What is Astrology?
So it’s my belief that before we are born we decide upon our life path. There are many ways to achieve these goals and missions in life, but some of us spend the first 30 years of life trying to figure out what that purpose is, instead of following our hearts and what makes us truly happy…

Astrology is something that will never change throughout your life. You are born on a certain day at a certain time and in a specific place, which marks what’s going on in the universe in regards to planets and signs which intern maps out your life. Palmistry can change to a degree, you will always have the fundamentals but as you choose which way to go on your journey your lines on your hand can change.
Pretty much everything can be read with astrology and Palmistry: Health, career, love, romance, type of person you are, your upbringing, children and wealth…

Now most think Astrology is just your sun sign… But that couldn’t be more wrong. You see your sun sign is just your date of birth, but when you add the place and time of your birth that is what really maps out your astrological chart. Your sun sign is just your soul purpose to a degree (no two people born on the same day are likely to be born in the same place and at the same time), but that doesn’t signify who you are. You have 12 houses which all represent an area of your life that is ruled but a sign and a planet which adds character and meaning to the house. You will also have all the planets in different signs that too adds something different. Astrology is kind of both scientific and spiritual as it is mathematically calculated, and spiritually analysed throughout the centuries.
So you see no two people are never the same, you are unique and have been born to do something specific to you that will lead you onto happiness. Astrology is fun and informative, vedic astrology also has divisional charts that open each house up and gives more details as to what’s going on in that area of a persons life. It also has a dasha system which is used in predicting time periods that things will occur.
There are 12 houses which signify 12 areas of your life ranging from : wealth, career, status, children, disease and health, property, religious or spiritual views, home/family, siblings, speech, education, winnings, gains and loses…. The list is endless but each house represents an area. Now each house is ruled by a sign, so you could be an Aries, have Leo in your 3rd house and Virgo in your 10th then you see you're not really just an Aries you have the quality of the sign and the house and that adds to your birth horoscope. The you have the planets in the solar system, Moon, Mars, jupiter, saturn, mercury and so on, these also represent different things like MErcury for communication for example… Now the planets are placed in your birth chart specific to the time you are born, that too adds more to the mix of who you are.
So we discovered that astrology is complexed, its made up of planets, houses and how they mix together to determine more about you. You are more than your sun sign! Now thats just your birth chart the map of your life, in vedic astrology you have ‘divisional charts’ these add even more detail, there is a divisional chart for marriage, career, health, wealth and so much more… these are also made up of houses, signs and planets...
So you see Astrology is truly fascinating and accurate which is why i am adding it to my full online spiritual readings. I am only adding so basic stuff to begin with on a trial basis to see how people like it. I use tarot as my psychic tool, palmistry to see how your life is being directed with your choices and astrology - well your life really is written within the stars.