Showing posts with label emotional. Show all posts
Showing posts with label emotional. Show all posts

Sunday 26 February 2017

Dear Fellow Fishes - Solar Eclipse New Moon in Pisces

Dear fellow fishes! #Pisces #SolarEclipse #NewMoon
The Pisces Clan are not the easiest to put into words, we represent the deepest of oceans, we feel things deeply, we mirror others perfectly, we heal, we hurt and it’s always heightened and intense.

We get a bad rep but it’s only because others do not understand us, of course, we all feel, we all hurt, laugh, dance and cry but it’s hard to put into words that in which i am trying to express… You see this Solar Eclipse, New Moon, has given you a glimpse of what Pisces can bring… It switches the ego off for a while to illuminate the internal, private feeling self.

For some, you may just be incredibly tired, exhausted, drained and for others of you, you may be reflective, sensitive in a way that has you thinking about all kinds of things.

Going back to what I said about Pisces representing the Oceans- I believe we have yet to fully know or discover that in which lies beneath the surface, and that too, we don’t truly know who we are because we are so focused on who they/he/she is/are - others.

Spend some time over the course of Pisces Season to discover yourself… Who are you? Your more than a label, a name, your job, your relationship or your appearance.

Some of you may not like Pisces very much because we are too”deep”, we question things. . . It’s true all signs have a dark side and Pisces are known for their infamous need to escape be that drugs, alcohol, art, movies, books in any attempt to just switch it off, to stop feeling so much all of the time.

In some cases of course you will come across someone who is bitchy, backstabbing and manipulative. . . But Pisces are Chameleons we are who we surround ourself with and the place we inhabit - it’s not who they are it’s what they have adapted to be - we mirror and we  reflect.

I guess the point of this entire blog is during this time don’t get caught up in the way things should be, in the way others are, live their lives and come back to you, be conscious of yourself, your actions, feelings and dreams.

Pisces rules a lot of “far” out there things and the new moon brings NEW things, the fact we had a solar eclipse is just hiding the external to discover something that was hidden within you.

Have a beautiful week - The March Predictions will be up at some point this week - Much love, try to find compassion during this strange and magical time Xx

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Healing YOUrself Naturally part 1

- Ixchel - 

Medicine Woman

Hey Guys, So it's actually really funny that this is the card i picked today. I asked ''what do my page viewers want to know about'' It's funny because i had an urge to write about vaccines again...

Any ways The Medicine Woman Card means that we all possess the great power to heal our self. Our body is a naturally healing vessel. We cut our self, we bleed, and then our blood clots and we scab over and our skin regenerates new skin and we heal.

We are all capable of healing, but we give much power to doctors and drugs that if any thing can prolong our healing process. Our body if you are in-tuned will let you know what you need to heal, and it mainly comes down to what we put into our bodies. Sadly we put more harmful, chemically in-juiced foods into our system than that of what we truly need to function.

Secondly a part of healing comes down to stretching and exercising our bodies that is something that many of us find a chore to do, or finding time to fit it in. Thirdly we live such emotionally driven life styles that we become quite stressed and this stops our body from functioning correctly causing more problems and illness. Healing the Emotional body is key and is not something to push to one side, and with these burying issues, you will just experience more of the situation you have buried causing more stress and making you more ill - you need to healthy deal and express your self in order to heal.

And lastly we take no time to mediate, this might sound silly, but your body needs time to just be still to clear your head and this is key if you want to be in tune with yourself. Now meditation does not always have to mean siting down, chanting or anything else... we all have our own rituals i suppose, but maybe make the time to take a slow walk in nature or through a woodland area or even a park to just be alone and recoup

We all have the ability to heal, some are more in touch than others... It all boils down to your belief. .

FutureBlogPosts : What haunts you? Vaccines. How to meditate. 

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