Showing posts with label paranormal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paranormal. Show all posts

Saturday 12 July 2014

An Intro to Ask a Little Witch

An Intro to Ask a Little Witch

At long last I've ventured into the land of YouTube! This is just the first of many to come, I hope to connect with more like minded people, sharing and exchanging stories with you all... This 1st Video is a just insight into who i am - The next Video will be all about "Connecting with Angels".

My Channel will be based around Spirituality, Psychic abilities, the strange and the unexplained - So please Subscribe and join me on this Journey that will last for many years i'm sure.

I was born on March 13th 1989, and I had came into this world with some unusual gifts. Ever since i was a little girl i made friends with people i believe to be there, because they was as real as you and me are, it wasn’t until nursery school that i quickly realized that the ‘’normal’’ little girl or boy my age couldn’t see them… Adults certainly couldn’t. They ‘’spirits’’ did not appear to me as ghosts, they did not look scary and they was as solid and as tangible as everything else. I remember a little girl telling me that soon they will go away because you have to make real friends or the teacher will tell your parents.

You see i found comfort in being on my own, talking to animals than the ‘’real’’ people they just didn't see things like i did, so i tried my best to keep my friends a secret, until eventually they had to leave. I used to collect spiders, and spent a lot of my time outside playing.

When i was about 8 my dad asked me what i wanted to be when i grew up, and without a second thought i said ‘’angel’’. Straight away my father said that i can only be an Angel when i die and go to heaven and i need to think about something else i can do in this life. So i said well i guess i’ll be a Witch then, it was clear by the look on my fathers face he didn’t understand me, but for one of the very few times my dad asked me why. I said i’d like to be able to cast spells, change the world and help people get everything they want in life (well along those lines more or less). My dad said that i can not be a witch because they do not exist and you can’t make money being a witch… I began to argue a short while and that was the end of that.

My spiritual encounters continued, my mind just filled with more and more questions, the universe was

confusing and i knew there was more. I was that annoying child who was forever asking question after question. One day my father was trying to explain about life and death because i was so fascinated and confused by it… I wasn’t happy with the answer i had recieved so i badgered on a while, until he asked me what i think it is. I said we are being controlled by aliens and we are there puppets in a computer game, everything out there is controling us. My dad was stunned and same again that was the end of that.

I remember an incident that happened when i was around 7 or 8 maybe younger than that, that would take place place when i go round my babysitter's house. There was always a jamaican man in the kitchen, he had white hair, trousers held up with braces and an old style shirt. He would sit for hours and hours talking to me, sharing his wisdom on life, and i would talk with him also. It would be so happy at the thought that someone wanted to talk to me and made time for me. The thing was he would only appear when i was on my own. My sitter would come in and ask who i’m talking to and i would say, his name has gone from my memory, but soon as she would go he would come back in. It didn’t occur to me that he was a spirit, because he was as real as you or me and there was nothing scary or unusual about him. But then one day he told me something about the sitter and i told her, she got so spooked out that after that she told my nan that she would no longer be able to babysit for me, my brother and sister. She never gave them a reason and that was that. It was not until many years later that i asked about the man that i soon realized he was of this world.

In 2002, I brought my first ever Gypsy Tarot Cards, the connection with the spiritual side of life pulled me in. I was quite the natural with my cards, predicting things that happened in the past (way before my time), things that were going on in the present and then in the future. I started by reading for family and friends of the family, I received some brilliant feedback, that what i was saying was very much true or later came true.

I read for two of my Aunts one afternoon when i had visited my Nan's one weekend. My Nan really did not like the fact i was into such things, but to begin with she was adamant that it was a phase, and that nothing i was going to say would be true they are just some cards with strange pictures on them. But as soon as i began they became very quiet, they were stunned, shocked yet amazed by what i was saying and soon enough what i had predicted  for the future then soon had come to pass. My Nan was so angry by what i was saying and was sure it was the work of the devil. She told me to stop playing with those cards because they was doing nothing but bad evil things.

It was clear that there would always be people that did not understand me, my gifts or my abilities… In fact i’m pretty sure i spooked a lot of people out by what i was telling them, private things that nobody knew, secrets i had revealed, and predicting things that soon would happen.
I didn’t get why people thought they were so bad, they was just cards, and i was helping people, i was able to tap into and connect with them, comforting them and advising them. I was able to relate and ease peoples pain, show them what’s to come on there journey. Help people who had lost hope, guide people on decisions they need to make, show them opportunities that are coming there way. Helping them fulfil their life purpose. One thing i found in common is that there are a lot of people who feel alone, they feel like people don’t truly understand them, because they have not experienced what they have, and then i gently shine the light on there darkest shadows and heal them, i heal people without even meaning to just by understanding the persons emotional body. When you can touch someone from within and heal them its the most amazing feeling in the world, they completely transform, some quicker than others, but soon as you heal a piece of them inside their reality shifts and heals also. Its Magic.

From 2002 - 2008 i Kept what i did only between close friends and family, i still read for people and i kept getting asked to do more, the feedback was great! But i began my journey of research and studying all things otherworldly, such as, Astrology, Tarot, palmistry, runes, magic you name it i was intrigued by it, the fascination still to this day draws me in. After school and college was over i  slowly but surely came out of the closet ‘’the witches broom closet’’. The response was mixed but better than i expected, it took me to predict something for people to believe but i did, i turnt a lot of people into believing that this ‘’stuff’’ is very real.

I began offering readings to work colleagues, customers, friends, friends or friends, family of friends and it grew and grew and i loved it!!! It was so warming to be able to help people in this way, in my spiritual way and by being just me. I have never felt more at ease than when i’m giving a spiritual reading, easing people, comforting and guiding them by embracing my gifts and having a sense of allowance to being just who i am. Spirituality comes so naturally to me and it creates this huge spark in my life.

In 2011 i took it to the next level, i wanted to reach out to more people, put myself out there and reach a wider audience. I always knew that this was my greatest passion and i had this dream of traveling the world, or being able to connect with people from different cultures doing something spiritual. In 2012 to prove it to myself i took a Tarot Course, and to my delight i didn’t learn a great deal, but it did boost my confidence a whole lot. I was a natural and that’s something i had known all along. I did however learn about the legal side of providing a spiritual service, that was something i had not known up until i took the course. To pass the course i had to read for 3 people , that of which were close friends of the Tarot Teacher holding the course. I read for Courses leaders ex partner and good friend, I read for a psychic medium and another dear friend of the course leader. I passed with flying colours, in fact her ex partner told me that i had given him a far better reading than the Course Leader had given him, which really boosted my confidence.

So here i am now 2014, running a successful online spiritual service touching people from all walks of life. This is just the beginning of what to come on my journey, and I believe venturing on to youtube will enable me to connect with more like minded people, sharing and exchanging stories with all that crosses my path... Spreading my knowledge and growing with you. Sharing my insights and teaching what i know on how to tap into your psychic abilities, how to enhance your life, talking about spiritual subjects, the strange and unexplained, please subscribe to my Youtube Channel and other social networks and join me on my journey for many, many years to come

Saturday 23 November 2013

Updated - What it means to be a witch

Ask a Little Witch

1     What it means to be a Witch

‘’A Witch is someone who lives the Art, Science, and spirituality of witchcraft’’
First let’s touch upon where witches originated. Well the old ones were simply nothing more than that of wise men and women of there tribes, towns, families who those would go see for spiritual assistance, divinatory and medicinal purposes. In ancient cultures people would go visit the high priestesses and priests for healing. At the time, healing was much more that what our modern medical profession is today. Modern medicine is great in many ways, but in the ancient times, healing was a process involving the mind, emotions and spirit as well as the body. Healing was an energetic process.
A healer would give counsel and advice, and minister the spiritual balance of the individual. You will probably find many witches of today are involved in the healing arts, traditional of otherwise, because helping others in such an important part of witchcraft.

A witch is someone who ‘’walks between worlds’’ – like that of a shaman. The shaman believes in non physical, spiritual realms, in these worlds, one can get information and healing energy, and communicate with spirits. The Shaman ministers to his people though the ability, to effect healing of the mind, body and spirit. Witches like Shaman believe in non physical realms. They are bridges between worlds. 
The belief in and the practice of magic has been present since the earliest human cultures and continues to have an important religious and medicinal role in many cultures today. Witchcraft is a spirituality, you walk a spiritual path for nourishment of the soul, to commune with the life force of the universe, and better your own life.

To determine the Witch you must first determine the craft the witch practices. I myself am all of the above, I aim to help others and to heal them and to better the
individual. I'm not a villain from a fairy tale story poisoning apples or placing curses upon people.

I help heal people through the art of Tarot and the three fold law. I’m a strong believer that what you put out you shall receive.

I hope this can somewhat explain what being a witch means, I shall upload soon more about my craft as always <3 your little witch x x x

Monday 4 November 2013

Being Psychic

Ask a Little Witch

Being Psychic – What it is?

Okay, so you probably have your own interpretations of what being psychic means/is. That’s okay, not everyone will agree with what I’m going to say. But I’ll at least give you a different perspective on this rather ambiguous topic.

Being psychic. People are so fearful, apprehensive might be a better word, when someone states they are psychic. It’s got such a bad dogma to it, people think you know all, read minds, see all, put down to things you see in the movies and old wives tales, parents, other religions, some might think you’re into devil worship and curses.
Truth is, being ‘Psychic’ means nothing more than ‘you have a higher sense of awareness’.
Now you ask, what does that even mean? Let me explain. You might be surprised that most people are awakened, and to some degree, psychic, already without even knowing it… There are three main levels of psychic abilities if you will.
Clairsentience, meaning clear feeling – Clair stands for clear & Sentience – stands for feeling. It’s one of the main types of psychic abilities.
Being able to sense, Clairsentience is the correct terminology for it. It basically means to sense things clearly. It’s our intuition, you know when you get a gut instinct that something bad is going to happen… and then it does, that is a psychic ability. You know when you meet someone for the first time and you just have a knowing that, that person is good/bad and you can’t explain it that’s you intuitively picking up something psychically.

Now that’s how your psychic ability starts off, it can then progress, you may be able to start to sense when something’s about to happen. You may be able to sense when someone is ill, when someone is going to call you, you can pick up great deal, on the energy you’re surrounded by. This ability may then develop into being an ‘empath’, someone who takes on others emotions, a type of emotional sponge.

Clairvoyance, meaning clear seeing – Clair standing for clear & voyance meaning sight.
Being able to see clearly, Clairvoyance is something you may have heard a psychic call him/herself before. So what is it exactly that makes someone a ‘clairvoyant’, It’s someone who is extremely visually perceptive. They can see glimpses of the future and past – in terms of visions through their inner eye, or psychical eyes. Some see this in short flashes in their mind, may pick up on signs being shown to them, some may have dream states of awareness, premonitions, all of events, places or things, situations yet to happen or that have happened and that then happen.

Clairvoyants can sometimes as there gifts develop, see energy fields that surround people, like auras which can tell them a lot about a person.
Clairaudience, meaning clear hearing – clair meaning clear and audience meaning hearing.
Being able to hear clearly, otherwise known as Clairaudience. This is the ability is linked I believe to medium-ship (the ability to connect to spirit). Now this psychic ability is tricky, because most the time you will hear it in your own voice, it’s someone who can gain knowledge that they couldn’t possibly know by hearing it in their head. This ability is difficult because you doubt yourself constantly, it sounds like you, and so you believe what you think(hear) you just don’t understand it fully (why did I just think of that?). On some occasions you can actually hear spirits voice.

All in all, it is someone that hears an inner voice, that knows the answer to something they couldn’t possibly know the answer too. It’s a psychic gift, if you can do this your likely a Clairaudient.

Now that’s just three higher levels or awareness, there are many types of psychic abilities, the ones I have mentioned and lots more, like mediums for example (I shall briefly explain what that is).

A Medium is someone who acts as a bridge between our world and that of spirit, they can pass along messages and receive information of that which is to come.

Now most people possess at least one of those abilities, whether is developed fully or not. Others are born with the gift and some are given the gift after a NDE (Near Death Experience) or something major happens in their life. Everyone is different.

But what I will say, is people who are psychic are not evil, the majority are here to help – most people with higher levels of awareness (psychics) are natural healers. I do believe more and more are awakening during this spiritual time, those that are not are becoming curious of it, and some resist in fear of something they do not know.

It’s important to keep an open mind, Please don’t label Psychics as a type of religious group – I’m not going to get into religion as it is a whole other subject. What I'm trying to say is, religion doesn't necessarily come into it, most psychics are spiritual we believe in spirit, in energy… some from scientific background, being psychic is a way of life, we believe in what we feel, see, hear and touch and we do not give our energy to worship (although some do) that’s not a bad thing, it’s just not my thing. We are good people, here to guide and assist you in your lives.

I hope this has gave some pointers as to what a psychic is, and rest assured we are not demonic worshippers. There are all kinds of people in this world, good and bad, and so you have to judge each person as a new person.

Be open to the ‘New Normal’.
Please do not hesitate to ask questions… comment, email, facebook me (all details are on my blog)

Love your Little Witch. X x x