Friday 3 March 2017

Leo March 2017|AskaLittleWitch

Leo March 2017 Predictions|AskaLittleWitch

Apologies for the crap audio on this month's (March) Monthly predictions, being as it took me a full day to do them I won’t be re-recording them but I am in the process of writing them up, below is what I picked up on for the sign of Leo. The Mid-Months will be back to normal with my traditional Camera & Mic <3 Thank you so much! Please Share, Like and Sub if you like these.

What they showed me for Leo was a lot of planning and preparation work for what it is that you are hoping to build or in the process of. I see that this Month will be brilliant for that, as in the initial research phase, seeding these ideas with lots of research and behind the scenes type things.

Leo’s should have a lot to smile about this month, emotions a full and heightened and although for some it could feel overwhelming I see it personally as a good thing.

Interestingly enough the past few months I think I have picked up on a pregnancy theme for you Lions, now obviously it doesn’t have to mean children, but Leo ruling the 5th house, the house of creativity, children, passions, pleasure and romance something you are or wanting to give birth too… so not just children but new ideas, business venture and passion projects too.

The Month feels very earthy/Virgo and grounded for you guys - “the devil's in the details”. Perhaps you’re perfecting things, putting in a lot of work to get everything organised so it comes together correctly - which I feel will happen with ease if you collaborate with others and to not try to do it all yourself. It feels like even that your skill sets are advancing or the situation, project or plan is advancing somewhat - Just don’t lose sight of the bigger picture.

This month feels like it i that catalyst for expansion. Your life is expanding perhaps there is move or a trip on the cards, educating yourself further in something - it feels like a lucky month.

Now there could be a blast from the past coming in this month… It has you feeling nostalgic, thinking about things you haven’t thought of since you was a child yourself, years of memories coming up… An important gathering or meet up for sure from where you could have one of those “fated” meetings, a new friend an old friend.

This Month is the month that you contemplate that next step… You’re entering that next phase of your life be that a new love, marriage, moving, new career, job, travelling, graduating, studying, having a baby -  it feels monumental.

The advice for this month is compassion. Show compassion to yourself and others this month, even amongst past disappointments. Some of you are wondering about parenthood, reflecting and concerned if you will or will not be able to be responsible for another living being, putting something before yourself… Looking back to your own childhood and things that didn’t go to plan and past disappointments.

This month will bring about movement or a change. Be this a work offer, opportunity, travel, journey of visiting places and even potential homes.

They did keep showing me “mumsy” Things, perhaps there is news from a relative, or you're concerned over maternity pay etc… lots of parent type things being shown to me?

Lastly, they showed me a friend, or meeting someone who will become your friend - they are likely to be spiritual in nature, religious perhaps or it’s just someone who crosses your path that will hold some importance.

This is what I picked up for the sign of Leo, be sure to check out your Sun, Moon and rising sign for more in-depth reading for March.

If you would like a personal reading with me, head on over to  & feel free to connect with me on these interactive links Instagram, Facebook & Twitter

Cancer March 2017|AskaLittleWitch

Cancer March 2017 Predictions|AskaLittleWitch

Apologies for the crap audio on this month's (March) Monthly predictions, being as it took me a full day to do them I won’t be re-recording them but I am in the process of writing them up, below is what I picked up on for the sign of Cancer. The Mid-Months will be back to normal with my traditional Camera & Mic <3 Thank you so much! Please Share, Like and Sub if you like these.

What they showed me for Cancer was a hot air balloon, really pretty and colourful but with more red tones than anything else - Red I link with determination.

Now what I picked up on was that you could be hearing a lot of things of which will not only surprise you but they will probably impact you in some kind of a way. Now because you are a Cancer and Cancerians tend to take on the worries and burdens of everyone else. The News or the information will be about “Feelings/Emotions”, be that someone else’s feelings for you or your own feelings for someone else - Emotions are always tricky because they are so liquid you cannot contain them or prevent them.

The general vibe that came forward for Cancer was this needing to be your own light in the darkness, It could feel like for some reason your position in the world is being challenged. Be that someone is undermining your talents, skills and abilities, treating you like a walking mat, or tearing you down from afar - perhaps out of jealousy or not knowing the facts/truth.

This may not come forward to you directly, but you will feel this way because your receptive, psychic intuitive nature is giving you that heads up.

What I see is that the way in which people view you or see you is changing. Adjustments will be made as with any change… Perhaps this month’s is a really good time for you to do some soul searching in regards to how you want others to see you, view you ect. What you need to do above all else is to own it, to be the best you that there is, hone in on your skills and talents and don’t allow anyone to treat you as if you don’t qualify for this new status/”fill in the blank”.

It’s so important that you don’t get discouraged and allow others to plant doubts in your mind. It probably will feel for whatever reason stressful because everyone seems to be demanding something from you. It feels like March has you on guard!

Now going back to this hearing things, I feel like you will be searching for the truth, and that’s what you want to do, don’t take things at face value route out the source.

Now that you are in the limelight you will need to be sure that you are putting forward that version that you want to be - Just like that hot air balloon in the sky - People will be watching you this Month. As well, do not be or listen to all that you hear as with that beautiful balloon, I can see the intricate details that make it up, but, people are only seeing you from afar so be sure that you perceive it as such.

I feel like there is this something new emerging, not only with the way your being seen but, it could be that you’re moving onto the next phase, chapter and taking the relevant steps or right of passage. Now if it is to do with a relationship just ensure you’re making the right choice that this is something long term for you. I just feel this sense of advancement and you need to ensure that future you and the relationships that you're in are in alignment with that future goal. For some of you, it could be that your planning a big trip, going travelling with a partner.

The advice I was picking up on was a feeling of guilt? I feel like you may be misplacing guilt, feeling bad for something that is about to go down, bad for your success and achievements and or advancement. If anything you should be happy and proud, you worked really hard for this, it hasn’t been easy, it didn’t just happen over night and now you need to stand up and defend what is rightfully yours.

That being said maybe you feel stuck, trapped in the situation but this is a month where you can gain your sense of freedom, liberate yourself from it all and open yourself back up - there is no need to isolate yourself.

I also picked up on a friend coming to visit or you going to visit a friend this month - It feels nostalgic there is history here with it. It could bring up old topics what with Venus going Rx this month, old scenarios and ensuring that you spend time with people who empower you and do not tear you down.

This month is about stepping up, advancing in some area of your life, learning new skills, a sense of elevation and success and with that perhaps in comes the news of a pay rise or more money, a bonus or some kind of beneficial news as a result of this “fill in the blank”. It’s about preparing for others to challenge you, and the best way for you to do that is just to know your stuff.

I feel like there could very well be an important event, meeting, occasion, gathering at or towards the end of this month.

This is what I picked up for the sign of Cancer, be sure to check out your Sun, Moon and rising sign for more in depth reading for March.

If you would like a personal reading with me, head on over to  & feel free to connect with me on these interactive links Instagram, Facebook & Twitter

Gemini March 2017 Predictions|Askalittlewitch

Gemini March 2017 Predictions|Askalittlewitch

Apologies for the crap audio on this month's (March) Monthly predictions, being as it took me a full day to do them I won’t be re-recording them but I am in the process of writing them up, below is what I picked up on for the sign of Gemini. The Mid-Months will be back to normal with my traditional Camera & Mic <3 Thank you so much! Please Share, Like and Sub if you like these.

The impression I got for Gemini was that things are increasing, be that money, responsibilities, duties all in the alignment of the working or material field. They showed me an image that began to expand.

It appeared that for a while at least you were treading water, and now this month I feel things are falling into place - You can have the success that you seek if you really want it - as in, ready to work and remained focused on your goals. What's clear is that your being seen, recognised and even being rewarded for your efforts or something that you are building/working on. You’re very much in the eyes of many- all eyes are on you - no pressure!

You may have struggled a bit with it recently but this month it looks like that preparation work is really going to be paying off - even speeding up now. I am seeing an opportunity for you guys to travel, move a sense of being on the go, momentum. Of course, you don’t have to travel this month but you're certainly casting your nets for where is next for you.

They were very adamant about “travel”, they were showing me lots of different modalities of transportation - So perhaps some of you are looking at learning to drive, buying a new car, planning a trip/Journey or something?

Now the roadblock this month is all to do with some kind of wake up call in and surrounding relationships, friendships, partnerships but it looks to me maybe past issues coming back up for you to acknowledge, heal and release - Sometimes people show up for no other reason that for us to see how much we as a person have grown. Venus Rx this month from the 5th March until April 16th has a way of doing that.

Saying that for some of you there could be some kind of reconciliation but for the most, it’s about reevaluating your relationships and narrowing them down. I feel like there will be this surrendering vibe when it comes to relationships as a mechanism to help you open up to the right connections.

The advice they gave was to practice caution, to be observant, it could be that something that once was hidden is slowly emerging to be discovered. Now whatever this is I guess is asking you to practice patience and perhaps it’s about being clever, not letting on that you know as a way to see people in a new light. For some of you, you just might want to let slip but i feel like you need to be sure, and they say “make the right choice”.

I guess for some it’s about ensuring this decision reflects the future you, and you're not getting roped into something that feels like an old obligation.

They again persisted to emphasise this sense of “movement”, be it a relationship coming back in, someone showing up out of the blue that creates a flurry of change/movement, News coming your way, finding something out that maybe you wasn’t supposed to know and ensuring you act with integrity when confronting it and don’t run away from it or take the easy road.

This month shows that some big things are happening in and surrounding your working life and you want to utilise that extra attention and limelight to push forward with your plans. The only issue is a relationship issue that needs to be addressed otherwise it could deter your attention elsewhere.

March will or should enable you to feed the seed you have sown, it will manifest in the months to follow,  you just need to start to feed it and keep on top of it.

This is what I picked up for the sign of Gemini, be sure to check out your Sun, Moon and rising sign for more in-depth reading for March.

If you would like a personal reading with me, head on over to  & feel free to connect with me on these interactive links Instagram, Facebook & Twitter

Taurus March 2017 Predictions | AskaLittleWitch

Taurus March 2017 Predictions | AskaLittleWitch

Apologies for the crap audio on this month's (March) Monthly predictions, being as it took me a full day to do them I won’t be re-recording them but I am in the process of writing them up, below is what I picked up on for the sign of Taurus. The Mid-Months will be back to normal with my traditional Camera & Mic <3 Thank you so much! Please Share, Like and Sub if you like these.

The image they showed me for all you Taurus folks was Tulips of which I associate with Spring and of course we have the Spring Equinox on the 20th of March, signalling the end of winter and beginning of where new things start to emerge.

So this to me will signal for you guys a significant turning point. It may have felt like things were stagnant for the past few months and now things are about to change in a big way. Taurus is not a sign that does well with big changes unless it has been well thought out, the impression I am getting is for you not to be alarmed and that this is actually a really good thing for you.

Now for March, I feel like the main concern is over money, stability, work, it feels more material and I think that perhaps in March there will be some more expenses, at least more than usual.

Now they did show me a match being struck and I am going to say that within about a month or so the initial anxiety felt or concerns over home, money, work or “fill in the blank” will be rectified somehow. It feels like March for you is a month of transitioning.
Whenever you're in that space of “transitioning” it’s important to keep yourself focused on what is present, amongst the changes happening… I do feel like some of you might be feeling unstable or your foundations or goals seem a bit shaky but that being said the clarity will come because they did show me the Sun.

So even if the initial response to this month is stress I feel like by the end of it you will have the clarity needed moving forward. I feel like the thing that can be causing the conflict is double edged. Movement is needed, change is needed, momentum is needed - I see an offer being given to you to better advance yourself long term, be that you have to travel, move, or switch job roles.

The way that I see you dealing with it is almost a feeling of conflict, uncertainty maybe even argumentative or snappy because of this new opportunity, move, or change be it what it may. The advice for sure is to take the plunge with whatever it is and stop talking yourself back out of it.

They also say manage your stress levels, you feel uncertain, confused and indecisive but they say commit to it. Let go of all the “but this could happen”, “what if”, “but..” and release it because it is all paving the way for you to have or to live the kind of life you want to have.

They say this month is leading you towards a greater sense of empowerment, joy and abundance. They say that this is the opening of the right opportunity for you, what with Venus going retro you might be just re-thinking and doubting on a lot of things… But this is all aligning you with a big something new, an important love that you meet having following these changes, a pregnancy or a birthing of something that will bring you much growth and happiness alike down the road.

Now it’s not a whimsical type of energy here so fear not, I see you completely in charge of it, your wits are about you, I see you feeling and looking at your best. There is a lot of inspiration that will come from this.

This is what I picked up for the sign of Taurus, be sure to check out your Sun, Moon and rising sign for more in-depth reading for March.

If you would like a personal reading with me, head on over to  & feel free to connect with me on these interactive links Instagram, Facebook & Twitter

Aries March 2017 Predictions | AskaLittleWitch

Aries March 2017 Predictions |AskaLittleWitch

Apologies for the crap audio on this month's (March) Monthly predictions, being as it took me a full day to do them I won’t be re-recording them but I have written up below what I picked up on for each sign. The Mid-Months will be back to normal with my traditional Camera & Mic <3 Thank you so much! Please Share, Like and Sub if you like these.

The image they showed me was about stepping into an empty space, it felt like a warehouse, I saw you looking down and there being puddles on the ground.
It’s as though you was coming back to revisit/reflect on that of which what once was…

Now puddles are water (obvs haha) and water is the element associated with emotions - Puddles are not deep they are usually a body of shallow water, right, so, the fact the puddles were inside the warehouse (strong and industrial building) it’s as if you allowed something to slip in and affect you, or get to you, more than maybe you should of and you’re a little bit pissed about it this month.

Now don’t go beating yourself up about it, as I feel it’s a necessary step in the right direction - knowing where you been, paints a clear path to where it is that you’re going… And I actually feel for the month of March that this energy is actually paving the way for some kind of offer, or proposition in and surrounding love matters.

What with Venus going retrograde in your Sign of Aries, this does paint that you are going to get a second chance at something if only you can get out of your own way. Look at your chart if you’re not an Aries rising to see where you get that second chance by house placement.

That being said briefly, it may be a time where your wanting to reinvent yourself, change something about your appearance, your rethinking your image wanting to create this new you, perhaps your even seeing yourself differently during this time, i wouldn’t say it is the time to have plastic surgery, cut all your hair off, have a spontaneous tattoo done - like with most retrogrades when they are over you could regret any actions taken… unless you take action on something that you have been planning to do for ages and always put it off.

It’s clear that from March 5th until April 16th there is this re-thinking, reflecting going on in and surrounding a choice that you will want to make. Don’t be impulsive and act from the heart.

The impression that was shown was you stepping into uncharted territory and for you, it feels like a big risk, I got the sense of being hesitant, scared or afraid of moving into this “new -fill in the blank”. Whatever it is it’s clear that something is emerging… They showed me an image I associate with friends and the feeling felt more heart centred or romantic in nature. I feel like you’re having to re-evaluate something - going back to that empty fortress and looking at things with fresh eyes perhaps.

The advice they are giving you for this month in connection with all of this is to wait, it’s very much a crossroads that you're at and it really doesn’t feel like you are ready to make the commitment to proceed forward with it.

It’s significant that you wait because there will be a sacrifice needing to made to have it. Are you 100% sure that this (friendship, relationship, job offer, fill in the blank) is what you want If it’s not you need to be ready to let it go of it. A new perspective is needed.

The outcome here I feel is a slight cause of paranoia and over thinking things. Again they said that if some of you are thinking of having surgery to re-think it completely or schedule for a later date preferably after April 16th - because unless it’s by accident that you need an operation and you need to have it done you could later regret it (venus retro).

Do not be impulsive just wait… They also talked about time management and prioritising certain things.

This is what I picked up for the sign of Aries, be sure to check out your Sun, Moon and rising sign for more in-depth reading for March.

If you would like a personal reading with me, head on over to  & feel free to connect with me on these interactive links Instagram, Facebook & Twitter

Sunday 26 February 2017

Dear Fellow Fishes - Solar Eclipse New Moon in Pisces

Dear fellow fishes! #Pisces #SolarEclipse #NewMoon
The Pisces Clan are not the easiest to put into words, we represent the deepest of oceans, we feel things deeply, we mirror others perfectly, we heal, we hurt and it’s always heightened and intense.

We get a bad rep but it’s only because others do not understand us, of course, we all feel, we all hurt, laugh, dance and cry but it’s hard to put into words that in which i am trying to express… You see this Solar Eclipse, New Moon, has given you a glimpse of what Pisces can bring… It switches the ego off for a while to illuminate the internal, private feeling self.

For some, you may just be incredibly tired, exhausted, drained and for others of you, you may be reflective, sensitive in a way that has you thinking about all kinds of things.

Going back to what I said about Pisces representing the Oceans- I believe we have yet to fully know or discover that in which lies beneath the surface, and that too, we don’t truly know who we are because we are so focused on who they/he/she is/are - others.

Spend some time over the course of Pisces Season to discover yourself… Who are you? Your more than a label, a name, your job, your relationship or your appearance.

Some of you may not like Pisces very much because we are too”deep”, we question things. . . It’s true all signs have a dark side and Pisces are known for their infamous need to escape be that drugs, alcohol, art, movies, books in any attempt to just switch it off, to stop feeling so much all of the time.

In some cases of course you will come across someone who is bitchy, backstabbing and manipulative. . . But Pisces are Chameleons we are who we surround ourself with and the place we inhabit - it’s not who they are it’s what they have adapted to be - we mirror and we  reflect.

I guess the point of this entire blog is during this time don’t get caught up in the way things should be, in the way others are, live their lives and come back to you, be conscious of yourself, your actions, feelings and dreams.

Pisces rules a lot of “far” out there things and the new moon brings NEW things, the fact we had a solar eclipse is just hiding the external to discover something that was hidden within you.

Have a beautiful week - The March Predictions will be up at some point this week - Much love, try to find compassion during this strange and magical time Xx

Thursday 9 February 2017


What’s been happening with my process in doing readings?

I’d like to just state that I am by no means a spiritual reader for everyone and far from it. My methods are advancing and changing as i grow and to be honest it is a little scary. Some of you may have noticed that I am changing my services and completely getting rid of other services. . . fear not I love what I do and will continue to offer readings to all that want them.

18 year old me, that’s somewhat 10 years ago now, I was a Tarot reader, a very intuitive reader but I understood the concepts of the cards and associated my own meanings to them - some of which are not what you read in the books of tarot. Nonetheless, some of you may also know that when I was little I would have the ability to see, speak and interact with beings that adults could not see. As I have grown or should I say “growing”, I get impressions, flashes, scenes, images, symbols shown to me, sometimes I hear words, songs, feel things, all of which can be draining on me because it’s figuring out what's real, what's me and what is that in which spirit is telling me.

So what’s going on now?

I have been experiencing a sense of not being present when doing readings for clients, let me explain what I mean “present”. It’s as if I step back and spirit steps forward inside of my mind and my being. This is new to me, well fairly I have had moments where I lose a few seconds here and there but now it’s by far extending to minutes stretching to an hour...
The Issue I am facing is I’ve always remembered clients and all that I spoke about the next day, and even into the next couple of days, and sure I guess you can put it down to the fact I have had more clients and as such my memory is foggy. But I am someone who will remember the smallest of things in my personal life that happened months even years ago… So why am I forgetting things?

It’s been a slow thing, but it has now caught my attention. You see when I channel or let’s say perform a reading It’s as if now, more than ever, that spirit kind of steps in and does it for me. It’s like a meditative trance-like state, difficult to find the words to describe what It is that I mean. And sure I pull cards but it’s completely not fully in my awareness it kind of feels automatic.

I love to be available to answer everyone's questions after a reading but if I am honest the entire reading is now becoming a mystery to me, I do not for the life of me remember what was even said it’s almost like a dream, you know by the time your having breakfast you have a slight knowing of what it was about but by the time you finished breakfast it feels like this far away cannot quite grab it type feeling or concept.

So now it’s taking me 10 times longer to get back to everyone because I have to then exert myself into the same state of which is pulling on my energy. Unless you are a reader yourself I don’t think people can quite comprehend the level of which it takes to connect with your energy… I laugh now because I realise this all sounds “woo-woo” and or “new-agey” but it’s true, I get that it’s not the same exhaustion as someone who works a physically draining job, like building, construction and well, fill in the blank… But it is tiring, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically… I become you, I see through you, I see where it is that you're going the 100’s of possible outcomes of the situation you're in, and how certain choices have led you here… And at the same time, My job is not to tell you how to live, what choices to make, that is up to you, it’s your life, your experience, I simply want to guide you and help you through life.

So spirit speaks to me or through me in different ways depending on the client. Sometimes they are symbolic, sometimes direct, sometimes they word things a way to get you thinking… I’m trying to work a way where I can snap out of it to decode for you, but once I'm in it I find it hard to snap out until it’s done. The universe is speaking to us all, always, it’s up to you to notice these patterns, things and signs it’s there as a way to help you but like most of us, the world is fast paced and we check out because we are so caught up with our to-do lists, physical world and we neglect our inner spiritual selves.

It amazes me how people can relate to my youtube predictions because some of it is so cryptic, symbolic, almost in a way it kind of makes you need to decode the entire thing to get your reading - of which I apologise but maybe that’s why so many people can relate because everyone is interpreting it differently.

I have had people ask why they are so short… and the very reason I keep them short is because it takes a lot out of me if I'm honest… To zone into a large group of people to find the similarities going on with each sign. Not only that there are so many readers now, who has the time to sit and listen to a 30 minute reading for their Sun, Moon and rising sign - that’s like one and half hours zapped… Not that there is anything wrong with that in fact, I like to watch them too.

It’s true all of this fascinates me, it is after all my greatest passion. It’s not what I do It is who I am. I guess a part of me is doubting myself because I don’t remember things said, how can I know, I know at the time doing it that it was very real, and well I guess a part of me also is a tad cautious as to not lose myself in spending too much time in you that I forget myself... To live or experience what I am supposed to in this life (the readings and what not is a part of it) and I love to escape up there … Blah, I’m such a Pisces! haha

I guess the purpose of this post it to keep you guys updated as to where my heads at or not at haha.

You can sample my services for Just £5 (newcomers only) they are guidance readings and not directed at anything other than what spirit wants you to know about. I put 10 up at the start of each month - So please be patient if they sell out.

Sunday 4 December 2016

Following the signs

Following the Signs
In Memory of Grandpa George
It started around Halloween this feeling creeping in that things were about to change. . . The world as we know it shall and 2016 being that wrapping up year amongst the changes that the Year of the Monkey brings in preparation for the year of the Rooster the beginning of a Nine year cycle.

I guess it makes sense that the series of odd, supernatural things that took place was spirit warning of a death in the family, furthermore Grandpa George was a Gemini Rooster and his been ready to leave this earthly plane for some time. He has lived a long and fruitful life he lived to see World War 2, 1950’s, 1960, 1970’s and the 1980’s. Thinking about all those huge changes and into the millennium, it’s insane to the world has become what it is today. I’m not prophesying a 3rd world war but that level of change will take place.

During the Super Moon in November around the 14th, Strange things kept happening, lights flickering, things being moved, strange dreams and then came the doorbell ringing 3 times in consecutive days - The superstition that if nobody is there that it symbolises a death in the family. The black bird twice crashing into my bedroom window.

I have been saying since October I had a feeling someone was going to pass away, and I guess by November I was certain. I guess people often see me as overly superstitious, a bit more than average on the strange side, and always talking about things that people think are “far out or far fetched”, that it’s not until something like this happens that people take notice.

It’s not to say I told you so, I just wish people would listen to me at least sometimes, I would not of known such things i guess if it wasn’t of importance, I had been telling my mom for 2 months to call Grandad and because life, and busy schedules she never did. Losing a loved one is hard, and there is nothing you can do to change the past what I know for sure is that he is free and probably looking forward to creating havoc in his cheeky chappy mischievous way even in spirit.

I feel all grandad George wants now for the generations he left behind is for his family to come together and to be together. There is a running theme of heart conditions through that side of the family and that to me is symbolism of wounds needing healing.

For anyone awaiting a reading please do bare with me x x x

Monday 31 October 2016

Happy Halloween - The Archetype of the WITCH

The Witch

“My darling girl, being normal is not necessarily a virtue? It Rather denotes a lack of courage!”

The Archetype of a Witch is to my greatest pleasure changing… For years a Witch would be seen as a hag, a woman with warts, green skin, cackling laugh, seen to curse all who crossed her path, flies around at the strike of midnight all in all a devil worshiper and freak of nature.

Symbolically a thing to not aspire to be, a disgrace, hideous and bad thing.

When in actual fact looking back to the Witch trials the women condemned of witchery were the outcasts of society, the healers, the loners, the forward thinkers, those who were independent and not of the norms.

In a time such as then, I guess it was not seen of a woman to exhibit such ways, to speak her mind, to be an individual was something to be feared because it was different... Women for centuries have been oppressed, unempowered and suppressed, finally we are reaching a time where the Witch is something to be proud of and aspired to be.

To be independent, different, fierce, and to hold power within your own hands. To be a person whose identity is her own and to think for oneself.

There is a little witch inside all of us. . . Embrace all that makes you unique and create magic wherever you go.

Tonight is all Hallows Eve the day before Día de los Muertos and two days before All Souls Day!

Light your Jack O'Lantern to ward off evil spirits on Samhain as it’s a time where the veil between worlds collide - The dead is said to return back and so that is why we dress up on Halloween to trick the spirits  aha ha. Any who Just light a Pumpkin tonight and allow the candle to burn out on its own never blow it out it’s meant to be an open invitation for any spirit to enter the home or something like that =) It also is a way of guiding your ancestors home.

Then the 1st and the 2nd is a time to remember those who came before us, remembering those who have passed over keeps a little piece of them alive. I guess you can look at the 31st as the welcoming home celebration, the 1st to share stories and the 2nd to say goodbye again… It’s also a pagan holiday like that of the new year, where we celebrate all that we have achieved this year so far and all that we put forward for the year ahead.

Okay I’m off now to do some witchy stuff - Happy Halloween my fellow witches!! X x x