Showing posts with label Birth chart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birth chart. Show all posts

Tuesday 25 June 2019

NEPTUNE RX 🔮 JUNE 22 - NOVEMBER 26, 2019 // AskaLittleWitch

JUNE 22 - NOVEMBER 26, 2019
copyrighted 2019 © 

Work your magick to manifest your dreams...

Neptune is the planet of magic, mystery, illusion, spirituality and dreams, this planet spends a little under half the year in retrograde. When a planet is in retrograde, we can tend to feel it more internally and personally, after all, anything created in this life comes from the idea of having thought it first. 

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" - Einstein.

Neptune rules over the Zodiac sign of Pisces and will hold influence to the house that it transit's (currently in the sign of Pisces) and the place you find Pisces in your astrological birth chart. 

What does Neptune do in Astrology?

The purpose of Neptune in a chart is to point you in the direction to manifest what you dream of most. 
It's the muse, inspired action and inspiration. It's a deep and unconditional love. Neptune is how the divine, Spirit or God speaks to you, and it's a place for you to go to feel closer to the spiritual realm, the unknown to the point where you manifest.

Neptune Represents… 
Neptune is the Ocean, the great unknown just like the Ocean, the true essence of all it is and has to offer has yet to be discovered in its entirety. Neptune is like Magic, Magic is energy and energy is neither good or bad, it just is, and it's up to you with how you use this energy, and the intention will determine if it's for good or for bad. 

> Dreams > movies > dance > theatre > creativity > Sci-fi > fantasy > water > feet > Spirituality > meditation > healing > photography > Social media > filters > Ocean > water > mystery > paranormal > Spirits > escapism > drugs > alcohol > addictions > Inspiration > Universal Love > animals > Music > Relaxation > faith > Illusion > confusion > weather > Rain > Ice > Fog > Fantasy > Intuition >

The Affect of Neptune Retrograde…
Think of Neptune like the Ocean, conceptually you know that water surrounds the earth, you know we need water to cleanse, to heal and to survive. The Ocean is free, it takes the shape of whatever you pour it into, and so has no shape. Neptune is water and water is transparent as is Spirit, it's emotion, the things we feel and yet cannot see.

Let's say you go swimming, you feel the water around you, it supports you, it makes you feel weightless in a way, floating like how you would imagine as a child to float upon a cloud. 

Now imagine you're scuba diving in the Ocean, you see things that on the surface you had no idea was there before… You might imagine that there's fish for example, but you don't know for sure, the Ocean is another world and fish don't stay stagnant, they move, everything under the sea is changing and in motion. This is Neptune Rx the ability to see what you couldn't before, everything is closer, more real and clarity is almost given. It can be a time where a vision or inspired action begins the creation process. 

Neptune Rx is seeing the magic unfold around you. It's the secrets and mysteries being brought to the surface. It's Spirit visiting you in your dreams, it's just closer to our physical realm. 

During a Neptune Rx, your dream comes into focus as your muse/guide/angel begins to whisper in your ear to inspire you in a greater way. 

Things you may experience...

> You will feel more inspired (if natally you have Neptune direct in your birth chart)
> You can improve any sort of creative work, anyone in the entertainment industry can get guided opportunities for theatre, movies, music, dance etc. It's the rehearsal period for London's west-end shows.
> You can have profound spiritual experiences, mediation comes a little easier, you might be more interested in the unknown, spirituality, ghosts, paranormal, yoga, sci-fi/fantasy books, movies during this time 
> Self-help, alternative forms of healing like reiki, acupuncture, you might even gain a lot from seeing a therapist during this time. You can find solutions to health-related issues. 

Interesting fact for you… 
Most scary movies come out when Neptune is Rx, the fear gets real during this time because we feel the spiritual realms closer. You might think that it should be during a Pluto transit, but Neptune rules the movies and is almost always involved when it comes to the success of a film. Also, we can find it easier to fall into a movie, escape and get sucked into the story meaning successful for those who make the movie.

I know for me personally I am most inspired and active during this time, but then again I am a very Neptunian person.

Final note!
Use this time to manifest, create and listen to what you know inside. Remember if Neptune is Magic then why not use it to aid you as oppose to manifest the more negative aspects. 

Astro Readings can be purchased >>> Here <<<

Wednesday 9 December 2015

♓ Advice to a Younger Pisces ♓

Advice to a Younger Pisces
Sun, Air (Gemini/Aquarius/Libra) Moon, Mercury/Venus in Pisces

I have been engaging with a fellow Pisces, Gemini Moon, Venus/Mercury in Pisces... This is my advice to a 21-year-old having been there myself! In regards to matters of the heart!

Well, I shall be 27 in March and I know exactly myself at that age I would always run away haha... I've dated a lot but only been in love once in my life and of course as all ending are, it was painful being a Pisces with so much water in my chart my emotions often consume me I was beside myself for a long time... But I have come realise I have learnt so much more having loved and lost, in fact, I have learnt so much more not having him that It somehow makes it okay.

I still run haha it's a Pisces trait for sure, Especially this day in age where things are so replaceable to so many people -there are too many options and I like to be someone's number one choice and being as I'm attracted to Aquarius the most - I'm probably doomed haha - Just kidding!

I think the trick is to breathe and ask questions... I have learnt through the years that becoming aware and never doubting my intuition it has never and will never lead me down a wrong path... And If you too have these placements It will never allow you to either. But life is about expanding and growing and so we must experience all - including hurt as it shows us and reminds us of what is real. If you are starting to talk yourself out of something- ask yourself is this worth the risk/do i truly want this and the initial response or feeling is what you should take into action... If even for a split second it was/is a yes - give it a whirl..

People come into our life for many reasons! You must figure out why before you dismiss it and runaway or in a Pisces life - Swim to a place people cannot reach.

I have lots to still learn - Saturn, Neptune and Uranus conjunct in the 7th... I'm not going to ever settle for less than what i desire - Venus in Pisces! haha =)

I think with time you become who you are suppose to become! and the choices you make up until then shape it - So your life is always in your own hands. =)

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Sunday 19 July 2015

venus in Aries or an Aries in Love

Venus in Aries

Venus in Aries or a Aries  in Love

Venus is the Planet of Love, beauty and relationships in a Man’s chart it can point to what they look for in a lover/wife. So when your looking at Love in the sign of Aries you should know that Aries Love's strong, direct and confident partners.

❝This is a sexy, upfront, works what they have and goes for it type of lover, fierce, forceful, in charge, take charge, quick passion but highly driven… ❞ -Ask a Little Witch

Love for a Venus in Aries is that they need a take charge or sometimes these people like to take control, but they need someone who is competitive, strong, ballsy, confident and loud or someone who thinks for themselves.

These people are more than likely going to be attracted to active, sporty, fiery, feisty people. Someone who will challenge them in many ways. Now these people will not tolerate weakness that is a non desirable for them, they are also not fond of the over emotional types either but does depend on other placements… They need a partner who will take the lead or at least be a leader, someone bold, out there, maybe even a tad spontaneous just goes after what they want a real striver.

They need bluntness, openness, directness, clear sighted, forthright types they don’t like mind games especially those that they can’t win. However these people are impatient and like things in a certain way.

What i will say is that these people are very attractive they take a lot of attention they love attention and so when we a thinking romance they are usually loyal however they go through a lot of relationships. It’s a fire sign ruled by Mars so it has these bursts of energy, when it’s not fun anymore they move on to something new.

They need spontaneous partners, ones that will make them feel important, funny and different people is what they need or the flame will burn out. They need entertaining also and they have there own life so do not expect this sign to be all on you all the time it will kind of jump in between so it’s important your okay with the spontaneous outbursts. On you one minute then away the next - they also love a heated arguement!

These people at the same time are fearless lovers, you have Venus/Mars merging, they have no fear when it comes to love they move passed it quickly, if they like you then your going to know they don’t pretend they lack the mysterious qualities in relationships it’s very clear very upfront.

If your a woman then your going to be attracted to a fire sign type, a bold, manly man, strong, forceful, gets stuff done type. If your a guy then your going to want a woman who is fierce, bold, in control, thinks for herself, driven, independent and direct.

These Venus in Aries people are the doers… They want a partnership based off of doing things, experiencing stuff it’s a fire sign so they need to keep things fun and enjoyable… They are not the lover who bases love off of emotion and deep connection.

These people are sexy as hell, passionate, ballsy, direct, independant and damn strong! In some ways i guess you can say it’s magnetic due to the refreshing no worries positive attitude these people have but it’s not ruled by Pluto so it’s more clear about what your attracted to as opposed to mysterious you can’t put your finger on it Scorpio in Venus.

Celebrities with this Placement

Marilyn Monroe, George Clooney, Lady Gaga, Jennifer Aniston, Shakira, Rihanna, Mariah Carey, Audrey Hepburn, Jack Nicholson, Robert Downey Jr, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Sarah Jessica Parker, Johnny Cash, Pharrell Williams, Christina Ricci,

Thanks so much for taking the time to read my two cents on Venus in Aries and if you are a Venus in Aries then stand proud your Sexy and you know it!

Sunday 28 June 2015

Venus in Sagittarius or a Sagittarius in Love

Venus in Sagittarius

Venus in Sagittarius or a Sagittarius  in Love

Venus is the Planet of Love, beauty and relationships in a Man’s chart it can point to what they look for in a lover/wife. So when your looking at Love in the sign of Sagittarius you should know that Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter as such is expansive, always moving, growing and naturally rules over the 9th house meaning the Love for travel and adventure.

A Venus in Sagittarius person is attracted to those in which can teach them a thing or two. They would also be attracted to someone is exciting, someone who has adventure written all over them because they too Love to explore.

Being with a Venus in Sagittarius would never be a dull kind of Love experience… They want to push forward, see new things, try new things, they need to be enjoying it and if they are not they best be learning some hard lessons to make it worth it. They Value lessons and are ones who make life experience life lessons.

They will be attracted to the open minded lover, they need their minds to be blown away and intern they are quite physical people. They Love passion and intense sexual experiences. Different from a Venus in Aquarius but each bit as kinky but not in the same way as an Aquarius. I think Sagittarius is more playful in a fun way where the Aquarius is more experimentive.

Sagittarius is an explorer and so will not do well being told what to do, they are a fire sign after all, so they value their own independence and they want someone who will expand their knowledge, their views, out looks and horizons in life.

Venus in Sagittarius are funny people! At least the ones I know they have a way of laughing at life they see things from a broader perspective. They see things differently because of that they are able to move on quickly - they know when it’s over “it’s just not meant to be”. They have such a positive outlook on life even if they have gone through tough times. These people will not stay in dysfunctional relationships they want freedom to be who it is they always wanted to be.

You might find it hard to pin a Sagittarius down as in to get them to commit… They do not want to be caged in or smothered, they want fun adventure and lots and lots of laughter… they kind of become besties with their partner in crime.
They are ambitious determined Lovers who will make you laugh all the way through life. Just give them space to spread their wings and keep things fresh, free, fun and flighty to keep these Lovers happy.

Celebrities with this Placement

Christina Aguilera, Katy Perry, Alyssa Milano, Nicki Minaj, Jake Gyllenhaal, Ryan Reynolds, Aaliyah, Kim Basinger, Nina Dobrev, Rita Ora, Samuel L Jackson,