Showing posts with label future. Show all posts
Showing posts with label future. Show all posts

Friday 19 September 2014

Astrology Friday & the Weekend 19, 20th & 21st

Astrology Friday & the Weekend

A pretty chilled weekend in comparison to what is coming in the next few months -being eclipses! This is about us really getting prepared for some big things, it’s when things really hit the fan, or destiny opens up and changes your life forever always with eclipses. I know it sounds extreme right i guess we can look back at this in a month and see what happens =)

This weekend is a time for us to get ready as the planet Pluto comes direct on Monday 22nd which is huge… it’s about exposing and change. Big changes in our lives, changing the structure of our lives. This weekend there will be a lot of positive energy, good emotions and excitement brewing, This weekend will light a lot of us if not all of us up at some point - lots of opportunities, new things happening, new perceptions taking place, new doors opening and new beliefs we are stepping into.

You will still be made aware of the restrictions to life still, making sure your looking at the decisions you make very carefully, to ensure you do not jump into things without knowing if it is based off of our truth, to make decisions that will advance your life in moving forward correctly.

It is also about finding ways to advance to our highest goals, that we change, adapt or re invent ways of stepping into our destinies that in turn make us or get us on the way to who we really are.

There will be a great healing this weekend also. A lot of great things are coming together this weekend as well, and maybe out of no where - but in a realistic sense that you don’t go overboard, get ahead of your self.

Late saturday into sunday there will be some strange things happening with sun and moon, It’s the universe aligning things very uniquely this weekend to empower your happiness, to find your heart and make any last adjustments because these next couple weeks begin a powerful eclipse season into a powerful october that will change peoples lives.

This month is really about capturing that vision, and there is one for us all - because we need to have this goal/vision with us for what’s to come in the next month or two. Some major tests for us all, we will be learning to be bold, finding balance, which is not easy to be both of these things at the same time. It will be a time of stretching ourselfs, and trying to now get lost along the way…. That’s with Neptune in Pisces which will be teaching us to follow our gut, the need to know what is going to happen before it does.  

This weekend will be lovely - know that these are just the doors opening of what’s coming in the months to come

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Choose your card

Choose your card

Please select Left or Right before scrolling down…Hey Guy's... So every Monday, Friday & Saturday i'll be posting up these beauties @ 11 am on Facebook and all you have to do is pick Left or right - comment below and then i will reveal the cards with meanings at 8pm! I hope you like this version, please like and share with friends as always...

have you selected... Now Scroll down to see what you got!

Okay so what card did you select?? LEFT - Perception & RIGHT - Renewal

Perception- This card is saying to look at things differently... You may have been really caught up on something feeling sure you made the right decision, but where you really seeing things from the right perception? Perception is stepping away from your ego and how you see things in your mind, or how you feel others influencing your thoughts, its about seeing things from the heart - hence it being a heart chakra card.. Ask yourself ''how would someone who loved their self see this?''After all the heart knows what the eyes cannot see... A big change may be coming! you could go through some kind of transformation.

Renewal - Being a root chakra card it symbolizes the beginning, starting from the material, survival, basic needs and ensuring your needs are being met. What appeared to be an end is really a new beginning... It may bring a new opportunity, a chance to build a new life for yourself, or embrace something new that will build up into a strong foundation... It's time to start again and make your life the way you want it to be... but first starting with you. New energy is being brought in so you can move past the old and either start again or renew that something old which will prove to be better and stronger than before... This end whatever it maybe is not an end but a new beginning - enjoy!

Please do share with friends, comment and like the post to show your support if you are liking these new cards!  Join me Weds for a free one card reading... & if you would like to book a reading with me, they are £25, online, worldwide, via Paypal straight to your email - please check out what other people think of my readings, you won’t be disappointing x x x

Thursday 24 July 2014

Free One Card Reading Every Wednesday

Free One Card Reading Every Wednesday

Join me Every single Wednesday for a Free one Card Reading on my Facebook and Twitter - It’s all online and worldwide like my full readings. I run two sessions one for the UK and the EU, and another a few hours after for the USA, Canada, Australia and Mexico.

So what do you have to do….

It’s really simple all you have to do is come down to my facebook page and every Wednesday there will be a post that says ‘’FREE ONE CARD READING’’ at 730pm BST (UK) Time for the EU/UK and same post again but at 1.30am for the rest the world.

You must share the ORIGINAL POST
Like it and comment your name below on the ORIGINAL POST.

On Twitter @askawitchuk you must follow me, RT the post and tweet me with your name so i can find you

I will then at 9pm & 3am BST (UK) Time pull your cards and inbox them to you - Time zones are below

Saturday 12 July 2014

An Intro to Ask a Little Witch

An Intro to Ask a Little Witch

At long last I've ventured into the land of YouTube! This is just the first of many to come, I hope to connect with more like minded people, sharing and exchanging stories with you all... This 1st Video is a just insight into who i am - The next Video will be all about "Connecting with Angels".

My Channel will be based around Spirituality, Psychic abilities, the strange and the unexplained - So please Subscribe and join me on this Journey that will last for many years i'm sure.

I was born on March 13th 1989, and I had came into this world with some unusual gifts. Ever since i was a little girl i made friends with people i believe to be there, because they was as real as you and me are, it wasn’t until nursery school that i quickly realized that the ‘’normal’’ little girl or boy my age couldn’t see them… Adults certainly couldn’t. They ‘’spirits’’ did not appear to me as ghosts, they did not look scary and they was as solid and as tangible as everything else. I remember a little girl telling me that soon they will go away because you have to make real friends or the teacher will tell your parents.

You see i found comfort in being on my own, talking to animals than the ‘’real’’ people they just didn't see things like i did, so i tried my best to keep my friends a secret, until eventually they had to leave. I used to collect spiders, and spent a lot of my time outside playing.

When i was about 8 my dad asked me what i wanted to be when i grew up, and without a second thought i said ‘’angel’’. Straight away my father said that i can only be an Angel when i die and go to heaven and i need to think about something else i can do in this life. So i said well i guess i’ll be a Witch then, it was clear by the look on my fathers face he didn’t understand me, but for one of the very few times my dad asked me why. I said i’d like to be able to cast spells, change the world and help people get everything they want in life (well along those lines more or less). My dad said that i can not be a witch because they do not exist and you can’t make money being a witch… I began to argue a short while and that was the end of that.

My spiritual encounters continued, my mind just filled with more and more questions, the universe was

confusing and i knew there was more. I was that annoying child who was forever asking question after question. One day my father was trying to explain about life and death because i was so fascinated and confused by it… I wasn’t happy with the answer i had recieved so i badgered on a while, until he asked me what i think it is. I said we are being controlled by aliens and we are there puppets in a computer game, everything out there is controling us. My dad was stunned and same again that was the end of that.

I remember an incident that happened when i was around 7 or 8 maybe younger than that, that would take place place when i go round my babysitter's house. There was always a jamaican man in the kitchen, he had white hair, trousers held up with braces and an old style shirt. He would sit for hours and hours talking to me, sharing his wisdom on life, and i would talk with him also. It would be so happy at the thought that someone wanted to talk to me and made time for me. The thing was he would only appear when i was on my own. My sitter would come in and ask who i’m talking to and i would say, his name has gone from my memory, but soon as she would go he would come back in. It didn’t occur to me that he was a spirit, because he was as real as you or me and there was nothing scary or unusual about him. But then one day he told me something about the sitter and i told her, she got so spooked out that after that she told my nan that she would no longer be able to babysit for me, my brother and sister. She never gave them a reason and that was that. It was not until many years later that i asked about the man that i soon realized he was of this world.

In 2002, I brought my first ever Gypsy Tarot Cards, the connection with the spiritual side of life pulled me in. I was quite the natural with my cards, predicting things that happened in the past (way before my time), things that were going on in the present and then in the future. I started by reading for family and friends of the family, I received some brilliant feedback, that what i was saying was very much true or later came true.

I read for two of my Aunts one afternoon when i had visited my Nan's one weekend. My Nan really did not like the fact i was into such things, but to begin with she was adamant that it was a phase, and that nothing i was going to say would be true they are just some cards with strange pictures on them. But as soon as i began they became very quiet, they were stunned, shocked yet amazed by what i was saying and soon enough what i had predicted  for the future then soon had come to pass. My Nan was so angry by what i was saying and was sure it was the work of the devil. She told me to stop playing with those cards because they was doing nothing but bad evil things.

It was clear that there would always be people that did not understand me, my gifts or my abilities… In fact i’m pretty sure i spooked a lot of people out by what i was telling them, private things that nobody knew, secrets i had revealed, and predicting things that soon would happen.
I didn’t get why people thought they were so bad, they was just cards, and i was helping people, i was able to tap into and connect with them, comforting them and advising them. I was able to relate and ease peoples pain, show them what’s to come on there journey. Help people who had lost hope, guide people on decisions they need to make, show them opportunities that are coming there way. Helping them fulfil their life purpose. One thing i found in common is that there are a lot of people who feel alone, they feel like people don’t truly understand them, because they have not experienced what they have, and then i gently shine the light on there darkest shadows and heal them, i heal people without even meaning to just by understanding the persons emotional body. When you can touch someone from within and heal them its the most amazing feeling in the world, they completely transform, some quicker than others, but soon as you heal a piece of them inside their reality shifts and heals also. Its Magic.

From 2002 - 2008 i Kept what i did only between close friends and family, i still read for people and i kept getting asked to do more, the feedback was great! But i began my journey of research and studying all things otherworldly, such as, Astrology, Tarot, palmistry, runes, magic you name it i was intrigued by it, the fascination still to this day draws me in. After school and college was over i  slowly but surely came out of the closet ‘’the witches broom closet’’. The response was mixed but better than i expected, it took me to predict something for people to believe but i did, i turnt a lot of people into believing that this ‘’stuff’’ is very real.

I began offering readings to work colleagues, customers, friends, friends or friends, family of friends and it grew and grew and i loved it!!! It was so warming to be able to help people in this way, in my spiritual way and by being just me. I have never felt more at ease than when i’m giving a spiritual reading, easing people, comforting and guiding them by embracing my gifts and having a sense of allowance to being just who i am. Spirituality comes so naturally to me and it creates this huge spark in my life.

In 2011 i took it to the next level, i wanted to reach out to more people, put myself out there and reach a wider audience. I always knew that this was my greatest passion and i had this dream of traveling the world, or being able to connect with people from different cultures doing something spiritual. In 2012 to prove it to myself i took a Tarot Course, and to my delight i didn’t learn a great deal, but it did boost my confidence a whole lot. I was a natural and that’s something i had known all along. I did however learn about the legal side of providing a spiritual service, that was something i had not known up until i took the course. To pass the course i had to read for 3 people , that of which were close friends of the Tarot Teacher holding the course. I read for Courses leaders ex partner and good friend, I read for a psychic medium and another dear friend of the course leader. I passed with flying colours, in fact her ex partner told me that i had given him a far better reading than the Course Leader had given him, which really boosted my confidence.

So here i am now 2014, running a successful online spiritual service touching people from all walks of life. This is just the beginning of what to come on my journey, and I believe venturing on to youtube will enable me to connect with more like minded people, sharing and exchanging stories with all that crosses my path... Spreading my knowledge and growing with you. Sharing my insights and teaching what i know on how to tap into your psychic abilities, how to enhance your life, talking about spiritual subjects, the strange and unexplained, please subscribe to my Youtube Channel and other social networks and join me on my journey for many, many years to come

Thursday 10 July 2014

Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love

Today we are being asked to look at everything with unconditional love. You see everything in our existence is a reflection of you, it’s being shown to you as a mirror image of your internal being. We are all interconnected, and our experiences are just reflections of what we need to learn about our self inside out.
When you feel judged by other people it’s showing how you judge your self.
When you have been hurt by someone its because you're allowing them to do so and by that you are hurting yourself. We have to see that this day in age nobody is perfect we are all the same and yet we are all different. We attract relationships that contrast our self, we must remember that the people in our life are a reflection of who you are, who you will be, there is always something to take from every experience you have. People come into our life to teach us things, so remember that when you are out in the world to look at things from a higher perspective. I’m not saying it’s easy, because we are all emotional and spiritual beings having a human experience, and each of us has a part to play in this ‘’life’’ (video game). So when someones rude, see it as that's a reflection of who they are, do not lower your vibration to argue with them… The universe is presenting you with a challenge, you are not a rude person so therefore you do not need to acknowledge this person. Now i’m not saying to allow people to mistreat you because that would not be good for you. I’m saying to handle things with love, love your self first, be the change you want to see in the world, and watch the shift happen from within you. When you see a homeless person, its presenting you with the chance to help someone in need, like what you need when you're down on your luck. It presents you with the chance to look at yourself and realize just how lucky you are. Be grateful for the relationship you have, the things that bring you joy and the fact you are healthy, embrace your journey with unconditional love.

Friday 27 June 2014

What is Astrology?

What is Astrology?

So it’s my belief that before we are born we decide upon our life path. There are many ways to achieve these goals and missions in life, but some of us spend the first 30 years of life trying to figure out what that purpose is, instead of following our hearts and what makes us truly happy…

Astrology and Palmistry are two of the best ways in discovering our self, what we came here to do and what’s mapped out for us. like i said before we already decided what it is we came here to do in this life, its just about remembering and getting onto that path… But of course you can be anything you want in life, it still amazes me to this day at how accurate astrology and palmistry is. The goal is, and i think you will agree, is to live a happy life and create something amazing!

Astrology is something that will never change throughout your life. You are born on a certain day at a certain time and in a specific place, which marks what’s going on in the universe in regards to planets and signs which intern maps out your life. Palmistry can change to a degree, you will always have the fundamentals but as you choose which way to go on your journey your lines on your hand can change.

Pretty much everything can be read with astrology and Palmistry: Health, career, love, romance, type of person you are, your upbringing, children and wealth…

Now most think Astrology is just your sun sign… But that couldn’t be more wrong. You see your sun sign is just your date of birth, but when you add the place and time of your birth that is what really maps out your astrological chart. Your sun sign is just your soul purpose to a degree (no two people born on the same day are likely to be born in the same place and at the same time), but that doesn’t signify who you are. You have 12 houses which all represent an area of your life that is ruled but a sign and a planet which adds character and meaning to the house. You will also have all the planets in different signs that too adds something different. Astrology is kind of both scientific and spiritual as it is mathematically calculated, and spiritually analysed throughout the centuries.  

So you see no two people are never the same, you are unique and have been born to do something specific to you that will lead you onto happiness. Astrology is fun and informative, vedic astrology also has divisional charts that open each house up and gives more details as to what’s going on in that area of a persons life. It also has a dasha system which is used in predicting time periods that things will occur.

There are 12 houses which signify 12 areas of your life ranging from : wealth, career, status, children, disease and health, property, religious or spiritual views, home/family, siblings, speech, education, winnings, gains and loses…. The list is endless but each house represents an area. Now each house is ruled by a sign, so you could be an Aries, have Leo in your 3rd house and Virgo in your 10th then you see you're not really just an Aries you have the quality of the sign and the house and that adds to your birth horoscope. The you have the planets in the solar system, Moon, Mars, jupiter, saturn, mercury and so on, these also represent different things like MErcury for communication for example… Now the planets are placed in your birth chart specific to the time you are born, that too adds more to the mix of who you are.

So we discovered that astrology is complexed, its made up of planets, houses and how they mix together to determine more about you. You are more than your sun sign! Now thats just your birth chart the map of your life, in vedic astrology you have ‘divisional charts’ these add even more detail, there is a divisional chart for marriage, career, health, wealth and so much more… these are also made up of houses, signs and planets...

So you see Astrology is truly fascinating and accurate which is why i am adding it to my full online spiritual readings. I am only adding so basic stuff to begin with on a trial basis to see how people like it. I use tarot as my psychic tool, palmistry to see how your life is being directed with your choices and astrology - well your life really is written within the stars.

Thursday 19 June 2014

Jupiter Transit for 2014 -

Jupiter transit 2014

I’ll be sharing with you what this Jupiter Transit in cancer means in 2014 for you. To fully find out what it means for you, you will need to know the time you was born, and find out your Vedic astrology not the usual western astrology ascendant. If you are unsure of what yours is inbox ( me with your email, date of birth, time of birth and place of birth and i will tell you what your ascendant sign is.

Okay so Jupiter, what is Jupiter… Jupiter is a planet that brings great positivity, opportunity and expansion. Its the planet that signifies prosperity, growth and wealth. Happiness and hope is being restored.

Jupiter is exalted in Cancer and so this means it becomes more powerful. So how will it affect you in regards to what ASCENDANT SIGN you have not sun sign, and i am talking ascendant in Vedic astrology not western.


Jupiter will be in your 4th house. The fourth house is all about, home and family, connection and how we feel secure and loved. family gatherings, reunions, if there have been any tensions in your family area there will be a healing this year. It could also indicate that your home life could become a bigger part of your life, required to put efforts into the household. Could also signify a move, moving into a bigger house, creating more space at home, expansion of some kind you may even renovate your house.

This also means that over this year there will be big celebrations in your home, whether marriage, a birth, its always related to expansion. It’s highly likely that you may even meet your gurus (people you look up to or follow) in your home land. Your mother will play a big role in your life this year in regards to teaching you something spiritual , or teaching you some really important things. It’s likely that you will step away from religion some what and be more focused on your own spiritual path and learning's.


Jupiter will be transiting in your 3rd house of communication. Which also involves travel, media and your siblings. So what this means for you is that you may be going back to college, you'll be learning something new that you  will use/need to better your life. There will be an expansion in this area, you may decide to learn a new language as all areas of communication will expand, this could also involve writing or any way in which you use to connect with people, these talents will be expanding.

You will also be bonding more with your siblings, healing relationships with them and connecting more with them this year… There will be sudden benefits from your siblings also, be that money, learning or gains through your efforts. You will gain rewards for anything that you apply efforts to this year, along with travel. In regards to health, if you have been having any health problems through your own efforts they will disappear, clear up and heal.


For Gemini ascendant its a time of money, wealth in the financial sector. As Jupiter is transiting your 2nd house of assets, money, family, business, possessions and speech. Expansion with money and using your speaking ability to get out your truth, it could be a time you will be involved in teaching also. So here we will see an expansion with your business, gaining more through speaking, if you council, write help people in a field that uses your communication - Jupiter will reward you a lot. You will see rewards with Business.

With family Jupiter will make it so that there will be a calmness within the family, and your family members will come to you for advice.


For cancer Jupiter is transiting the 1st house, the house of self. So this year will be a year of awakening, finding your self, and reinventing yourself. You will be feeling truly empowered, you will feel as though your life is just starting to take off. You will become stronger, and you will overcome any health issues and obstacles. This is a year where you will be an advisor for everyone and you will greatly benefit from your enemies also. a truly positive year for you Cancer ascendant people. Your awake and guiding people this year and benefiting from it.


Leo Ascendants Jupiter will be in your 12th house of hidden talents, spirituality and foreign lands. So Jupiter here in this placement is saying that you will get sudden opportunities to travel to a foreign country and perhaps teach. You will be feeling really motivated and optimistic subconsciously. the desire to travel will be a spiritual pulling, you want to connect to more higher things, deeper things. Your creativity will also heighten at this time and your luck will also rise unpredictably. There will be an ending to your worries, you will be wrapping up old projects.


For Virgo Jupiter will be in your 11th house of hopes and wishes and gains. Okay so this tends to be a time when people from your past resurface, you will find your self reconnecting with old friends. Saying that there will be time for you to make new friends and these people will be in places and positions of high power (that you consider desirable) and they will help bring you gains. You will be in a position this year to obtain money in large amounts depending on the other planets that will transit also )which varies from person to person) but for the most there will be gains. So with these new friends you will be learning from them and they will help you obtain your hopes and wishes in this time period.


For libra Jupiter will be transiting the 10th house of career, workplace and public image. So this means you will be getting more career opportunities, there will be recognition within the workplace also and could even rise in status. This promotion will be because of your close friends, siblings or neighbours. You will gain respect in your society for all the efforts you put in. It’s also a great time to start your own business you will greatly benefit from your the people around you in terms of workplace.


Scorpio Ascendant, Jupiter will be transiting your 9th house of Higher learning, philosophy and travel. So this means there will be a need/want to travel this year along with learning something more going on to study something higher like a masters for example. You may also find that in your field of knowledge that there may be an opening to something more, your field may have something more to know about/learn.
You also reap the rewards from investments and traveling for your work. When Jupiter is in cancer you will also gain or have access to this higher learning that will enable you to make a living. If your wanting children this is a time in which you could conceive. If you are traveling you could also meet a spiritual guru of some sort, who will enlighten you in ways to make money.


Sagittarius Ascendants have Jupiter in the 8th house of transformation. This means that your partner will be earning more money in this time and sharing with you. Its also a time to find an investor of your project, who will be able to help you get to where you need to get to. You will be getting your financial situations together also. Now because jupiter is in your 8th this will shine a light on who your enemies are, no matter of the ups and downs of life that you have been experiencing jupiter puts a positive spin on this too. This could also be a time of a sudden move, things will happen quickly and not as expected but its a positive move.
These people will be deep in research this next year, digging deep and shedding light on spiritual things, things deep within and hidden that are not usually talked about.


Capricorn ascendants have Jupiter transiting in the 7th house of partnerships and marriage. So this would be an expansion in your relationships, you become more committed possibly even married this year. If you're looking for a business partner then this is the year that you will find the best one suited to you, they will be able to bring everything all together. This could be a time that your partner will shed light on what’s going on with your siblings, close neighbors and friends. They could also help you better manage your money and expenses. your partner will also be helping you with your business


For Aquarius Jupiter is in your 6th house of health and work. So this means that this is the year you get healthy, you will be looking at how you can live a better lifestyle, looking into your diet and exercise regime. Its also the time to find co workers that will really help you too. Its also a year that you could end up getting a new pet. It would be a beneficial time to find investors also. Its a year where Jupiter will help you pay your debts off too, and to gain more money or borrow more.  So when i say Jupiter is going to help you pay off that debt i mean Jupiter is going to present you with the opportunities to pay that debt off.


Pisces has Jupiter in the 5th house of children, creativity and Romance. So this means that could be a new edition to the family, new baby for example. Its also a time that your creativity will expand and you could attract some investors. It will also be a time that your education will be getting better if you been failing recently. There will also be a great urge to express yourself creatively. Particularly good time for dancers.

Again this is for the Vedic Astrology Ascendant signs not the western. To find out what yours is please email me & have a great year ahead

Saturday 18 January 2014

About me - Who are you?

Ask a Little Witch

Who are You!

‘’Make a wish and place it in your heart. Anything you want, everything you want. Do you have it? Good. Now believe it can come true. You never know where the next miracle is going to come from. The next smile, the next wish come true. But if you believe that its right around the corner, and you open up your heart and mind to the possibility of it, to the certainty of it, you just might get the thing you’re wishing for. The world is full of magic. You just have to believe in it. So make your wish’’

What word defines you? If you can only pick one, what would that word be? Well I always found it hard to voice myself, for many reasons… My life has not been an easy one, but I am so grateful for every second because it has lead me here, to now, to the path I’m on and working towards the life I want to lead.

I am ‘MAGIC’. My word is ‘MAGIC’.

Magic? Why Magic, you’re probably asking yourself. Well because if it wasn’t for magic I may not be here today, if it wasn’t for magic I would have turned into a very different person than the person I am today. You’re probably thinking, ‘’well the magic I know, doesn’t exist?’’

Magic, is found around every corner. Magic can be found in an unexpected strangers eyes. It can be found in the stillness of night. It can be found in precious moments, like a baby’s first words or a beautiful landscape. Magic can be found in those odd coincidences that occur. Magic is everywhere all you need to do is access it!
How do you access the Magic – You believe it, dream it, be alert to the signs, imagine it and feel it… with all your heart… By thinking and imagining you create the world you live in.
 ‘’And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.- Roald Dahl”
So I am MAGIC – do you believe?
I haven’t had the easiest life, I’ve never really fitted in with the ‘norm’ and I was born with the gift- some of my spiritual talents I'm still getting to grips with. I’m incredibly sensitive, intuitive, I saw things that others couldn't, I questioned everything, I had a huge pull to all things outer-worldly and I am very spiritual (not religious).
I’ve been reading Tarot cards since I was 13, it started off with just reading for my friends and family, it progressed to distant family and friends of the family and friends of friends. I had such great feed-back.

High school I was very much liked by everyone although I was never popular, I was friends with the popular crowd, the nerdy crowd, I had the ability to literally relate to everyone. I think my empath ability served me well, although it did cause a lot of confusion as to what I was feeling and what others were.

I only came out of the (Witches-broom) closet in 2007, shortly after completing my BTEC in Film/moving image and prior to that, performing arts, from there I have done a lot of charity work using my tarot. I have worked a lot of jobs in the coffee, bar and restaurant industry and it came to a point in my life where I felt like I was at a crossroads.

I had to answer that dreaded question ‘’where do I want to be in 10 years’’. The
answer was simple, I want to be happy. But what would make me the happiest?
I spent the next three years, discovering the things I love. Dance, film, spiritual work, and writing. Most I think I love people. I continued on my spiritual path, and it fascinated me, I studied people that I met, spiritually, with astrology, how they deal with life, the good the bad… I made some amazing discoveries.

In 2010 I visited a very lovely gypsy reader, I kind of came across her by accident (but of course nothing is by accident). Since then I have been on a fast learning curve by the universe. I love tarot and the amazing things it does for my clients. I love seeing that months down the line, my predictions coming true. Of course everyone has free will, everyone makes their own choices, and everyone has their own life path… I love helping people see clearly the things they don’t see. Everyone can be happy they just first have to choose it.

I knew I had the gift, I always had this magnetic pull to all things spiritual, and from there I have been helping people through tarot. I love helping people through their problems, relating to them, understanding them and giving them an honest reading. I am magic, and if you believe in me, and allow me to do so I will help you.
Unfortunately the world we live in requires me to charge a fee for tarot, because I need to pay my bills just like you do! I want to help as many people as I can, and for that I need my time free to mediate and prepare for tarot to help you. This means I’m unable to work another job. You will be pleased to know that I only charge a reasonable £25 currently (2014) or $42. Now for a good reader you will pay a minim of £75 or $115 – My readings speak for themselves as does my feedback- which can be found on my website (testimonials).

I’m here to help you, to listen to you, to give advice to you and help you get the life you want to live. My dream is coming true I want to help you get yours. You can find me on Facebook and Twitter. And in 2014 I’ll be on YouTube helping you, guiding you and teaching you.

Book your reading now

Tuesday 10 December 2013

How Tarot Works

How Tarot Works…

Let’s start at the beginning

Tarot has been around for at least six centuries now, it’s hard to  say exactly where Tarot came from as there are no written documentation confirming dates. However there are many myths saying that Tarot originated from ancient Egypt and another myth claiming that the Gypsies brought Tarot to Europe.

Tarot for centuries has been used to solve your most burning questions or to catch a glimpse into the future or that of the recent past. Sceptics argue the fact that a set of cards with obscure pictures, could ever possibly tell us anything about our lives. There are a lot of misconceptions spread around by superstitious and religious people who shy away from Tarot in fear. They say that the cards are evil and that demonic entities will curse you or doom your life. The honest truth is that they are just cards and on their own hold no real power.

So we have discovered that the cards are not supernatural and controlled by evil spirits, they are used as a divination tool. Like with any tool, they are only as good as the skilled person wielding them.

About my readings

I have been reading cards since I was Thirteen years old, first for family and friends, then for friends of friends and family friends, and so the word spread…’’It runs in the family’’. I completely understand the stigma that comes with this line of work, and so I make it top priority that the client understands fully what tarot is, how it works and also the new law legislation implemented by the government, that all spiritual workers now have to inform clients. When booking or paying online you will receive this ‘’disclaimer’’.
I like to make YOU, the client feel at ease before beginning anything, as the more relaxed, calm and open you are the more you will gain from the reading. I also only read for people genuinely intrigued, or open to the possibility of what tarot and spiritual readings can offer, as I have out grown the need to feel like I have to prove anything, it goes without saying the reading speaks for itself.

There nothing wrong with being skeptical, belongs your open minded tarot will never seize to amaze you.

Let me explain further…

So once we have one through the essentials, payment has been made, and we have discussed how it is that you came for a reading, what it is you may be interested to know… We begin the reading.
Now bear in mind that the cards will show you whatever it is that they feel you should know – all for the higher good of course. They will only tell me the things that you need to know, they will clarify things that have happened in the past and work up to the future. People often worry about getting bad cards, but in all honesty there is always something positive to come out… & always guidance and advice for you follow so the bad, doesn’t end up bad. But of course it’s your life, your choices to make, your lessons to learn… I am here to listen and guide you onto the right path… the happy path!
So here I am, your spiritual guru, counsellor or witch – whatever you like to call me!
I’m not a professional psychiatrist, or medical doctor… But in all honesty I believe healing is not cured by taking pills, not to say that modern medicine is not good I just feel it’s used without fully understanding what’s making the patient ill. I feel it’s impersonal and I have yet to find a good doctor and so always use a more holistic approach to health (that’s not to say it’s for everyone). We get ill, discouraged by a range of physical, emotional and spiritual strains on the body and mind. But this is an entire other subject. What I’m trying to say is, think out side the box, listen to your body, heart and mind… Stuck in a difficult relationship, keep getting ill, want that job you always dreamed of… tarot will help you but it’s you that has to make the choice, and step into the life you long for.

"Remember those that do not believe in magic… never find it! It’s good to dream! "

How I do online Readings

With an on-line reading, I tune into you by photograph and using your date of birth. With your payment you are giving me consent, allowing me to connect with you. I then draw cards, with any questions that you may want to know about. Please do bare in mind that the cards will tell me what they feel you need to know, they will never tell me anything that you cannot handle. And so, I will guide and prepare you for what’s to come… Please do check out my feedback on my Facebook page… and all links can be found on my website. I truly hope I can help you like i have helped so many others

I truly hope I can help you like I have helped so many others. 

Drop me a message for any questions or enquiries I'm always happy to help. You can keep in contact through Facebook, email, twitter and soon YouTube!

<3 your little witch 

x x x