Friday 27 February 2015

Friday's Horoscope 27 February 2015 - All Signs

* * * * Horoscope 27 February 2015 * * * *

Moon in Cancer can make us a little crabby, some would say just a little sensitive to things today. Cancer Moon is a great place the Moon likes to be in Cancer but what with everything else going on it can make some of us feel a little uneasy, not really used to riding the waves of emotion.

I think we all want nothing more than to just peace out, relax, curl up and have some down time but there are things we need to sieve through as we make our way into the weekend.

First thing which i think we will all be experiencing a bit of is relationship stress and tensions. Things are becoming a little tense with relationships and you might start to see old relationship patterns resurfacing in new ones, not to be alarmed the universe needs you to get some closure to learn something.

This could bring people from the past back - not for good maybe temporarily, but there is a need to acknowledge what is coming up for you. I think your mind is reflecting back because there is something left unsaid, undone and there is a need to do something about this. But as i said yesterday what with this south node on uranus, venus & Mars it’s the end of something and the beginning of something powerful.

With Mars here also i think it really needs you to take some action… You need it for your own peace of mind. It’s time you face things or forever allow it to plague your mind.

There could also be arguments in relationships today what with this Mars/Venus negatively aspecting the moon. There is a need to get straight how you feel, maybe there is a little too much one sidedness going on and maybe you don’t feel the same as the other person, and vice versa… A need to let go and not feel the need to force things but find ways to understand.

Something will be exposed and it’s needed that you express your self but try not to overreact. Get out of your own way and stop with the control and find new ways to express and talk things out.

Illuminating and discovering something and doing something about it if your not so stubborn and retreat away from doing the right thing.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Thursday 26 February 2015

All About Pisces...

* * * Signs of the Zodiac * * *

I’d Just like to add that this is just my interpretation of what it means to be a Sun Sign Pisces or Pisces Ascendant . Please take into consideration that you as a person are much more than just this one sign… The Moon Sign will add another layer of you, as will Venus, Mars and Mercury - Astrology is deep and complex and all the Planets, Signs and aspects help you better know yourself, understand things and help guide you  - but for that you will need to know your Time & Place of Birth. For now my Vloging/Blogging will focus on the surface layer of the collective - So please Subscribe as I give you my insight into the 12 Signs of the Zodiac - Go on hit that button!!

Pisces Sun Sign, Ascendant/Rising Sign

Okay Pisces Ascendant, Risings and Sun Sign Pisces your ruled by Neptune the planet of Spirituality, vision, illusion, imagination and creativity, you rule over the Twelfth house of all things hidden, subconscious and deepest parts of yourself and you rule over the Feet.

To be an Pisces you would have to be born on and in between February 19th/20th - March 19th/20th

How to tell if your dealing with a Pisces…

Firstly this is the hardest sign to talk about because it’s my sign, and when people ask me what Pisces are like i usually say like me  - Now that would be a short video/Blog/Vlog haha. A thing you will learn about a Pisces is they are not usually ones to talk about themselves they rather Listen.

Here I go…

Pisces being the deepest Sign of all signs, the sign that has a little of all the other signs embedded within them - they are the old soul the wise one.

These people are the Ocean, the Sea, the lake, the river and the Stream…  The thing about being water, (and different from the other two water signs) is you only get to see a small portion of these people as they cannot live outside of water for long. Most people live without fully knowing the depth of a Pisces.

Another thing to know about a Pisces is they hide who they are or how they feel behind a big smile they are masters of deception because they don’t want people to feel sorry for them, but they do want to feel safe and protected in their surroundings.

You will rarely see a Pisces lose their cool, imagine throwing a pebble across a lake… The rippling effect soon fades and becomes calm again. Pisces are never down for long, at least they portray the image of not being hurt by the pebble that you threw, but it will linger there on the depth and a Pisces won’t forget it. Pisces people are changeable and adapt well to change, their moods like a cancer can be up and down although these people are less likely to show it and paint a smile on instead.

Pisces are natural Psychics especially if you have a lot of Neptune in your chart - Like me =). Pisces if they have a feeling something is going to happen it usually does they are insanely perceptive.

Now another thing about a Pisces is that duality that they have going on like the Gemini, they are quick on the mark but not like a gemini at the same time, yes they can be quick witted like one but they are not torn with wanting two different things at the same time. A Pisces duality comes in the sense of swimming up or swimming down at the end of the day Pisces are here to serve and that requires swimming against the current as opposed to doing what’s easy or comfortable.

To add yes a lot of what you hear is that Pisces are Alcoholics, druggies or hibbies without the energy to do much… I think what is true for a Pisces is that we are escapist, be that what it is for you, day dreaming, movies, partying, drugs, alcohol… A Pisces needs to create to do something with their life, and yet some pisces get consumed by other peoples emotions they take them on and go with the flow (swim down) instead of swim against what others want of us.

Pisces are empathetic and compassionate people with the most sensitive of hearts. They are lovers of animals, plants, nature and all living things… However we are ones to also take on how others feel and this can drain us and make us unhappy without us even realising what’s happening or why we feel a certain way - deeply affected by the harsh stuff of this world.

Now i’m not saying all Pisces are damsels in distress or weak men/women not at all we being ruled by the feminine Planet Neptune means we create the illusion of what others want of us. Which makes us good partners because we are able to make men feel like men, we are good at being and accommodating and serving people and this works to our advantage to.

What i’ll say about the Male Pisces, it’s takes a while to get comfortable about expressing your inner most feelings, in fact your the one to crack a joke and mask how you feel yet you do have a softness about you. Can be a little forgetful with important dates if your Moon/Mercury are afflicted.

Your just as deep as a Pisces woman and you know how to treat your lady. Talking of women you want a woman and your less inclined to want to date a woman who doesn’t let you be a man. Pisces men are very Ambitious.

Pisces are mysterious and magnetic, people are drawn to Pisces as they are natural healers, they are great listeners, they give good advice and are always on hand to help those in need (never say no). Pisces are deeply intuitive that you might not even need to say how you feel a Pisces just knows and a Pisces is the least judgmental sign of the Zodiac and what they love most about others are their perfect imperfections.

They are known to be easy going, give off relaxing, chilled vibes but don’t forget the duality within them they get bored easily so they need stimulation of some kind.

Pisces are deep and believe in connection, they can be quiet and be soft spoken. Pisces and again people with a lot of Neptune in their charts or water will be easily seen by their clear complexion and liquid eyes. Small hands/Feet usually danity small or petite but always very feminine. Men can have the opposite of that huge feet/hands.

Being ruled by Neptune there is always some sort of quirkiness with a Pisces, you are both familiar to others yet have something very unique about you. Neptune creates this mist of mysticism around you and other people are always drawn to you for some reason or another. But Pisces will be oblivious to it.

Okay So Pisces are intuitive, deep, psychic and there is way more to them than meets the eye. They are both Compassionate and passionate people.
These people are adaptable and chameleon like always able to be what’s needed and they have a way of relating and understanding everyone.

Something else that a Pisces needs is Space, they hate to be cling on to and loves to have their own time to retreat and be by themselves even though they can be highly social.

A Pisces is rarely superficial and regards people for their inner beauty before there physical beauty they see through people and are a good judge of character.

They are people who strive to do the things they love as opposed to a job they hate and it often works to their advantage as all things point to love. They want to live like a millionaire but not have the money of one.

Rather a job they love than doing it for the money

The Negative side to a Pisces

They can be hard on themselves, and people can put expectations or strains on them and they end up taking on too much because they care too much and this causes them to snap, burn out or causes them feel insanely stressed and take it out on others.

A Pisces never asks for help, they try and do everything themselves and sometimes they need to allow others to lend a hand… I think it’s because they feel they are burdening others and they want to appear like they got it all under control.

Pisces also don’t express how they feel, at least not straight away they need time to process and this annoys the crap out of people - because you never know what’s going on beneath the surface.

These people are incredibly indecisive to the point they see the best out of all the options they would like to say yes to all - so usually they expect others to choose because they rather do what others want to do or eat where you want to eat as they care more about others than themselves.

These people suffer hugely with Melancholy - It comes and goes throughout their entire life. Emotionally sensitive although not always usually people don’t fully understand. I think it’s there waiting for things to be perfect…. Leading on to their unrealistic expectations in relationships. They give a lot and when and if they feel it’s not being as deeply given back they can become … ya know!

They at times are known to be lazy alsoNeurotic worriers they need to understand everything and if they can’t they become anxious.

Famous Pisces

Albert Einstein, Will i am, Kesha, Adam Levine, Jensen Ackles, Rihanna, Carrie Underwood,  Dr Seuss, Tony Robbins, Peaches Geldof (share my birthday), Lee Evans, Queen Latifah, Dakota fanning, drew barrymore, Britney snow, Elizabeth taylor, Jennifer love hewitt,  Jon Bon Jovi, Kurt Cobain, Christina Grimmie,

Jobs for a Pisces

Spiritual Teacher, Addicts Counselor, Psychic, Astrology, Tarot Reader, Bartender, Anything to do with Travel, Sea, marine biologist, working with Animals, helping people in need, nurse,

If your a Pisces, know a Pisces or dating a Pisces please give this a thumbs up, share with fellow Pisces people and leave me a comment below letting me know how i did below.

Many thanks

Horoscope Thursday 26 February 2015 - ALL SIGNS

* * * * Horoscope 26 February 2015 * * * *

Okay so we have the continue on of Gemini Moon which much like yesterday can kind of stimulate the mind and the want to keep busy or active yet at the same time there is a lot going on with needing to see things clearly.

Over the course of 6 weeks or so there will be some powerful things taking place. We will have our FINAL Uranus/Pluto Square on top of that there will be a full Moon followed by an Eclipse which will highlight it! POWERFUL!!

What does this mean you ask…. Well being as the South Node of the Moon is with all these planets in Fire, to be more specific Aries the Sign of impulsiveness, selfishness and looking at our self… We have all here at the same time Mars (god of war) Venus (goddess of Love) and we have Uranus (Change).

I think this here marks the breaking of old karmic relationships, breaking free, and sometimes suddenly the end of relationships, habits or anything that we no longer need in our life. What’s happening is we are seeding for what we truly want, we are seeding what will help us in this life in the long term and for that comes the clearing of all the old.

I’m not saying any of this to frighten anyone, it will be powerful and it will affect everyone on some level… What’s coming will be something that will last out the rest of our lives it’s huge and there is positivity here - if we can let go of the past and those karmic ties.

I think we need to look at the bigger picture what will make us happiest long term… this window of opportunity is closing and the doors are being push open and we are being forced through them. ITS A GOOD THING

For those still in the dating game right now… what we see is that you could be confusing intensity with desire and need with love… This means your thinking you desire it or love it but in actual fact your confusing yourself because there are things surfacing and you need those needs to be met only you could be placing it on or into someone else without actually attaching of feeling the emotion.

I think this is the start of the transition of the new lives we are creating for ourselves.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Horoscope for Wednesday 25 February 2015

* * * * Horoscope 25 February 2015 * * * *

Today we do still have the Moon in Gemini which can make the best of people if you're not an Air sign or have a Moon in Air really quite all over the place today.

A Gemini Moon thinks a 1000 things every minute, it’s frantic and well today love, relationships, passion and desire are all on your mind there is something that is trying to get your attention.

I think today will be exciting and intense in the best of ways but there is a need to overcome a fear or to find courage to believe in yourself to make a move or take a chance. The Moon (emotions) will square (cause friction/stress/tension) to the Sun/Neptune and Saturn.

This here means that there is something powerful that could happen if you take the chance to do something about it but the energy is a tad nervous, as soon as you talk yourself into something your just as quickly talking yourself out of it. But there will be lots of talk, talking and fast paced energy today.

Things could happen out of the blue for sure…

Big karmic lessons for all to learn from and remember with Relationships so positively aspected it’s a good day to move things ahead now… But ensure it’s with the right one, you should know already but i think that there is this wanting for something new, but there is Neptune guiding us and reminding us of someone. Believe in what you know don’t fight it.

A BIG Message from the universe pay attention stop getting distracted!!

We have the Sun and Neptune combining today and i think this is asking you to trust in what you know within yourself. I feel like emotions might get in the way or put doubts in your mind where you want physical facts/reassurance before making a move on things/relationships and today your not going to be given those facts but you need to act on what you know/believe… If you want it you can have it but are you to scared to go get what it is that you want?

Some powerful, unusual, exciting and new energy that gets us to jump out of our comfort zone today. Opportunities are all around if only we are open to seeing them. Maybe you need to believe more but know that unexpected things happen when you take unexpected action.

ENJOY this amazing day

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks