Showing posts with label believe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label believe. Show all posts

Thursday 20 October 2016

A Notion on Love... "But we were supposed to be together?"

A notion of Love found and love lost

- True love never leaves!

It’s true what they say, that nobody can take away the past, what you had with someone, the memories, the moments, they are yours and forever always will be for as long as you remember them.

I guess we all meet that one person in our life that takes a piece of you when it’s all said and over, they imprint you, mark you and perhaps even change you… But it is important to not lose the time that we have for the time that we had.

For a long time, I spent holding on to what was, scared of what could be if I was to open that part of myself to another - Love is about trust and vulnerability, and we often find ourselves questioning, finding yourself comparing everyone to that one.

It’s not fair to put that level of expectation on to anyone,  to always be doubting, surely to be who they are and have that be enough should be enough. Who knows you may be surprised with what that rare person could bring you because everyone we know right now is serving some form of a purpose - To teach us something, to show us what we want, don’t want, to see or discover something ect.

Yes, it’s true that things end, things are taken from you and things change but it is important that we allow things to be as they are instead of forcing them into what we want them to be.

You will always have those moments, they are yours ingrained deeply and with every memory you can be reminded of how you and they once burned bright… But note that when that fire goes out don’t wait forever to allow someone new to make you feel even a fraction of how they did or do.

Holding onto something or someone that is no longer here and present with you is only you, standing in the way of your own happiness, the happiness that you deserve... What if the person that you're supposed to be with has just not found their way to you yet? What if that something had to end to shape a series of events to bring you together. If something ended or someone walked away from you, they are not a part of your future, but just a reflection or a fragment of a memory that will last but only a moment in comparison because what you will create, which will last a lifetime.

Because I guarantee that with every step forward the best will always be the very best to come. Be open to surprise, to truth and to the love that never leaves you but grows alongside you.

The ones that have faith in all that you do, the ones that are not only there for the good times, but the ones that can make everything okay when things get tough. The best friends, the boyfriends, the girlfriends, the brothers and the sister, people who see you, cherish you, inspire you and will always be there for you, not the drive byes and the for the moment types.

In a world full of superficiality my wish for you is to find the truest form of love there is, and for you to be fully open to receiving it. Because Love is not rational, it makes no real sense, it’s a chemical reaction, a feeling, a knowing, and that right there is something that not many people ever get to experience - embrace and follow that feeling, that feeling that lights you up and I’m not just talking about romantic love, but friendships and the tribe you vibe with.
So many of us play it safe, stay inside the lines, conceal our truest thoughts and feelings - not many of us can be honest with others let alone ourselves… & Some hide, some are so scared of what could be that they never get up and do it or see how or what it could be.

Be honest today, and allow your over thinking mind to take the day off, step into your heart space and truly see for the first time.

Friday 10 October 2014

Mystery Cards - Friday 10 October 2014

Mystery Cards - Friday 10 October 2014

Thank you so much for sharing with your friends… Okay so if you have not done so already, and to never miss out on a free card reading, freebies, one card giveaways - Just hit the like button on my facebook page -It will drop down just select & press ‘’Get Notifications’. Facebook keeps changing the settings Guys- So i am still posting, giving away you just need to hit the ‘’get notifications’’ to have it come up on your news-feed  <3

If you have not already please check out my Astrology for today this will add a little extra to what’s going on. Posted at 7 pm.

Left or Right
then Scroll Down

These card to add a little background theme to them i would say is about finding Acceptance for where your at. This Energy is about accepting and knowing that everything you have chosen has lead you to here. Now these can be both positive and negative, but i feel that even the negative has the capability to be turned around and seen positively. You need to see who you are at your core. Know your talents and skills and not to be modest but to be powerfully strong. This is all about self love and self acceptance - Believe in who you are make amends and have courage to grow and step forward into the unknown.

Okay so if you opted for Left you got Quest and if you was drawn to the right side then you got Expansion.

Quest - This is a throat Chakra card, and yes it fits beautifully within the energy of today and the coming days ahead. It’s saying you need to be honest with yourself, get deep & speak your truth - stop lying to yourself… you know what you need to do and with this card i feel you are ready for it and all it will bring. This card is saying do you feel you need to be somewhere else and then you will be happy? is that true of you? I think you will go on a journey whether a physical one, emotional one or a spiritual one - you will be discovering more about you, what it is that makes you spark and working a way to do more of it… Sometimes though we can over complicate things, so be wise, don’t search the world to find the thing you wanted all along was right where you are… This card is about being open to seeing all possibilities and what ones align with you the most to bring you JOY!!

Expansion - This is another throat chakra card again there is a search for the truth. I feel with you guys though there has been an expansion in your consciousness, like you're able to see more deeper into the matter at heart here. Your life is changing as you move away from the old ways of seeing things. New people are entering your life now, it’s time to sort out your relationships, some may not be serving your highest interests. Reach out to those who are on the same frequency or page as you… People who lift you up and do not put you down. Start to believe in your vision, your dream, your desire as this will open up more to you. You will be meeting people who help you expand your horizons some old friendships may die out but the new ones are just what you need.
#I hope these cards kind of give you a little insight to what’s going on with you - I do try to make the relate to as many people as possible. So thank you for sharing and join me again Saturday for more of the same

For the Month of October i am offering Mini Readings for £15 =) If you would like one of these they are online, worldwide, via paypal to your email.

I am now offering Face to face readings for those that live in the Chelmsford Area £25 For a Reading - and if you would still like the online ones i will be now making some changes and sending you a recording of your reading instead of a written copy (if you would like it written up it does take me 2 hours to do so - so the reading will take longer to arrive and there maybe a small fee)

I aim to get my readings to you within 24 hours of cleared payment depending on workload up to 72 hours.

Enjoy your week x x x

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Astrology October 08 2014

Astrology October 08 2014

Today is the Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon in Aries!!! The first of this Eclipse season has finally begun!!!! <3

Aries as a theme represents War, Self, independence  and looking at our own identification - Because today is going to be about you, how you see your self and how others are seeing you today.

So now that this is a full moon (Eclipse) it really is emotionally lighting up all of the above. With the planet uranus here in Aries as well it is lighting up the new looks and new ways to look at the identification of who you are, what you represent and what you want in your life.

Now all this energy is opposing (which means it is directly opposite causing stress and tension and the need for balance) the Sun in libra with venus there also which is about relationships, looking at your values and what you mirror and what you connect with. Are you connecting with the right energies?

Now there is also a big T square (by this it means when two planets in opposition ↔ {Moon + Uranus ↔ Sun +Venus} both square a third planet in this case ‘’Pluto’’ making the Letter T in the universe - which is a challenging focal point for these planetary energies) to Pluto in Capricorn signifying is your destiny aligning with the right people and energies? Also are you aligning with your destiny? I cannot stress enough but you really need to focus on truth and having the courage to make the adjustments to follow through in to what will open great doors of opportunity and happiness.

This energy today is about going the next round making it simple which comes with having the right people on your team, you got to know what you want and you got to be connected with that destiny.

There is this grand trine (when three planets generally of the same element meet each other to form a triangle this is  harmonious) in fire - Jupiter in Leo about our heart, opening up our passion, really expanding the heart space and looking at things differently , Uranus in Aries looking at our self, the independence and uniqueness and Mars in Sagittarius ready to go and explore and take us on these big powerful journeys. We want the freedom to go with what we want and universe is really ready to blast open the doors, with new directions and new roads.

So Today is the day to gather everything together so we can be ready to move into all this…

We still have this Mercury Retrograde happening in scorpio which is here to give us the depth to understand all these deep things and really cut away from the things that no longer serve us. Scorpio is life and death - and it really is as final with these situations. The decisions will be made and that is it there is no going back later its final - the only way is forwards.

With this Mercury Retrograde, you will be exploring a lot, really going beneath things and really reveal the truth.

It will also pose questions like is it really in your destiny to be with this person? Do you really think that, that energy is right to connect with?

It’s really a time to fly and i know it is not easy. There is a need for us to REALLY know what it is we want, to REALLY know who we are and to make sure we are connecting with that. If you're not doing this that Pluto in Capricorn is gonna bust it all out into the open. Chances like these, this energy does not come around everyday and the decision is now guys & Dolls. It might be hard because whether following for good or not so good thats true to you, there might be a let go & a redirection shift here.

The power of all this is going with what you know you want & the universe will take you where you need to go and you need to trust in that.  

Neptune is in Pisces so it is about trusting and connecting spiritually as spirit will not lead you wrong. They are pulling you towards something and your thoughts and surrounds - PAY ATTENTION!! There are signs here… What is it you are thinking about? what things randomly pop into your head?

The intensity is that there is going to be changes in partnerships, our values and what we truly want. can make you feel like you're being stretched everywhere today. but trust that you're being put in the right place. Allow this excitement to take us on this journey. It’s like we are all being given tickets - but who is on board!?? Who is resisting and who is open? Being honest is so KEY!!

Destiny is really hitting us today and what it is all about! Everything is here ready to go. . .

My advice is to be very very honest!

Monday 29 September 2014

Mystery Cards Revealed- Monday 29/09/14

Mystery Cards Revealed- Monday 29/09/14
Thank you so much for sharing with your friends… Okay so if you have not done already, to never miss out on a free card reading, freebies, one card giveaways - Just hit the like button on my facebook page - scroll down & press ‘’Get Notifications’. Facebook keeps changing the settings Guys- So i am still posting =) Even if you are not receiving! <3

select Left or Right

Now Scroll Down

So if you Chose LEFT you got Guilt & if you opted for RIGHT then you got Self worth

Now the theme is about trusting in your self to experience and to not need to know so much… Experience the feelings and understand why these things keep popping up for you. It is a time for releasing and letting go. Do not hide who you are, how you're feeling it’s time to confront such things, situations and allow it to be in the open which will allow you to move forward. It’s about taking responsibility and not placing blame… The truth will surface and things will start to feel better. (check my astrology from today you will see what i mean- Can be found on my facebook page posted @ 7pm)

Guilt - GUILT- This is a Orange Chakra (Sacral Chakra) it’s about paying attention to all those emotions and feelings, being brave enough to admit some things about how you feel, and not feeling the need to tread on eggshells, because what you feel, you feel that for a reason, you burying it is just going to bring more of it to you - until it overflows and you have to deal with it. So Guilt is a Sacral Chakra, it encompasses our emotions, our feelings, and guilt is being brought to you to give you that ‘’do something about it’’ energy, to give you that action you need to take. It’s the time to tie up loose ends, get out of your mind and get into your feeling body.

Are you feeling bad for something, there is nothing wrong about doing something for yourself, are you giving away your energy to the wrong places/people. Do not feel like you owe someone something, like you have an expectation to fulfil. This is your life, your choices, yes you can listen to advice does that mean you have to take it? The time is to release GUILT - BE honest, state exactly what it is your feeling, wanting, needing… Stop worrying what others will think! Don’t lead people down the garden path if you can not give them what they need - this time is for you…

What is it you desire most? why are you not doing that, following that, stop neglecting your self - you are important - yes you are giving and that is beautiful, and yes you don’t do it to gain - but come on there are people who are taking you for granted and you need to address that, don’t give so much, sacrifice so much - do something for yourself - it’s never to late to chase a dream or find ways to make steps towards them. The people who love you want you to be happy - release guilt do this for you!! you deserve it =)

SELF WORTH -  Another Sacral Chakra Card but this is one on a high note than that of Guilt. (Sacral Chakra) it’s about paying attention to all those emotions and feelings, being brave enough to admit some things about how you feel, and not feeling the need to tread on eggshells, because what you feel, you feel that for a reason, you burying it is just going to bring more of it to you - until it overflows and you have to deal with it. So Guilt is a Sacral Chakra, it encompasses our emotions, our feelings.

How do you see your self? Do you love all you are, are you kind to yourself or do you pick away at yourself so others cannot? Self worth comes from self love. When we love our self completely you will see that all manor of things start to flow into our existence. It is not just that of a positive law of attraction. When you light up in self love you put out your self worth. Do not stand for less than you deserve. Raise your energy and watch so much greatness be drawn to you. I cannot express how much it means for you to love yourself and know your worth. Do not allow others to dictate to you who you are. Know who you are for it is your life and whatever you feel inside is being reflected out to you in reality.

Know who you are, be happy with your self and have faith.

Thank you again for sharing - Cards will be up until Thursday ready for Friday’s cards at 11 am when the new cards go up to choose from - have a beautiful Week <3

Saturday 20 September 2014

The Turtle/Tortoise

The Turtle/Tortoise

It’s important to remember with any sign or symbol, that some things will mean something different to some people. So sometimes, yes it may sound a little funny, but some people remind us of certain animals and so when you keep seeing that animal it could be in relation to that person.

The Turtle

The turtle has a hard shell, symbolically speaking someone with a tough exterior & a guarded heart with an incredible strength like no other. They symbolise someone who is deeply intuitive, to find peace they just have to shut of and look within for answers.
They are explorers, journeying,  everything they need is around them, one with nature and have a good heart. These people are calculated, slow and steady unless in the water- again saying when they delve into their emotions things become clear and they know where they are heading. They are a master of knowledge… You can not rush a Turtle they require time and patience - a free spirit! Resilient - Persistent - determination - Endurance

If you keep seeing turtles this is an indicator that you need to strong at this moment in your life, your journey is proving to be hard, if in doubt go with in for answers. Turtles symbolise Knowledge, strength, intuition, driven, resilience, determination, endurance to follow through… Pace your self there is no rush think of that end goal - YOU WILL GET THERE!!

Friday 19 September 2014

Astrology Friday & the Weekend 19, 20th & 21st

Astrology Friday & the Weekend

A pretty chilled weekend in comparison to what is coming in the next few months -being eclipses! This is about us really getting prepared for some big things, it’s when things really hit the fan, or destiny opens up and changes your life forever always with eclipses. I know it sounds extreme right i guess we can look back at this in a month and see what happens =)

This weekend is a time for us to get ready as the planet Pluto comes direct on Monday 22nd which is huge… it’s about exposing and change. Big changes in our lives, changing the structure of our lives. This weekend there will be a lot of positive energy, good emotions and excitement brewing, This weekend will light a lot of us if not all of us up at some point - lots of opportunities, new things happening, new perceptions taking place, new doors opening and new beliefs we are stepping into.

You will still be made aware of the restrictions to life still, making sure your looking at the decisions you make very carefully, to ensure you do not jump into things without knowing if it is based off of our truth, to make decisions that will advance your life in moving forward correctly.

It is also about finding ways to advance to our highest goals, that we change, adapt or re invent ways of stepping into our destinies that in turn make us or get us on the way to who we really are.

There will be a great healing this weekend also. A lot of great things are coming together this weekend as well, and maybe out of no where - but in a realistic sense that you don’t go overboard, get ahead of your self.

Late saturday into sunday there will be some strange things happening with sun and moon, It’s the universe aligning things very uniquely this weekend to empower your happiness, to find your heart and make any last adjustments because these next couple weeks begin a powerful eclipse season into a powerful october that will change peoples lives.

This month is really about capturing that vision, and there is one for us all - because we need to have this goal/vision with us for what’s to come in the next month or two. Some major tests for us all, we will be learning to be bold, finding balance, which is not easy to be both of these things at the same time. It will be a time of stretching ourselfs, and trying to now get lost along the way…. That’s with Neptune in Pisces which will be teaching us to follow our gut, the need to know what is going to happen before it does.  

This weekend will be lovely - know that these are just the doors opening of what’s coming in the months to come

Wednesday 17 September 2014

The Sufi Quote

The Sufi Quote
If your heart is like an ocean & you body is just it's beach... why do you wait for the emotion to surface, instead search and dive deep within for you will find the answers that you seek.

We rationalize everything, constantly battling with our thoughts... but it is within our emotions that lye the truth... The heart will never lead you wrong it follows what makes us happy - where is the harm in that?

Wednesday Astrology NEWs!!!

Astrology Wednesday

Today there is a lot going  could be the sort of energy that we want to nothing but be in comfort, but good luck with that! That is just not going to happen today, busy, busy, craziness so much happening so many demands upon us. A Intense & Restless energy with lots of test’s - Can you handle the emotions with the intensity? Things are also very changeable and we want to just find a place amongst the craziness to feel at ease and be in comfort.

Let go, there is a need to face our wounds with relationships & we can heal from them today No rest for us today, lots of questions brewing to the surface… Stay with the plans that you have made and don’t allow the little things to get to you. Today we should be some what more clear about what it is that we want, where we are being pulled towards, those doors are opening, it’s the day of realization - AN intense day for all.

Stay true to yourself

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Symbolism of Flies

Symbolism of Flies

Fly indicates that within the next two weeks be prepared for some sudden/quick changes. Things are going to multiply rapidly, prosperity, ventures, projects and the fly teaches us how to act quickly to achieve these results. Keen eyesight & expanding awareness! on another note the lesson lies in the value of carrying our, thoughts, feelings, and emotions in order to act quickly in sometimes unfavourable circumstances.

The Fly teach the ability to greatly multiply prosperity, endeavors and ventures at enormous rates. He shows how to be quick to act and respond to achieve results. Fly aids in demonstrating the power of keen eyesight along with expanding awareness in many directions. Although flies are known for carrying diseases in unfavorable surroundings, the lesson of fly is in the value of carrying your emotions, thoughts and feelings in order to act quickly in sometimes unfavorable or uncomfortable conditions. It takes about two weeks from hatching for new eggs to be laid, likewise, two weeks is significant in one's personal development. Are you ready for quick and abrupt changes? Are you ready to move quickly? Fly will show how to make quick changes for rapid growth.

Astrology for Tuesday

Astrology Tuesday

Today in astrology the energy is shifting as moon goes into cancer. So Moon loves to be in cancer it’s where it feels at home, so should bring out some nice emotions and starting to feel more grounded about things.

Mercury & north node will be exact at 630-7pm, which brings about destiny with a message, bringing out your true passion, having a true understanding about your path and where you're going. Really powerful truths with lots of fiery energy. But it is also about narrowing things down if your not paying attention to your deep emotional core, then there is a need to start to invest in the right energy.

There is an intense couple of months to come… It will be about knowing  your path & getting secure in all aspects. There will be lots of clean slates.. It is our time right now to grasp the day, knowing where you are going.

Big contracts could be coming, something strongly linked with your destiny, passion or obsession & communication is KEY!

The New story of your life is just beginning bringing powerful new things - So the energy will not be good for all as many of us are resisting. It will test if you're emotionally comfortable in the life you're living… or will be asking questions like can you be comfortable in the way you are living!!

Big things to come - Today is a balanced day if you're one of the ones staying true to yourself.

Monday 15 September 2014


Astrology Monday

Today in astrology we are starting to see a very rare occurrence be triggered - We have cleared a lot of karmic debt/issues & are being given a message or clarity from the universe. We have fixed, repaired or are now ready to step into this new energy that is coming.  New doors are opening, have opened already & there is a lot of energy as everything is shifting.

Today you will feel excited for the day although you might be a little all over place and scattered. Today going into tomorrow - Last quarter moon we have finally gotten over whatever it is that you have been trying to fix and stepping into new waters.A big light is about to turn on and we need to be absolutely clear, serious, about what it is we want/are manifesting… Are you Aligning with what you truly want deep down.

Friday 12 September 2014

Fridays Cards! Left or Right Your Choice

So what card did you pick tonight?? LEFT - Destiny & RIGHT - Miracle 

It's funny to see that these two cards have come up again - From what i know astrologically there is this pull in the universe, and it's pulling us towards something that we are supposed to be doing, or someone we are supposed to meet... There has been a lot of upset the past few weeks but i feel it was important to get us clear about all we want in our life, be honest with our self & deal with it. There is this air of passion around today, listening to our hearts and going after what we want.You will know what to do - pay attention to your emotions.

Destiny - I feel like the energy from this card is powerful, like i always say we are being guided through our life, spirit is always with us... This is a perfect example of this - Something has brought about some synchronicity and something that was supposed to happen will indeed happen this weekend. It's also a card that reminds us that the answers we seek are within, and that we should not question our gut instinct... You have a vision of how you want your life to be, and sometimes we become inflexible in how we want it to happen.. IT's asking you to take a risk, is this how you want your life to be, if i's not then take a risk, you may have to sacrifice something in order to get what it is you really want. Sometimes it's important to remember that in love you are better together than alone, you can accomplish so much more. KEYWORDS: True love, taking a stand, positive omen, radical thinking, deep satisfaction and the ability to change.

Miracle - So yes something amazing is going to take place with this card... It's a card of joy and maybe something unexpected taking place - a little surprise. But are you ready to allow it in? Do you let someone in or do you pretend not to see them? You cannot shut out pain without shutting our pleasure... Then come as a pair, just as you cannot really know joy without feeling sadness. This card asks you to think of this... Know and trust that you know what feels authentic and go with it. You will of come from a place of being scattered and now find your self become whole and undivided. You will be required to be honest and to stand by your morals - Something amazing is going to happen, big or small, material or internal there will be a positive shift.

If you found these relevant to you please give me a like or thumbs up even a comment - it makes my day <3

Choose a Card!! Friday's

Choose a Card!!

Hey Guy's... So every Monday, Friday & Saturday i'll be posting up these beauties @ 11 am and all you have to do is pick Left or right - comment below and then i will reveal the cards with meanings at 8pm! I hope you like this version, please like and share with friends as always...

I'm still doing free one card readings on my Facebook Page 'askalittlewitch' every Weds for something more personal and of course you can still book a full online reading with me, just drop me a message or book online at my website - details can be found in the About me section.

Monday 8 September 2014

Choose a Card!!

Choose a Card!!

Hey Guy's... So every Monday, Friday & Saturday i'll be posting up these beauties @ 11 am and all you have to do is pick Left or right - comment below and then i will reveal the cards with meanings at 8pm! I hope you like this version, please like and share with friends as always...

I'm still doing free one card readings on my Facebook Page 'askalittlewitch' every Weds for something more personal and of course you can still book a full online reading with me, just drop me a message or book online at my website - details can be found in the About me section.

Monday 4 August 2014

What’s going on with our Water

What’s going on with our Water

Today i wanted to talk about waking up. You see as a society, we are sheep, we follow what we are taught and not many of us question what we are told. We follow the herd. Now i do not mean this to offend anyone, this is something that i know many free thinkers, visionaries and open minded people also believe in. So hang in there, i’m not asking to to believe what i say, i’m hoping that this video will leave you questioning a few things enough to make you go out there and research and find out for yourself.

The first thing i wanted to talk about is our water… Now i have a blog post about this which i will leave in the description box below, if you want to read it, but i urge you to find out for yourself. not many people really question our water. We turn a tap on and magically enough we have water… Pretty amazing stuff aye. But we do not know is what is in it… Yes water has naturally occurring chemicals from the earth, but what we do not know that is some parts in the UK, and throughout the USA is that fluoride is added to the water… My question is why?? For the same reason that why is it added to toothpaste.

Now obviously Fluoride naturally occurs in our water, my issue is with the fact that so much more is added to it, along with various other chemicals. Another thing to remember is the fact that whatever we ingest as humans, comes out in our urine. That urine then makes it way to being filtered out, a lot of what we ingest as humans were no where near as toxic back in the day that our filter system was made, so we can expect to find that we are not only ingesting fluoride and chlorine, we are taking in all the pharmaceuticals that people have been also taking. Antidepressants, birth control pills, pain killers need i go on.

Here is what my water company says is in my water...

Whats even more upsetting is it’s the less fortunate that suffer the most, people that cannot afford to buy water filter systems and buying spring water. What’s even more disturbing is how this is not common knowledge to people. To find a spring near you please visit

Here is what y country has claimed about water fluoridation. Now i disregard a lot in the article apart from the maps. So much of the world is being subjected to water fluoridation.

The history of Fluoride is SCARY! It was not research enough to know the long term effects, yet here we are being presented with higher rates of cancers, organ failure, more babies with higher allergies…

Fluoride was used in the concentration camps back when hitler was around, and chlorine in its gas form was what was used to gas those people… Now it’s dosage is lowered but added to our water? I ask why… If it has no health benefits why not leave it out? We have not evolved enough that the world leaders still want to control and contain us out of greed. It’s shocking and people need to be more aware of what’s going on, stop listening to the information they give, the information about the things they are ‘selling us’ and find your own research.