Showing posts with label wants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wants. Show all posts

Thursday 16 April 2015

FUN GAME - Thursday's Thought - What do you "NEED" right now?

* * * * Thursday’s Thought * * * *
Every Thursday I will post a New Question for you to think about… Lets see What you all answer

Todays Question

What is it right now in this very moment do you “NEED”?

Not what you desire or want but what is it that you Need. Then ask yourself How can i meet this need, you will find that there is always someone willing to meet this need if it’s not something you can get yourself. Acknowledging your own needs helps you better understand how you feel and when that need is met it changes your entire frequency to a happier one. We then can change our frequency and in turn help someone else.

In Childhood we are often told our needs are not worthy or right…

Here comes the confusion, as children we want things but any good parent should ask their child do they need it? If they say yes ask them why? It is important to understand and help children understand the difference between a Want or a Need without telling them which is which.

For example a Child who is scared to sleep alone “wants” to sleep with mom or dad. You could argue is this a Want or a Need… The child is often told NO With little to some explanation of why that is. The child then Suppresses this feeling of being scared because it is deemed to be wrong. It would be far easier to treat the child as a child instead of upsetting him or her find ways to compromise or understanding why they are scared in the first place.

So we suppress what we want. This is not healthy for us, it feels good to have our Needs met as much as it is to help others obtain their Needs. Thats the beauty the people around you are able to fulfil your needs you just have to extend the olive branch out. Those that want to help come closer and those that do not move away…. In turn its a win win for you because you now are surrounded with the people that will bring you happiness and you can give back to those who are truly deserving.

Happy Thursday all… Please do comment below lets see if we can all help each other meet our needs =)