Sunday 4 December 2016

Following the signs

Following the Signs
In Memory of Grandpa George
It started around Halloween this feeling creeping in that things were about to change. . . The world as we know it shall and 2016 being that wrapping up year amongst the changes that the Year of the Monkey brings in preparation for the year of the Rooster the beginning of a Nine year cycle.

I guess it makes sense that the series of odd, supernatural things that took place was spirit warning of a death in the family, furthermore Grandpa George was a Gemini Rooster and his been ready to leave this earthly plane for some time. He has lived a long and fruitful life he lived to see World War 2, 1950’s, 1960, 1970’s and the 1980’s. Thinking about all those huge changes and into the millennium, it’s insane to the world has become what it is today. I’m not prophesying a 3rd world war but that level of change will take place.

During the Super Moon in November around the 14th, Strange things kept happening, lights flickering, things being moved, strange dreams and then came the doorbell ringing 3 times in consecutive days - The superstition that if nobody is there that it symbolises a death in the family. The black bird twice crashing into my bedroom window.

I have been saying since October I had a feeling someone was going to pass away, and I guess by November I was certain. I guess people often see me as overly superstitious, a bit more than average on the strange side, and always talking about things that people think are “far out or far fetched”, that it’s not until something like this happens that people take notice.

It’s not to say I told you so, I just wish people would listen to me at least sometimes, I would not of known such things i guess if it wasn’t of importance, I had been telling my mom for 2 months to call Grandad and because life, and busy schedules she never did. Losing a loved one is hard, and there is nothing you can do to change the past what I know for sure is that he is free and probably looking forward to creating havoc in his cheeky chappy mischievous way even in spirit.

I feel all grandad George wants now for the generations he left behind is for his family to come together and to be together. There is a running theme of heart conditions through that side of the family and that to me is symbolism of wounds needing healing.

For anyone awaiting a reading please do bare with me x x x

Monday 31 October 2016

Happy Halloween - The Archetype of the WITCH

The Witch

“My darling girl, being normal is not necessarily a virtue? It Rather denotes a lack of courage!”

The Archetype of a Witch is to my greatest pleasure changing… For years a Witch would be seen as a hag, a woman with warts, green skin, cackling laugh, seen to curse all who crossed her path, flies around at the strike of midnight all in all a devil worshiper and freak of nature.

Symbolically a thing to not aspire to be, a disgrace, hideous and bad thing.

When in actual fact looking back to the Witch trials the women condemned of witchery were the outcasts of society, the healers, the loners, the forward thinkers, those who were independent and not of the norms.

In a time such as then, I guess it was not seen of a woman to exhibit such ways, to speak her mind, to be an individual was something to be feared because it was different... Women for centuries have been oppressed, unempowered and suppressed, finally we are reaching a time where the Witch is something to be proud of and aspired to be.

To be independent, different, fierce, and to hold power within your own hands. To be a person whose identity is her own and to think for oneself.

There is a little witch inside all of us. . . Embrace all that makes you unique and create magic wherever you go.

Tonight is all Hallows Eve the day before Día de los Muertos and two days before All Souls Day!

Light your Jack O'Lantern to ward off evil spirits on Samhain as it’s a time where the veil between worlds collide - The dead is said to return back and so that is why we dress up on Halloween to trick the spirits  aha ha. Any who Just light a Pumpkin tonight and allow the candle to burn out on its own never blow it out it’s meant to be an open invitation for any spirit to enter the home or something like that =) It also is a way of guiding your ancestors home.

Then the 1st and the 2nd is a time to remember those who came before us, remembering those who have passed over keeps a little piece of them alive. I guess you can look at the 31st as the welcoming home celebration, the 1st to share stories and the 2nd to say goodbye again… It’s also a pagan holiday like that of the new year, where we celebrate all that we have achieved this year so far and all that we put forward for the year ahead.

Okay I’m off now to do some witchy stuff - Happy Halloween my fellow witches!! X x x

Saturday 22 October 2016

Living through Death

Death is immensity, the finality of something that ceased to exist… But all because you cannot physically see them, touch them, speak to or hear them it does not mean they are gone.

When a child loses a parent they hold within them a piece of that person, their blood is your blood, you have (hopefully) years of stories and memories and by remembering who they are, by knowing them and that feeling that is felt at the leaving of their body, you know just how lucky you are to have known someone who has impacted your life the way that they have, to feel what you feel is love and that is more than anyone can ever ask for.

It’s my belief that nothing dies it simply changes forms. . . And by remembering they live on through you. Spirit is with us we are energy and yes you may not be able to physically speak to them, see them in the physical form but they are with you, surrounding you, guiding you, so pay attention, remember them and be wowed at how life has a way of showing you they are walking right along beside you.

Death is immensity, it’s all consuming but when things have run their course the only step is change, try not to be selfish in wanting to hold onto someone/something when it’s their time, they have the right to transition to what's next for them - I know that it feels unfair, it feels a lot like abandonment, and believe me I know a lot about abandonment, but you never lose them, they have and are a part of who you are, be allowing for them and live on in memory of them.

You should always live for you and not for everyone else. Yes it’s true some people are taken far too young, to early, too soon, but there is never a right or perfect time for change, it simply is and it happens - but I am a fond believer that the universe never gives us anything that we cannot handle, even when we feel like we cannot, we do, it's a test of strength of courage and it leaves its mark with us/on us in helping us become who we want to be.

Death is not the end it is just a new beginning.

Be a lighthouse! Shine even in the darkest of nights and you will find your way.

Thursday 20 October 2016

A Notion on Love... "But we were supposed to be together?"

A notion of Love found and love lost

- True love never leaves!

It’s true what they say, that nobody can take away the past, what you had with someone, the memories, the moments, they are yours and forever always will be for as long as you remember them.

I guess we all meet that one person in our life that takes a piece of you when it’s all said and over, they imprint you, mark you and perhaps even change you… But it is important to not lose the time that we have for the time that we had.

For a long time, I spent holding on to what was, scared of what could be if I was to open that part of myself to another - Love is about trust and vulnerability, and we often find ourselves questioning, finding yourself comparing everyone to that one.

It’s not fair to put that level of expectation on to anyone,  to always be doubting, surely to be who they are and have that be enough should be enough. Who knows you may be surprised with what that rare person could bring you because everyone we know right now is serving some form of a purpose - To teach us something, to show us what we want, don’t want, to see or discover something ect.

Yes, it’s true that things end, things are taken from you and things change but it is important that we allow things to be as they are instead of forcing them into what we want them to be.

You will always have those moments, they are yours ingrained deeply and with every memory you can be reminded of how you and they once burned bright… But note that when that fire goes out don’t wait forever to allow someone new to make you feel even a fraction of how they did or do.

Holding onto something or someone that is no longer here and present with you is only you, standing in the way of your own happiness, the happiness that you deserve... What if the person that you're supposed to be with has just not found their way to you yet? What if that something had to end to shape a series of events to bring you together. If something ended or someone walked away from you, they are not a part of your future, but just a reflection or a fragment of a memory that will last but only a moment in comparison because what you will create, which will last a lifetime.

Because I guarantee that with every step forward the best will always be the very best to come. Be open to surprise, to truth and to the love that never leaves you but grows alongside you.

The ones that have faith in all that you do, the ones that are not only there for the good times, but the ones that can make everything okay when things get tough. The best friends, the boyfriends, the girlfriends, the brothers and the sister, people who see you, cherish you, inspire you and will always be there for you, not the drive byes and the for the moment types.

In a world full of superficiality my wish for you is to find the truest form of love there is, and for you to be fully open to receiving it. Because Love is not rational, it makes no real sense, it’s a chemical reaction, a feeling, a knowing, and that right there is something that not many people ever get to experience - embrace and follow that feeling, that feeling that lights you up and I’m not just talking about romantic love, but friendships and the tribe you vibe with.
So many of us play it safe, stay inside the lines, conceal our truest thoughts and feelings - not many of us can be honest with others let alone ourselves… & Some hide, some are so scared of what could be that they never get up and do it or see how or what it could be.

Be honest today, and allow your over thinking mind to take the day off, step into your heart space and truly see for the first time.

Into the Mean...

Today I was reminded of how our choices and decisions literally unravel the life that we lead and will have, be that a happy one, a stressful one or a hard one. It struck me because lately, I haven’t made any big decisions, in fact, it’s been a long while since I have - The biggest decisions I make is whether or not I decide to do my morning Yoga and that In the past week I have decided to skip something I love because of work, That pretty much sums me up in general, a workhorse and it’s not that I don’t love what I do but I also work a second job to fund my dream job and I guess of late i have somewhat lost my way…

I feel like my life is about to change in some way, I can’t put a finger on it, but I just know, i feel it, something big is about to happen - and through the black shadow like fog things will get bright again and I will be faced with the biggest decision I have had to make in many years.

It’s funny how life never stays steady or the same for very long… Life catches up and things spiral it’s destiny's way of saying now or never - It is however up to you as to which way it goes, even not deciding is you deciding.

Thursday 29 September 2016





















TAURUS OCTOBER 2016 Predictions


ARIES OCTOBER 2016 Predictions