Friday 31 October 2014

Astrology Weekend October 31 & November 1 & 2 2014 HALLOWEEN

Astrology Weekend October 31 & November 1 & 2 2014

Okay so Halloween will be a pretty intense day always is =) but the weekend will be kind of pleasant.

Okay so Friday/Today we have the Moon in Aquarius which is fab for a halloween moon, as Aquarius is all things strange and wonderful, original and odd… How ever the Moon will square Saturn and this will bring up responsibilities and i feel although it can be challenging it will inspire growth.  It does oppose Jupiter the planet of learning and expansion so it will be stressful perhaps a little testing but it is halloween so it fits in perfectly for today.

By the end of this weekend you should be able to see a shift in your life as Saturn comes into Scorpio. By Saturday there will be 6 planets in water signs as the Moon comes into Pisces - Could be a weekend of feeling and emotions. Mercury will come of the north node in this time and sextile meaning it will bring a opportunity, to Jupiter the planet of expansion and learning…

We also have Mars making a sextile to Neptune which i feel spiritual we are given the energy to push forward and see something new, something that we know to be real - the veil is thin but i’m not just talking caspers, ghosts, spirits i’m talking about knowing that spiritual things are progressing, intuition will be high and we can act upon that. Information, intuition, things are surfacing and we will feel like we are getting to the bottom of some things this weekend.

I’m loving the energy of today so i hope you all will too have a Beautiful Day/Evening (depending when you're reading this)  <3

Thursday 30 October 2014

Astrology Weekend October 30 2014

Astrology Weekend October 30 2014

Today we have the Moon at last move signs into Aquarius but it will square Sun and Venus in Scorpio - So yeah that basically means Challenges, things surfacing the over flow and because Aquarius very much wants to disconnect and Scorpio wants to go deep, hold on to things and Aquarius is a bit like ‘’noooo I want to move forward to something new something better and different’’ but it cannot.

For myself this is brilliant because everything has been incredibly intense - I think you will all agree on that… But Emotionally Aquarius wants to disconnect and i think that will give us a bit of a rest from all the deep, intense stuff with Scorpio. It’s time we open up to seeing things in a new light, seeing from a new perspective and really be able to move forward today.

We also have Mercury and the North Node (destiny/fate) conjunct today meaning they combine their energy which brings a message from the other side today so pay attention to the signs today…

Mars in Capricorn starting to sextile over to Neptune could mean that we are starting to get back on track today… Energy is being given to take action, plan ahead of time but it is also more gentle because of neptune being our intuition, guidance and spirit so really go with the flow and look at where you're being lead… What things keep popping up today =)
What ever you have been trying to get rid of these past few weeks, months even it’s time - It’s over it has ended and you do not need to keep picking at it or treading over it in your mind because it is over, it’s time to move forward into what will serve your highest good. A time to move past those emotions that keep coming up as it no longer applies to you anymore… Stop doubting or in some peoples cases hoping, it didn’t work, it’s not working so leave it be and find what does work what does bring you happiness…

I’m loving the energy of today so i hope you all will too have a Beautiful Day/Evening (depending when you're reading this)  <3

Giveaway WINNERS


Wednesday 29 October 2014

Astrology Weekend October 29 2014

Astrology Weekend October 29 2014

Today I’d like you think about the things that you're emotionally attaching yourself to that you cannot let go of? I believe that with Scorpio alot of fers are surfacing and it is about looking at these things and understanding the route issue as to why. I mean the energy always gets a little spooky around halloween time but we are all scared of different things and it is about getting back on track with Capricorn who wants to find a way to just get to where he needs to get to - plan - action - go - go GO!!

The Moon is still in Capricorn today but it will make a square to Mercury and the North node making something quite challenging for you today. Now with this it is hard because Mercury is still trying to weigh things out and move forward… But it can’t with all this spooking and strange weird things going on - we are unable to process what to do in our lives today with this aspect. Scorpio is deep, and bringing a lot to the surface and Capricorn is trying to push us forward yet our minds cannot decide what to do because it’s too much.

I think it is about a build up of things today and looking at what was sown and how it has played out - try to not allow emotions to get the better of us i know everything is hard to understand right now - but everyone has a fear surfacing and we are react a certain way to fears so just allow it to take it’s course and everything will ease up a little bit i am sure.

Let go of the things that do not serve you. Take a risk and jump into something that will push you forward. Emotionally we need to risk something, to move forward and work on…. Today is a weird day in all honesty just roll with the times today

Have a Beautiful Day/Evening (depending when you're reading this)  <3

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Astrology Weekend October 28 2014

Astrology Weekend October 28 2014

Today i think is about getting back on track, starting to make the relevant actions to get control in where you're going, this is because we have a lot going on with planets in Capricorn and them making positive connections to Sun, Venus and Neptune so something unexpected could take place today - but it still about pushing forward and organising a little bit more.

I still think everything i said yesterday about the Sun and Venus in Scorpio and adding in the Neptune energy still very much applies today also. I feel like all this stuff has happened to that something new and more exciting can come in. I feel like today it’s still intense and we still are very focused upon what we want in terms of relationships but i feel now we are making progress in moving forward and opening that door to start climbing up and reaching our goals and ambitions.

I think with the Moon in Capricorn it allows our emotions to take a backseat and capricorn strives to get things done, and today i feel we will be getting deep but at the same time it will not get in the way of what needs to be done. Now moon will square Uranus later tonight while conjuncting Pluto this means transformation in terms of how we deal with our emotions, not allowing them to rule us for most, but looking at what is working in our life and getting on track - we are emotionally tested/exhausted.

Mercury coming off of the retrograde getting closer to the North Node of the moon, indicating we are able to communicate better in relationships some important conversations could take place today. We really are transforming and learning to deal with a lot in a controlled manner to get us moving in the direction that will bring the most joy in the long term.

I feel like yes it is intense, but it is a positive day and there is a lot to take place and happen. But today we will be getting back on track, learning to deal with our fears, gaining strength and how to be positive in bad situations (not that there will be bad situations) but learning to not allow things to ruffle us.

I feel like although you encounter challenges you will look back on today and see that it was just a necessary step in getting you to where you want to get to. Don’t get conflicted today, go witht the flow and really uncomplicate things. Just work around things take everything as it comes =)

Have a Beautiful Day/Evening (depending when you're reading this)  <3

Monday 27 October 2014

Mystery Cards October 27 2014


Astrology Weekend October 27 2014

Astrology Weekend October 27 2014

Today we have the Moon in Sagittarius making a trine to Jupiter which i think is about expanding the mind, it could indicate an expanding in your emotions but also a knowing that this is happened for a reason and to get you on track - I do see this as a becoming positive awareness, seeing the bigger picture if even you do not want to too...

Sun and Venus pair up as they are with each other conjuncting (combining) and trine over to Neptune the planet of Spirituality, imagination, intuition and i think with this we are finally understanding where spirit the universe has brought us to now in our life - have you been paying attention to the signs? A lot has surfaced this weekend just gone.

I say a lot has surfaced but also a lot has been exposed this weekend too especially with relationships and the life that we want to have. I feel like today intuition and a mix with the positivity has allowed you to trust in your intuition, dig deep and get to the bottom of things.

I feel like we have a lot to heal from and we really are having to face our fears and inner demons as well but it is necessary for this transformation to take place. You are responsible for your happiness, happiness comes from you and not others but we need others to mirror us to learn more about our self and i feel we will be coming together with people that are meant to be in our life now.

Today i think you will see the light, you will see that there are is so much more opportunity that you may think and your most certainly seeing the bigger picture today.

Now Mars the planet of energy, action and fire is in Capricorn which means we really will be organising, planning ahead of time in a positive way to really take control and press forward. Capricorn will play a huge part over the next month in combining with the Scorpio Energy… Which i think will be about climbing to new heights and destiny.

I think a lot has happened these past few months and some pretty intense stuff the past 3 weeks but you know, i think it was clearing the way for what it is that we truly want in our life, what we want to build in our life and in regards to relationships maybe that other person was never going to give you what you wanted and it is time to clear the way and know that something much better is coming your way - Destiny and strange things happen in the Scorpio transit into Sagittarius every single time =)

Have a Beautiful Day/Evening (depending when you're reading this)  <3

Friday 24 October 2014

Astrology Weekend October 24, 25, 26 2014

Astrology Weekend October 24, 25, 26 2014

Okay, So firstly yes technically the Eclipse is over but the Moon (emotions/feelings) is still in Scorpio so that energy is lingering on and it’s still very deep stuff going on.  Also this weekend we have the Sun and Venus following each other in Scorpio which will highlight relationships. IT will be very deep and intense, well because it’s scorpio and scorpio does what scorpio does best… Which is diving deep, getting to the root of the matter at hand, hidden things get brought to the surface and it’s about brutal honesty also - to name but a few.

I feel like with the Moon on friday in Scorpio will help you go deep within yourself and bring a lot of light to a lot things that are hidden within you. I know that sounds a little cryptic but sometimes we go on auto and shut emotions off, we do not fully pay attention all the time in how we feel and choose to suppress certain things because we feel it is both easier and will bring about more peace in the long term. So today try to research a lot of your feelings and be honest with yourself about a lot of things. To really see what the message has been for you during this eclipse and the Lunar Eclipse 2 weeks prior.

Mercury is about to go direct (goodbye retrograde) coming into the weekend also on the 25th… So Friday is the last day of internal processing as the logic and intellect gets switched back on and can battle out this Scorpio energy.
We have the Sun and Venus Conjuncting and the last time this exact conjunction happened was in March 2013 - So really look back to that time and see what occurances happened in regards to relationships. I think this weekend will be very intense when it comes to relationships.

Saturday Mercury goes direct so we are coming out of this 3 week long period of being taken internally, and questioning what’s going on in your life, and with Mercury direct you will now be able to see what is going on with all this.
Mars is on it’s last weekend of being in Sagittarius and being all positive and mars comes into capricorn on Sunday which it loves to be here by the way, it really will be about climbing that mountain with these new goals and new drive towards things.

I think the deepest of the weekend will be Friday and saturday in terms of internal inward thinking and the moon will cross over Saturn on Saturday - This means we are looking at where things stand where are we being blocked, and there is a lot to get to the bottom of i feel, and 9/10 we are the blocks preventing instead of going with it, flowing with the current instead of opposing it… I think it’s about looking at what’s not allowing us to connect in relationship matters and in general and it’s about allowing the feelings to surface, letting it all out and seeing things truly.

It’s a unique weekend surrounded by Karma and destiny in terms of relationships, getting to the bottom of things and feeling good about yourself - a lot of questions will be answered this weekend. Along with some big decisions to be made on Saturday also.

Moon will come into Sagittarius late saturday night into Sunday which will really open things up for everyone - Sagittarius is a sign of great wisdom and knowledge. There might be a little spiritual insight if you're open to such things as it will square Neptune - if you're not open to that side of life it can maybe bring about some fantasy which could maybe create a little confusion.

It will be a very intense Karmic weekend and as we work through all these things mentioned above i feel things might start to settle and those questions have been answered and we are able to move forward in the coming days after the Sunday.

Try to keep moving do not get suck and remain still during this time, know that there are a lot of things up in the air right now and it is about knowing that what will be will be, it’s meant to happen like this with all this karmic stuff going on… Know that all you can do is see ahead and keep positive, be courageous and strive for all that you want if it is in your best interest you will get it, if you're strong enough and willing to fight for it - the energy is in motion so just keep things afloat do the work and you will see how this weekend plays out

Have a Beautiful Day/Evening (depending when you're reading this)  <3

Mystery Cards October 24 2014


Thursday 23 October 2014

Astrology October 23 2014 - SOLAR ECLIPSE/SCORPIO

Astrology October 23 2014

Today is a POWERFUL and intense day being the day of the Solar Eclipse.

Now what makes this solar Eclipse extra weird and rare is the fact it is happening on the Cusp at the same time we are entering Scorpio!! (hardly ever happens)  and we have the Moon and Venus come into Scorpio at the exact time. What this means with these powerful planetary elements all on top of one another is Karmic energy, Fate and something destined for sure.

Another thing to remember is that two weeks ago we had the Lunar Eclipse which left us a little loopy and now you are being fully cut out of that energy and into this energy - Both intense but this i feel is far better than the Lunar Eclipse that we had.

Now i say better but it depends on what type of person you are because Scorpio is all about getting deep, the hidden things rising, truths coming out, the mysterious stuff, spirituality, it’s very cut and dry, it’s intense in itself but i love the honesty and directness of Scorpio energy - It cuts through the crap and makes things happen.

Now because Mercury is still retrograde details may not make sense that is because logic is switched off - Mercury doesn’t go direct until the 25th which in my opinion is kind of perfect. There is the destiny, fate and karmic stuff and changes coming in along with transformations that are happening in your life today it really is a complete new shift.

I think Scorpio is the most transformational sign, adaptable sign and here today you will see and experience the universe shifting the gears literally - It’s the most transformational period anyone can go through. Scorpio is about death and rebirth, exposing things and things are coming up to the surface. Things are coming up in your emotions now, things coming up out of no where and maybe things that you don’t or didn’t believe in and that is down to Neptune (My most loved planet) making a trine to all this energy (meaning that they combine together with ease and things happen without much effort/ even if you do not want them too).

Neptune is the planet of dreams, imagination, spirituality, the other side, higher dimensions this could be very higher dimensional stuff happening right about now, changing in your life right now and it is being exposed to you.

Now lets not forget Venus as this beauty is very much in the mix, and it will be highlighting relationships (i know we have had quite enough with relationships in libra energy but scorpio is a different ball game) extremely and the truth of the relationships, exposing and the desire - Scorpio is all about what you TRULY want to go all the way with go all in with. It will be very interesting to see what happens in this course which is super rare and again with the sun and moon following each other for four days!!! (like with the Lunar Eclipse - Karmic things and destiny is truly intervening with our lives right now) There are going to be very extreme changes with our life.

Back onto Mercury again - being retrograde like i said before logic is turned off and we might not really understand the changes that are happening right now.  Mercury is still in Libra that wants to intellectualise but we are in scorpio now and Scorpio couldn’t give a crap about intellectual energy, Scorpio is about emotions, feeling, truth, dynamic, connection - yes or no there is not in between with scorpio it’s one or the other there is no weighing out there just is. With Scorpio there is no waiting it’s all in and it’s all now - Scorpio’s always know what they want and they always go out and get it.

All that being said, and tying in the part where i said it depends on the kind of person you are… It could feel super weird for you right now, it could take you by surprise and it could be very intense (well that is for everyone)...

Now there is also a Comet coming up to Mars within the next week and will happen when Mars comes 0 degrees capricorn - which again is another WEIRD and RARE occurrence here. So it is important to look at where this energy is hitting in your personal chart and the HUGE imminent changes will be hitting that spot in your life. Now the universe is going to be pulling you into this energy over the next week - this is where the change will happen and it is supposed to happen in your life.

I feel like this Halloween will be something else - The energy that is occurring right now its so karmic and we are living in a taurus/physical ruled energy and we are being made aware that there is so much more happening in the spiritual/invisible world than in this one! Opening time i feel.

Notice that from today things will be different that change is going to change your life forever from this point everything has been leading up to this and all that follows will truly get you onto that right path…

Just go with the flow, do not fight it, it is supposed to happen follow where you're being pulled towards. Words to the wise do not allow your intellect to mess with you you have had plenty of that over the past month. It’s about true depth, the taboo the stuff we are too afraid to bring up or talk about, it could feel spooky but at the same time it could feel magical.

Stay positive in your heart, do not allow the darkness to overcome you and push through into destiny by reinventing yourself and having courage to step into wherever the universe and the change is happening.

New beginnings - no matter how on edge you may feel this is all suppose to happen and in this moment - great things will come from all of this =)

Have a Beautiful Day/Evening (depending when you're reading this)  <3

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Astrology October 22 2014

Astrology October 22 2014

Today is a POWERFUL day being the day before the New Moon & Solar Eclipse… A day of closing doors and closing aspects.

The Moon in Libra is going to go over mercury Retrograde, North Node,
and get ready for it’s powerful conjunction with Venus and the Sun in the next 24 hours what with the solar Eclipse tomorrow. So whenever you see this kind of planetary alignments it always indicates something is coming to a close… This will be bigger because of the fact it’s also a solar Eclipse. Karmic things are happening.

There is also this need for answers and because we are still in a mercury retrograde it’s going to be hard to understand. Spiritual side of life ‘’the other side’’ Is going crazy because they want you to see this bigger picture but right now we are unable to see it.

The we have the Moon opposing URanus (creates stress but the need for balance) So it really is teaching us to find that extra strength and courage. The energy is really ready to close the doors to the past and really get ready for this new chapter in your lives.

Today my best advice would be to just go with the flow and just let things happen. It’s meant to be the closing is here now ready for the new to come in and move forward. It’s not a day to accomplish things that are so big and powerful - It’s a time where things can just go or get weird - without a better way of explaining it. A weird day indeed.

Typically for those less aware or sensitive to the vibrations you are going to think it is just a normal day - But you will notice a shedding going on in your life. There is a deep emotional need to find harmony and step into this balance…

HUGE aspects on relationships as it is the last day of Libra. Could feel really intense as everything is wrapping up now could feel a little scary as well i think a lot of us are at the edge. But with Mars Sextiling (bring opportunity) can make things strong/stronger.  

The day is really about watching your reactions do not trip out and do not allow things to be be final answers on days like today. . . Doors are closing just go with it, it is not the end of the end but there is this closure happening. A lot of Karmic Energy as yet again similar to the Lunar Eclipse we have the Sun and the Moon following each other for the next four days.

What ever it is that is freaking you out know that you have the upper hand you have the move in your hand, the ball is your court to do something about it.

Have a Beautiful Day/Evening (depending when you're reading this)  <3

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Astrology October 21 2014

Astrology October 21 2014

Okay today we are starting to move into some powerful stuff, what with the New Moon, Solar Eclipse all coming into this Scorpio Energy…

So we have the Sun coming into Scorpio which in itself is an already intense sign, But currently finishing off in Libra we also have Venus following the Sun here conjuncting (combining along with it) Meaning that some power things are manifesting in our lives, relationships and partnerships are highlighted.

Today we have the Moon in Libra which just adds even more to the mix…. That is the Sun, North Node, Venus, Mercury retrograde and the Moon all in Libra!!! I’m sure you can feel it in the energy we are going through a powerful shift change in our lives, huge relationship changes, huge karmic changes and huge manifesting changes in our lives = EXTREME!!

Now although this is intense there is more to come in the next couple days… Right now we are being kept behind the big shift about to occur in our lives, by that i mean a lot of us are still navigating in which direction we are going and weighing things out - There is this processing scenario happening in our minds and that yearning for harmony and peace. Things will really kick off and hit home over the next few days.

I feel like the energy is just overwhelming we are having to deal with some extreme stuff if we are not on the right track. Huge, huge, HUGE life time stuff is coming up - there is this karmic energy around. I do still feel today is a beautiful day because we are able to see the beauty in things today along with the knowing of some big things about to happen.

The universe is really pushing us along what with Mars Sextiling (positive aspect) Venus and the Sun… You are being pushed or thrown forward without that reflection of weighing out the past… yet we are able to move forward and there is still so much more to weigh out.

The BIG CHANGES are coming in our life… Take courage, have faith and work through those fears. So much is happening we need to find that place that the universe is pulling us towards as it will make us stronger and more enriched as to who we really are.

Destined things are happening if you believe in such things - be calm today amongst the crazy.

Have a Beautiful Day/Evening (depending when you're reading this)  <3

Mystery Cards 20 October 2014


Monday 20 October 2014

Let Go!! Scorpio New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse

With an Intense week ahead - Many things coming to the surface - going deep being honest - Hello Scorpio on Thursday 23rd on a NEW MOON & a Partial Solar Eclipse - fasten those seat belts something truly karmic is going to happen - & so i will bring you the reminders to close those doors to the past... This is the here and now, release that baggage and leave it there where it belongs in the past..Let go of the past.

So many people are scared to move on or grow because of something that happened in the past. You see people are always growing, evolving and people cannot stand still frozen in one moment… You either get on the train or you miss your chance.

Life is always happening, so when is the right time? Opportunities come and go and you will never know how great or bad things will be until you give them a go. Stop living in those negative moments, and allowing the fear of those things stop or keep you from experiencing the here, now and the future. Fear is a poison that clouds the mind, judgement and allows the ego to take control (good or bad).

Every ending is a new beginning and every beginning brings about the opportunity for something great. Everything happens for a reason even if you cannot understand why - It will all make perfect sense when the time is right. Hold on to that.

Some people see an opportunity and take it without seeing the effects it will bring to others… It’s a test, to see if what you currently have your willing to cherish or if the idea of this something new out weighs all that you have and can have. Some people give up before seeing that they were heading in the right direction of their treasure.

The truth is all of us in one area or another look out side of our self for something that seems greater than what we currently have… To only end up realizing that what you had was what you was looking for all along. Patience. Nothing happens overnight. Everything is a Stepping motion. Follow your heart, follow love, joy and happiness and you will never feel empty or unfulfilled.

Destined doors are opening and i feel like the doors are and will be closing now as we move into Scorpio. I know a lot of people are finding great partners, people are entering our life for a reason, others are going through terrible harsh and horrible break ups. The truth is you deserve more, and that other person was not giving you what you needed - it is not a loss - It is simply the right thing, you need not waste your time on something/someone who does not fulfil you. . . You too soon will find someone who wants all that you want, that yin to your yang, someone that brings balance to your life and you to theirs. Important people are entering your life, pay attention to who is around you right now. Say goodbye to the past - C'est la vie - It’s life! Forgive and move on and be open to all that newness, not for you giving up but for this is what is and you should embrace it. Those who are living in a fantasy, in there Ego self, in a selfish state they will learn and find out the hard way - but that is not you! Say yes and follow the things that bring you joy <3

Friday 17 October 2014

Astrology October 17, 18 & 19 2014

Astrology October 17, 18 & 19  2014

I feel that this weekend with be a bit of break in the intensity department as next week on thursday i believe will be Solar Eclipse and you will go through quite the transformation and that week as a whole will be very transformational.  

This weekend will be so positive and different from what we have been going through… Moon in Leo will Conjunct (combine with) Jupiter which will bring a lot of excitement and passion with all the Fiery energy.

Today The Moon will sextile (shows when planets work together in harmony to bring a opportunity) all the Libra Energy - Venus, Mercury and the Sun so a really positive time here. Venus and Mercury together bring good communication and a uplift in relationships this weekend also.

It’s just very odd in my opinion because there are such beautiful aspects this weekend after all we have been through recently and then after the weekend that intensity starts to creep back in?? Maybe the universe is just giving us a break this weekend to chill, feel good, shine a positive light here.

I think now will be a time to really get to the bottom of relationships and getting them on the right track. After all this deep stuff i do see a lot of excitement with relationships. Ensuring your being the best you, you're mirroring someone that is good and reflects a lot of good stuff with in you too. So we really are starting to prepare for all this  Scorpio Energy to hit!

Moon comes into Virgo late on Saturday which will help to ground things out. I also see that there will be an element of weighing out other aspects of our life and release the focus all from relationships.

I keep saying how this is a deep time with Saturn squaring and the need to battle for positivity in the darkness, and there are moments where you want to be extreme happy but then there is all this darkness and that is Saturn squaring the fixed signs.

We also have Pluto and Uranus which are making a BIG square which brings about this psychological  intense battle we are all having inside. But this weekend can really bring us some positivity and some light to see that things are moving along… Even with the mercury Retrograde, which usually stops things from happening but in this case it really has still pushed things along.

These are very Karmic and destined times every thing that is happening is happening for a very specific reason - we don’t get energy like it with these alignments so really take it in.

Use this weekend to prepare, relax for what is about to come next week because it is going to be life changing and incredibly intense. I mean this year in general has been transformational but there is still more to come.

I think it is all about learning to find the beauty in even the most darkest times there is always a Yin to every Yang… It is about knowing your self worth and remembering to not settle and enjoy this time enjoy the time of getting to where you're meant to be going -  <3

Have a Beautiful Day/Evening (depending when you're reading this)  <3

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Astrology October 15 2014

Astrology October 15  2014

Today will be intense and a little some what Emotional….

We have the Moon continuing in Cancer which is squaring the libra energy today - meaning causing some tension to push us to act upon but too much tension can cause stress.

The Moon is causing us to look at our emotions, pay attention to how we are feeling about things in particular RELATIONSHIPS… Now it also trines Saturn in Scorpio which is all about doing deeper, digging down deep and really coming to some conclusions about what is right, where are you going to find that love, harmony, peace and joy in another.

Now we also have North Node (Rahu) Conjuncts (blended) with Venus meaning that the universe is really trying to push or pull us towards someone or something that is right for us… You know what is right to do the energies are there that allow our emotions to surface, to look deeper at things and we are going to have a whole lot more scorpio energy very soon so really start doing the work now so it will not feel quite as intense later.

Back on to the theme which is relationships, today and the energy and planetary alignments have been these past weeks, are on looking at what and who you're reflecting. Does the person in front of you reflect that essence of you, is it love, harmony, peace and does it align you with the joy and happiness that you seek… Are they being a good mirror for you, is there strength there, is it balanced, fair and equal… Are they helping and you helping them get to where you need to get too.

Today is really about knowing how you feel, are your emotions aligning with that is it reflecting a true partnership. The universe is really testing this and pulling and pushing you towards something as well as helping you look deeper into things today.

Today will be a big awakening Emotionally & with Relationships - Whatever your weighing out today, your emotions, choices and decisions there will be a big awareness today for sure (if you're paying attention to you/your emotions and dive deeper into them).  Moon squaring the Sun in Libra is always a shock and awe moment and in this case about relationships - a realisation. As Well at tonight/today being the last quarter Moon check out the link (

Today could also trigger anxieties because again we have the Moon emotions also squaring the Mercury Retrograde too… Giving us more questions and intellectual analysis to add to the mix of our heightened emotions.

You will overcome this as the going deeper aspect is with Saturn which is a slow stable planet nothing is thrown at you it’s a gentle kind of movement into realising and seeing things.

The universe is really trying to make us aware of a lot of things and really fast, yesterday, today and tomorrow but as tomorrow comes we will be pushed along in a way that inspires us to act. As that fire energy really comes into play. Do not neglect how you're feeling, the Emotions and things you're thinking, it’s all for an important reason and everything is occurring for a reason do the work do not shut it off. Trust yourself - Trust the situation and work through it.

A day of transformation - revealing your deeper self! Emotions and looking at relationships and choices - A rare occurrence and a SIGN from the universe so pay attention today with relationships and things that have lead you to here.

Have a Beautiful Day/Evening (depending when you're reading this)  <3

Love - It's all you Need... But what is Love?


Love - Everyone wants to be loved but not many people are good at loving. The thing is you cannot have one without the other. Another thing is that Love is not ownership - by that i mean love does not have terms - love is an extension of you - it is something which is all around us in everything that we see or touch it is an eternal energy always flowing.

Another thing to remember is hate… How can you love someone to then one day hate them? You cannot, if you can that was never love in the first place. Me myself, i am human and although i wish to hate to switch of my affection or love for someone i cannot - because i love…

Love comes from within - we must first love our self to fully love another. We cannot fix someone, or be fixed by someone - Everything comes from within. You should accept them for who they are, fixing something implies something is wrong… Also, happiness is a state of being it is not a destination. I’ve met so many people who say ‘’when i find the one… or when i’m in love- then i’ll be happy’’ It saddens me because love is you, it’s who you are, happiness is a choice it’s a perception - we need to all stop looking outside of our self, looking to feel fulfilled in the eyes of others - instead turn inward and do the work that will lift us and our spirits to true love and happiness.

Love does not come with conditions… Never expect or do things to get something back… Do them just because - Now that’s love -

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Astrology October 14 2014

Astrology October 14  2014

So today we have a stellium in Libra (basically means there are a lot of planets in the same sign adding a lot of focused energy here). We have Mercury Retrograde here in Libra, so a lot of contemplation over relationships and decision makings, we have venus in it’s natural home here in Libra, North Node (Rahu - Destiny/obsession planet) in Libra so really wanting to seek out that relationship, understand it, fight or flight, but it’s the constant obsessing now over relationships/ perhaps you meet someone new today & of course the Sun in Libra which is brightening all of this up.

So Today is about relationships, romantic or otherwise and it’s about finding the balance, doing the right thing and trying to find peace and harmony within it all. With Saturn the planet of restriction and lessons in Scorpio we are having fears come up here in relationships, dealing with our own inner most private things and trying to still maintain all of the above.

We will not go through this kind of intensity for another 30 years + when we are going through some deep inner world stuff while trying to find the harmony within our relationships- it really is the foundations of all that will unravel.

Now the Moon is in Cancer so you're going to be wanting to take time out, sleep the day away, we really are feeling a little emotional - BUT we are not going to be able to because it’s in a lot of Squares with planets in Cardinal signs (cancer, Libra, Aries, Capricorn). We have Moon in Cancer opposing Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Aries and all this Sun, Rahu, Venus, Mercury in Libra- So be prepared to learn a lot today, if you're on the up side of the Moon be empowered not disempowered today. Today you will need to use your Emotions and not be used by them…

With the Moon and Pluto opposing it could be about letting go, releasing and shedding off some things and clear the past about relationships and that energy is really highlighted today.  IT’s also about looking to the future and facing it as we also add uranus into the mix… With Uranus i feel it is really going to test us on our chosen path, the choices we have made, are they the right ones and Uranus will later oppose the North Node later so some very Karmic times to come. Remember all that is happening is happening for a reason!! These Eclipses and the energies they are bringing are by no accident.

A very special time because although it feels so up and in the air it is a time where unions are coming together, relationships are coming together and all on DEEP KARMIC  levels - Destined times the people coming into your life are so for a reason.

It is really about learning to deal with intense powerful situations these times really are just helping us become stronger and better with all that is occurring. When Moon is in Cancer your emotions cannot out weigh the intellectual truth of a situation so it really will be about clearing the past to allow these people to enter your life. Now saying that Mercury being in retrograde you're not thinking forward your more than likely thinking backwards her so really sit with this and look at the whole picture. I think today a lot of us are on the fence about things but when we have that solar eclipse in Scorpio and the energies shift into scorpio within the next 9-10 days - it really will be pick a side and stick with it as its the cutting point - death and rebirth time.

So today step into your emotions, take control of them and use them don’t be used by them =) Magical things will happen over the next few weeks for sure

Have a Beautiful Day/Evening (depending when you're reading this)  <3