Showing posts with label weekly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weekly. Show all posts

Monday 20 November 2017



Tuning into this week’s energy I feel like feelings might be a little heightened. Like something is shifting, we have Neptune moving direct and Saturn creeps closer towards Capricorn this week which I feel will help everyone move forward in one way or another.

Okay on with this Week | Please check your Sun, Moon & Rising (ASC) Sign for more well-rounded reading for the Week.


Overview for all Fire Signs
In general, I feel as though something positive and needed will take place this week. A pleasant surprise for the Fire Signs this week.

ARIES | For you I think things are changing, I see you letting go, cutting losses and you might feel off track this week but it’s what will get you back on the right path.

LEO |For you I see relationships being at the forefront this week and perhaps even dealing with any emotions or feelings that have not be addressed, perhaps even having reached a milestone or something coming to a close this week.

SAGITTARIUS| For you I see the need to keep something to yourself this week, it looks like there are hurdles or obstacles to overcome before moving forward - stand firm and speak up - as it looks like someone foreign might be holding things off for you.


The overall message for the earth Signs
For all you Earth Signs I feel like whatever it is that you have been waiting for will finally start to happen now.

TAURUS | I feel like there are worries or concerns over what you don’t know, like your being fixated on gossip which may not even be real and its got you overthinking things.

VIRGO| You guys should be having a big visit this week, either going somewhere or someone important coming to you this week.

CAPRICORN |This week something could be really eating away at you this week. Could be work or health - perhaps it leads you to change jobs or career direction or making a change at work or with your routine. Just make sure you don't prematurely do something as it could be an expensive change or a difficult one.


The overall message for all
I feel that this week is all about your friendships, meeting a  new friend, plans to do something with a friend this week, perhaps there is an event planned or something.

GEMINI | I feel like something is starting to happen for you guys. Things should be falling into place and in your favour this week.

LIBRA |I feel like this week there could be a difficult and big change this week. If you face this head on I feel that you can put an end to something this week.

AQUARIUS | This week I feel like there is something being kept hush-hush this week, I am picking up on serious commitments but at the same time a little sneakiness, It doesn’t feel like something to worry about - but withholding the truth about something.

The overall message for all
They are showing me a garden, a public place where you might want to be on a high alert, I don’t know if you have plans to meet up with someone this week, but it could be in a dodgy area, I don’t see anything major happening, I think it will be a lot of fun, but just be alert I guess - it is that time of year.

CANCER |This week you could be given an offer of work, it looks like there is an improvement in this area of your life so expect some good news.

SCORPIO | You guys could have a change of income, or you might have an additional expense this week.

PISCES | Luck abroad or in connection with someone or something foreign. You can overcome something you thought you wouldn’t… Perhaps things finally stabilize for you this week.

Wednesday 20 September 2017



This week is the New Moon in the sign of Virgo, and what makes this New moon especially beautiful is that 2+0+1+7+0+9=19 (1+9=10/1) in numerology makes this month a 1 cycle month in a 1cycle year so the beginning of the year, of all those new starts for the next 9 years will come from this month.

So for this week, I have separated the insights into first what the New Moon will mean for you; remember that your ASC/Rising sign is the most important to read, then your Sun & Moon Signs. After that, I will give you my usual weekly insight into the week ahead.

Before we jump into the predictions, I just want to clarify a couple of things about this New Moon… Virgo is a sign of perfection, it works very hard at making things just right, its organization, it's critical, judgmental, and it is highly detail orientated. Generally speaking a new Moon in Virgo is that once a year renewal of the house it is located in, the once a year fresh start to that area of life.

But this New Moon is Quincunx Uranus in Aries and Squaring Saturn in Sagittarius… It’s my belief that what the stars are aligning to help us with is make some changes (Uranus), and ones that we might not want to be making (Saturn) - I’ll get to what this means for each sign but just to forewarn you there will be adjustments needed in the Virgo/Aries house.

If we just look at the signs Aries/identity/you, Virgo/healing/health/lifestyle and Sagittarius/dreams/future goals/beliefs. Sun/Moon with Uranus and Saturn - It looks to me like some unexpected changes are going to be happening and they will require adjustments, we have been holding onto something for too long (Saturn) but in order to move forward in pursuit of our long-term goals (Sagittarius) we have to heal and let go (Virgo).

The New Moon falls in your 6th house, this is a house of health, routines, your lifestyle, your everyday life and work included… The New Moon is paving the way for you to renew something in the 6th house, be this new work, new routines, responsibilities, health, diet plans or even something new in regards to animals and pets.

But It looks to me there is tension and conflict when it comes to your long-term goals, travel changes perhaps, or travel being a pain in the butt when it comes to these 6th house matters. The adaptations need to be all you though, changes with you the Quincunx happens in your 1st house, the house of self, so we, of course, can look at this in regards to health and well-being and your 1st house of image and self is highlighted alongside the 6th house of health and wellbeing.

I would say that you need to not busy yourself to the extent that you are neglecting your health. After all, Health is life! And you do not live to work you work to live.

Now I have seen this with my Aries Mother, She neglects her health, funny enough she works in the health field, but she works a little too much, Aries and their busy lives, she is very much always on the go -but after all this time of telling her to slow down, her health is the only thing that can do that - so health symptoms could about in order for you to evaluate your working life, your everyday life, your lifestyle, routines because without this you really cannot live fully. Life is to live, to enjoy not to be a slave to the system and work yourself to the bone… I know quite a few Aries who are like this, work work work, always something to do - THIS NEW MOON IS SAYING RELAX!!!!

So stop worrying about the future, seeing it as a limitation and start to make adaptations and changes with your work, health, lifestyle, and routines.

Short Predictions: For you guys, I feel like you awaiting some news and before the Full Moon on October 5th you should get that news back. Now, of course, this news could be in relation to health, but also in regards to someone coming to visit or an invitation to go someplace.I feel like this week you will be feeling like you have achieved something and all that work feels a little more worthwhile.

For you guys it falls in the 5th house of Love, romance, fun, pleasure, children, and creativity so this New Moon is trying to awaken something new in this sector of life for you… However there could be unexpected changes that take place with Saturn moving through your 8th house and that quincunx linking to your subconscious 12th house could mean that there is some old karma that needs clearing, old thought patterns, fears, concerns that need to be worked through or they can cause some issues with your romantic life. Those who are single might need to review how they view their dating life and those who are committed could get an unexpected surprise something that could involve the past, but remember this I to be changed, integrated and adapted - it will make things stronger.

This could involve unexpected pregnancies as well.

Short Insight: I feel like you guys will be gaining some sort of lucky break, even though you have been a little more so worried but the changes that have been happening in your life of late. A time to stop focusing on all that is wrong and look at all that is going right in your life. Perhaps you have had a few expenses that were unaccounted for but they are showing me stars and that always points to a wish being granted, so don’t sweat it! The worst is most certainly behind you.

For you guys, it will take place in your 4th house of home, family and personal and private life… Now naturally what is trying to be reborn over this next year but most strongly this months cycle is a home move, changes to your home, be this moving, renovating, clearing out, It could be a time where you get a roommate or someone stays over, or perhaps even you spruce things up, clear out, spring clean and get organised.

But there is going to be some tension with promises and commitments perhaps even issues around contracts. There could be a conflict between you and partner, or your family and a partner as well. . . Again this is nothing new, Saturn has been transiting here since the middle of 2015 (at the earliest I believe it was around this time in 2014 when it first popped into Sagittarius) so these are things you have been working on - like sticking to your commitments, if you say you are going to do something you have to honor it, saying in line with any contracts. Relationships becoming more responsibility that sort of thing.

What with the Quincunx to the 11th house there are changes and adaptations needing to be made to your home and your hopes and wishes… or unexpected changes to your future goals, friendship circles or perhaps something shocking gets revealed about your friendships.

Short Insight: You guys cannot seem to shut that brain of yours off!! They are showing be clouds, so the thing to remember about clouds is that that doesn't stay in the same place for long, they are moving, and so know that this too shall pass. I mean a bit like the impression I got for Taurus, start counting your blessings and not every little thing that goes wrong… You might say oh but this is happening and there is always a positive to a negative - that's just the way the world works - are you a glass half full or half empty sort of a guy/gal! Sure there might be something that changes, but stop holding onto things that you cannot change and focus on the things you can this week.

The New Moon falls in your 3rd house, the area of your everyday environment, the internet, friends, people you interact with on a daily basis, your skills, communication and how you interact with the world around you, It’s a social area and one that also includes activity - Gemini naturally influences the 3rd house and when have you known a Gemini to be still?

This is the area of your life that is trying to birth something new. This could bring in new workmates, playmats, friends, it can help to renew your internal, social status as well as bring changes to your everyday environment.

But through this transit, we have lessons and tests in getting there, and this is a time as I mentioned earlier that anything that is not going to be in or apart of our lives for the next 9 years is ultimately being released.

Keywords for a Square Aspect; Conflicting, blockages, stress, and tension.
Keywords for a Quincunx Aspect; Integration, adaptation, changes, challenges and all in all they feel pretty awkward.

Again as I mentioned this New moon has to aspects adding to its interpretation, It has Saturn in Sagittarius (your 6th house) as well as that Quincunx to Uranus in Aries (your 10th house).

It looks to me like this New Moon is opening you up to a new social world that will affect both your working life and how others see you. You might be learning something new, gaining a new social circle, friend, thinking about moving and changing your environment - now that could also indicate with the workhouses activated that your working environment changes over the next few weeks and perhaps even all the way through to the next year.

But I feel like some of you are torn between your work and your social life,it looks like the 6th house/3rd house are having a bit of a tiff with each other,perhaps you spend and put all your energy into your working life, in establishing the ideal lifestyle that now as Saturn wraps up its transit in your 6th house in December you need to start having more fun and making those lifelong connections.

So, I am seeing definite changes in your working environment, the way you are seen might change, it's your public persona and what you contribute to the world. . . And with the Square to your 6th house of health, routines, work etc you have to make adjustments to your long-term goals. I mean Saturn has been transiting here for the past 2 and half years or longer, it time you get the healing you need to, make those adaptations to your routines and lifestyle especially if you want to reach your long-term goals but start to manifest the 3rd house things you desire.

It looks to be a busy Month!

Short insights: Looks to me like some of you might be connecting with some meant to have in your life friends and ones that can help you out. I feel like this friendship will grow beautifully and that's because they are very much a part of your soul tribe! They are now showing me what I got for Taurus - Perhaps you have had a few expenses that were unaccounted for but they are showing me stars and that always points to a wish being granted, so don’t sweat it! The worst is most certainly behind you.

For you Guys this New Moon happens in your 2nd house of money, resources, it the house that supports you, it can be viewed as your bank account. . . So here the New Moon wishes to bring new energy into this sector of your life, perhaps some of you are looking for a new job, or to plea for a pay rise, some of you are purchasing something of significance.

But there is going to be a little conflict with matters of the 5th house, children, fun, romance, pleasure, and creativity… So perhaps this is another time to budget, there could be expenses when it comes to children or perhaps what you want to do conflicts with what your partner wants to do. Or arguments over money. There might need to be adjustments made as to what your future looks like long term with your partner/family, travel plans and movement plans might need to be re-thought out.

Short insight: This week you could hear from an old friend who invites you to go somewhere.  I mean it could be someone from your past but I actually feel it could for most of you it will be about a new friendship that will grow and bring you happiness. Some of you might be reminiscing about the past, might feel a little confused about something - it looks like you have a lot on your plate or that past situation feels a tad busy - but if not as I mentioned I feel like most of you might make a new friend - the kind that was supposed to enter your life.

For you Guys the New Moon Falls in your 1st house of Self! What is being birthed is the new you, perhaps a new hair color, wardrobe, you are feeling revitalized - I know for myself the month before new moon hits my Sun, I feel super tired - but once it comes past it that energy gets restored.

Now you do have Saturn in the 4th house, home, property, family and your personal life… So perhaps there are conflicts at home with you and your family, there could be unexpected expenses, truths and surprises when it comes to the home front or perhaps what we have here is arguments over money, something that you may or kept hidden is being awoken again.

Short Insight: So for sure what was kept hidden is coming up this week for you guys! But you shouldn’t be angry because it looks to me like you weren't ready for what this was and they were only trying to protect you… Or the other way around, you weren't ready to speak up on somethings and now you find the courage to do just that. It could involve a choice that you made and now you're feeling a little stuck right back there, know that you're not alone in this and perhaps even a new friend can help you more than you realize.

For you guys the New Moon is happening in your 12th house, this is a time where you need to collect your thoughts, reflect, re-think some things and work through anything you have set aside for a rainy day. This New Moon is bringing you a chance to come up with some new ideas, to heal, to replenish yourself ready for your New Moon on October 19, A time to forgive, let go and release any old baggage.

Now you do have Saturn in your 3rd house, so again it’s not super strange things that are bringing brought up, you have been dealing with Saturn in the 3rd house since this time 2014, But it could bring an old friend you way, a perfect chance to weigh out if this one is for keeps or is no longer in alignment with who you are now and who you hope to be in the future. It’s the perfect time for you to speak up and speak your truth, you guys tend to play Mr/Mrs nice, diplomatic with your not wanting to rock the boat but something comes back up that you need to air out so you can heal and move past it.

Because let’s face it there need to change with your personal relationships and the issues you have buried deep in the back of your mind. Releasing fears from the past to help you move forward.

Short Insight: It looks like something is being put on hold this week, perhaps you had plans to go visit someone/someplace, or someone coming to see you, it looks like things are being put off or postponed for the time being. Whatever this is there is some divine intervention happening with this - they are saying this week your being guided - so pay attention to your dreams and any synchronicities. So yeah delays in movement plans at least.

For you gu, s the New Moon happens in your 11th house of hopes and wishes, social networks and friends and gains… So this New Moon is opening up new opportunities to gain a little more in your life - I mean that is what you want and having Saturn Transit your Money house you might have felt for the past few years like you have had to work so hard, that things have felt restricted for you. Now It is not going to be easy, because it does require change for you, and You Scorpios know change like no other sign but it doesn’t make you good at it, you are Ice, a Fixed and solid water sign, meaning you will resist everything unless it's something you truly want to do.

With Saturn in the 2nd house, money is going to be slow, great for investments but not so great for the world we live in today, all instant gratification… So it could be that those 11th house things are actually costing you a little too much and what with the Aries Quincunx in the 6th house it looks to me like you might need to make some changes to your lifestyle, work life and routines if you do, it will make it easier to gain in this next year, just ensure you implement something this month.

Short Insight: You look to be a little angst this week, it’s like you're a person on the verge! I feel like you are worried, yet excited and yet scared of something that you actually were hoping for - it’s got you asking those big life questions this week. But what if I told you this is something you were “destined” to do, are you really going to hide from that? Stop worrying and talking yourself in and out of something.

For you guys we have the New Moon happening in your 10th house so this is bringing in new energy to your social persona, your worldly, online persona, it's giving you a renewal in your career and energising you for the next 12 months when it comes to new projects, roles that you want to get involved with.

Now you have had Saturn in your house of self for the past 3 years lets say, as such you have been going through some pretty hard lessons, restrictions and growing pains… So here we have a conflict between what you aim to achieve and your personal life, it’s a balancing act, you don’t want to neglect your social/work obligations but you also don’t want to neglect yourself in the process - making time for you is very important!

What with the Quincunx in Aries in your 5th house there needs to be changes, or integration between your career goals and achievements and your house of fun, play, romance, make time for fun, you need this, a happier you will advance your career or social achievements - so don’t be too focused on the big job role, make some time for some fun too.

Short Insight: Lucky breaks all week! I feel like you were looking for an out when it comes to the past or something that has held you back for quite some time, well this week you are given an opportunity to do just that, sever ties and gain that breakthrough you had been wanting. It’s like this is the right time, things are working out better than expected.

For you Guys, the New Moon is happening in your 9th house of travel, foreign people/places, higher learning, and beliefs… Here I feel like what is trying to be birthed is a new adventure, travel and personal development.

But what with Saturn your planetary ruler in 12th house, I mean it has been there since Autumn of 2014 and well, most Capricorns I have known, have gone a little MIA, that’s because they/you are going through a deep clearout, your sorting your life out, starting anything new has been near impossible because you have a lot of old baggage weighing you down, that thankfully will be clearing and making its way into a form or renewal in December when it moves into your 1st house (the beginning won’t be easy but it will be rewarding).

So perhaps this conflict is about how you want to be seen out in the world, are your achievements bringing you true joy and happiness, or has all that hard work made you feel like you have neglected other areas of life. From October you should have many incredible opportunities come your way. But I feel like your vision for the future might start to change as your perspectives change.

With the Quincunx in Aries in your 4th house of home, family and your personal life need to change, your new vision for the future needs to adjust the home sector too.

Short Insight: Just a heads up! So this is a sign this week for you to change all your passwords, phone, laptop, electronic devices, files and folders, locks etc you could be a victim of stolen information. That aside it just looks like something could be going wrong that you are unaware of, also if you have any ongoing debts that you are paying just double check they are not taking or changing you more than was agreed.

For you guys the New Moon happens in your 8th house so naturally, it wants you to get to the bottom of something, it might want you to expose or to be honest about something and it could bring you a little surprise…

What with Saturn transiting your 11th house and about to enter your 12th house, there is a revelation that may cause a little conflict when it comes to your 11th house things, such as goals, dreams, friendships, and gains…

What with the Quincunx in Aries in your 3rd house of friendships, environment, teammates, skills, and communication how you interact with the world there needs to a change with these 3rd house things alongside the 8th house of secrets. Looks to me something needs to finally come out.

Short insight: Looks like the creator of your own prison this week, it looks like things are piling up on all sides and you have the solution to your issue but you are not using it? You know something that someone doesn’t know but for some reason, you are keeping it to yourself? Negotiate this week!

For you guys, the New Moon is happening in your 7th house of partnerships, marriage, business, and contracts… So this new moon is renewing the 7th house energies, it can bring about a new relationship, be this business or romantic, in some cases it can bring about a new promise or contract when it comes to this area of life.

But with Saturn in your 10th house squaring this energy it looks to me like there are conflicts happening with your work in the world and it feels like the past 3 years you have been working on that image, your career goals, setting yourself some goals in order to gain some sort of foundation for your future success, but that has been hindering your personal relationships and as such with it soon to move from your 10th into your 11th house you need to start adjusting and giving a little more time to the personal side of life.

Perhaps with the Quincunx in Aries in your 2nd house of wealth, money and resources you need to make a change with how you earn your money, the past few years it’s true you have had to work super hard, but that segment is coming to a close and now you need to come up with a new way or make adjustments when it comes to your resources and your work in the world.

Short insight: Whatever Situation you find yourself in this week, it likely because of something that happened in your past. I feel like you could be very surprised by what this brings about… and I also feel like you might be breaking away from the past as a result, or changing something as a result of what comes about. There could be a change of contracts, or just some unexpected news coming from this situation or about the situation.

Tuesday 8 August 2017



Good Afternoon, So this is a week where you can expect things to slow down as Mercury gets ready to go retrograde, it’s already in its shadow so you should all start to feel the changes.

Furthermore this week Mercury the planet that governs over our minds is looking across to Neptune the planet associated with confusion and dreaminess. I feel many of you guys might be confused this week, some may be lied to, some might be so stuck in their minds that they misplace things. A common trend of this is losing money, forgetting your bank card, leaving money in an ATM a general forgetfulness but one that will cause disruptions physically because Virgo is a working sign, a service sign and a very calculative and physical sign.

Many of you may be thinking back to the past, or looking at what you can do to make some positive changes in your life, it feels to me energetically that we are all looking for security and safety in something this week… Many of us might feel a little defensive or feel like giving up… It’s not the time to give up but it is the time to weigh out your options, don’t make fast or impulsive decisions this week and try to be observant or conscious of things you say to another, with all that illusion and confusion in the air it could get misunderstood or misinterpreted.

That being said let’s now have a look at what’s in store for your element/star sign…

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This week is a week of making that hard choice, you don’t want to make it but you feel pushed to do so. It feels like you just cannot see ahead, you just can’t see how something is going to work for you. It’s a week where you start to overthink past relationships, you could start to hear things about old connections of yours or they could simply appear in your dreams - Most water signs tend to have vivid dreams and it’s there you can attain special information from your spiritual guides or if you're not that much of a believer let’s call it messages from your subconscious. This is a week where it could be very therapeutic to release any pain, stress or anything that is holding you back - I feel it’s time to forgive and let go and allow yourself to be free from all that negative smog that is influencing you. I feel like Money, Work and finances are heavy on your mind this week - well let’s face it they have been for a while. I just feel there is a hard choice a big choice or something impactful happening this week and you feel confused by it or indecisive about it - Just don’t let fear hold you back.


For you guys, I feel that this week should be a positive one, especially when it comes to your creative side of self. I feel like you are going to be feeling good this week, you could gain a little extra money which is always good, or if not given money perhaps the opportunity to earn a little bit more, with extra hours, a bonus, a pay rise, or perhaps for those creative fire signs who make things or create things perhaps you get a few extra sales this week. I feel like you have a lot of drive and energy to see things through to completion this week as well as a positive something happening in and surrounding your family or personal life - maybe even preparing or planning for a trip - or your future.


I feel for you guys that pressure may be getting the best of you this week. You could find yourself reassessing your career choices, or decisions in and surrounding work or a choice you made in regards to your job. For many, I feel the sense of wanting to get away from something but you're being held back or you're holding yourself back this week. It “feels” like you feel that your efforts, skills and talents are going unnoticed but I feel that could be more of a fear of yours that actual fact because Planet Neptune is casting a fog when it comes to those you work alongside. Still, the main thing I get for you Earthy people is that there is to be a reflection and rethinking period this week. If I’m honest I feel that Capricorns are obtaining the brunt of this week’s energy.


For you guys, I get the sneaking suspicion that you are second guessing what your gut is telling you… If I’m honest there is a lot of hidden agendas going on and you might just be looking at things from the wrong angle. You see you could feel like something is in your way, but I actually don’t see it that way at all, you might feel like you have to do things in a certain way but there is another way. It feels to me that you feel as though something or maybe someone is far out of reach but I think that all that needs to happen is that you need to open up and although yourself to truly listen to what it is that your instincts are telling you, give your mind a rest and tap into your feeling self, you might be pleasantly surprised as to where it leads you - going back, revisiting something from another time doesn’t mean that you are moving backwards - sometimes we have to go back in order to move forwards. Your long term goals may have to be put on hold until you deal with whatever this is - this week is a time for deeper reflection, you may want to avoid it but it is necessary that you listen to what your subconscious is trying to tell you.


Have a beautiful week!

Tuesday 25 July 2017


Weekly Predictions for July 25 - 01 August
(Tuesday to Tuesday)

The general vibe I am picking up from this week is knowing your worth. I feel like many of us this week are finding ourselves at an impasse, we have options and yet we are in this state of an inevitable change with hesitance for it. It’s interesting to me that the term “knowing your worth” came through because this week we enter the famous Leo Season, and this Leo Season is packing a punch, not only are nodes that govern and steer our destiny in Leo, but we also have the New Moon in Leo along side Mars the planet of action and passion co-joining the Sun all in Leo with an eclipse coming up in August in LEO!

I’m reminded of a quote… “The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.” ― Charles Bukowski.

Now of course those that know me know that I don’t believe anyone is stupid we all have greatness inside of ourselves with infinite untapped potential… But I feel this week we need to start taking action on the things we have all been putting off! It’s time to make/take that next step.

Now usually Leo Season is where the parties at, but this time around I feel like it’s more deeper than that, I feel like we are being given a giant push in the right direction, Mars is driving you towards something that your heart wants and Mars is a warrior he's ready for combat and will not hesitate to knock those obstacles down utilize this energy.

This week I feel that we have to prepare for the future, that in which we start this week can and will have staying power so don’t slack, don’t put it off and start planning, studying up, knowledge is power after all, and look at what you invest your time into this week - TIME is the MOST VALUABLE thing we as humans have we cannot be certain when that time will run out so utilize it this week.

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This week I feel the focus is on moving ahead and where you have some great opportunities if you act upon them is in your working life. Now there might be some kind of boundaries being set, and as with most things you need to balance your lifestyle. You may need to separate from the feeling and emotion of doing something and find a way to just do it. This week it feels like things could be weighing on your heart, but sometimes that feeling is nothing more than a signal for you to do something to change it.


For you guys what I feel for you is that a lot of things are going to be changing for you in the coming months even year… and it starts now! A lot of Leos this week should be feeling the happy and joyous feeling of the bringing of Leo Season and all love to celebrate, relax, play and have fun but I feel many of you are needing to think ahead, set things in motion, plan and prepare for what’s next for you, dream big and actually set some things in motion if you can. Your energy and vitality should be returning to you this week and something fires up beneath you - things are different and it’s time to start this new chapter.


I feel for you guys that you could be experiencing some kind of pressure this week… When I tune into you I get this feeling of being observed, critiqued and perhaps this is happening in a more private way - perhaps some of you are being hard on yourselves, trying to control something that may not be in your hands to control. For others of you, there could be a partner, family member or authority figure that is seeing if you're up for the mission or task at hand. Some of you might be experiencing some kind of test or something this week. There is a theme of control and a test of faith - remember to know your worth, this is not a time of doubting but conquering.


For you guys I feel like things will not be a walk in the park, you really are having to put in a lot of work, some might say you're burning the candle at both ends just to meet some deadline that you have in mind. What I feel inclined to tell you this week is that your instincts, that gut feeling you have is spot on, I feel like you need to trust that a little more, I mean you guys tend to be a little more rational, logical when it comes to these things but this week please do pay attention to that inner feeling it will not lead you astray, and note that all that hard work will pay off, your still learning about something this week.