Thursday 16 April 2015

FUN GAME - Thursday's Thought - What do you "NEED" right now?

* * * * Thursday’s Thought * * * *
Every Thursday I will post a New Question for you to think about… Lets see What you all answer

Todays Question

What is it right now in this very moment do you “NEED”?

Not what you desire or want but what is it that you Need. Then ask yourself How can i meet this need, you will find that there is always someone willing to meet this need if it’s not something you can get yourself. Acknowledging your own needs helps you better understand how you feel and when that need is met it changes your entire frequency to a happier one. We then can change our frequency and in turn help someone else.

In Childhood we are often told our needs are not worthy or right…

Here comes the confusion, as children we want things but any good parent should ask their child do they need it? If they say yes ask them why? It is important to understand and help children understand the difference between a Want or a Need without telling them which is which.

For example a Child who is scared to sleep alone “wants” to sleep with mom or dad. You could argue is this a Want or a Need… The child is often told NO With little to some explanation of why that is. The child then Suppresses this feeling of being scared because it is deemed to be wrong. It would be far easier to treat the child as a child instead of upsetting him or her find ways to compromise or understanding why they are scared in the first place.

So we suppress what we want. This is not healthy for us, it feels good to have our Needs met as much as it is to help others obtain their Needs. Thats the beauty the people around you are able to fulfil your needs you just have to extend the olive branch out. Those that want to help come closer and those that do not move away…. In turn its a win win for you because you now are surrounded with the people that will bring you happiness and you can give back to those who are truly deserving.

Happy Thursday all… Please do comment below lets see if we can all help each other meet our needs =)

Thursday's Horoscope April 16 2015 - All Signs of the Zodiac

* * * * Horoscope 16th April 2015 * * * *
Today the Moon is in Pisces and will move into Aries around 11pm tonight. It is still conjunct with Chiron. When there is a conjunction it simply just combines and mixes the energies of both all together making it more potent.

In this case what i think will be happening internally is that sudden truth is still coming to light, it will be to do with an old emotional wound but nonetheless it is essential to release these emotions and feelings that you have been holding on to. Now i don’t feel that this will be easy but it will be far more so than yesterday you so still need to accept and allow yourself to move through this.

Now what usually happens as we all human and most of us are wired the same way is in order to move past we jump into something prematurely. Don’t feel that you have to take the first option that comes your way, because you have many, many choices and you need to look at which one will make you the happiest long term.

Now what i see is we are not looking at all the options in fact to a degree we are leaving the last sign in the Zodiac now, and moving onto the first so this is symbolic of letting go, putting something to an end and moving into this fresh new energy.
What is different about today that was not like yesterday is on Saturday we have a New Moon, even more so adding to this… We have today Pluto stopping getting ready to go retrograde as as well.

A Pluto Retrograde is like other retrogrades, but Pluto symbolises great changes and transformations and as you know now a retrograde is an internal state. So for the next 6 months we will be looking at the previous 6 months gone, looking at all the changes we have made and how they got us here… When we jump back in 6 months time we will be ready to correct or change something once again… But this next 6 months is a reflective one, one that looks at things that had ended.

Believe me this is going to be powerful stuff we had a lot of major influences what with Saturn and the Pluto/Uranus Square… Could even bring up some destiny type stuff.

I think with love we are having to grow up somewhat, take some responsibility and to stop with the games but at the very same time we want variety, excitement and mental stimulation.

Mercury now in Taurus means we are making a plan of action and our logical mind our intellectual mind can help us move things along in the right way but again i say ensure it’s going in the right direction and in the direction of true happiness. Taurus is ruled by Venus as such ensure that your thought are your own and coming from a place of heart. I think it really will be looking at the action your taking to get to where you want to be and get everything that you want. Changes are here, but we shouldn’t really be making them right now not until we are certain.

So yet again the universe wants us to plunge into the past and really take some responsibility and correct something to make it right. I think here things have ended but Pluto will transform you before you make anymore changes. It wants you to already look at what you have changed and reflect back.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Wednesday Horoscope April 15 2015 - All Signs of the Zodiac

* * * * Horoscope 15th April 2015 * * * *
Today the Moon is in Pisces and is conjunct with both Chiron and Neptune. When there is a conjunction it simply just combines and mixes the energies of both all together making it more potent.

In this case what i think will be happening internally is a sudden truth coming to light, it will be to do with an old emotional wound but nonetheless it is essential to release these emotions and feelings that you have been holding on to. Now i don’t feel that this will be easy and it may cause some tension or stress with your own ego but you need to accept and allow yourself to move through this.

Now what usually happens as we all human and most of us are wired the same way is in order to move past we jump into something prematurely. Don’t feel that you have to take the first option that comes your way, because you have many, many choices and you need to look at which one will make you the happiest long term.

The reason i think most of us will jump without thinking is because Gemini wants to sample and it’s a very scattered energy that gets bored and this restlessness your feeling is just the transition period. This is where Venus the planet of Love is. With a Mars in Taurus it is trying to get you to think things through and usually Taurus is never quick to get into things but just ensure your thinking ahead at the same time - if that makes any sense?

I think with love we are having to grow up somewhat, take some responsibility and to stop with the games but at the very same time we want variety, excitement and mental stimulation.

Mercury now Moving into Taurus means we are able to start planning ahead and our logical mind our intellectual mind can help us move things along in the right way but again i say ensure it’s going in the right direction and in the direction of true happiness.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Monday 13 April 2015

Tuesday's Horoscope April 14 2015 - All Sun Signs

* * * * Horoscope 14th April 2015 * * * *
Today the Moon will finish up in Aquarius and by 10pm Tonight move into Pisces. Now we are currently making our way to a New Moon on the 18th, but currently what our emotions/emotional response to things is to clear out and look at what is no longer working, and figure out what we need to do to get on track.

The Moon will adversely aspect Venus which is all about relationships and Saturn which is our lessons and tests and the need to take responsibility. Here we are having to make hard choices when it comes to the heart.

Now let me just say Gemini is a easy breezy Sign, it doesn’t want commitment and it needs variety to feel happy or it gets bored… You may not necessarily be feeling like this and so is no reason to make harsh, rash decisions especially when the Moon is in Aquarius which is very detached and only see’s things logically, we all know love, relationships they are not rational and the heart always leads to happiness so no hasty moves today guys… PLEASE!!

Now it’s a time where we can be a little more cranky or frustrated we just want to be single and mingle. . . But do you really? I think what’s going on is simply just us taking things to heart and not understanding. What today is good for is talking and getting to understand if only you give it that shot.

Again my advice is make sure you understand and are seeing things clearly, it’s easy with a lot of Air in the chart today to get lost in your own minds… Be sure to separate fact from something your mind is cooking up. Talk and get things out in the open, but in a easy going way it’s easy for there to be misunderstanding because we are all a little clouded and thinking one thing then before you know it another…

Make No decisions at least no major ones!

Just lot of mind action going on today… But by later tonight Pisces should turn on your intuition and give you a little clarity or an escape for a short while. For those on the flip side it can let your imagination run wild so maybe try taking a nice luxurious bath before bed or watching a favourite movie this will take you into Wednesday feeling good.

Pisces will help you dive deeper into this matter and you might have a change of heart also pay attention to your dreams - they will mean something tonight.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks