Showing posts with label control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label control. Show all posts

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Love - It's all you Need... But what is Love?


Love - Everyone wants to be loved but not many people are good at loving. The thing is you cannot have one without the other. Another thing is that Love is not ownership - by that i mean love does not have terms - love is an extension of you - it is something which is all around us in everything that we see or touch it is an eternal energy always flowing.

Another thing to remember is hate… How can you love someone to then one day hate them? You cannot, if you can that was never love in the first place. Me myself, i am human and although i wish to hate to switch of my affection or love for someone i cannot - because i love…

Love comes from within - we must first love our self to fully love another. We cannot fix someone, or be fixed by someone - Everything comes from within. You should accept them for who they are, fixing something implies something is wrong… Also, happiness is a state of being it is not a destination. I’ve met so many people who say ‘’when i find the one… or when i’m in love- then i’ll be happy’’ It saddens me because love is you, it’s who you are, happiness is a choice it’s a perception - we need to all stop looking outside of our self, looking to feel fulfilled in the eyes of others - instead turn inward and do the work that will lift us and our spirits to true love and happiness.

Love does not come with conditions… Never expect or do things to get something back… Do them just because - Now that’s love -

Thursday 12 June 2014

The thing about life is - It's a video game

The thing about life is - It's a video game 

''you create your own reality by a series of choices''

Our Minds have no concept of what we are thinking and what ''really'' happening, what we think is... gravitate towards the feelings that feel good! Embrace joy and happiness instead of fear and lack. What ever you are currently experience is just a reflection of what we are feeling inside, change your frequency and allow your self to believe, believe in you, believe in what will be... you can and will make it happen but first you must choose to do so.... Life is a series of choices - I KNOW ITS HARD! But work at it - be more observant of your thoughts, don't bury the hard emotions, root out the problem and heal it - you will get better at it, and when you do, when your vibrating on a frequency that's higher you will see change in your reality - you will see real changes in the experience your having. 

Sunday 27 October 2013

Whats in your Water

Aska Little Witch

What’s in our Water – Why is it there?

Okay, SO hello everyone!! Today I wanted to discuss or at least give you food for thought – What’s in our water and why is it there!? My main concern being fluoride.
Fluoride, what is fluoride? Well Fluoride is most certainly not a requirement for our bodies, it’s not a dietary need…
Although it is a natural substance, fluoride is highly toxic to human beings, even more so than lead. If you were to ingest a mere 2-5 grams of sodium fluoride (a common ingredient in toothpaste), you would probably die. The amount of fluoride in a typical tube of fluoride toothpaste is sufficient to kill a small child if it were consumed all at once. Fluoride toothpaste contains a much higher concentration of fluoride than what is found in nature.
So why then is it allowed to be used and added to our water? If Fluoride is not needed then why not leave it out? I'm not going to say I know everything about Fluoride, but from what I do know, people only know what’s been marketed and advertised for us to know (TV).
People only think ‘’know’’ that it’s ‘’good & cannot be bad because it is added to our toothpaste it prevents tooth decay’’. 
I ask you this, I guarantee you ask your dentist what Fluoride is and he/she will only know as much as you and me did. Ask what’s it for and what’s the lethal dosage? Ask them where the fluoride treatments in your toothpastes comes from? Better yet ask them how exactly they come to know that it helps prevents tooth decay? Ask them the dangers of fluoride exposure, and where you, you’re self can obtain proof that the usage is safe.

Now I am only suggesting that you find out this information for your selves. I too am utterly shocked, but there has been research that proves that Fluoride actually has no effect what so ever on the prevention of tooth decay, it’s simply a poison that kills bacteria and as such that poison is released into our systems to poison other cells.
Fluoride in water is banned in Japan, China and most European Countries.
If you look far enough back in history, we are a society that is always in search of being controlled as a whole. Think back to Smoking- we was lead to believe that smoking was okay and would lead to no long term health problems, how we was shown by our Doctors & dentist the people we 'know' to trust', people we look to because they know better. But they like us are controlled by the government leaders. We was told that lead in gasoline was too safe and we was told about asbestos which all of those have now been proven as being unhealthy and potentially dangerous for us. People linked to those very things were too the people that claimed to say that Fluoride is too 'safe and not harmful for us'.

 Did you know that Fluoride was the main benefactor component of the Atomic bomb?

I’m not saying to stop drinking water and brushing your teeth, (water is a must for us to be healthy, but maybe look into what's in your water and maybe opt if its of a higher amount to fresh spring water that's not Fluoride) just look into it and do the research for yourself.  Less is more when we don’t need to consume Fluoride. It lowers our IQs it is a neurotoxin.

It’s just one of the sources I used in researching the facts behind the deception of Fluoride.

I would also like to thank ‘Kelli in the Raw’YouTube… I never thought to question what was in our water, It's really is refreshing to think for yourself… Don’t believe everything your sold find out for yourself. Up until a short while ago I believed only that which was marketed to me, I didn't question water because it’s always been there.

Wake up to the reality that we are a controlled population and I’m sure water and toothpaste is only two of the many.

Bless it be – much love <3 Your little witch  x x x