Showing posts with label mars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mars. Show all posts

Sunday 19 July 2015

venus in Aries or an Aries in Love

Venus in Aries

Venus in Aries or a Aries  in Love

Venus is the Planet of Love, beauty and relationships in a Man’s chart it can point to what they look for in a lover/wife. So when your looking at Love in the sign of Aries you should know that Aries Love's strong, direct and confident partners.

❝This is a sexy, upfront, works what they have and goes for it type of lover, fierce, forceful, in charge, take charge, quick passion but highly driven… ❞ -Ask a Little Witch

Love for a Venus in Aries is that they need a take charge or sometimes these people like to take control, but they need someone who is competitive, strong, ballsy, confident and loud or someone who thinks for themselves.

These people are more than likely going to be attracted to active, sporty, fiery, feisty people. Someone who will challenge them in many ways. Now these people will not tolerate weakness that is a non desirable for them, they are also not fond of the over emotional types either but does depend on other placements… They need a partner who will take the lead or at least be a leader, someone bold, out there, maybe even a tad spontaneous just goes after what they want a real striver.

They need bluntness, openness, directness, clear sighted, forthright types they don’t like mind games especially those that they can’t win. However these people are impatient and like things in a certain way.

What i will say is that these people are very attractive they take a lot of attention they love attention and so when we a thinking romance they are usually loyal however they go through a lot of relationships. It’s a fire sign ruled by Mars so it has these bursts of energy, when it’s not fun anymore they move on to something new.

They need spontaneous partners, ones that will make them feel important, funny and different people is what they need or the flame will burn out. They need entertaining also and they have there own life so do not expect this sign to be all on you all the time it will kind of jump in between so it’s important your okay with the spontaneous outbursts. On you one minute then away the next - they also love a heated arguement!

These people at the same time are fearless lovers, you have Venus/Mars merging, they have no fear when it comes to love they move passed it quickly, if they like you then your going to know they don’t pretend they lack the mysterious qualities in relationships it’s very clear very upfront.

If your a woman then your going to be attracted to a fire sign type, a bold, manly man, strong, forceful, gets stuff done type. If your a guy then your going to want a woman who is fierce, bold, in control, thinks for herself, driven, independent and direct.

These Venus in Aries people are the doers… They want a partnership based off of doing things, experiencing stuff it’s a fire sign so they need to keep things fun and enjoyable… They are not the lover who bases love off of emotion and deep connection.

These people are sexy as hell, passionate, ballsy, direct, independant and damn strong! In some ways i guess you can say it’s magnetic due to the refreshing no worries positive attitude these people have but it’s not ruled by Pluto so it’s more clear about what your attracted to as opposed to mysterious you can’t put your finger on it Scorpio in Venus.

Celebrities with this Placement

Marilyn Monroe, George Clooney, Lady Gaga, Jennifer Aniston, Shakira, Rihanna, Mariah Carey, Audrey Hepburn, Jack Nicholson, Robert Downey Jr, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Sarah Jessica Parker, Johnny Cash, Pharrell Williams, Christina Ricci,

Thanks so much for taking the time to read my two cents on Venus in Aries and if you are a Venus in Aries then stand proud your Sexy and you know it!

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Astrology Weekend October 29 2014

Astrology Weekend October 29 2014

Today I’d like you think about the things that you're emotionally attaching yourself to that you cannot let go of? I believe that with Scorpio alot of fers are surfacing and it is about looking at these things and understanding the route issue as to why. I mean the energy always gets a little spooky around halloween time but we are all scared of different things and it is about getting back on track with Capricorn who wants to find a way to just get to where he needs to get to - plan - action - go - go GO!!

The Moon is still in Capricorn today but it will make a square to Mercury and the North node making something quite challenging for you today. Now with this it is hard because Mercury is still trying to weigh things out and move forward… But it can’t with all this spooking and strange weird things going on - we are unable to process what to do in our lives today with this aspect. Scorpio is deep, and bringing a lot to the surface and Capricorn is trying to push us forward yet our minds cannot decide what to do because it’s too much.

I think it is about a build up of things today and looking at what was sown and how it has played out - try to not allow emotions to get the better of us i know everything is hard to understand right now - but everyone has a fear surfacing and we are react a certain way to fears so just allow it to take it’s course and everything will ease up a little bit i am sure.

Let go of the things that do not serve you. Take a risk and jump into something that will push you forward. Emotionally we need to risk something, to move forward and work on…. Today is a weird day in all honesty just roll with the times today

Have a Beautiful Day/Evening (depending when you're reading this)  <3

Monday 27 October 2014

Astrology Weekend October 27 2014

Astrology Weekend October 27 2014

Today we have the Moon in Sagittarius making a trine to Jupiter which i think is about expanding the mind, it could indicate an expanding in your emotions but also a knowing that this is happened for a reason and to get you on track - I do see this as a becoming positive awareness, seeing the bigger picture if even you do not want to too...

Sun and Venus pair up as they are with each other conjuncting (combining) and trine over to Neptune the planet of Spirituality, imagination, intuition and i think with this we are finally understanding where spirit the universe has brought us to now in our life - have you been paying attention to the signs? A lot has surfaced this weekend just gone.

I say a lot has surfaced but also a lot has been exposed this weekend too especially with relationships and the life that we want to have. I feel like today intuition and a mix with the positivity has allowed you to trust in your intuition, dig deep and get to the bottom of things.

I feel like we have a lot to heal from and we really are having to face our fears and inner demons as well but it is necessary for this transformation to take place. You are responsible for your happiness, happiness comes from you and not others but we need others to mirror us to learn more about our self and i feel we will be coming together with people that are meant to be in our life now.

Today i think you will see the light, you will see that there are is so much more opportunity that you may think and your most certainly seeing the bigger picture today.

Now Mars the planet of energy, action and fire is in Capricorn which means we really will be organising, planning ahead of time in a positive way to really take control and press forward. Capricorn will play a huge part over the next month in combining with the Scorpio Energy… Which i think will be about climbing to new heights and destiny.

I think a lot has happened these past few months and some pretty intense stuff the past 3 weeks but you know, i think it was clearing the way for what it is that we truly want in our life, what we want to build in our life and in regards to relationships maybe that other person was never going to give you what you wanted and it is time to clear the way and know that something much better is coming your way - Destiny and strange things happen in the Scorpio transit into Sagittarius every single time =)

Have a Beautiful Day/Evening (depending when you're reading this)  <3