Showing posts with label truth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label truth. Show all posts

Thursday 20 October 2016

A Notion on Love... "But we were supposed to be together?"

A notion of Love found and love lost

- True love never leaves!

It’s true what they say, that nobody can take away the past, what you had with someone, the memories, the moments, they are yours and forever always will be for as long as you remember them.

I guess we all meet that one person in our life that takes a piece of you when it’s all said and over, they imprint you, mark you and perhaps even change you… But it is important to not lose the time that we have for the time that we had.

For a long time, I spent holding on to what was, scared of what could be if I was to open that part of myself to another - Love is about trust and vulnerability, and we often find ourselves questioning, finding yourself comparing everyone to that one.

It’s not fair to put that level of expectation on to anyone,  to always be doubting, surely to be who they are and have that be enough should be enough. Who knows you may be surprised with what that rare person could bring you because everyone we know right now is serving some form of a purpose - To teach us something, to show us what we want, don’t want, to see or discover something ect.

Yes, it’s true that things end, things are taken from you and things change but it is important that we allow things to be as they are instead of forcing them into what we want them to be.

You will always have those moments, they are yours ingrained deeply and with every memory you can be reminded of how you and they once burned bright… But note that when that fire goes out don’t wait forever to allow someone new to make you feel even a fraction of how they did or do.

Holding onto something or someone that is no longer here and present with you is only you, standing in the way of your own happiness, the happiness that you deserve... What if the person that you're supposed to be with has just not found their way to you yet? What if that something had to end to shape a series of events to bring you together. If something ended or someone walked away from you, they are not a part of your future, but just a reflection or a fragment of a memory that will last but only a moment in comparison because what you will create, which will last a lifetime.

Because I guarantee that with every step forward the best will always be the very best to come. Be open to surprise, to truth and to the love that never leaves you but grows alongside you.

The ones that have faith in all that you do, the ones that are not only there for the good times, but the ones that can make everything okay when things get tough. The best friends, the boyfriends, the girlfriends, the brothers and the sister, people who see you, cherish you, inspire you and will always be there for you, not the drive byes and the for the moment types.

In a world full of superficiality my wish for you is to find the truest form of love there is, and for you to be fully open to receiving it. Because Love is not rational, it makes no real sense, it’s a chemical reaction, a feeling, a knowing, and that right there is something that not many people ever get to experience - embrace and follow that feeling, that feeling that lights you up and I’m not just talking about romantic love, but friendships and the tribe you vibe with.
So many of us play it safe, stay inside the lines, conceal our truest thoughts and feelings - not many of us can be honest with others let alone ourselves… & Some hide, some are so scared of what could be that they never get up and do it or see how or what it could be.

Be honest today, and allow your over thinking mind to take the day off, step into your heart space and truly see for the first time.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Astrology News - September 24th 2014

Astrology News - September 24th 2014

This New moon has really been signaling this excitement for this new start, fresh start, new lease in your life.  New opportunities coming, new places to go, new people to see and it will really put relationships under the knife so to speak.

Are you mirroring the right people in your life, are you being who you truly are  - being honest with yourself. The New Moon in Libra the relationships that are in your life are going to be shown.

If you are looking to be successful in your business for example and you're partnering with someone who hates your idea of business - Then WHY & what are you doing with that person??

Today is a good time for meditation, going deep and send out to the universe the kind of relationships you want in your life, romantic, business, friendships ect… be clear about what energies you want around you - just put it out there, because Libra is all about relationships.

It’s important today to be very clean, by clean i mean energy wise, very high vibrational… Because if you are around a negative person they are mirroring you then you're not going to benefit so much. This energy with libra you will be stuck with a half, so it will affect a relationship in your life, it’s about choosing the right one, mirroring the energy that is on par with you i guess… Libra always draws in another half so it is important to look at your halfs and see what is being mirrored or reflected back to you.

This is a time where we get lots of oomph to step into things the energies are moving forward. But with this pluto energies up there it will really ask you to think, are you truly connecting to things that are really connecting vibrationally with you right, or are you investing your time and energy in a path that is truly mirroring your right self.

This is a time to sort out those details… Are these people really benefiting you in the path your going on is it the right energy inspiring you on?

We all know what we want by now, it’s about looking around us and making sure the right connections are coming in. Relationships is going to play a big part over the coming weeks. The reason being we need to find that perfect relationship, that balanced relationship of Yin & Yang.
We GOT to sort that out because everything we been doing has lead up to this - you know what to do now!

Anything is really possible right now… But Saturn will not allow you to stick to something/connection that is not in your truth. You know where your heading and so it’s about being with the people,making the right connections that will help you get there.

So we all need to get REAL & get HONEST and step forward… Relationships 7 connections are going to play a huge part here… It is about following and finding and connecting with people who really mirror you, not energies that pull you away from who you are.

Enjoy this beautiful NEw Moon Guys! <3

Wednesday 17 September 2014

The Sufi Quote

The Sufi Quote
If your heart is like an ocean & you body is just it's beach... why do you wait for the emotion to surface, instead search and dive deep within for you will find the answers that you seek.

We rationalize everything, constantly battling with our thoughts... but it is within our emotions that lye the truth... The heart will never lead you wrong it follows what makes us happy - where is the harm in that?

Tuesday 9 September 2014

To that perfect partner or a Happier YOU…

To that perfect partner or a Happier YOU…

Stop being so external, looks attract they do not keep - Today's society is full of women not happy with how they look: not pretty enough, not sexy enough, not slim enough, not curvy… You are who you are & simply by being who you are you attract the ‘’potentials’’. 

This week i want you all to practice self love, stand in front of a mirror and tell your self of all the things you love about your self… Now i know that might sound awkward, but we need to stop allowing others to judge and tell us our worth - we should already know that we are AMAZING!

They are not you… Stop looking to others to tell you what you are. You are you & you are more than ENOUGH… You're amazing!

Saturday 30 August 2014

Spirituality & following the right path

Spirituality & following the right path - Interview i watched TRUTHSEEKAH with KELLIINTHERAW
So i been watching an interview with a really interesting guy called Derek (i may of imagined that is his name the link to his FB is below) Truthseekah - i'll post up when I've finished watching... But he say's

''You can do whatever you like during the day, but when you go to sleep that's when you have to deal with god''

Now you can call God whatever you like, does not matter what religion your from, all religion points to the same thing... So spiritual people call it source energy, higher self etc... It's all the same (i mean no offense this is just my views on the world)...

I just feel like those words are really profound! So just try and do good by all, because if you go to bed feeling doubt, or your mind is plagued with worries maybe you should do something about that because sooner or later the universe will conspire to teach you what you are ignoring and by then the lesson becomes far more difficult to learn.

Just thought i'd share with you this beautiful yet obvious and probably known analogy... Check out TRUTHSEEKER, he's a really interesting guy that will pose good questions to you, he's actually an hip hop artist but lyrically and the messages he brings are amazing... I'm not a religious type purely because i don't follow what people preach in a old book i don't even know who wrote... because we as human beings all bring our own subjective views on things.. It's not say the bible is lies, i feel it's taken out of context at times and back when it was written times, life and many things were different so we have to read through it not take it so literal but there are good lessons and messages if you know how to read and not just follow...

Again just my views... my opinions and i know some people believe in similar things to me, just putting it out there... I'm glad you believe in something, and there are good and bad people in this world where ever we go.

Monday 4 August 2014

What’s going on with our Water

What’s going on with our Water

Today i wanted to talk about waking up. You see as a society, we are sheep, we follow what we are taught and not many of us question what we are told. We follow the herd. Now i do not mean this to offend anyone, this is something that i know many free thinkers, visionaries and open minded people also believe in. So hang in there, i’m not asking to to believe what i say, i’m hoping that this video will leave you questioning a few things enough to make you go out there and research and find out for yourself.

The first thing i wanted to talk about is our water… Now i have a blog post about this which i will leave in the description box below, if you want to read it, but i urge you to find out for yourself. not many people really question our water. We turn a tap on and magically enough we have water… Pretty amazing stuff aye. But we do not know is what is in it… Yes water has naturally occurring chemicals from the earth, but what we do not know that is some parts in the UK, and throughout the USA is that fluoride is added to the water… My question is why?? For the same reason that why is it added to toothpaste.

Now obviously Fluoride naturally occurs in our water, my issue is with the fact that so much more is added to it, along with various other chemicals. Another thing to remember is the fact that whatever we ingest as humans, comes out in our urine. That urine then makes it way to being filtered out, a lot of what we ingest as humans were no where near as toxic back in the day that our filter system was made, so we can expect to find that we are not only ingesting fluoride and chlorine, we are taking in all the pharmaceuticals that people have been also taking. Antidepressants, birth control pills, pain killers need i go on.

Here is what my water company says is in my water...

Whats even more upsetting is it’s the less fortunate that suffer the most, people that cannot afford to buy water filter systems and buying spring water. What’s even more disturbing is how this is not common knowledge to people. To find a spring near you please visit

Here is what y country has claimed about water fluoridation. Now i disregard a lot in the article apart from the maps. So much of the world is being subjected to water fluoridation.

The history of Fluoride is SCARY! It was not research enough to know the long term effects, yet here we are being presented with higher rates of cancers, organ failure, more babies with higher allergies…

Fluoride was used in the concentration camps back when hitler was around, and chlorine in its gas form was what was used to gas those people… Now it’s dosage is lowered but added to our water? I ask why… If it has no health benefits why not leave it out? We have not evolved enough that the world leaders still want to control and contain us out of greed. It’s shocking and people need to be more aware of what’s going on, stop listening to the information they give, the information about the things they are ‘selling us’ and find your own research.

Thursday 10 July 2014

Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love

Today we are being asked to look at everything with unconditional love. You see everything in our existence is a reflection of you, it’s being shown to you as a mirror image of your internal being. We are all interconnected, and our experiences are just reflections of what we need to learn about our self inside out.
When you feel judged by other people it’s showing how you judge your self.
When you have been hurt by someone its because you're allowing them to do so and by that you are hurting yourself. We have to see that this day in age nobody is perfect we are all the same and yet we are all different. We attract relationships that contrast our self, we must remember that the people in our life are a reflection of who you are, who you will be, there is always something to take from every experience you have. People come into our life to teach us things, so remember that when you are out in the world to look at things from a higher perspective. I’m not saying it’s easy, because we are all emotional and spiritual beings having a human experience, and each of us has a part to play in this ‘’life’’ (video game). So when someones rude, see it as that's a reflection of who they are, do not lower your vibration to argue with them… The universe is presenting you with a challenge, you are not a rude person so therefore you do not need to acknowledge this person. Now i’m not saying to allow people to mistreat you because that would not be good for you. I’m saying to handle things with love, love your self first, be the change you want to see in the world, and watch the shift happen from within you. When you see a homeless person, its presenting you with the chance to help someone in need, like what you need when you're down on your luck. It presents you with the chance to look at yourself and realize just how lucky you are. Be grateful for the relationship you have, the things that bring you joy and the fact you are healthy, embrace your journey with unconditional love.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

If the Money was in the Cure there would be no Cancer

If The Money was in the Cure

There would be no more Cancer

I know i have previously dedicate a post earlier on in the year in regards to Cancer research, so i won't drone on. Instead i allow Doctor Veronique Desaulniers explain in this short 1:52 minute video. I hope you will widen your eyes just a little further and realize that if even after all these many many years of raising millions/billions of pounds/dollars for said ''research'' and still no advancements that we wake up and see that they will never widely say that there is a cure but still take your money and feed it back into the drug and pharmaceutical companies. Many Cancers have been cured and chemotherapy and radiation ''treatment'' is not the way

Thank you for watching, share and raise awareness the true awareness of Cancer research.

Lower your stress levels, eat healthy foods, stay clear of processed food or foods pumped with chemicals, read your food labels, exercise and live a joyful life to lower your chances of setting off the cancer gene.

As always Love your little Witch x x x

Monday 16 June 2014

Charging for a Spiritual Service

Charging for a Spiritual Service

So a long time ago, around 12 years now, when i first started offering readings, i of course offered them for free, because charging would just not be acceptable. in the society of today? right?... No, This couldn’t be further from the truth…

So why did it feel bad for me to charge people for the service i was providing them.

In the beginning it made me feel empowered, like it was righteous of me to give away what i had to offer. But then people made me feel like i owed it to them and  then i suddenly had been given this sense of duty and obligation, and soon enough I was sacrificing a lot more of my time than i wanted to.
Although i love what i do with all of my heart, and i’m passionately dedicated to my spiritual practice, it started to put strains on me. I would find myself giving away more and more of my time than i previously dedicated to it. I found that these people drained me, and expected me to give more of my services and time like it was owed to them.

When i reached of age I started to charge a fee for my services, this caused a lot of friction in what i was experiencing. You see money is just a tool that we use to place worth on something. By me giving away so much of myself people didn’t put value on me instead they selfishly used me. If someone has been given something for free they don’t hold value to it.

I started to charge a reasonable price because it was no longer empowering to give away so much of myself, my time is valuable and so are my services that I provide. In order for me to continue providing people with my services, I turned my passion into into my business. I am a person like everybody else, people wouldn’t expect a doctor to donate or give away his/her services for free, and to still work a regular job, no because where would the doctor find the energy to do so.

So many people expect those in the spiritual fields to give/ donate their time and energy to you for free… But even if we wanted to, it’s not feasible to do so. Is it fair that we are expected to donate free time to do this, as well as hold a full time job that is considered worthy of being paid, its simply not possible, we would have no energy  and very little time to do so. Like i just mentioned,, would you expect a doctor to give his time for free as well as to work another job, no, you would not expect that, so you see there is no difference.

Why is it seen as okay to assign value to a physical object and not assign value to a spiritual service. Physical things are none other than an extension to that which is spiritual.

If I dedicate my time, energy, money,  heart and soul into my spiritual practice just like that of any other professional with their chosen trade, why is it seen to hold less value? I’m giving and adding value to your life like that of a doctor, just in a different way, break away from such limiting beliefs.

Choosing to assign monetary value to my services is not the same as deciding what i’m worth, if people do not find worth on the service i’ve placed monetary value on, they do not need to buy it. If people do not see value in what they are buying they do not need to buy it. It’s through your own choice to buy something or not, to place value in something or not.
I’m not saying everyone will pay the price of the service, because people value different things. There will be people that do value what it is that’s being offered and will place value on it to pay that price. If it feels like a risk for them to pay that money for what’s being offered its up to that person to decide whether or not its worth what they are going to get out of it.

I guess what i am trying to say is that a service is a service none should hold different status its all the same, its up to the individual to decide whether it’s of value.

There are people out there that are willing to contribute what it is i am doing and offering, and place value upon that. You see money enables us to contribute to other peoples thriving, we do it each and every time we spend money. When we spend money on joy, things that bring us joy, it actually helps the flow of positivity on this planet.

When we go to purchase something, that purchase, no matter what it is, is helping someone somewhere in this world thrive. That Someone that helped make that purchase your buying, that someone who delivered that purchase, that someone who thought up and created that purchase, no matter what part they played in it you are helping that someone somewhere in this world - thrive.

Think of an ipad/mobile phone or car even, so many different factors went into creating it. there are parts that are made by different people all over the world that came together in creating the very thing you are purchasing. By you purchasing that item no matter what it is, service, object, art, device, food or drink you playing a part in helping that person thrive, that person with the money they earn can then take it and place it in something else to help someone else thrive. you see money is not negative it’s quite spiritual, it pays to look at things from a different perspective.

So when you think about spending money, don’t hold negative feelings towards it, know that money is constantly flowing in to our life, out of our life then back into our life again. Know and be happy that every penny you spend goes towards someones dream, success and ability to thrive, in a world thats only just surviving. Open your mind and look beyond what’s in front of you to see the bigger picture at play.

If you would like a spiritual reading from me including astrology, no matter where you are in the world then book with me at - online readings with great testimonals

Sunday 27 October 2013

Whats in your Water

Aska Little Witch

What’s in our Water – Why is it there?

Okay, SO hello everyone!! Today I wanted to discuss or at least give you food for thought – What’s in our water and why is it there!? My main concern being fluoride.
Fluoride, what is fluoride? Well Fluoride is most certainly not a requirement for our bodies, it’s not a dietary need…
Although it is a natural substance, fluoride is highly toxic to human beings, even more so than lead. If you were to ingest a mere 2-5 grams of sodium fluoride (a common ingredient in toothpaste), you would probably die. The amount of fluoride in a typical tube of fluoride toothpaste is sufficient to kill a small child if it were consumed all at once. Fluoride toothpaste contains a much higher concentration of fluoride than what is found in nature.
So why then is it allowed to be used and added to our water? If Fluoride is not needed then why not leave it out? I'm not going to say I know everything about Fluoride, but from what I do know, people only know what’s been marketed and advertised for us to know (TV).
People only think ‘’know’’ that it’s ‘’good & cannot be bad because it is added to our toothpaste it prevents tooth decay’’. 
I ask you this, I guarantee you ask your dentist what Fluoride is and he/she will only know as much as you and me did. Ask what’s it for and what’s the lethal dosage? Ask them where the fluoride treatments in your toothpastes comes from? Better yet ask them how exactly they come to know that it helps prevents tooth decay? Ask them the dangers of fluoride exposure, and where you, you’re self can obtain proof that the usage is safe.

Now I am only suggesting that you find out this information for your selves. I too am utterly shocked, but there has been research that proves that Fluoride actually has no effect what so ever on the prevention of tooth decay, it’s simply a poison that kills bacteria and as such that poison is released into our systems to poison other cells.
Fluoride in water is banned in Japan, China and most European Countries.
If you look far enough back in history, we are a society that is always in search of being controlled as a whole. Think back to Smoking- we was lead to believe that smoking was okay and would lead to no long term health problems, how we was shown by our Doctors & dentist the people we 'know' to trust', people we look to because they know better. But they like us are controlled by the government leaders. We was told that lead in gasoline was too safe and we was told about asbestos which all of those have now been proven as being unhealthy and potentially dangerous for us. People linked to those very things were too the people that claimed to say that Fluoride is too 'safe and not harmful for us'.

 Did you know that Fluoride was the main benefactor component of the Atomic bomb?

I’m not saying to stop drinking water and brushing your teeth, (water is a must for us to be healthy, but maybe look into what's in your water and maybe opt if its of a higher amount to fresh spring water that's not Fluoride) just look into it and do the research for yourself.  Less is more when we don’t need to consume Fluoride. It lowers our IQs it is a neurotoxin.

It’s just one of the sources I used in researching the facts behind the deception of Fluoride.

I would also like to thank ‘Kelli in the Raw’YouTube… I never thought to question what was in our water, It's really is refreshing to think for yourself… Don’t believe everything your sold find out for yourself. Up until a short while ago I believed only that which was marketed to me, I didn't question water because it’s always been there.

Wake up to the reality that we are a controlled population and I’m sure water and toothpaste is only two of the many.

Bless it be – much love <3 Your little witch  x x x