Showing posts with label TODAY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TODAY. Show all posts

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Horoscope for Wednesday 25 February 2015

* * * * Horoscope 25 February 2015 * * * *

Today we do still have the Moon in Gemini which can make the best of people if you're not an Air sign or have a Moon in Air really quite all over the place today.

A Gemini Moon thinks a 1000 things every minute, it’s frantic and well today love, relationships, passion and desire are all on your mind there is something that is trying to get your attention.

I think today will be exciting and intense in the best of ways but there is a need to overcome a fear or to find courage to believe in yourself to make a move or take a chance. The Moon (emotions) will square (cause friction/stress/tension) to the Sun/Neptune and Saturn.

This here means that there is something powerful that could happen if you take the chance to do something about it but the energy is a tad nervous, as soon as you talk yourself into something your just as quickly talking yourself out of it. But there will be lots of talk, talking and fast paced energy today.

Things could happen out of the blue for sure…

Big karmic lessons for all to learn from and remember with Relationships so positively aspected it’s a good day to move things ahead now… But ensure it’s with the right one, you should know already but i think that there is this wanting for something new, but there is Neptune guiding us and reminding us of someone. Believe in what you know don’t fight it.

A BIG Message from the universe pay attention stop getting distracted!!

We have the Sun and Neptune combining today and i think this is asking you to trust in what you know within yourself. I feel like emotions might get in the way or put doubts in your mind where you want physical facts/reassurance before making a move on things/relationships and today your not going to be given those facts but you need to act on what you know/believe… If you want it you can have it but are you to scared to go get what it is that you want?

Some powerful, unusual, exciting and new energy that gets us to jump out of our comfort zone today. Opportunities are all around if only we are open to seeing them. Maybe you need to believe more but know that unexpected things happen when you take unexpected action.

ENJOY this amazing day

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Astrology October 14 2014

Astrology October 14  2014

So today we have a stellium in Libra (basically means there are a lot of planets in the same sign adding a lot of focused energy here). We have Mercury Retrograde here in Libra, so a lot of contemplation over relationships and decision makings, we have venus in it’s natural home here in Libra, North Node (Rahu - Destiny/obsession planet) in Libra so really wanting to seek out that relationship, understand it, fight or flight, but it’s the constant obsessing now over relationships/ perhaps you meet someone new today & of course the Sun in Libra which is brightening all of this up.

So Today is about relationships, romantic or otherwise and it’s about finding the balance, doing the right thing and trying to find peace and harmony within it all. With Saturn the planet of restriction and lessons in Scorpio we are having fears come up here in relationships, dealing with our own inner most private things and trying to still maintain all of the above.

We will not go through this kind of intensity for another 30 years + when we are going through some deep inner world stuff while trying to find the harmony within our relationships- it really is the foundations of all that will unravel.

Now the Moon is in Cancer so you're going to be wanting to take time out, sleep the day away, we really are feeling a little emotional - BUT we are not going to be able to because it’s in a lot of Squares with planets in Cardinal signs (cancer, Libra, Aries, Capricorn). We have Moon in Cancer opposing Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Aries and all this Sun, Rahu, Venus, Mercury in Libra- So be prepared to learn a lot today, if you're on the up side of the Moon be empowered not disempowered today. Today you will need to use your Emotions and not be used by them…

With the Moon and Pluto opposing it could be about letting go, releasing and shedding off some things and clear the past about relationships and that energy is really highlighted today.  IT’s also about looking to the future and facing it as we also add uranus into the mix… With Uranus i feel it is really going to test us on our chosen path, the choices we have made, are they the right ones and Uranus will later oppose the North Node later so some very Karmic times to come. Remember all that is happening is happening for a reason!! These Eclipses and the energies they are bringing are by no accident.

A very special time because although it feels so up and in the air it is a time where unions are coming together, relationships are coming together and all on DEEP KARMIC  levels - Destined times the people coming into your life are so for a reason.

It is really about learning to deal with intense powerful situations these times really are just helping us become stronger and better with all that is occurring. When Moon is in Cancer your emotions cannot out weigh the intellectual truth of a situation so it really will be about clearing the past to allow these people to enter your life. Now saying that Mercury being in retrograde you're not thinking forward your more than likely thinking backwards her so really sit with this and look at the whole picture. I think today a lot of us are on the fence about things but when we have that solar eclipse in Scorpio and the energies shift into scorpio within the next 9-10 days - it really will be pick a side and stick with it as its the cutting point - death and rebirth time.

So today step into your emotions, take control of them and use them don’t be used by them =) Magical things will happen over the next few weeks for sure

Have a Beautiful Day/Evening (depending when you're reading this)  <3

Thursday 25 September 2014

Astrology News - September 25th 2014

Astrology News - September 25th 2014

So last night things got a little intense… didn’t they just - That was the moon square pluto - Testing us to keep the balance! So those that were stepping into their truth and power and being balanced may not of necessarily felt it quite so much but i know i had a few messages from yal saying and asking

‘’what is happening…. why is this happening… It’s a new moon??? =(“

In all honesty is was some powerful stuff going on… On with today! There is a lot of fiery energy today and it certainly going to build, asking what actions we are starting to take, where are we heading right now, yes things are getting exciting but we need to be able to find stability and balance  throughout all this.

To top it off we have Mercury starting to slow down now… Details, facts, conversations are really starting to get intense - especially when it comes into Libra it really starts to process relationships. This energy will really be about how you are truly communicating to another person.

This is a time where a lot of big things are happening, and a lot of excitement but there are just deep reflections of our self that are coming out and a need for some patience that might not be easy because Mars is coming into a powerful positivity storm, which wants things NOW, bigger & better, and exciting… then you have mercury slowing down for a retrograde which will frustrate people because we all want it now and we are being made to stop & slow down.

So today is reminding us to stay cool, calm and chilled! There is a need for true balance. The universe is opening some strong powerful doors in our lives but we have to pay attention to that deep truth and those deep reflections of our self that are coming to the surface and being played out in front of us to our face through relationships and other aspects - really make sure you are mirroring the right energy now in your life!!

Be patient & don’t get too excited try and find that chilled energy. <3

Monday 22 September 2014

Astrology - Autumn Equinox - September 22nd 2014

Astrology - Autumn Equinox - September 22nd 2014

Now although when reading your birth chart i do not focus so much on pluto, when reading general energy of the day, week, month i do… Pluto goes direct in Capricorn - powerful change & transformation - combined with Capricorn would indicate structure & your purpose in life.

Since April until now it’s been going really deep about reviewing the structure of your life in a very intense way. Here it is for you now to make that next move. You're moving into the next step of your life and it is a powerful one of change.

We are not only having to find the balance within our self with this Autumn equinox but we are being edged to make that big step forward as well - which in itself is really not easy!!

Decisions are needed if we want to move forward, and over the next few day’s we could be weighing those decisions up and out.  Do you have the courage to make them?

The energy is really about moving things forward, stepping into our power and stop being such a baby - blinded about doing what’s best for us instead of what’s comfortable.

Also Sun and moon are following each other for the next four day’s which has not happened since May 2012… This could mean it could be reflecting a lot of what happened back then, some deep stuff that could be repeating now - symbolically it is pointing towards a HUGE transition in your life. A BIG CHANGE.

It’s time to light up, step into these new doors of excitement!! If you're not in it 100%, like all in… Then why the hell bother? You will only be wasting your time! It’s a all or nothing type thing, put it all in a see where it leads you. If it is something that is not connecting with you, where you want to go or what you want to be, do - then again don’t place your energy here! It’s a waste!! This is a time where you can really manifest the life you want… You just have to be willing to take that step

Happy Autumn Equinox - if you would like a Mini Reading with me - today only i am doing same day readings for £10. Worldwide. Via PayPal. To your Email. Sprinkled with lot’s of love. In a fancy 500+ word Doc & photo of your spread… To book email me, inbox me on Facebook or book online and select ‘’other’’

I’m EXCITED!! I hope you are too <3

Friday 19 September 2014

Astrology Friday & the Weekend 19, 20th & 21st

Astrology Friday & the Weekend

A pretty chilled weekend in comparison to what is coming in the next few months -being eclipses! This is about us really getting prepared for some big things, it’s when things really hit the fan, or destiny opens up and changes your life forever always with eclipses. I know it sounds extreme right i guess we can look back at this in a month and see what happens =)

This weekend is a time for us to get ready as the planet Pluto comes direct on Monday 22nd which is huge… it’s about exposing and change. Big changes in our lives, changing the structure of our lives. This weekend there will be a lot of positive energy, good emotions and excitement brewing, This weekend will light a lot of us if not all of us up at some point - lots of opportunities, new things happening, new perceptions taking place, new doors opening and new beliefs we are stepping into.

You will still be made aware of the restrictions to life still, making sure your looking at the decisions you make very carefully, to ensure you do not jump into things without knowing if it is based off of our truth, to make decisions that will advance your life in moving forward correctly.

It is also about finding ways to advance to our highest goals, that we change, adapt or re invent ways of stepping into our destinies that in turn make us or get us on the way to who we really are.

There will be a great healing this weekend also. A lot of great things are coming together this weekend as well, and maybe out of no where - but in a realistic sense that you don’t go overboard, get ahead of your self.

Late saturday into sunday there will be some strange things happening with sun and moon, It’s the universe aligning things very uniquely this weekend to empower your happiness, to find your heart and make any last adjustments because these next couple weeks begin a powerful eclipse season into a powerful october that will change peoples lives.

This month is really about capturing that vision, and there is one for us all - because we need to have this goal/vision with us for what’s to come in the next month or two. Some major tests for us all, we will be learning to be bold, finding balance, which is not easy to be both of these things at the same time. It will be a time of stretching ourselfs, and trying to now get lost along the way…. That’s with Neptune in Pisces which will be teaching us to follow our gut, the need to know what is going to happen before it does.  

This weekend will be lovely - know that these are just the doors opening of what’s coming in the months to come

Thursday 18 September 2014

Astrology News - Thursday 17th September

Astrology Thursday

All lot more comfortable today than yesterdays energy. Things are flowing a lot more today, with stability, will and action with a little pick me up later on.

Lots of fire starting to grow, which in turn will light up a lot in our lives. Exciting new things & opportunities too - to the extent we could feel a little stretched - So advice is to stay within certain limits don’t get to crazy!!

The universe has opened doors so powerfully, that your able to do, explore new areas, things that you have never done before and go into new directions that you have not before. Breaking free & moving forward leaving the troubles in the past.

It’s about your passions and what you want today - there is no need to take every opportunity, just stay within your truth. There is the need to get deep here!

We have been learning to get our life together these past few weeks, re-adjusting things, getting organised and we are starting to get there. AGAIN Make  sure you are following your truth.

A surprise tonight when all the fiery energy kicks in, the love starts to come around, something really exciting is coming our way.

HAppy Thursday to all

Monday 15 September 2014


Astrology Monday

Today in astrology we are starting to see a very rare occurrence be triggered - We have cleared a lot of karmic debt/issues & are being given a message or clarity from the universe. We have fixed, repaired or are now ready to step into this new energy that is coming.  New doors are opening, have opened already & there is a lot of energy as everything is shifting.

Today you will feel excited for the day although you might be a little all over place and scattered. Today going into tomorrow - Last quarter moon we have finally gotten over whatever it is that you have been trying to fix and stepping into new waters.A big light is about to turn on and we need to be absolutely clear, serious, about what it is we want/are manifesting… Are you Aligning with what you truly want deep down.