Showing posts with label awareness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label awareness. Show all posts

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Love - It's all you Need... But what is Love?


Love - Everyone wants to be loved but not many people are good at loving. The thing is you cannot have one without the other. Another thing is that Love is not ownership - by that i mean love does not have terms - love is an extension of you - it is something which is all around us in everything that we see or touch it is an eternal energy always flowing.

Another thing to remember is hate… How can you love someone to then one day hate them? You cannot, if you can that was never love in the first place. Me myself, i am human and although i wish to hate to switch of my affection or love for someone i cannot - because i love…

Love comes from within - we must first love our self to fully love another. We cannot fix someone, or be fixed by someone - Everything comes from within. You should accept them for who they are, fixing something implies something is wrong… Also, happiness is a state of being it is not a destination. I’ve met so many people who say ‘’when i find the one… or when i’m in love- then i’ll be happy’’ It saddens me because love is you, it’s who you are, happiness is a choice it’s a perception - we need to all stop looking outside of our self, looking to feel fulfilled in the eyes of others - instead turn inward and do the work that will lift us and our spirits to true love and happiness.

Love does not come with conditions… Never expect or do things to get something back… Do them just because - Now that’s love -

Monday 13 October 2014

Astrology October 13 2014

Astrology October 13  2014

Really positive yet can be a little intense with the energy but positive none the less.

Sun and Mars Sextile for the next couple days giving a lot of extra energy and vavavoom. This energy will be pushing us forward which can feel awkward with all this Libra energy about weighing things up, & Mercury still in a retrograde which is really not allowing us to communicate as effectively as we would like too.

With the moon still in Gemini but moving into Cancer there could still be a lot of questions, but yet our emotions will take over as it enters Cancer but not in an uncomfortable way as the Moon loves to be in the sign of Cancer.

A little more to add on the types of questions and things playing on our minds today will likely be about relationships, romantic or otherwise it’s really going to focus still on that Libra energy. The thing is here we want harmony, we want the right people in our life yet we are still weighing everything up, looking at who we mirror and what we reflect and attract with certain people. What is it we truly want.

Bare in mind the intensity as we are in between Eclipses right now, we just had a full moon Lunar Eclipse and coming up is a Solar Eclipse… To top it off we are getting ready to wrap up all this Libra Energy now and really move into Scorpio now, which will make things a lot deeper, take things deeper, make things deeper - pay attention to how things are moving and the feelings and what’s going on here inside.

There could be a buildup of tension, the key is to be positive and change your perception on things and there is a lot going on in the outside world. It’s about learning how to make yourself happy, dealing with your darker aspects and stop looking outside of your self and really do the work on the inside.

I would really say as we move into Scorpio we are really going to be clearing our self out… Digging deep, and getting to the roots of our fears and hidden hurts and pains. It really will be a transformative period when we go into this Scorpio Energy. Right now still being in Libra it’s more weighing it all out, trying to be fair and just and finding the best ways to get that harmony and balance. In all honesty i do see this as destined shift in the world, and within people… We are either going to wake up and step into our power or really get sucked into this really intense time… Do the work now while the energy is allowing of this. A time to listen and follow your heart.

I know most people cannot be truly alone with them self for longer that half hour - Some even struggle with that… Really get to the bottom of you, who you are, all that you want - I know it can be scary and society has made us feel indifferent, and we are becoming more technological… Break away from that for at least an hour a day and really sit and be with your self.

Are you getting in the way of your own happiness… Trust your inner self, your intuition and your heart. Don’t allow your mind take over - get to the bottom of whatever is occurring with you… It’s not about rising up and out of yourself to find the truth… It is about diving deep within - for you already know what would make you the happiest - it’s about cutting away those fears, facing them head on… As Venus is approaching the North node the Destiny in love and relationships and connections is drawing closer and then we are going to soon be coming into Scorpio - Tick tock guys! Stop avoiding the inevitable and running away from things because soon it really will be endings and beginnings and the death of the old that door slamming shut and that door opening to something new.

Saturday 11 October 2014

Mystery Cards - Saturday 11 October 2014

Mystery Cards - Saturday 11 October 2014

Thank you so much for sharing with your friends… Okay so if you have not done so already, and to never miss out on a free card reading, freebies, one card giveaways - Just hit the like button on my facebook page -It will drop down just select & press ‘’Get Notifications’. Facebook keeps changing the settings Guys- So i am still posting, giving away you just need to hit the ‘’get notifications’’ to have it come up on your news-feed  <3

If you have not already please check out my Astrology for today this will add a little extra to what’s going on. Posted at 7 pm.

Left or Right
now scroll Down!!


I feel that the theme behind all this is to find/seek balance. It’s a time for digging deep, being brutally honest with yourself as you have been weighing things out for some time - you know what you must do!! Balance in all areas, do not get over emotional or over excited or upset - See things in a way that allows you to coast through this transition that is going on - because boy oh boy it will be tense energy - you will need to be just and fair and not be so selfish or misleading to yourself. Honesty is the theme here. How honest are you being with what will truly bring you joy and happiness…

Okay so if you opted for Left you got Facade and if you was drawn to the right side then you got Abundance.

Facade - This is not who you are? Are you pretending to be something you're not, putting on a brave face to hide a mistake that you claim to say ‘’it’s for the best’’ … Let me tell you that feeling you get/have it won’t go away until you acknowledge it! It is not too late to face things to make them right -you can still get your happy ending/beginning! Make good choices! This is a turning point a shift in energy in consciousness it’s time to follow what feels right - not what you think is right.  Do not cut off/ switch off from your emotions face them and do something about them - you are discovering who you really are and seeing things differently.

Abundance - Another Solar Plexus card - the universe has a simular message for you too! You had something amazing only to neglect your heart and your feelings to walk away from something… Now please do not be confused as these things had to happen for the realisation to take place. But did you make a wise choice or a foolish one? You see what you had would of brought you more than just material wealth but also fulfilment emotionally too. Did you quit too soon… Both these cards are about knowing who you truly are, what will make you truly happy right down to the core. You see money can only bring so much happiness, and it is always flowing - fulfilment is when you're happy as you are with who you are and there is the need to grow, but you have found that thing/someone who makes everything worthwhile. This could be relationships or work… Following your heart - and knowing never to give up! That is what is important… Did you quit too soon only to know that you could of found your treasure if you stuck by your heart and gut instinct. Abundance is all around - pay attention to all you have.. Make good choices that align with who you are. =)

I hope these cards kind of give you a little insight to what’s going on with you - I do try to make the relate to as many people as possible. So thank you for sharing and join me again Saturday for more of the same

For the Month of October i am offering Mini Readings for £15 =) If you would like one of these they are online, worldwide, via paypal to your email.

I am now offering Face to face readings for those that live in the Chelmsford Area £25 For a Reading - and if you would still like the online ones i will be now making some changes and sending you a recording of your reading instead of a written copy (if you would like it written up it does take me 2 hours to do so - so the reading will take longer to arrive and there maybe a small fee)

I aim to get my readings to you within 24 hours of cleared payment depending on workload up to 72 hours.

Enjoy your week x x x

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Astrology October 08 2014

Astrology October 08 2014

Today is the Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon in Aries!!! The first of this Eclipse season has finally begun!!!! <3

Aries as a theme represents War, Self, independence  and looking at our own identification - Because today is going to be about you, how you see your self and how others are seeing you today.

So now that this is a full moon (Eclipse) it really is emotionally lighting up all of the above. With the planet uranus here in Aries as well it is lighting up the new looks and new ways to look at the identification of who you are, what you represent and what you want in your life.

Now all this energy is opposing (which means it is directly opposite causing stress and tension and the need for balance) the Sun in libra with venus there also which is about relationships, looking at your values and what you mirror and what you connect with. Are you connecting with the right energies?

Now there is also a big T square (by this it means when two planets in opposition ↔ {Moon + Uranus ↔ Sun +Venus} both square a third planet in this case ‘’Pluto’’ making the Letter T in the universe - which is a challenging focal point for these planetary energies) to Pluto in Capricorn signifying is your destiny aligning with the right people and energies? Also are you aligning with your destiny? I cannot stress enough but you really need to focus on truth and having the courage to make the adjustments to follow through in to what will open great doors of opportunity and happiness.

This energy today is about going the next round making it simple which comes with having the right people on your team, you got to know what you want and you got to be connected with that destiny.

There is this grand trine (when three planets generally of the same element meet each other to form a triangle this is  harmonious) in fire - Jupiter in Leo about our heart, opening up our passion, really expanding the heart space and looking at things differently , Uranus in Aries looking at our self, the independence and uniqueness and Mars in Sagittarius ready to go and explore and take us on these big powerful journeys. We want the freedom to go with what we want and universe is really ready to blast open the doors, with new directions and new roads.

So Today is the day to gather everything together so we can be ready to move into all this…

We still have this Mercury Retrograde happening in scorpio which is here to give us the depth to understand all these deep things and really cut away from the things that no longer serve us. Scorpio is life and death - and it really is as final with these situations. The decisions will be made and that is it there is no going back later its final - the only way is forwards.

With this Mercury Retrograde, you will be exploring a lot, really going beneath things and really reveal the truth.

It will also pose questions like is it really in your destiny to be with this person? Do you really think that, that energy is right to connect with?

It’s really a time to fly and i know it is not easy. There is a need for us to REALLY know what it is we want, to REALLY know who we are and to make sure we are connecting with that. If you're not doing this that Pluto in Capricorn is gonna bust it all out into the open. Chances like these, this energy does not come around everyday and the decision is now guys & Dolls. It might be hard because whether following for good or not so good thats true to you, there might be a let go & a redirection shift here.

The power of all this is going with what you know you want & the universe will take you where you need to go and you need to trust in that.  

Neptune is in Pisces so it is about trusting and connecting spiritually as spirit will not lead you wrong. They are pulling you towards something and your thoughts and surrounds - PAY ATTENTION!! There are signs here… What is it you are thinking about? what things randomly pop into your head?

The intensity is that there is going to be changes in partnerships, our values and what we truly want. can make you feel like you're being stretched everywhere today. but trust that you're being put in the right place. Allow this excitement to take us on this journey. It’s like we are all being given tickets - but who is on board!?? Who is resisting and who is open? Being honest is so KEY!!

Destiny is really hitting us today and what it is all about! Everything is here ready to go. . .

My advice is to be very very honest!

Tuesday 30 September 2014

September 30th 2014 - Astrology today

Astrology News - September 30th 2014

A very nice easy day today my Loves

Today is a very positive and very happy day. Today is just about new experiences enjoying the simplicity of life. We could be looking a lot at relationships also as well as trying to balance and find harmony.

Things will get very tense in the next four days with the mercury retrograde. So enjoy today, you might notice how certain people are now starting to mirror you. Today we are getting prepared for some bigger things to come.

You should start to see these new relationships starting to develop now in your life also. Relationships will be highlighted today, and later tonight you will see that emotions could rise but you're ready to get back into motion. You could be quite internal tonight in a dark weird energy but just know that positivity is a round s so get of of that darkness because no matter what your thinking the worst will not happen.

A time to just follow your happiness <3 Exciting things are coming in

Monday 29 September 2014

Mystery Cards Revealed- Monday 29/09/14

Mystery Cards Revealed- Monday 29/09/14
Thank you so much for sharing with your friends… Okay so if you have not done already, to never miss out on a free card reading, freebies, one card giveaways - Just hit the like button on my facebook page - scroll down & press ‘’Get Notifications’. Facebook keeps changing the settings Guys- So i am still posting =) Even if you are not receiving! <3

select Left or Right

Now Scroll Down

So if you Chose LEFT you got Guilt & if you opted for RIGHT then you got Self worth

Now the theme is about trusting in your self to experience and to not need to know so much… Experience the feelings and understand why these things keep popping up for you. It is a time for releasing and letting go. Do not hide who you are, how you're feeling it’s time to confront such things, situations and allow it to be in the open which will allow you to move forward. It’s about taking responsibility and not placing blame… The truth will surface and things will start to feel better. (check my astrology from today you will see what i mean- Can be found on my facebook page posted @ 7pm)

Guilt - GUILT- This is a Orange Chakra (Sacral Chakra) it’s about paying attention to all those emotions and feelings, being brave enough to admit some things about how you feel, and not feeling the need to tread on eggshells, because what you feel, you feel that for a reason, you burying it is just going to bring more of it to you - until it overflows and you have to deal with it. So Guilt is a Sacral Chakra, it encompasses our emotions, our feelings, and guilt is being brought to you to give you that ‘’do something about it’’ energy, to give you that action you need to take. It’s the time to tie up loose ends, get out of your mind and get into your feeling body.

Are you feeling bad for something, there is nothing wrong about doing something for yourself, are you giving away your energy to the wrong places/people. Do not feel like you owe someone something, like you have an expectation to fulfil. This is your life, your choices, yes you can listen to advice does that mean you have to take it? The time is to release GUILT - BE honest, state exactly what it is your feeling, wanting, needing… Stop worrying what others will think! Don’t lead people down the garden path if you can not give them what they need - this time is for you…

What is it you desire most? why are you not doing that, following that, stop neglecting your self - you are important - yes you are giving and that is beautiful, and yes you don’t do it to gain - but come on there are people who are taking you for granted and you need to address that, don’t give so much, sacrifice so much - do something for yourself - it’s never to late to chase a dream or find ways to make steps towards them. The people who love you want you to be happy - release guilt do this for you!! you deserve it =)

SELF WORTH -  Another Sacral Chakra Card but this is one on a high note than that of Guilt. (Sacral Chakra) it’s about paying attention to all those emotions and feelings, being brave enough to admit some things about how you feel, and not feeling the need to tread on eggshells, because what you feel, you feel that for a reason, you burying it is just going to bring more of it to you - until it overflows and you have to deal with it. So Guilt is a Sacral Chakra, it encompasses our emotions, our feelings.

How do you see your self? Do you love all you are, are you kind to yourself or do you pick away at yourself so others cannot? Self worth comes from self love. When we love our self completely you will see that all manor of things start to flow into our existence. It is not just that of a positive law of attraction. When you light up in self love you put out your self worth. Do not stand for less than you deserve. Raise your energy and watch so much greatness be drawn to you. I cannot express how much it means for you to love yourself and know your worth. Do not allow others to dictate to you who you are. Know who you are for it is your life and whatever you feel inside is being reflected out to you in reality.

Know who you are, be happy with your self and have faith.

Thank you again for sharing - Cards will be up until Thursday ready for Friday’s cards at 11 am when the new cards go up to choose from - have a beautiful Week <3

Astrology News - September 29th 2014

Astrology News - September 29th 2014

There is a lot kicking off today in Astrology with all this fire energy. Moon is now well and truly in Sagittarius making us open, positive and able to see more and experience more with these doors that are opening.

Exciting things are happening and it can feel as if it is out of nowhere. Mercury went into Scorpio at the weekend which can things really deep as we go within our own inner world. Now today it’s as though the universe is pulling us out of this hole and shows us that there is so much more. Now in on the 4th this Mercury will go retrograde in Scorpio which means it’s getting down, and getting into so deep energy which can allow us to reveal things in relationships especially. Lot of things being revealed in this time and truths coming to the surface.

Some things we are still weighing up, some we are going deeper into and others we are trying it out to see if it can work. Today is about experiencing and really opening up thats where the fire is today. There is this an energy that you don’t need to know what is going to happen here you just have to experience it.

You really need to open up your attitude and not be so dark today. Really turn the light on,not all is lost, you can open up so doors and with Pluto gone direct we are making that next step to step into that next phase in our lives. I just want to emphasise this is not a little step but the next chapter of our life.  It is not going to be a simple time either, it is going to be intense and dramatic time, maybe a tad overwhelming but a positive time nonetheless.

Go with the ride of this energy and if it feels as though it’s not going right it’s probably the universe trying to re route you from your choices to align you with what would be right for you.

Today just experience life, do not allow anything dark to take you over. Today you need to find your courage, there is so much positivity around for you to tap into.  Be emotionally strong and if you're able to step into this energy today things will really be amazing, you will kick some butt.

This is really the beginning of some big things about to take place.

Friday 26 September 2014

Astrology News - September 26th & Weekend 2014

Astrology News - September 26th & Weekend 2014

This are really powerful times, i’m sure you have been noticing in your life the magic that has formed with new big opportunities opening up, new partnerships, the universe is really unveiling new aspects in our heart. With all this fiery energy we can really expect to see some big powerful doors to open.

There is going to be a lot of scorpio energy going on up there bringing it down here, and mixed with this libra energy really expect to go deeper into our self, in the relationships that we are mirroring and see if we are really living & breathing our truth.

This weekend we have to really look at the glue in our life… Is it sticking? Some big decisions that have to come this weekend. It’s about the weighing up but as scorpio comes in he knows what to do with those decisions, what to commit to. I feel like a lot of new directions have formed now with this it’s almost like an unveiling. Now when i say that i feel like there hasn’t been a lot of emotional thought gone into the previous because you're not really seeing where it is all going scorpio will help with this.

So this weekend is really about understanding that depth and unveiling  what these big powerful doors are all about. Be aware to be alert to the signs that are going to come this weekend. This is destiny times - i know that sounds a little or a lot far out there! But honestly things have been shifting for this reason, and we really have to step into our power & our truth.  You should start to see the unveiling of destined moments with  deep deep deep relationships, projects with things your manifesting.

Everything is moving, changing and shifting into the new stories of our life. It’s really like a rewriting of your life because that’s initially what’s going on with the planets and the energies they are wanting us to do this and it is very exciting.

The Main Objective this Weekend is to remain positive know where your life is heading and knowing where your hearts taking you as well as knowing that this new roads and experiences are opening up to teach you some powerful new lessons regarding your happiness, being bold in knowing where you're going.

It’s really about getting to the bottom of things… have those conversations with others and know why you are you are in certain places in your life. Being honest and open to truly understanding, and there is a reason why - That’s because the set up is coming - the big drop!

Now this Libra energy is really about mirroring and so it is trying to get us to start mirroring the right people that reflect that energy on the same level as us. Yes it is about relationships and finding that balance but the balance comes when we reflect back that right energy of our self in others - which will help balance the ego.

So for some it could be that a lot of what is being reflected are the mirrors of your fears, having that kind of being shown in others directed towards us… Saying that it could really reflect showing us our greatness… But showing who we are as an individual - pay attention to how others are reflecting you - look at the people that come into your life, everything is here because it is a reflection/extension of our self. If you don’t like what you see and it is not aligning with what you want change it.

The moon comes into Sagittarius which will give us even more excitement about these doors that have opened… We have the need to reveal why this is all happening, going deeper and only you can really unlock this truth.

The universe is making us dig deeper as we have only scratched the surface <3

Thursday 25 September 2014

Symbolism of Slugs

Symbolism of Slugs

The slug represents letting go & moving slow. The slug teaches us how to pace yourself, using determination, strategy, strength and persistence.  It teaches us to see in times of darkness, when to act and when to withdraw. The slug needs nothing for it is always moving to where the rewards are - counter intuitive & a survivor.

Slug teaches to smoothly move in your surroundings. He shows the art of pacing oneself and focusing on the goal along with determination, strength and persistence. He shows how to move in a slow and steady pace by grounding in attitudes and principles all the while taking small steps toward the goal. Slug teaches the power of letting go of what is not needed. Letting go of harmful thoughts, ideals and emotions, this is how to move forward! It is time to "leave it behind." He also teaches navigational abilities and agility in the dark, unknown and all that is hidden with confidence. Heightened sensitivity to vibrations, the ability to see with clarity and the tactics of reservation and withdrawal when needed. Slug will show when to move and times to rest. There is great power in this timing. Pay attention to your perceptions and senses along with your dreams for they will aid you in the direction you should be going. Slow down and enjoy the moment.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

The New Moon

The New Moon
The New Moon is the start of something new, a new cycle, the seeds are being planted for this next month. Opportunities come about & it’s a time of setting goals. Fresh Energy!! What will you invite in…

Astrology News - September 24th 2014

Astrology News - September 24th 2014

This New moon has really been signaling this excitement for this new start, fresh start, new lease in your life.  New opportunities coming, new places to go, new people to see and it will really put relationships under the knife so to speak.

Are you mirroring the right people in your life, are you being who you truly are  - being honest with yourself. The New Moon in Libra the relationships that are in your life are going to be shown.

If you are looking to be successful in your business for example and you're partnering with someone who hates your idea of business - Then WHY & what are you doing with that person??

Today is a good time for meditation, going deep and send out to the universe the kind of relationships you want in your life, romantic, business, friendships ect… be clear about what energies you want around you - just put it out there, because Libra is all about relationships.

It’s important today to be very clean, by clean i mean energy wise, very high vibrational… Because if you are around a negative person they are mirroring you then you're not going to benefit so much. This energy with libra you will be stuck with a half, so it will affect a relationship in your life, it’s about choosing the right one, mirroring the energy that is on par with you i guess… Libra always draws in another half so it is important to look at your halfs and see what is being mirrored or reflected back to you.

This is a time where we get lots of oomph to step into things the energies are moving forward. But with this pluto energies up there it will really ask you to think, are you truly connecting to things that are really connecting vibrationally with you right, or are you investing your time and energy in a path that is truly mirroring your right self.

This is a time to sort out those details… Are these people really benefiting you in the path your going on is it the right energy inspiring you on?

We all know what we want by now, it’s about looking around us and making sure the right connections are coming in. Relationships is going to play a big part over the coming weeks. The reason being we need to find that perfect relationship, that balanced relationship of Yin & Yang.
We GOT to sort that out because everything we been doing has lead up to this - you know what to do now!

Anything is really possible right now… But Saturn will not allow you to stick to something/connection that is not in your truth. You know where your heading and so it’s about being with the people,making the right connections that will help you get there.

So we all need to get REAL & get HONEST and step forward… Relationships 7 connections are going to play a huge part here… It is about following and finding and connecting with people who really mirror you, not energies that pull you away from who you are.

Enjoy this beautiful NEw Moon Guys! <3

Monday 22 September 2014

The Autumn Equinox

The Autumn Equinox

This is the midpoint when things are in balance, from now on the days get shorter & the Nights get longer… It’s a time of reflection, to look and see all that we have! How much we have reaped from all that we had sown. A time for Family, rest and Gratitude

Thursday 18 September 2014

Astrology News - Thursday 17th September

Astrology Thursday

All lot more comfortable today than yesterdays energy. Things are flowing a lot more today, with stability, will and action with a little pick me up later on.

Lots of fire starting to grow, which in turn will light up a lot in our lives. Exciting new things & opportunities too - to the extent we could feel a little stretched - So advice is to stay within certain limits don’t get to crazy!!

The universe has opened doors so powerfully, that your able to do, explore new areas, things that you have never done before and go into new directions that you have not before. Breaking free & moving forward leaving the troubles in the past.

It’s about your passions and what you want today - there is no need to take every opportunity, just stay within your truth. There is the need to get deep here!

We have been learning to get our life together these past few weeks, re-adjusting things, getting organised and we are starting to get there. AGAIN Make  sure you are following your truth.

A surprise tonight when all the fiery energy kicks in, the love starts to come around, something really exciting is coming our way.

HAppy Thursday to all

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Symbolism of Flies

Symbolism of Flies

Fly indicates that within the next two weeks be prepared for some sudden/quick changes. Things are going to multiply rapidly, prosperity, ventures, projects and the fly teaches us how to act quickly to achieve these results. Keen eyesight & expanding awareness! on another note the lesson lies in the value of carrying our, thoughts, feelings, and emotions in order to act quickly in sometimes unfavourable circumstances.

The Fly teach the ability to greatly multiply prosperity, endeavors and ventures at enormous rates. He shows how to be quick to act and respond to achieve results. Fly aids in demonstrating the power of keen eyesight along with expanding awareness in many directions. Although flies are known for carrying diseases in unfavorable surroundings, the lesson of fly is in the value of carrying your emotions, thoughts and feelings in order to act quickly in sometimes unfavorable or uncomfortable conditions. It takes about two weeks from hatching for new eggs to be laid, likewise, two weeks is significant in one's personal development. Are you ready for quick and abrupt changes? Are you ready to move quickly? Fly will show how to make quick changes for rapid growth.

Saturday 13 September 2014



If you went with the LEFT then you got FORGIVENESS & if you went with RIGHT then you got REJECTION

FORGIVENESS - Is a Third eye Chakra Card, this is saying that you need to trust your feelings, listen to the heart & pay attention to the signs. Follow what your intuition is telling you, it's time to forgive because if you hold on to this for too long you are only wasting time... Trust in yourself to know what is right, forgiveness will set you free to see clearly. It's a time for healing for you. Its about focusing upon the intention of what you want rather than the pain that is preventing you

REJECTION - This is a Crown Chakra Card and it's about knowing what you need to know, you cannot quite explain it, your being pulled, keep thinking about something, something keeps popping into your mind... Signs and everything is pointing in that direction - but you either ignore it or you follow it because it will bring much happiness... But can you over come the fear of rejection? Are you seeking outsiders approval? You should know you are protected during this time and the only thing you need is courage... to follow your heart.

So here we have again a similar energy or theme... Both indicating an inner trust & following the heart, the first is talking about getting out of your own way in term of past hurt, forgive and move forward because when we act in defensiveness out of hurt we can sometimes regret - this one is about trusting in your self to do the right thing, follow your gut & intuition... The other is saying you know what you should do, but your so scared of being rejected or denied that your stopping your self from being truly happy. You know what to do so have courage to do just that, again stepping out of your own way, sometime things don't go as to plan, but are you willing to miss an opportunity this great?

again please give me a thumbs up if your liking these... It motivates me to do more <3

Monday 8 September 2014

The Cards Revealed


If you went with LEFT you got Workaholic if you went with RIGHT You got Forgiveness...

WORKAHOLIC - Is a Throat Chakra Card, this is saying you put your self to work instead of speaking up or acknowledging your emotions... Working will certainly distract but your emotions will come to the surface and take you or someone by surprise. What have you got to loose... Tell them how you feel, although your self to acknowledge and deal with whats going on beneath the surface. Do not allow life, opportunities, choices pass you by... Are you waiting to complete other goals before you confront this?? It may help keep you busy but your also preventing something greater. Take some time for you, to really deal with the situation at hand.

FORGIVENESS - Is a Third eye Chakra Card, this is saying that you need to trust your feelings, listen to the heart & pay attention to the signs. Follow what your intuition is telling you, it's time to forgive because if you hold on to this for too long you are only wasting time... Trust in yourself to know what is right, forgiveness will set you free to see clearly. It's a time for healing for you. Its about focusing upon the intention of what you want rather than the pain that is preventing you

A lot of energy today what will the full moon early hours of the morning Tuesday... A time for awakening, some of you will fight it others will have clear sight...

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