it felt like you was the spinning top, spinning, around, and around, and around… I feel like for you in July there is a feeling of being lost.

They showed me a compass but it kept spinning again the notion of no direction, and as you know when you spin around, if you don’t keep yourself focused on something still, solid you fall down, you get incredible dizzy. But they continues to play out a scene for me for you.

They showed me a scene that was covered in snow, and the only real thing you could see was trees, however it looked to me like you had to cross a frozen lake, you had no map, no compass but you had to make this crossing… As you began to step over the ice began to crack, and the faster you took your strides the weaker the ice began until you found yourself submerged in the icy water.

July for you I feel you are dealing with some fears, old concerns and worries, with either the past (because cold scenes usually reflect the past) or it could be to do with the winter months, something that is of significance - perhaps you had a vision of where you would be and now that goal seems unattainable and July will be about confronting these things and pushing ahead, there wasn’t a current under the ice, you simply have to pull yourself back out perhaps you have some things to reflect upon this month, and you have to work through them it’s the only way you can get to dry land. Some of you might as a side note be concerned over money or material things.

This is what I get for you guys, hopefully you can resonate, if you would like a personal reading with me please visit, I am hoping to have mid-months up also to get back with video series ect.

Thanks so much - speak soon =) bye


Hey Leo’s, Sun’s, Moon’s & Risings signs… For you what they showed me was a big fat frog! Instantly this reminded me of my childhood, chasing frogs in hopes that they will transform into princes… So I feel like that for many Leos can be about childhood wishes coming to light - I know my Leo friend is due to be marriage this month and that very much resonates with her I am sure.

Alas, After the frog, I was then shown a rowing boat, and I was reminded of the little mermaid scene, I feel like a lot of Leo’s this month are say’s their “I DO’S”, making commitments, promises for the future… There is this notion of a clean slate and a fresh start… But Frogs to me actually show spiritually speaking a need to purge, to cleanse and to release fears and anxieties of your past.

Many of you guys, have been under a lot of stress of late and July the gods want to bring you a little bliss, to return some of your inner light to shine it out and share it with others this month. But I feel altermenty what July brings are changing to your relationships, choices to be made, contracts to be signed, commitments being made and all roads lead to honesty.

This is what I get for you guys, hopefully you can resonate, if you would like a personal reading with me please visit, I am hoping to have mid-months up also to get back with video series ect.

Thanks so much - speak soon =) bye


Hey Virgo Sun’s, Moon’s and Rising signs, what they showed me for the month of July was a ginormous vase, and sitting beside the vase was a very worries skeleton.

The  impression i was given from this image was that perhaps you’re feeling as though all that you do, have done, has and is going unnoticed. I feel like you are seeking recognition for something but nothing you do is good enough at least this is how you could be feeling. The vase is empty, and usually when someone gives you flowers is to celebrate or reward or congratulate you on something but you’re a nervous wreck, at least i am thinking you are the skeleton, concerned and worried, you have put your blood, sweat and tears into something and still this huge vase is empty… you feel like you deserve more…

Could the obsession over the recognition be making you sick, ill? What I see for you is an offer, a proposal or proposition being made. I feel like you are having to let something or someone go.

On another note this could be about emptying what you you are already good at and putting your heart into something new. I am seeing a fresh start for you this month, something new is coming, a change of sorts, some of you could be getting pregnant or in the process of giving birth, something new for July

So this is what I get for you guys, If you would like a personal reading with me, please visit my website,, I will also be aiming to have the mid-months back on schedule also

Thanks so much and speak to you soon =) x x x


Hey libra’s, Sun’s, Moon’s and Rising signs, what they showed me for you was a podium, not any ordinary podium, but one that kind of was surrounded with bright light beaming up at you… It sort of reminded me of the court in harry potter.

I feel like the message this month is having your say and actually being heard and seen. I felt like you needed to share your story or take on events and it was also a need to not be afraid to swim against the current, you might be feeling a little lost, like most of the signs this month but you are being guided so listen to the signs.

I would say business looks good,  saw a tree branch growing and little flower blossoms blooming for you, so opportunities for new growth.

This is what I get for you guys, hopefully it resonates, if you would like a personal reading with me please visit my website, and I will see you for the mid-months

Thanks again and speak to you soon =)


Hey scorpio’s, Sun’s, Moon’s and Rising signs… what they showed me for you guys was a ticking clock, a watch and it kept winding back around…

I SAW YOU WALKING THROUGH WHAT WAS ONCE A DARK FOREST, now it’s alive, full of light and energy - I feel like many of you this month in July are resurfacing. I actually feel like you should gain some pleasant news, perhaps an offer being made to you, perhaps you are just being seen, recognised for your efforts and hard work, some of you could be attaining some recognition also.

July looks to bring a new beginning or at least one well on its way, a new path, a clear direction ahead and much anticipated journey all of which give you liberation from the past!

You guys have had your moments this year that seemed dark, scary and had you hiding or suppressing things but finally you are freeing yourself from the sticky spiders web.

This is what I get for you guys, hopefully it resonates, if you would like a personal reading with me please visit my website, and I will see you for the mid-months

Thanks again and speak to you soon =)


Hey Sagittarius, sun’s moon’s and rising signs… What they showed me for you was a big arrow pointing towards a christmas tree… I got the christmas/winter vibe for cancers i think as well…

Anyways, I’m not sure if you are just planning ahead this month for the winter and festive season, or there is something that happens this month that can trigger events to happen in December. The Arrow is clear, it’s an obvious sign of direction the christmas tree could be about something to do with family, togetherness, thinking of others or it could point to a move around that takes place in December.

Some of you this month could very well be passing qualifications, training or preparations required for work… I feel like 8 months from now all your hard work will be paying off, or taking off with new opportunities, 8 weeks or 8 months or the 8th month - I am seeing lots of 8’s which point to change.

But for now it’s about being grounded and laying your foundations in July.

This is what I get for you guys, hopefully it resonates, if you would like a personal reading with me please visit my website, and I will see you for the mid-months

Thanks again and speak to you soon =)


Hey Capricorn’s, Sun’s, Moon’s and Rising signs… What they showed me for you guys was an arty expedition, you was looking and observing this sculpture, walking around it…

They also played me the song Fever, by Peggy Lee, So I guess that leads me into thinking that Capricorn’s this month you have seen something that you want… But there could be obstacles in how you plan to claim it. This month it’s about perspective, so you can gain a better vantage point.

I feel like this is a month for you where things are heating up, it would be a really great time for you to go visit a place that you want to go see, perhaps something with historical background, like the sculpture I saw, you may find more than you thought you would if you do.

This is what I get for you guys, hopefully it resonates, if you would like a personal reading with me please visit my website, and I will see you for the mid-months

Thanks again and speak to you soon =)


Hey Aquarius, Sun’s, Moon’s and Rising signs… What they showed me for you guys was firewood for a bonfire, only you seemed to be struggling with getting the fire going, you couldn't light the fire.

I took this as your heart is not in something, that or, perhaps the way something comes about feels dishonourable. I see you looking down your holding a rose, but the expression on your face was defeated like you have given up… In theor, however, the impression was that you should be really happy - but for some reason you’re not?

Some of you are being strong, suppressing a feeling, trying to push something to the side but you’re clearly stressed or burdened by this - you feel trapped and yet you’re very much free, more than you have been in a long while.

I’m not sure what this means, perhaps something will make more sense  as the month progresses, you will have to keep me updated and let me know.

This is what I get for you guys, hopefully it resonates, if you would like a personal reading with me please visit my website, and I will see you for the mid-months

Thanks again and speak to you soon =)


Hey Pisces, Sun’s, Moon’s and Rising signs… what they showed me for you guys was that you have that flutter in your belly, Flutter as in your intuition is trying to tell you something this month and it won’t go away.

So if you have an inkling that something is going to happen it very well could come to pass. They also showed me a ring - The ring could be an offer, commitment or a promise that is being made again there is this “past” connection, so something that was spoken of before coming back up, or an old connection coming back in.

What I actually see though is a new path way opening up, one that may scare you a little bit, I feel many Pisces might be feeling a tad stuck, trapped in a situation, job, relationship, commitment or contract but what I am being shown here is that you’re not.

You might not be able to see how something is going to work out, or how it’s all going to happen but trust in that flutter feeling and don’t let doubt this month stand in the way.

This is what I get for you guys, hopefully it resonates, if you would like a personal reading with me please visit my website, and I will see you for the mid-months

Thanks again and speak to you soon =)