Friday 12 September 2014

Fridays Cards! Left or Right Your Choice

So what card did you pick tonight?? LEFT - Destiny & RIGHT - Miracle 

It's funny to see that these two cards have come up again - From what i know astrologically there is this pull in the universe, and it's pulling us towards something that we are supposed to be doing, or someone we are supposed to meet... There has been a lot of upset the past few weeks but i feel it was important to get us clear about all we want in our life, be honest with our self & deal with it. There is this air of passion around today, listening to our hearts and going after what we want.You will know what to do - pay attention to your emotions.

Destiny - I feel like the energy from this card is powerful, like i always say we are being guided through our life, spirit is always with us... This is a perfect example of this - Something has brought about some synchronicity and something that was supposed to happen will indeed happen this weekend. It's also a card that reminds us that the answers we seek are within, and that we should not question our gut instinct... You have a vision of how you want your life to be, and sometimes we become inflexible in how we want it to happen.. IT's asking you to take a risk, is this how you want your life to be, if i's not then take a risk, you may have to sacrifice something in order to get what it is you really want. Sometimes it's important to remember that in love you are better together than alone, you can accomplish so much more. KEYWORDS: True love, taking a stand, positive omen, radical thinking, deep satisfaction and the ability to change.

Miracle - So yes something amazing is going to take place with this card... It's a card of joy and maybe something unexpected taking place - a little surprise. But are you ready to allow it in? Do you let someone in or do you pretend not to see them? You cannot shut out pain without shutting our pleasure... Then come as a pair, just as you cannot really know joy without feeling sadness. This card asks you to think of this... Know and trust that you know what feels authentic and go with it. You will of come from a place of being scattered and now find your self become whole and undivided. You will be required to be honest and to stand by your morals - Something amazing is going to happen, big or small, material or internal there will be a positive shift.

If you found these relevant to you please give me a like or thumbs up even a comment - it makes my day <3

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