Monday 13 April 2015

Monday's Horoscope April 13 2015 - All Signs of the Zodiac

* * * * Horoscope 13th April 2015 * * * *
Today the Moon is in Aquarius and When you think Aquarius (again i’m being generic and symbolic of the sign your more than just one thing guys) you think detachment and that’s purely because emotions can stop us from getting things done. Aquarius is a rebel as well so you might even see today people being a little indifferent with their approach, and it could swing one or both ways seeing it’s negatively aspecting Jupiter.

This Jupiter aspect is either going to make you feel like you have been wronged in some way, a little bogged down and confused in the sense you just don’t understand why things have happened. Or it can make you feel ecstatic because you really don’t care what anyone else thinks - Aquarius doesn’t care they prize themselves on being different (PS I <3 Aquarius so much). So today your wanting and almost determined to have a great day but you may face obstacles…

Take a leaf out of an Aquarius book - Rebel and enjoy. Just don’t make any hasty decisions or allow yourself to get too wild or out of control because unless your an Aquarius you wont be able to handle the consequences.

What is certain is today you want something New & exciting!! To break free from the Morning schedule.

Now today will bring forth unexpected opportunities and exciting new doors are being opened. Just ensure your walking through the right ones and keeping your eyes open and not just getting carried away. Think long term happiness and you shall not go wrong. Again you have to be looking and applying your self nothing just falls on your lap.

In terms of Love…

Venus is in Gemini now, having a few planets in this sign myself i hope i can shed light on this… As relationship aspects today are a little tense and testing.

Gemini is a sign that needs mental stimulation, this sign gets so bored so quickly and they need to be doing something they enjoy, talking about something that they want to know about or know about as long as it’s interesting. Most of all you want variety and to stay clear of commitment.

Now i’m not saying there are going to be more break ups or the guy or gal your dating will suddenly have a change of heart but for the next month try and keep things fun and exciting and go with the flow of things. Key thing is you need to show you more than just one thing.

Good looks will only get you so far - Although Gemini can be superficial they a fast thinkers and live in their minds

But what not to do is do not allow jealousy to get to you, do not try and control them or your relationship or put any demands because Gemini does not like to be controlled or feel trapped. You might come to find the something unexpected comes up in relationships that throws you off.

My advice is with that Aquarius Moon, to embrace the day as an Aquarius would! They know how to have fun even when the shit hits the fan, they are rebels and they logically look at their emotions as opposed to being in them so today have a break from this crazy emotional ride that we have all been on.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

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