Now I know for a lot of us this Spring and Summer of 2016 will be a challenging one, a time where we all will transform in ways we never thought we would. I have a lot of beautiful women come to me asking, “How can I get him back”, “Am I crazy for thinking about my ex”, “How does he really feel”...
Is He Really “The One?”
A lot of this sudden self reflection is down to the cosmos, it’s not the cosmos fault but it is opening the doors to opportunity for you to heal and let go of things, situations and people that are not what we thought they were or was “suppose” to be.
Now I’m not saying that you won’t reconnect and hit it off again - My aim is not to discourage because maybe for you that was how it was suppose to be, that's how your story was suppose to unfold. But for many we get caught up in the idea of something or someone - I’m simply saying all because your remembering things doesn't mean that has to be nothing more than a tool for reflection and seeing just how far you have come since.
I may only be 27 years old, I know I still have much to learn on my journey in life, but I too was like you looking back and believing that I could never love anyone as much as I loved my ex… Now although I do not have a significant other just yet, My views have changed massively & If I’m honest I have never loved who I am more than I do now! - It’s been an empowering few years!
A few years back I had to endure the worst pain I have felt to date but I look back and smile now because that was the greatest thing to of happened to me… The result of that ending has impacted me in so many ways, I’m more focused than I have ever been, stronger than I was before, and although I thought I lost everything, that couldn’t be further from the truth. You have to believe that there is something more, I’m a believer everything happens for a reason, That one wasn’t the one doesn’t mean that your one isn’t about to walk into your life - Look at the bigger scheme of things!
A few years back I had to endure the worst pain I have felt to date but I look back and smile now because that was the greatest thing to of happened to me… The result of that ending has impacted me in so many ways, I’m more focused than I have ever been, stronger than I was before, and although I thought I lost everything, that couldn’t be further from the truth. You have to believe that there is something more, I’m a believer everything happens for a reason, That one wasn’t the one doesn’t mean that your one isn’t about to walk into your life - Look at the bigger scheme of things!
Change, death and truth is never easy, it’s uncomfortable and you have to ride it out, the more you resist, the more you hang on the harder it becomes. If your partner is not on the same page as you and has expressed they never will be, it’s time to allow someone the opportunity to be all that and that involves letting this go. Time is all we have stop wasting it on someone who doesn’t want the same things as you - Hoping that it will change, your only standing in the way of your own happiness - as I did back then.
My point is sometimes your greatest downfalls turn into your greatest gains. We all thought it couldn’t get better than this and yet it does. My ex had different views for his future and I wasn’t apart of it, so if someone has chosen something other than you then he/she is not the one for you - Letting that one go does nothing more that open the door for the one to come in - This Summer will be clearing out the old - It’s a process. Get Spring cleaning and get honest with yourself about what you chose to take with you and that in which you leave behind.
You are in charge of your own happiness and you cannot make people change or feel things that they don’t - You can only be the greatest you & That should be more than enough for your lover, husband, partner. A Partnership is about coming together it should be fair and balanced and it’s a journey sometimes you just need to look at where your going… You could find yourself having to go back before you can continue moving forward.