Thursday 10 July 2014

Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love

Today we are being asked to look at everything with unconditional love. You see everything in our existence is a reflection of you, it’s being shown to you as a mirror image of your internal being. We are all interconnected, and our experiences are just reflections of what we need to learn about our self inside out.
When you feel judged by other people it’s showing how you judge your self.
When you have been hurt by someone its because you're allowing them to do so and by that you are hurting yourself. We have to see that this day in age nobody is perfect we are all the same and yet we are all different. We attract relationships that contrast our self, we must remember that the people in our life are a reflection of who you are, who you will be, there is always something to take from every experience you have. People come into our life to teach us things, so remember that when you are out in the world to look at things from a higher perspective. I’m not saying it’s easy, because we are all emotional and spiritual beings having a human experience, and each of us has a part to play in this ‘’life’’ (video game). So when someones rude, see it as that's a reflection of who they are, do not lower your vibration to argue with them… The universe is presenting you with a challenge, you are not a rude person so therefore you do not need to acknowledge this person. Now i’m not saying to allow people to mistreat you because that would not be good for you. I’m saying to handle things with love, love your self first, be the change you want to see in the world, and watch the shift happen from within you. When you see a homeless person, its presenting you with the chance to help someone in need, like what you need when you're down on your luck. It presents you with the chance to look at yourself and realize just how lucky you are. Be grateful for the relationship you have, the things that bring you joy and the fact you are healthy, embrace your journey with unconditional love.

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