Showing posts with label moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moon. Show all posts

Wednesday 9 December 2015

♓ Advice to a Younger Pisces ♓

Advice to a Younger Pisces
Sun, Air (Gemini/Aquarius/Libra) Moon, Mercury/Venus in Pisces

I have been engaging with a fellow Pisces, Gemini Moon, Venus/Mercury in Pisces... This is my advice to a 21-year-old having been there myself! In regards to matters of the heart!

Well, I shall be 27 in March and I know exactly myself at that age I would always run away haha... I've dated a lot but only been in love once in my life and of course as all ending are, it was painful being a Pisces with so much water in my chart my emotions often consume me I was beside myself for a long time... But I have come realise I have learnt so much more having loved and lost, in fact, I have learnt so much more not having him that It somehow makes it okay.

I still run haha it's a Pisces trait for sure, Especially this day in age where things are so replaceable to so many people -there are too many options and I like to be someone's number one choice and being as I'm attracted to Aquarius the most - I'm probably doomed haha - Just kidding!

I think the trick is to breathe and ask questions... I have learnt through the years that becoming aware and never doubting my intuition it has never and will never lead me down a wrong path... And If you too have these placements It will never allow you to either. But life is about expanding and growing and so we must experience all - including hurt as it shows us and reminds us of what is real. If you are starting to talk yourself out of something- ask yourself is this worth the risk/do i truly want this and the initial response or feeling is what you should take into action... If even for a split second it was/is a yes - give it a whirl..

People come into our life for many reasons! You must figure out why before you dismiss it and runaway or in a Pisces life - Swim to a place people cannot reach.

I have lots to still learn - Saturn, Neptune and Uranus conjunct in the 7th... I'm not going to ever settle for less than what i desire - Venus in Pisces! haha =)

I think with time you become who you are suppose to become! and the choices you make up until then shape it - So your life is always in your own hands. =)

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Saturday 11 July 2015

Venus in Cancer/Cancer in love or 7th house cusp cancer

Venus in Cancer

Venus in Cancer or a Cancer  in Love

Venus is the Planet of Love, beauty and relationships in a Man’s chart it can point to what they look for in a lover/wife. So when your looking at Love in the sign of Cancer you should know that Cancer Love's a partner that makes them feel at home, someone who can keep them safe and give them emotional stability.

❝This Love is a deep, emotional yet psychic connection. Protective and deeply loving one that rolls with the tides of the Ocean always flowing… ❞ -Ask a Little Witch

Love for a Venus in Cancer is a place they can call home. I know that is probably what everyone wants but these people need a safe haven, someone who will protect, care, look after, love and nurture them and someone who will cater to their needs

If a guy has this placement they will not only look for a lover but ideally their partner will need to have that strong “i’d make an amazing mom/wife” Vibe. Venus in Cancer will value family life too in a similar way that a Taurus does.

Venus in Cancer is deeply attuned to others in a emotional way they pick up on how people feel a bit like a mother does with a newborn, they are deeply receptive.

Now this placement is a little guarded they are not necessary open they actually have this strong presence but at the same time a tad shy or coy. When however they do like someone they aim to win and will do what it takes to get that lover… In relationships once they are with you they are bound to you some might even say they can be clingy they just crave the closeness of a relationship they are very sensitive and emotional you might even be surprised that once you get passed the hard shell of the crab you find this nurturing, caring, protective, funny person beneath it all.

I’ll say when your with one they will know straight up how you feel, they just become so psychically attuned to you that there is no use in hiding it! Same goes for if your lying, don’t do it, do not miss treat this Venus sign they will get very defensive, retreat and on comes the armour they do not trust easily you have to earn all aspects of them. They can be vindictive if you have mistreated them they pack a punch and fight it out but they are just so deeply emotional that when you hurt them it runs deep (water sign)

These people are also very driven, dedicated lovers/partners/friends, creative and usually have the ability to make you feel at home and be great parents because they have a natural way with children, they can also be a little childlike in some ways young at hearts people.

Venus in Cancer are protective of their hearts and the ones they love, they will fight for what they love they are insanely loyal lovers. Depending upon your Sun sign these people can be a tad on the possessive side not quite as sexy as the Scorpio Lover but it’s still water sign so has this depth to it… I think with this water sign though it will be the one to take physical action almost in the moment in a feisty kinda way, Scorpio makes you think it’s all okay then they stings you and Pisces just swims away hurt before it can get any worse.

An emotionally tense kinda lover! In relationships these people will serve you, cook the best food, know how to indulge, relax you, bring forth funny conversation they are spiritual in ways they might not even know they are on a conscious level.

One of my best friends have this placement they know when something is up (psychic) and you don’t have to say a thing, deeply emotional and at times get lost in the feeling of things, loving, caring and can be a little full on and intense but she is a Leo so ya know Love her for it!

Celebrities with this Placement

Angelina Jolie, Barack Obama, Cameron Diaz, Natalie Portman, Keanu Reeves, Halle Berry, Russell Brand, Khloe Kardashian, Elizabeth Hurley, Courtney Cox, Wentworth Miller, Stevie Nicks.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read my two cents on Venus in Cancer and if you are a Venus in Cancer then your a friend everyone needs!

Monday 6 April 2015

Monday's Horoscope 07 April 2015 - All Signs

* * * * Horoscope 07 April 2015 * * * *
Lunar Eclipse is finally over, but i don’t feel thats the end of the intensity. The Moon is now in the Sign of Scorpio which is a very deep investigative placement and it is trine Pluto, meaning that there is some getting to the bottom of things and truly having some form of a breakthrough. I say breakthrough but it is a change within our self and taking the action to step into this new you.

The thing with Scorpio is it’s either all in or not at all there not usually any middle ground and Pluto is death and rebirth. Scorpio is a deep and passionate sign and ruled by Planet Mars, which is all about sex, action and war and today the Moon (feelings) in Scorpio will make adverse aspects to Mars making for some pretty intense emotions, maybe so intense that you want to act upon them but you can’t a Taurus Mars is very slow moving and very stubborn too. What this should be able to help you do if you use it right is to break free don’t although your emotions to rule you and it can even point to some jealous behaviour.

More than this I mean everything is pointing to a change today… Sun is now Conjunct Uranus exact!! I see this as a want to make a change, and it’s even like you need this change and you cannot leave things the way they are - Expect something unexpected to happen today. Change is here whether its internally or externally we have this drive or impulse to do something about it. Maybe try not to rush, Aries energy can somewhat bug me but i know everything will work out it often does the ram is a lucky little devil. Maybe try not to pick an argument today.

Lastly i wanted to mention the fact both Jupiter and Mercury are at 12 degrees and positively aspecting i see this as your mind opening up and expanding and the fact Sun/Uranus are doing the same thing i think the door is open for some pretty amazing things to enter now.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks