Showing posts with label endings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label endings. Show all posts

Monday 20 October 2014

Let Go!! Scorpio New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse

With an Intense week ahead - Many things coming to the surface - going deep being honest - Hello Scorpio on Thursday 23rd on a NEW MOON & a Partial Solar Eclipse - fasten those seat belts something truly karmic is going to happen - & so i will bring you the reminders to close those doors to the past... This is the here and now, release that baggage and leave it there where it belongs in the past..Let go of the past.

So many people are scared to move on or grow because of something that happened in the past. You see people are always growing, evolving and people cannot stand still frozen in one moment… You either get on the train or you miss your chance.

Life is always happening, so when is the right time? Opportunities come and go and you will never know how great or bad things will be until you give them a go. Stop living in those negative moments, and allowing the fear of those things stop or keep you from experiencing the here, now and the future. Fear is a poison that clouds the mind, judgement and allows the ego to take control (good or bad).

Every ending is a new beginning and every beginning brings about the opportunity for something great. Everything happens for a reason even if you cannot understand why - It will all make perfect sense when the time is right. Hold on to that.

Some people see an opportunity and take it without seeing the effects it will bring to others… It’s a test, to see if what you currently have your willing to cherish or if the idea of this something new out weighs all that you have and can have. Some people give up before seeing that they were heading in the right direction of their treasure.

The truth is all of us in one area or another look out side of our self for something that seems greater than what we currently have… To only end up realizing that what you had was what you was looking for all along. Patience. Nothing happens overnight. Everything is a Stepping motion. Follow your heart, follow love, joy and happiness and you will never feel empty or unfulfilled.

Destined doors are opening and i feel like the doors are and will be closing now as we move into Scorpio. I know a lot of people are finding great partners, people are entering our life for a reason, others are going through terrible harsh and horrible break ups. The truth is you deserve more, and that other person was not giving you what you needed - it is not a loss - It is simply the right thing, you need not waste your time on something/someone who does not fulfil you. . . You too soon will find someone who wants all that you want, that yin to your yang, someone that brings balance to your life and you to theirs. Important people are entering your life, pay attention to who is around you right now. Say goodbye to the past - C'est la vie - It’s life! Forgive and move on and be open to all that newness, not for you giving up but for this is what is and you should embrace it. Those who are living in a fantasy, in there Ego self, in a selfish state they will learn and find out the hard way - but that is not you! Say yes and follow the things that bring you joy <3