Showing posts with label angel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label angel. Show all posts

Friday 3 October 2014

Mystery Cards Friday 03 October 2014

Mystery Cards Friday 03 October 2014

Thank you so much for sharing with your friends… Okay so if you have not done so already, & to never miss out on a free card reading, freebies, one card giveaways - Just hit the like button on my facebook page -It will drop down just select & press ‘’Get Notifications’. Facebook keeps changing the settings Guys- So i am still posting, giving away you just need to hit the ‘’get notifications’’ to have it come up on your newsfeed <3

Left or Right
Before scrolling down!!

Okay so if you was most drawn to the LEFT then you tonight got Release and if you're opted RIGHT you got Wisdom.

If you have not already please check out my Astrology for today this will add a little extra to what’s going on.  

The Energy today will be a little all over the place and you might be somewhat confused. You know what it is you must do, you just need to see things from a higher perspective... removing the influence of others and spending time listening to what your heart wants, not your ego or your mind... Just your heart for everything else will become far clearer when you step into a heart space. It also says to pay attention to the signs and symbols being shown for there is not a real reason to be confused, it is so simple but you have allowed others and influences around you to place doubts in your mind, now your mind has taken over you feel confused. In times like these yes you can just start again as there will always be more opportunities, but is the one you have got confused about the one worth having? KEYWORDS: Clarity, support, Revelation, finding love and consequences of actions (see astrology for more on this).

Release - you got the Crown Chakra. This is a card saying you already know that which you must do. It's time to break free from whatever is holding you back. See all that you are, for you posses a power that you have yet to understand. It may feel daunting, but great freedom awaits you. You are more than you know... It's time to let go, you cannot move forward when you are holding on to the past. It's time to take responsibility and lay the past to rest. So today for you guys will be a release of some kind… Letting all that hurt and anger go, confronting things and being honest. If you don’t things are going to get a whole lot deeper for you in the next few days.

Wisdom - Now this beauty is a heart chakra card, again you know how you feel, you're just not sure whether you're ready to act upon it yet! Time is running out you know you have to make the choice. You are trying to be wise about everything, instead think of what will truly make you happy. Here you must not only learn patience but also learn eceptance -Are you just allowing things to be because you feel it’s ‘’best’’ to many wants and desires to be filled it’s just not the right time? When ever is the right time… If you are being presented with an opportunity then take it if it aligns with something that you want - Stop procrastinating over the details. I’m not saying to be foolish, you have thinked things over enough,weighed up both sides and you know what will truly make you happy - the doors will not be open forever my friends. The time is now you have been given advice, are you going to take it? Are you going with your heart of against it? Stop thinking so far ahead… The time is now - do not expect that opportunity to reopen at a later date <3

I hope these cards kind of give you a little insight to what’s going on with you - I do try to make the relate to as many people as possible. So thank you for sharing and join me again tomorrow for more of the same <3
Enjoy your weekend x x x

Monday 22 September 2014

Autumn Equinox - Mystery Cards 22/10/14

Autumn Equinox - Mystery Cards 22/10/14
Thank you for sharing & raising awareness to my magical space on Facebook - I truly appreciate it!!


Okay, so I don’t know if you can tell but in Autumn i’m in my element! Today is the Autumn Equinox where the day’s & night’s are balanced - from here on out the day’s get shorter and the night’s get longer… This is true for us too, today we are being asked to balance out self tremendously as well as taking that leap forward - tricky stuff for almost all of us!
So the Theme tonight/Today is really asking you if you're living and communicating your truth or just playing along… The tenacious balance between what is true in our hearts and what we communicate is reflected within the day & these cards. I think this will be a time for many of us to awaken to a new way of being.

If you have not already please check out today’s astrology on my page… Now the theme and what i want to stress & it’s funny because it relates so well with what i posted on my personal page last night…

So many of us think we will be happy when we get enough money, we just stick at something for all the wrong reasons, and yes it took hard work and dedication - but our heart wasn’t in it… So there will never be enough to make you fulfilled - only when we find joy can we be fulfilled. I think that is what this is all about.

Okay so If you chose Left you got QUEST & If you went with RIGHT you got GUILT…

Okay So QUEST - This is a throat Chakra card, and yes it fits beautifully within the energy of today and the coming days ahead. It’s saying you need to be honest with yourself, get deep & speak your truth - stop lying to yourself… you know what you need to do and with this card i feel you are ready for it and all it will bring. This card is saying do you feel you need to be somewhere else and then you will be happy? is that true of you? I think you will go on a journey whether a physical one, emotional one or a spiritual one - you will be discovering more about you, what it is that makes you spark and working a way to do more of it… Sometimes though we can over complicate things, so be wise, don’t search the world to find the thing you wanted all along was right where you are… This card is about being open to seeing all possibilities and what ones align with you the most to bring you JOY!!

GUILT- This is a Orange Chakra (Sacral Chakra) it’s about paying attention to all those emotions and feelings, being brave enough to admit some things about how you feel, and not feeling the need to tread on eggshells, because what you feel, you feel that for a reason, you burying it is just going to bring more of it to you - until it overflows and you have to deal with it. What is it you desire most? why are you not doing that, following that, stop neglecting your self - you are important - yes you are giving and that is beautiful, and yes you don’t do it to gain - but come on there are people who are taking you for granted and you need to address that, don’t give so much, sacrifice so much - do something for yourself - it’s never to late to chase a dream or find ways to make steps towards them. The people who love you want you to be happy - release guilt do this for you!! you deserve it =)

I hope you love tonight cards - some truly amazing stuff is going to take place over the next few months & i cannot wait to share it all with you

thank you again for sharing i’m so blessed!!

Friday 12 September 2014

Choose a Card!! Friday's

Choose a Card!!

Hey Guy's... So every Monday, Friday & Saturday i'll be posting up these beauties @ 11 am and all you have to do is pick Left or right - comment below and then i will reveal the cards with meanings at 8pm! I hope you like this version, please like and share with friends as always...

I'm still doing free one card readings on my Facebook Page 'askalittlewitch' every Weds for something more personal and of course you can still book a full online reading with me, just drop me a message or book online at my website - details can be found in the About me section.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Choose your card

Choose your card

Please select Left or Right before scrolling down…Hey Guy's... So every Monday, Friday & Saturday i'll be posting up these beauties @ 11 am on Facebook and all you have to do is pick Left or right - comment below and then i will reveal the cards with meanings at 8pm! I hope you like this version, please like and share with friends as always...

have you selected... Now Scroll down to see what you got!

Okay so what card did you select?? LEFT - Perception & RIGHT - Renewal

Perception- This card is saying to look at things differently... You may have been really caught up on something feeling sure you made the right decision, but where you really seeing things from the right perception? Perception is stepping away from your ego and how you see things in your mind, or how you feel others influencing your thoughts, its about seeing things from the heart - hence it being a heart chakra card.. Ask yourself ''how would someone who loved their self see this?''After all the heart knows what the eyes cannot see... A big change may be coming! you could go through some kind of transformation.

Renewal - Being a root chakra card it symbolizes the beginning, starting from the material, survival, basic needs and ensuring your needs are being met. What appeared to be an end is really a new beginning... It may bring a new opportunity, a chance to build a new life for yourself, or embrace something new that will build up into a strong foundation... It's time to start again and make your life the way you want it to be... but first starting with you. New energy is being brought in so you can move past the old and either start again or renew that something old which will prove to be better and stronger than before... This end whatever it maybe is not an end but a new beginning - enjoy!

Please do share with friends, comment and like the post to show your support if you are liking these new cards!  Join me Weds for a free one card reading... & if you would like to book a reading with me, they are £25, online, worldwide, via Paypal straight to your email - please check out what other people think of my readings, you won’t be disappointing x x x