Showing posts with label pagan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pagan. Show all posts

Saturday 27 September 2014

Mystery Cards Revealed- Saturday 27/09/14

Mystery Cards Revealed- Saturday 27/09/14
Thank you so much for sharing with your friends… Okay so if you have not done already, to never miss out on a free card reading hit the like button on my facebook page - scroll down & press ‘’Get Notifications’. Facebook keeps changing the settings Guys- So i am still posting =)

Left or Right
(Choose & Scroll down)

So if you Chose LEFT you got Abundance & if you opted for RIGHT then you got Insecurity

Now the theme based with this one is discovering the truth. Yes i know i keep going on about the truth but honestly it’s in primary message we all need to figure out and work on. Some of us might be wanting to to hold on to something from the past when you actually deserve so much more… It’s about facing facts things are changes great things are opening up and becoming available and with that will come change in the people we mirror.It is a time of commitment and the starting of building those foundations - If you have not already checked out my astrology from Friday give it a read as it will go into the weekends energy & what to expect.

Abundance - So this card belongs to the solar plexus following the path to happiness of which in this card's name will lead you to your desire… Now you might have a choice to make so with this card it is about making the right one, choices are often made in a split second… So try to think before you chose, do not be foolish and even if you have chose something that you might need to sacrifice something else in order to get your desire- it will bring you joy.
& note you can always change course if what you desired no long fits you.
Also with this card it brings up our relationship with money, Money is naturally attracted towards appreciation gratitude. Are you making excuses because of money?

Insecurity - This card is at no surprise a root chakra card, it’s a lower vibration found at the very core of us all. There has all been a time for us where we feel insecure about one thing or another… This card is asking that you go within and find the courage you need to face this. So many of us are focused on everyone else, forever comparing you with others… Well that’s crazy, they are not you, you are you… So why allow others to dictate to you you're worth. Self love is needed here. If you want to move forward you need the courage to be be fearless. This card points to a miraculous change that lies ahead...Life always takes a turn for the better when we face our demons.Nothing is ever given to us if we can never overcome it

Thank you again for sharing - Cards will be up until Monday at 11 am when the new cards go up to choose from - have a beautiful evening & weekend <3

Friday 26 September 2014

Mystery Cards Revealed- Friday 26/09/14

Mystery Cards Revealed- Friday 26/09/14
Thank you so much for sharing with your friends… Okay so if you have not done already, to never miss out on a free card reading hit the like button on my facebook page - scroll down & press ‘’Get Notifications’. Facebook keeps changing the settings Guys- So i am still posting =)

left or Right
(scroll down)

So if you Chose LEFT you got Perseverance & if you opted for RIGHT you got Gratitude.

Now the theme of today if you have not read my Astrology for the day is about letting go of guilt, finding the balance and learning to forgive so you can move forward into these fantastic opportunities that are presenting itself to you… The weekend will be intense but beneficial - & remember the energy vibe is to stay true to yourself and be honest and pay attention to what is happening right now

Perseverance - Now this is a beautiful card and it belongs to the Sacral Chakra. Now this one is linked with guilt but it is a little more uplifting, With this one it is referring to movement and true feelings.  you might find that you're a little more emotional lately that how you usually are, it’s asking you to focus on that which supports you. This emotional state can either inspire or discourage. Are being offered a way to get things back on track?’’Don’t quit before the miracle’’. If your following your truest self you might not realise it but you're in for a surprise stay strong, keep at it because you will regret it if you don't.Seek the balance.

Gratitude - Now this card is a third eye chakra card, which indicates something so profound is going to take place this weekend, so to stay alert. It also signals that you know what you need to do… Forgiveness comes up to play so you can uplight and change your surrounding to make them a more positive place. It is to place your focus upon your intention and not your pain. You are able to raise your awareness, vibration in a way that will help others see things in a new light. This card is about being grateful for all you have, and to let go of all that you lack.. When you do this and you're truly happy watch the magical shift that is going to take place

Thank you again for sharing - Cards will be up until tomorrow at 11 am when the new cards go up to choose from - have a beautiful evening & weekend <3

Wednesday 24 September 2014

The New Moon

The New Moon
The New Moon is the start of something new, a new cycle, the seeds are being planted for this next month. Opportunities come about & it’s a time of setting goals. Fresh Energy!! What will you invite in…

Monday 22 September 2014

The Autumn Equinox

The Autumn Equinox

This is the midpoint when things are in balance, from now on the days get shorter & the Nights get longer… It’s a time of reflection, to look and see all that we have! How much we have reaped from all that we had sown. A time for Family, rest and Gratitude

Thursday 24 July 2014

Free One Card Reading Every Wednesday

Free One Card Reading Every Wednesday

Join me Every single Wednesday for a Free one Card Reading on my Facebook and Twitter - It’s all online and worldwide like my full readings. I run two sessions one for the UK and the EU, and another a few hours after for the USA, Canada, Australia and Mexico.

So what do you have to do….

It’s really simple all you have to do is come down to my facebook page and every Wednesday there will be a post that says ‘’FREE ONE CARD READING’’ at 730pm BST (UK) Time for the EU/UK and same post again but at 1.30am for the rest the world.

You must share the ORIGINAL POST
Like it and comment your name below on the ORIGINAL POST.

On Twitter @askawitchuk you must follow me, RT the post and tweet me with your name so i can find you

I will then at 9pm & 3am BST (UK) Time pull your cards and inbox them to you - Time zones are below

Thursday 10 July 2014

Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love

Today we are being asked to look at everything with unconditional love. You see everything in our existence is a reflection of you, it’s being shown to you as a mirror image of your internal being. We are all interconnected, and our experiences are just reflections of what we need to learn about our self inside out.
When you feel judged by other people it’s showing how you judge your self.
When you have been hurt by someone its because you're allowing them to do so and by that you are hurting yourself. We have to see that this day in age nobody is perfect we are all the same and yet we are all different. We attract relationships that contrast our self, we must remember that the people in our life are a reflection of who you are, who you will be, there is always something to take from every experience you have. People come into our life to teach us things, so remember that when you are out in the world to look at things from a higher perspective. I’m not saying it’s easy, because we are all emotional and spiritual beings having a human experience, and each of us has a part to play in this ‘’life’’ (video game). So when someones rude, see it as that's a reflection of who they are, do not lower your vibration to argue with them… The universe is presenting you with a challenge, you are not a rude person so therefore you do not need to acknowledge this person. Now i’m not saying to allow people to mistreat you because that would not be good for you. I’m saying to handle things with love, love your self first, be the change you want to see in the world, and watch the shift happen from within you. When you see a homeless person, its presenting you with the chance to help someone in need, like what you need when you're down on your luck. It presents you with the chance to look at yourself and realize just how lucky you are. Be grateful for the relationship you have, the things that bring you joy and the fact you are healthy, embrace your journey with unconditional love.

Saturday 18 January 2014

About me - Who are you?

Ask a Little Witch

Who are You!

‘’Make a wish and place it in your heart. Anything you want, everything you want. Do you have it? Good. Now believe it can come true. You never know where the next miracle is going to come from. The next smile, the next wish come true. But if you believe that its right around the corner, and you open up your heart and mind to the possibility of it, to the certainty of it, you just might get the thing you’re wishing for. The world is full of magic. You just have to believe in it. So make your wish’’

What word defines you? If you can only pick one, what would that word be? Well I always found it hard to voice myself, for many reasons… My life has not been an easy one, but I am so grateful for every second because it has lead me here, to now, to the path I’m on and working towards the life I want to lead.

I am ‘MAGIC’. My word is ‘MAGIC’.

Magic? Why Magic, you’re probably asking yourself. Well because if it wasn’t for magic I may not be here today, if it wasn’t for magic I would have turned into a very different person than the person I am today. You’re probably thinking, ‘’well the magic I know, doesn’t exist?’’

Magic, is found around every corner. Magic can be found in an unexpected strangers eyes. It can be found in the stillness of night. It can be found in precious moments, like a baby’s first words or a beautiful landscape. Magic can be found in those odd coincidences that occur. Magic is everywhere all you need to do is access it!
How do you access the Magic – You believe it, dream it, be alert to the signs, imagine it and feel it… with all your heart… By thinking and imagining you create the world you live in.
 ‘’And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.- Roald Dahl”
So I am MAGIC – do you believe?
I haven’t had the easiest life, I’ve never really fitted in with the ‘norm’ and I was born with the gift- some of my spiritual talents I'm still getting to grips with. I’m incredibly sensitive, intuitive, I saw things that others couldn't, I questioned everything, I had a huge pull to all things outer-worldly and I am very spiritual (not religious).
I’ve been reading Tarot cards since I was 13, it started off with just reading for my friends and family, it progressed to distant family and friends of the family and friends of friends. I had such great feed-back.

High school I was very much liked by everyone although I was never popular, I was friends with the popular crowd, the nerdy crowd, I had the ability to literally relate to everyone. I think my empath ability served me well, although it did cause a lot of confusion as to what I was feeling and what others were.

I only came out of the (Witches-broom) closet in 2007, shortly after completing my BTEC in Film/moving image and prior to that, performing arts, from there I have done a lot of charity work using my tarot. I have worked a lot of jobs in the coffee, bar and restaurant industry and it came to a point in my life where I felt like I was at a crossroads.

I had to answer that dreaded question ‘’where do I want to be in 10 years’’. The
answer was simple, I want to be happy. But what would make me the happiest?
I spent the next three years, discovering the things I love. Dance, film, spiritual work, and writing. Most I think I love people. I continued on my spiritual path, and it fascinated me, I studied people that I met, spiritually, with astrology, how they deal with life, the good the bad… I made some amazing discoveries.

In 2010 I visited a very lovely gypsy reader, I kind of came across her by accident (but of course nothing is by accident). Since then I have been on a fast learning curve by the universe. I love tarot and the amazing things it does for my clients. I love seeing that months down the line, my predictions coming true. Of course everyone has free will, everyone makes their own choices, and everyone has their own life path… I love helping people see clearly the things they don’t see. Everyone can be happy they just first have to choose it.

I knew I had the gift, I always had this magnetic pull to all things spiritual, and from there I have been helping people through tarot. I love helping people through their problems, relating to them, understanding them and giving them an honest reading. I am magic, and if you believe in me, and allow me to do so I will help you.
Unfortunately the world we live in requires me to charge a fee for tarot, because I need to pay my bills just like you do! I want to help as many people as I can, and for that I need my time free to mediate and prepare for tarot to help you. This means I’m unable to work another job. You will be pleased to know that I only charge a reasonable £25 currently (2014) or $42. Now for a good reader you will pay a minim of £75 or $115 – My readings speak for themselves as does my feedback- which can be found on my website (testimonials).

I’m here to help you, to listen to you, to give advice to you and help you get the life you want to live. My dream is coming true I want to help you get yours. You can find me on Facebook and Twitter. And in 2014 I’ll be on YouTube helping you, guiding you and teaching you.

Book your reading now

Friday 25 October 2013

Ask a Little Witch

1      What it means to be a Witch

‘’A Witch is someone who lives the Art, Science, and spirituality of witchcraft’’

First let’s touch upon where witches originated. Well the old ones were simply nothing more than that of wise men and women of there tribes, towns, families who those would go see for spiritual assistance, divinatory and medicinal purposes. In ancient cultures people would go visit the high priestesses and priests for healing. At the time, healing was much more that what our modern medical profession is today. Modern medicine is great in many ways, but in the ancient times, healing was a process involving the mind, emotions and spirit as well as the body. Healing was an energetic process. A healer would give counsel and advice, and minister the spiritual balance of the individual. You will probably find many witches of today are involved in the healing arts, traditional of otherwise, because helping others in such an important part of witchcraft.

A witch is someone who ‘’walks between worlds’’ – like that of a shaman. The shaman believes in nonphysical, spiritual realms, in these worlds, one can get information and healing energy, and communicate with spirits. The Shaman ministers to his people though the ability, to effect healing of the mind, body and spirit. Witches like Shaman believe in nonphysical realms. They are bridges between worlds.
The belief in and the practice of magic has been present since the earliest human cultures and continues to have an important religious and medicinal role in many cultures today. Witchcraft is a spirituality, you walk a spiritual path for nourishment of the soul, to commune with the life force of the universe, and better your own life.
To determine the Witch you must first determine the craft the witch practices. I myself am all of the above, I aim to help others and to heal them and to better the individual. I’m not a villain from a fairy tale story poisoning apples or placing curses upon people.
I help heal people through the art of Tarot and the three fold law. I’m a strong believer that what you put out you shall receive.

I hope this can somewhat explain what being a witch means, I shall upload soon more about my craft as always <3 your little witch x x x