Showing posts with label ask a little witch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ask a little witch. Show all posts

Tuesday 8 August 2017



Good Afternoon, So this is a week where you can expect things to slow down as Mercury gets ready to go retrograde, it’s already in its shadow so you should all start to feel the changes.

Furthermore this week Mercury the planet that governs over our minds is looking across to Neptune the planet associated with confusion and dreaminess. I feel many of you guys might be confused this week, some may be lied to, some might be so stuck in their minds that they misplace things. A common trend of this is losing money, forgetting your bank card, leaving money in an ATM a general forgetfulness but one that will cause disruptions physically because Virgo is a working sign, a service sign and a very calculative and physical sign.

Many of you may be thinking back to the past, or looking at what you can do to make some positive changes in your life, it feels to me energetically that we are all looking for security and safety in something this week… Many of us might feel a little defensive or feel like giving up… It’s not the time to give up but it is the time to weigh out your options, don’t make fast or impulsive decisions this week and try to be observant or conscious of things you say to another, with all that illusion and confusion in the air it could get misunderstood or misinterpreted.

That being said let’s now have a look at what’s in store for your element/star sign…

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This week is a week of making that hard choice, you don’t want to make it but you feel pushed to do so. It feels like you just cannot see ahead, you just can’t see how something is going to work for you. It’s a week where you start to overthink past relationships, you could start to hear things about old connections of yours or they could simply appear in your dreams - Most water signs tend to have vivid dreams and it’s there you can attain special information from your spiritual guides or if you're not that much of a believer let’s call it messages from your subconscious. This is a week where it could be very therapeutic to release any pain, stress or anything that is holding you back - I feel it’s time to forgive and let go and allow yourself to be free from all that negative smog that is influencing you. I feel like Money, Work and finances are heavy on your mind this week - well let’s face it they have been for a while. I just feel there is a hard choice a big choice or something impactful happening this week and you feel confused by it or indecisive about it - Just don’t let fear hold you back.


For you guys, I feel that this week should be a positive one, especially when it comes to your creative side of self. I feel like you are going to be feeling good this week, you could gain a little extra money which is always good, or if not given money perhaps the opportunity to earn a little bit more, with extra hours, a bonus, a pay rise, or perhaps for those creative fire signs who make things or create things perhaps you get a few extra sales this week. I feel like you have a lot of drive and energy to see things through to completion this week as well as a positive something happening in and surrounding your family or personal life - maybe even preparing or planning for a trip - or your future.


I feel for you guys that pressure may be getting the best of you this week. You could find yourself reassessing your career choices, or decisions in and surrounding work or a choice you made in regards to your job. For many, I feel the sense of wanting to get away from something but you're being held back or you're holding yourself back this week. It “feels” like you feel that your efforts, skills and talents are going unnoticed but I feel that could be more of a fear of yours that actual fact because Planet Neptune is casting a fog when it comes to those you work alongside. Still, the main thing I get for you Earthy people is that there is to be a reflection and rethinking period this week. If I’m honest I feel that Capricorns are obtaining the brunt of this week’s energy.


For you guys, I get the sneaking suspicion that you are second guessing what your gut is telling you… If I’m honest there is a lot of hidden agendas going on and you might just be looking at things from the wrong angle. You see you could feel like something is in your way, but I actually don’t see it that way at all, you might feel like you have to do things in a certain way but there is another way. It feels to me that you feel as though something or maybe someone is far out of reach but I think that all that needs to happen is that you need to open up and although yourself to truly listen to what it is that your instincts are telling you, give your mind a rest and tap into your feeling self, you might be pleasantly surprised as to where it leads you - going back, revisiting something from another time doesn’t mean that you are moving backwards - sometimes we have to go back in order to move forwards. Your long term goals may have to be put on hold until you deal with whatever this is - this week is a time for deeper reflection, you may want to avoid it but it is necessary that you listen to what your subconscious is trying to tell you.


Have a beautiful week!

Thursday 15 September 2016

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces Conjunct Chiron - What will it mean for you?

Lunar Eclipse - Pisces
Conjunct Chiron the wounded healer


Okay so last year we had the super blood moon eclipse and this year we get the Harvest Moon Eclipse and totally viewable here in the UK and I think it’s the last one until 2024 that’s 8 years - The year of the Dragon!!

This year has been and is, the Year of great changes we have all been on our very own roller coaster for many years. Tomorrow for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse it will feel very quiet being in the Sign of Pisces who has got a lot of action, what with The South Node and Neptune transiting here alongside with Chiron.

Imagine being submerged so deep underwater that you can no longer see the light, you have long lost the will to fight it because you are now unable to hide from it, with no distraction but to deal with what is being presented to you. It’s likely this has been something that you have tried to ignore or swim away from but this Harvest Moon is about to awaken you to seeing the truth and that’s what I feel this will be all about. Diving deep into the unknown, breaking through all the pain, hurts and past issues that have been injured and when you stop fighting it you will find the way out, coming out the other side feeling free, liberated.

Pisces as a sign is healing, it’s psychic and it’s super sensitive and don’t get me wrong it’s confusing for those without any pisces in their charts because it symbolises the deepest parts of the ocean, it’s unseen, it’s dark, and it’s all kinds of mystery - Just like we have yet to experience even a small % of the oceans floors most of us have yet to discover who it is we even are and what we came here to do.

This Lunar Eclipse will be about releasing something, something big in your life, it’s the closing of a door that has been long left open. I feel like this will be that pillar point of awaking, but first you have you unriddle the riddle that is being shown… What with Mercury retrograde and Neptune Retro and being as we are in the Sun in Virgo and Neptune is the ruler of Pisces - it might feel overwhelming and yet at the same confusing.

It’s when you feel like you have it all figured out and then you realise you don’t. It’s also said that the effects of this will play out over the course of the next 3-6 months as well - but for the next month pay close attention and be extra observant because things are not as they appear to be.

I have pulled a few cards for you all to have a look at go with the one that draws you in and then after take a look at your Sun, Moon and Rising sign and even the house that this 24’ Pisces Lunar Eclipse will fall in.

1=1st house/Aries, 2=2nd house/Taurus, 3=3rd House/Gemini, 4=4th house/Cancer, 5=5th house/Leo, 6=6th house/Virgo, 7=7th house/Libra, 8=8th house/Scorpio, 9=9th house/Sagittarius, 10=10th house/Capricorn, 11=11th house/Aquarius & 12=12th house/Pisces.

If you are unsure where your Sun, Moon and ASC are check out your Natal/Birth Chart at You will need your exact time of birth to find out your ASCENDANT/Rising Sign(They mean the same thing)

If you select your card and comment below & scroll down to reveal what your Card(S) mean for you...

Option one - Surrender and release/1st House lunar Eclipse

So you are reminded that when one holds on to something that is really not working and at that holding on too tightly to apart of your life that has no room for growth it also has no room to heal because your so set on “forcing it” by not letting go of it.

I feel like for you it’s been very clear that for a while now that an area of your life, be this romantically, relationships, work, career or life direction, whatever it may be your not happy with it.

It almost feels like for a period of time you kind of hung onto it out of fear, fear of being wrong, not getting it right, not finding something or someone better or mask an old wound… I feel like all this has done has made the situation worse.

For you guys I feel like you just have to let it go, you have to stop fighting this feeling inside of you, this pull or urge and just be open and honest enough to be freed from it. I feel like you will be liberated by doing so and you will actually allow yourself to be healed.

Reach out, pick up the phone, text, email, write a letter, put  it all down and get it all out of you and see what happens.

Option Two - Enchantment/2nd House lunar Eclipse

So for you I feel like your values are shifting, maybe you have to let something material go, step away from family expectations, be daring enough to embrace what the inner child within wants out of life and create a way to set this in motion.

For you I feel you have been a little too serious when it comes to finances, work, wealth, money, family and values… You are being asked to think back and remember when you was a child and that sense of childlike wonder and magic that you saw in the world, it’s time you get acquainted with that version of you, the verson who believed you could do anything you put your mind to.

So whatever is weighing you down in life it’s time to reevaluate it all and find a way that you can inject more happiness and light heartedness into your life, it’s time to dream, have fun - haven’t you worked hard enough what are you working for/towards anymore?

Option Three - Healing/3rd House lunar Eclipse

So for you I feel something has long being on your mind, I feel as though you need to shift your focus to what’s not right in your life, what’s wrong and release the issue all together… because as you know all things come full circle, you cannot be in an amazing state of being all the time just as the bad feelings don’t last forever either everything returns to the middle and becomes in perfect balance.

Know that whatever has caused you concern in the past will soon be healed as soon as you acknowledge that you can do just that. . . H E A L

For you maybe it’s about putting the gossip to rest, clearing things up with the facts and maybe even talking opening could really help you out.

Option Four - Serenity/4th House lunar Eclipse

So for you I feel like maybe, well especially those Cancerians out there who tend to get stuck in the past, are coming to terms with an old relationship, an old proposal, offer be this romantically or otherwise. I feel like at long last your about to be able to be truly freed from someone or something that held you captive, either emotionally, mentally, psychologically.

I feel as though you have reached a point where you have complete and utter faith that “God” the universe has your back… Although in the past there could of been concerns over partnering up, contracts, promises although I feel this time it is speaking of romantic partnerships and the kind of commitment that you are seeking…

I feel as though you know in every fibre of your being that you will end up with the right someone at some point, I feel like this Lunar Eclipse is clearing the way for this to enter, because as soon as you reach that state of inner happiness your outside/external world will follow suit - happiness starts right now you don’t have to wait any longer.

Option Five - Manifestation/5th House lunar Eclipse

So you my friends are finally starting to smell the roses! I feel like for you it’s as though your relationships (if in the 5th house), business endeavors, life direction, a sense of joy and happiness has reached a new level and you are really starting to see the rewards of this over the course of the next 6th months.

It’s clear that things are not exactly as you imagined but they are certainly fantastic and more that you could of hoped for. It is showing you that your life is changing, it has changed and you have blossomed too. It goes to show when you focus on the what and not on the who - mountains really can move.

Option Six - Children/6th House lunar Eclipse

You could be ready for this something new, infact I feel like something extra special could take place and your being told this is only the beginning… You need to be sure as to what your whole heartedly putting your time and energy into and if it is rewarding you in all the right ways.

It’s important to not neglect the inner child, but at the same time you cannot go getting disillusioned by something else what are you growing for yourself, building towards, working towards are you looking after yourself or are you letting others tell you how it is. Big things are going to take place in the workplace and it could affect your health if your not standing up for yourself and your dreams, goals and ambitions.

Option Seven - Celebration/7th House lunar Eclipse

If this is happening in your 7th house it really can point to a change in the marriage, relationship, partnerships, business or anyone that you are close to during this time.

I’m seeing positive changes for you and a much long needed change at that. This is a time of good news something is going to move you in ways you haven’t experienced before or at least in a really long time. Relationships are certainly going to be transformed during this Lunar eclipse and for the next 3-6 Months. Listen to your intuition and your own insights it really is spookley on point.

Option Eight - New Beginnings ® /8th House lunar Eclipse

So This card was reversed, It can point to that second chance, or it can point to the fact that your ready to let something or someone go. I see this as a time where something suddenly can be put on you… Lunar eclipses are harsher than the average Full Moon and in the 8th house you can be expected to be blown away by the changes and things that can take place almost suddenly and out of the blue.

Old is old and NEW in IN, work on new routines, get yourself out there, watch your health during this time and be prepared to be wowed by all the insight that you will be receiving in the coming months. IT points to new opportunities and it can happen quite quickly at that.

Side note, they say that there could be fast developments with a friend also!

Option Nine - Guardian Angel/9th House lunar Eclipse

So you are being reminded of how the things you tell yourself impact your capability to manifest all that you want in life. It’s time where something will be revealed and the harsh reality of that truth with transform you in changing these things.

For some of you, there could be fears over changes and your being told that they hear you and they are with you and this all happening just as it should be. They are also saying for some of you a powerful new belief could shift everything, it’s time to get learning, to opening your mind maybe even a move for some of you over the next 6 months. For others it’s a time where tests are over and completed once and for all but are you ready to put it into practice.

Option Ten - Study/10th House lunar Eclipse

So for you it’s about a change in status, a change in roles maybe, maybe people are seeking you out to teach them new things or maybe your inspired to expand and grow yourself in someway.

For those with it in the 10th house it can point the fact that you have what people are needing right now and the sudden turn around at first could be quite overwhelming. As long as you are learning and are open to new things all will be most beneficial.

I also feel as there is news or an offer on the way also!

Option Eleven - Emerging/11th House lunar Eclipse

So for you I feel like something is bubbling to the surface, a feeling or feelings that you have perfected at neglecting are now rising up and it will be no longer feasible to hide your true self.

Why should you, are feelings and emotions that scary for you? Your being asked to come out, to be honest, to show the world a whole other side to you, the time for hiding and being just as your friends expect you is a thing of the past, you cannot neglect what is happening and going on with you and you will be asked to face it.

Now for you it will be challenging if in the 11th house because the friendship roles and dynamics will be challenged but you need to create a true tribe, a group that actually listens, supports and uplifts you and knows you truly as opposed to the fun superficial side of things.

Be who you are and you will see who your true friends are.

Option Twelve - Self Acceptance/12th House lunar Eclipse

So there comes a time in everyone's life when you need to honor yourself more, you need to be honest with yourself, with what you tell yourself. Something in your life is about to change in a big way, this next few months will be transformative and in a way that can feel quick and you need to not shy away from this but to stand up and embrace this gift.

I am seeing an ending for you, a big turn around, a transformation and it will require you to accept who it is that you are, no more hiding, no more changing yourself to please others, no more putting everyone above  yourself… It’s time for you to blossom and become who it is that you truly are.

Your being too hard on yourself, you have come to a point that maybe that judging yourself is second nature - Let me tell you “your being too HARD on yourSELF”... Enough is enough, these negative thought patterns are only disempowering you, it’s time you see you for who you are and all the magic that lies within because you are in for a pretty intense awakening.

Honor yourself and stop being so overly critical and perfectionistic you are great as you are, and yes everyone can self improve but you need to accept yourself just the way you are right now =)

Sunday 17 April 2016

2016 Retrograde Season - The Wheel of Fortune - The greatest things are about to happen - You just gotta make it through!

2016 Retrograde Season

Broken down into sections for you to easily follow along - 1st up I speak of Jupiter & Saturn Retrograde followed by Mars and then Pluto and finishing up with Mercury Retrograde in Taurus

It all starts Now the greatest Purge that will have you feeling like you have well and truly joined the circus! It is the year of the Monkey after all.

Tomorrow will marker Pluto joining Jupiter, Saturn and Mars  in there Retrograding cycles of which will be joined on the 28th by Mercury which is already in its shadow period.

Now Jupiter you already have had a taste of what that is all about being in Virgo... It really is offering you the keys to open doors to amazing new realities but you have to put in the effort to get the Keys, to open up those doors.

With it looking at and I guess you could go as far as to say working alongside Saturn - Both Saturn and Jupiter are about teaching and yeah Saturn can be a hard ass, he likes to push you further and further to see just how far he can before you break, but it’s not about breaking you it’s about making you stronger getting you focused, on track and seeing if you really want it - he has some pretty crazy ways of teaching those lessons. Nevertheless Saturn’s lessons are some of the most rewarding!

Then you have Jupiter, he doesn’t like to be in Virgo, Virgo can be too detail oriented that they become so critical and obsessed with perfection that they forget to look up and notice what you have. Jupiter rules over Sagittarius of which currently has both Mars/Saturn retrograding, which is amplifying the kind of journey you are embarking upon during the Spring/Summer months - It is about expanding your higher mind, adapting beliefs and giving you very real experiences. Maybe even some Spiritual ones! Signs and Signals sent by Planet Neptune.

Jupiter brings about luck, expansion, expanding your horizons in Virgo it can be that doorway for your vocation, what it is you desire to be, to do, and you literally can make it all happen with the Virgo energy but are your Beliefs/fears/doubts the things that are holding you back… The “I can’t do this” syndrome.

Mars Retrograde!

April 18th until May 28 moves direct but won’t leave Scorpio again until August 2nd

So you are well versed in the Jupiter and Saturn Retrogrades but Mars only goes retrograde every couple of years so this energy might feel a little foggy or unusual to most as we don’t experience it quite as often.

Okay so, my mind is scrambling because I want to talk about the importance of it retrograding at the same time as Pluto and that Scorpio link… But first I should kind of let you know at least from my perspective what Mars Transiting Retrograde does and brings with it symbolically.

Mars rules over both Aries and Scorpio! Your persona (1st house - aka the house of self) & The unexpected/unknown/unforeseen (8th house - aka the house of death and rebirth). Mars itself is POWER, not like Capricorn, it’s more like the soldiers or the warriors that work for you it’s the drive and the energy to make it all happen minus the leadership - it’s kind of got a mind of its own - It’s passion and follows it relentlessly. Mars is your life force your energy and it is one of the two relationship planets.

So a Retrograde planet gives off the appearance or the optical illusion of going backwards… So I guess that’s kind of symbolic that we too will go inward and become more reflective maybe needing to look backwards before we are able to move forwards. A piece of the puzzle is missing and the parts are not ahead but behind. It’s as though we have reached a point in our lives where the “gods” the forces beyond this physical reality have put cogs in the wheels that are directing us forward, we can no longer continue on this path because we have things that are holding us back or things that we have forgotten or need to understand - unfinished business.

Okay So Mars last went Retrograde March 1 2014 in the Sign of Libra (affecting relationships) and before that January 24 2012 in the Sign of Virgo all of which where when the Karmic cycle of Saturn in Scorpio was taking place or within a day of doing so.

With Mars going retrograde it can bring if your a female, a certain type of man (back)into your life if you are a man, maybe you are remembering an old lover, again these are just from my observations. Mars co-ruling over Scorpio has this kind of Karmic twist to it - it’s raw and unexplainable.

Mars turning inwards is that we have this desire to look behind, to revisit, there is likely to be a sexual/intimate connection cropping up in some very fated karmic ways. It can bring an old vendetta back, wanting to get even with someone as well… The common thread I’m seeing is the past, going back and not really considering the usual things - it’s like a gravitational pull towards something or someone! This is not a time to make commitments what with Mercury being retrograde at the end of the month.

… Pluto Retrograde

It’s time to reflect about what you actually desire, you will find truths coming to the Surface as we have Pluto lending a helping hand at looking at patterns in your life, understanding the past and opportunities to reconnect and heal - coming together with someone from the past could actually open up more doors for the future - again it’s a time to think and commitments should wait a while longer.

With this cycle of Mars going back through Sagittarius and into Scorpio we will be coming face to face with certain fears even more so something from the past (Pluto retrograding), It’s a time of great transformations and healings and new birthings and reconnections being made - to me it screams Karmic ties.

Pluto going retrograde in Capricorn is a big deal considering it’s degrees and ruling over Saturn which is also doing some reanalyzing upon belief systems and the future, the horizon, what matters and what we are building leads to who we are building things with… We are looking at the structures within our lives and the decisions we made along the way. Pluto ruling over Scorpio the sign of truth, honesty, death, transformation, secrets and control you could find some things out that could redefine a lot for you. This is just another intense aspect turning us to look at the past, the endings that occurred it will trigger the 2012-2014 and summer of 2015 series of events… there are pieces missing and things to heal still and no matter how hard you try to avoid it - 5 planets going retro that’s a lot of energy going down.

Now most people can withhold one maybe two planets going retrograde but with 5 - i’m sorry folks! You will have whatever has been suppressed will resurface for you.

Now I said at the start of the year this will be the year of great changes and those changes will be unpredictable partly because we are moving through the year of the Monkey! I also said that this year the universe in some mysterious ways will be aligning those people who desire partnership with a desirable partner, this partner maybe not what you are use to, but there will be this fatedness about you and the other…It will be about finding your clan or tribe. For those who are fed up with the hookup culture this will be a year that will open up the doorway for a powerful connection and for some, it can bring the past back too. By the time we reach the year of the Rooster (January 28 2017) we will see the light of this beautiful new beginning and it will bring joy!

Mercury Retrograde in Taurus
Currently in its shadow period, going retrograde on April 28 until May 27 but will feel the effects until June 7th.

This one is going to be a kicker being as it is in the Sign of Taurus which is all about value, love, stability, family, the things that bring us that sense of belonging. It’s interesting to me to see how all of this energy is about the heart center, opening up and taking notice of what our hearts wants as opposed to the things we tell ourselves we want.

This is a time where yes there very well could be technical difficulties, delays with travel, misunderstandings, communication mishaps but it is the perfect time to reflect, not take things so personal, there will be a lot of projecting during this time maybe even some hesitantness too. We need to look back at matters of heart - This could bring up an reoccurring situation, a need to re-think about someone from the past or maybe even reflect on a choice you may of made.

Because Taurus is so fixed and sensual I think it can bring up those intense feelings for someone, “The one that got away - or is slipping away”.  It’s as though we go into this deep thought of feelings, reminders, it’s someone who still holds some power over us and Taurus is stubborn so don’t expect things to really get moving until it starts to move forwards again - but still your head will be plagued with a choice, that tipping point of it could really all be over I need to reconnect to see if what I still feel is really there - It’s that sign who needs to experience for oneself to believe… But that desire is there and it’s linked into the past and it circulates the heart, passion and love - a deep one.

It’s as though we thought we made it out! We survived that issue, situation, circumstance due to a lover or something of value to us… Then all of a sudden it pops up out of the blue! It could feel like for some, your own mind is betraying you but all thoughts are cropping up for a reason! You must evaluate these things. Maybe the choices we made back then were us trying to control the issue and switch off from feeling (Pluto won’t allow that neither Mars) - Logic doesn't understand the heart and joy and happiness come from the heart - Taurus is about pleasure the finer things in life & although Mercury Retrogrades are not good to start something New they might be okay to reconsider something old.

Be sure to Share for the upcoming Retrograde Season the energy is about to turn up a notch or two. If you would like a personal Reading with me please check out my website & be sure to check me out on Facebook & Youtube “Ask a Little Witch” Like & Subscribe for more

Much love - Little Witch x x x