Showing posts with label kindness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kindness. Show all posts

Tuesday 9 September 2014

To that perfect partner or a Happier YOU…

To that perfect partner or a Happier YOU…

Stop being so external, looks attract they do not keep - Today's society is full of women not happy with how they look: not pretty enough, not sexy enough, not slim enough, not curvy… You are who you are & simply by being who you are you attract the ‘’potentials’’. 

This week i want you all to practice self love, stand in front of a mirror and tell your self of all the things you love about your self… Now i know that might sound awkward, but we need to stop allowing others to judge and tell us our worth - we should already know that we are AMAZING!

They are not you… Stop looking to others to tell you what you are. You are you & you are more than ENOUGH… You're amazing!