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Showing posts with label as above so below. Show all posts

Friday 31 October 2014

Astrology Weekend October 31 & November 1 & 2 2014 HALLOWEEN

Astrology Weekend October 31 & November 1 & 2 2014

Okay so Halloween will be a pretty intense day always is =) but the weekend will be kind of pleasant.

Okay so Friday/Today we have the Moon in Aquarius which is fab for a halloween moon, as Aquarius is all things strange and wonderful, original and odd… How ever the Moon will square Saturn and this will bring up responsibilities and i feel although it can be challenging it will inspire growth.  It does oppose Jupiter the planet of learning and expansion so it will be stressful perhaps a little testing but it is halloween so it fits in perfectly for today.

By the end of this weekend you should be able to see a shift in your life as Saturn comes into Scorpio. By Saturday there will be 6 planets in water signs as the Moon comes into Pisces - Could be a weekend of feeling and emotions. Mercury will come of the north node in this time and sextile meaning it will bring a opportunity, to Jupiter the planet of expansion and learning…

We also have Mars making a sextile to Neptune which i feel spiritual we are given the energy to push forward and see something new, something that we know to be real - the veil is thin but i’m not just talking caspers, ghosts, spirits i’m talking about knowing that spiritual things are progressing, intuition will be high and we can act upon that. Information, intuition, things are surfacing and we will feel like we are getting to the bottom of some things this weekend.

I’m loving the energy of today so i hope you all will too have a Beautiful Day/Evening (depending when you're reading this)  <3

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Love - It's all you Need... But what is Love?


Love - Everyone wants to be loved but not many people are good at loving. The thing is you cannot have one without the other. Another thing is that Love is not ownership - by that i mean love does not have terms - love is an extension of you - it is something which is all around us in everything that we see or touch it is an eternal energy always flowing.

Another thing to remember is hate… How can you love someone to then one day hate them? You cannot, if you can that was never love in the first place. Me myself, i am human and although i wish to hate to switch of my affection or love for someone i cannot - because i love…

Love comes from within - we must first love our self to fully love another. We cannot fix someone, or be fixed by someone - Everything comes from within. You should accept them for who they are, fixing something implies something is wrong… Also, happiness is a state of being it is not a destination. I’ve met so many people who say ‘’when i find the one… or when i’m in love- then i’ll be happy’’ It saddens me because love is you, it’s who you are, happiness is a choice it’s a perception - we need to all stop looking outside of our self, looking to feel fulfilled in the eyes of others - instead turn inward and do the work that will lift us and our spirits to true love and happiness.

Love does not come with conditions… Never expect or do things to get something back… Do them just because - Now that’s love -