Wednesday 18 June 2014

If the Money was in the Cure there would be no Cancer

If The Money was in the Cure

There would be no more Cancer

I know i have previously dedicate a post earlier on in the year in regards to Cancer research, so i won't drone on. Instead i allow Doctor Veronique Desaulniers explain in this short 1:52 minute video. I hope you will widen your eyes just a little further and realize that if even after all these many many years of raising millions/billions of pounds/dollars for said ''research'' and still no advancements that we wake up and see that they will never widely say that there is a cure but still take your money and feed it back into the drug and pharmaceutical companies. Many Cancers have been cured and chemotherapy and radiation ''treatment'' is not the way

Thank you for watching, share and raise awareness the true awareness of Cancer research.

Lower your stress levels, eat healthy foods, stay clear of processed food or foods pumped with chemicals, read your food labels, exercise and live a joyful life to lower your chances of setting off the cancer gene.

As always Love your little Witch x x x

Monday 16 June 2014

Charging for a Spiritual Service

Charging for a Spiritual Service

So a long time ago, around 12 years now, when i first started offering readings, i of course offered them for free, because charging would just not be acceptable. in the society of today? right?... No, This couldn’t be further from the truth…

So why did it feel bad for me to charge people for the service i was providing them.

In the beginning it made me feel empowered, like it was righteous of me to give away what i had to offer. But then people made me feel like i owed it to them and  then i suddenly had been given this sense of duty and obligation, and soon enough I was sacrificing a lot more of my time than i wanted to.
Although i love what i do with all of my heart, and i’m passionately dedicated to my spiritual practice, it started to put strains on me. I would find myself giving away more and more of my time than i previously dedicated to it. I found that these people drained me, and expected me to give more of my services and time like it was owed to them.

When i reached of age I started to charge a fee for my services, this caused a lot of friction in what i was experiencing. You see money is just a tool that we use to place worth on something. By me giving away so much of myself people didn’t put value on me instead they selfishly used me. If someone has been given something for free they don’t hold value to it.

I started to charge a reasonable price because it was no longer empowering to give away so much of myself, my time is valuable and so are my services that I provide. In order for me to continue providing people with my services, I turned my passion into into my business. I am a person like everybody else, people wouldn’t expect a doctor to donate or give away his/her services for free, and to still work a regular job, no because where would the doctor find the energy to do so.

So many people expect those in the spiritual fields to give/ donate their time and energy to you for free… But even if we wanted to, it’s not feasible to do so. Is it fair that we are expected to donate free time to do this, as well as hold a full time job that is considered worthy of being paid, its simply not possible, we would have no energy  and very little time to do so. Like i just mentioned,, would you expect a doctor to give his time for free as well as to work another job, no, you would not expect that, so you see there is no difference.

Why is it seen as okay to assign value to a physical object and not assign value to a spiritual service. Physical things are none other than an extension to that which is spiritual.

If I dedicate my time, energy, money,  heart and soul into my spiritual practice just like that of any other professional with their chosen trade, why is it seen to hold less value? I’m giving and adding value to your life like that of a doctor, just in a different way, break away from such limiting beliefs.

Choosing to assign monetary value to my services is not the same as deciding what i’m worth, if people do not find worth on the service i’ve placed monetary value on, they do not need to buy it. If people do not see value in what they are buying they do not need to buy it. It’s through your own choice to buy something or not, to place value in something or not.
I’m not saying everyone will pay the price of the service, because people value different things. There will be people that do value what it is that’s being offered and will place value on it to pay that price. If it feels like a risk for them to pay that money for what’s being offered its up to that person to decide whether or not its worth what they are going to get out of it.

I guess what i am trying to say is that a service is a service none should hold different status its all the same, its up to the individual to decide whether it’s of value.

There are people out there that are willing to contribute what it is i am doing and offering, and place value upon that. You see money enables us to contribute to other peoples thriving, we do it each and every time we spend money. When we spend money on joy, things that bring us joy, it actually helps the flow of positivity on this planet.

When we go to purchase something, that purchase, no matter what it is, is helping someone somewhere in this world thrive. That Someone that helped make that purchase your buying, that someone who delivered that purchase, that someone who thought up and created that purchase, no matter what part they played in it you are helping that someone somewhere in this world - thrive.

Think of an ipad/mobile phone or car even, so many different factors went into creating it. there are parts that are made by different people all over the world that came together in creating the very thing you are purchasing. By you purchasing that item no matter what it is, service, object, art, device, food or drink you playing a part in helping that person thrive, that person with the money they earn can then take it and place it in something else to help someone else thrive. you see money is not negative it’s quite spiritual, it pays to look at things from a different perspective.

So when you think about spending money, don’t hold negative feelings towards it, know that money is constantly flowing in to our life, out of our life then back into our life again. Know and be happy that every penny you spend goes towards someones dream, success and ability to thrive, in a world thats only just surviving. Open your mind and look beyond what’s in front of you to see the bigger picture at play.

If you would like a spiritual reading from me including astrology, no matter where you are in the world then book with me at - online readings with great testimonals

Thursday 12 June 2014

The thing about life is - It's a video game

The thing about life is - It's a video game 

''you create your own reality by a series of choices''

Our Minds have no concept of what we are thinking and what ''really'' happening, what we think is... gravitate towards the feelings that feel good! Embrace joy and happiness instead of fear and lack. What ever you are currently experience is just a reflection of what we are feeling inside, change your frequency and allow your self to believe, believe in you, believe in what will be... you can and will make it happen but first you must choose to do so.... Life is a series of choices - I KNOW ITS HARD! But work at it - be more observant of your thoughts, don't bury the hard emotions, root out the problem and heal it - you will get better at it, and when you do, when your vibrating on a frequency that's higher you will see change in your reality - you will see real changes in the experience your having. 

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Chamomile tea = Hay-fever free

Chamomile tea = Hay-fever free 

So a natural remedy to alleviate hay fever symptoms believe it or not is chamomile tea, now yes you can drink it and it has many added benefits, however I'm going to suggest you try something a little different.

So brew two bags in boiling water for 3-4 mins- drain and squeeze excess water from them place in the fridge for 20-30mind then place on your eyes for 15 mins! It's a miracle worker for itchy swollen eyes!

Or try steaming... All you need is eucalyptus oil (2/3 drops depending upon bowl) a big bowl and boiling water. Boil the water add the drops, cover and inhale the steam it will help hay fever symptoms.

Now I'm not a "doctor" so by law I have to put in a legal disclaimer - that anything I suggest is at your own risk & to consult your own GP before trying!

Saying that it works for me doesn't mean it can't for you too!

Hay fever "be gone"

Have a happy Tuesday  x x x x

Saturday 7 June 2014


Okay so that's a glass right?... but it was once something else... came from a grain of sand when hit by lightning turns into glass.

This is what happens when we manifest, our beliefs are limited, and in turn we find it hard to manifest things, because we strongly believe that it is what it is. If we have doubts on what is possible then how can we obtain it or attract it into our lives...

Manifestation works, but you must first believe that it does, believe you deserve what it is you want to attract. That's why its best to start simple, try attracting something that you hold no real emotion to...

Like bumble bees, butterflies, birds - something that is around and can flow into your life but something that you don't mind if it does or not, but something that you expect will come into your life.

Try this - every evening just before bed think of one of those things i mentioned. Lets try white butterflies,
imagine them, see the way they flutter from flower to flower, now believe that its highly possible you will see a butterfly... say out loud ''universe bring me a white butterfly'' then go to bed. Do this for a few weeks, i guarantee you will start seeing more and more white butterflies...

When you do see them do not doubt what you see, do not say to your self its just coincidence because that will shut off your synchronicity and prevent you from manifesting. Once its coming to the point that your seeing them everywhere (books, posters, tattoos, actual butterflies) you can try to manifest something else, start small, and work your way up to big, have fun with it, believe in it and it shall be attracted to you. It will only show when you come a match for it.

<3 x x xx

Friday 6 June 2014

What will bring me more happiness

The Card that was Selected. ''what will bring me more happiness''

I want to say i was surprised when i selected this card, but it's more obvious than it appears to be. So many people live in a constant fear of lack, we as a society are living in a state of survival (root chakra things), we are thinking about money, and obtaining enough that we can live. This is a common miss conception because money is not something to obtain (hang in there i'm not crazy- i have a point), money is a tool that we use, that the government and world leaders created way back when, as another way to control the masses and suppress us. There is enough wealth for all of us. We can draw in more money and positive experiences when we become a match (vibrationally) to it. When we do things we love, things that bring us genuine joy we attract more of it.

However what we are focused upon is what we attract. So the majority of us are focused upon all that we do not have, instead of what we do, we are focused upon money, having material things, the lack of what we have - so we attract more of it.
We fear of not having enough so it really doesn't matter if your thinking negatively or not its our thoughts ad focus that have created the reality of what we are experiencing. It has been scientifically proven that our brains cannot tell between whats real and whats a thought, so we can be constantly thinking about something/ worrying about something and we manifest it into our reality.

We need to change our focus, do not indulge in negative thoughts, constantly playing over and over something in your mind that's upset you, i know from personal experience this only manifests more and more negativity into your life. Instead change focus.

Stop doing the things that you despise and do the things you do. Step away from fearing your success, life purpose and happiness and move towards it. when we do the things we love, we vibrate on a much higher level and attract more positive experiences.   

So why the protection card... Well if we all knew we was protected from negativity wouldn't more of us pursue our dreams, live a more happier life. We are here to have an experience, to grow and to create... So lets create a better you, me, us and live in a state of protection.

I'm not sayings quit your jobs, i'm simply saying dedicate time to doing more things that make you happy, focus your thoughts on the happy things and ask your self empowering questions to help you get over those negative feelings.


Sunday 23 March 2014

wake up

Hey everyone!
So, I was not going to post this, but I feel like I should? It's in regards to this cancer awareness raising money for cancer research.

First of all I'm glad people are being generous enough to support a cause that everyone can relate to. We all know someone who suffers with cancer, or has been effect by it and or has passed away due to it. Please please guys do your research. I keep asking people to question everything more.

Who there knows exactly how much money goes into "actual cancer research"??? I bet you haven't even thought about it.. We just donate what little we have because it's the "right thing to do". Well I'm not saying don't give to genuine charities! Because that's not what I'm saying, donate to private independent charities that actually go out and make a difference. Check out DR Burzynski who has treated and cured some of the worst types of cancer using Antineoplastons - which basically stimulate cancer fighting genes and suppress 'Oncogenes' which allow cancers to grow. Some cancers have already been cured, we just don't know about it because then we will return to health and that's not what the government wants. The cure is through natural resources and not through toxic harmful radiation.

Let me just go on to point something else out...X-rays are bad!! We all know that (at least I hope you know) are not good for us, we should have as little and as few as we can help in our life time.. . So why is it then, at almost all major airports in the states, like LA they are using backscatter xray machines (''for security reasons'')? The big round ones!! They "airport security" imply that you have to go through it? Now that is not true, buy law they cannot make you pass through. But we as the general public, are more and more like sheep (because of fluoride, additives/chemicals added to our food, microwaving meals, the list is endless)... And in we go blindly following, blindly trusting! If you don't believe me ring and ask TSA! You do not have to pass through the big round X-ray machine, you simply say to the security staff when it's your turn, that you don't go through those. Be polite, calm and collected otherwise i'm sure they will create problems for you. They will then let you go through the metal detector (I've yet to see this type of machine at the airport in our UK airports - however i'm sure it will only be a matter of time).

The government want us to be worker bees, however we are running out of our resources - less we question the better for them - why so many people of power, are CEOs of major charities, pharmaceutical company's, MPs, food industry, doctors, scientist, ect they literally run and own everything! They do not OWN you!! Please guys! Wake up! Why donate your money so they can use it to research drugs for "cancer". The cure is there we just not allowed to have it, because it is not profitable. Notice that hardly any people in power undergo such treatments like chemotherapy, radiation, you wont catch them eating at McDonalds?? because they know things that you do not! Question EVERYTHING? Look at exacty whats in the food you consume... Wake up you all!!! Sorry for the long rant! I just want people to see things clearly! X x x x x x

Saturday 18 January 2014

About me - Who are you?

Ask a Little Witch

Who are You!

‘’Make a wish and place it in your heart. Anything you want, everything you want. Do you have it? Good. Now believe it can come true. You never know where the next miracle is going to come from. The next smile, the next wish come true. But if you believe that its right around the corner, and you open up your heart and mind to the possibility of it, to the certainty of it, you just might get the thing you’re wishing for. The world is full of magic. You just have to believe in it. So make your wish’’

What word defines you? If you can only pick one, what would that word be? Well I always found it hard to voice myself, for many reasons… My life has not been an easy one, but I am so grateful for every second because it has lead me here, to now, to the path I’m on and working towards the life I want to lead.

I am ‘MAGIC’. My word is ‘MAGIC’.

Magic? Why Magic, you’re probably asking yourself. Well because if it wasn’t for magic I may not be here today, if it wasn’t for magic I would have turned into a very different person than the person I am today. You’re probably thinking, ‘’well the magic I know, doesn’t exist?’’

Magic, is found around every corner. Magic can be found in an unexpected strangers eyes. It can be found in the stillness of night. It can be found in precious moments, like a baby’s first words or a beautiful landscape. Magic can be found in those odd coincidences that occur. Magic is everywhere all you need to do is access it!
How do you access the Magic – You believe it, dream it, be alert to the signs, imagine it and feel it… with all your heart… By thinking and imagining you create the world you live in.
 ‘’And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.- Roald Dahl”
So I am MAGIC – do you believe?
I haven’t had the easiest life, I’ve never really fitted in with the ‘norm’ and I was born with the gift- some of my spiritual talents I'm still getting to grips with. I’m incredibly sensitive, intuitive, I saw things that others couldn't, I questioned everything, I had a huge pull to all things outer-worldly and I am very spiritual (not religious).
I’ve been reading Tarot cards since I was 13, it started off with just reading for my friends and family, it progressed to distant family and friends of the family and friends of friends. I had such great feed-back.

High school I was very much liked by everyone although I was never popular, I was friends with the popular crowd, the nerdy crowd, I had the ability to literally relate to everyone. I think my empath ability served me well, although it did cause a lot of confusion as to what I was feeling and what others were.

I only came out of the (Witches-broom) closet in 2007, shortly after completing my BTEC in Film/moving image and prior to that, performing arts, from there I have done a lot of charity work using my tarot. I have worked a lot of jobs in the coffee, bar and restaurant industry and it came to a point in my life where I felt like I was at a crossroads.

I had to answer that dreaded question ‘’where do I want to be in 10 years’’. The
answer was simple, I want to be happy. But what would make me the happiest?
I spent the next three years, discovering the things I love. Dance, film, spiritual work, and writing. Most I think I love people. I continued on my spiritual path, and it fascinated me, I studied people that I met, spiritually, with astrology, how they deal with life, the good the bad… I made some amazing discoveries.

In 2010 I visited a very lovely gypsy reader, I kind of came across her by accident (but of course nothing is by accident). Since then I have been on a fast learning curve by the universe. I love tarot and the amazing things it does for my clients. I love seeing that months down the line, my predictions coming true. Of course everyone has free will, everyone makes their own choices, and everyone has their own life path… I love helping people see clearly the things they don’t see. Everyone can be happy they just first have to choose it.

I knew I had the gift, I always had this magnetic pull to all things spiritual, and from there I have been helping people through tarot. I love helping people through their problems, relating to them, understanding them and giving them an honest reading. I am magic, and if you believe in me, and allow me to do so I will help you.
Unfortunately the world we live in requires me to charge a fee for tarot, because I need to pay my bills just like you do! I want to help as many people as I can, and for that I need my time free to mediate and prepare for tarot to help you. This means I’m unable to work another job. You will be pleased to know that I only charge a reasonable £25 currently (2014) or $42. Now for a good reader you will pay a minim of £75 or $115 – My readings speak for themselves as does my feedback- which can be found on my website (testimonials).

I’m here to help you, to listen to you, to give advice to you and help you get the life you want to live. My dream is coming true I want to help you get yours. You can find me on Facebook and Twitter. And in 2014 I’ll be on YouTube helping you, guiding you and teaching you.

Book your reading now

Tuesday 14 January 2014

How Tarot Works

How Tarot Works…

Let’s start at the beginning

Tarot has been around for at least six centuries now, it’s hard to  say exactly where Tarot came from as there are no written documentation confirming dates. However there are many myths saying that Tarot originated from ancient Egypt and another myth claiming that the Gypsies brought Tarot to Europe.

Tarot for centuries has been used to solve your most burning questions or to catch a glimpse into the future or that of the recent past. Sceptics argue the fact that a set of cards with obscure pictures, could ever possibly tell us anything about our lives. There are a lot of misconceptions spread around by superstitious and religious people who shy away from Tarot in fear. They say that the cards are evil and that demonic entities will curse you or doom your life. The honest truth is that they are just cards and on their own hold no real power.

So we have discovered that the cards are not supernatural and controlled by evil spirits, they are used as a divination tool. Like with any tool, they are only as good as the skilled person wielding them.

About my readings

I have been reading cards since I was Thirteen years old, first for family and friends, then for friends of friends and family friends, and so the word spread…’’It runs in the family’’. I completely understand the stigma that comes with this line of work, and so I make it top priority that the client understands fully what tarot is, how it works and also the new law legislation implemented by the government, that all spiritual workers now have to inform clients. When booking or paying online you will receive this ‘’disclaimer’’.
I like to make YOU, the client feel at ease before beginning anything, as the more relaxed, calm and open you are the more you will gain from the reading. I also only read for people genuinely intrigued, or open to the possibility of what tarot and spiritual readings can offer, as I have out grown the need to feel like I have to prove anything, it goes without saying the reading speaks for itself.

There nothing wrong with being skeptical, belongs your open minded tarot will never seize to amaze you.

Let me explain further…

So once we have one through the essentials, payment has been made, and we have discussed how it is that you came for a reading, what it is you may be interested to know… We begin the reading.
Now bear in mind that the cards will show you whatever it is that they feel you should know – all for the higher good of course. They will only tell me the things that you need to know, they will clarify things that have happened in the past and work up to the future. People often worry about getting bad cards, but in all honesty there is always something positive to come out… & always guidance and advice for you follow so the bad, doesn’t end up bad. But of course it’s your life, your choices to make, your lessons to learn… I am here to listen and guide you onto the right path… the happy path!
So here I am, your spiritual guru, counsellor or witch – whatever you like to call me!
I’m not a professional psychiatrist, or medical doctor… But in all honesty I believe healing is not cured by taking pills, not to say that modern medicine is not good I just feel it’s used without fully understanding what’s making the patient ill. I feel it’s impersonal and I have yet to find a good doctor and so always use a more holistic approach to health (that’s not to say it’s for everyone). We get ill, discouraged by a range of physical, emotional and spiritual strains on the body and mind. But this is an entire other subject. What I’m trying to say is, think out side the box, listen to your body, heart and mind… Stuck in a difficult relationship, keep getting ill, want that job you always dreamed of… tarot will help you but it’s you that has to make the choice, and step into the life you long for.

"Remember those that do not believe in magic… never find it! It’s good to dream! "

How I do online Readings

With an on-line reading, I tune into you by photograph and using your date of birth. With your payment you are giving me consent, allowing me to connect with you. I then draw cards, with any questions that you may want to know about. Please do bare in mind that the cards will tell me what they feel you need to know, they will never tell me anything that you cannot handle. And so, I will guide and prepare you for what’s to come… Please do check out my feedback on my Facebook page… and all links can be found on my website. I truly hope I can help you like i have helped so many others

I truly hope I can help you like I have helped so many others. 

Drop me a message for any questions or enquiries I'm always happy to help. You can keep in contact through Facebook, email, twitter and soon YouTube!

<3 your little witch 

x x x

Monday 13 January 2014

A Simple way to Promote Happiness

Ask a Little Witch

A Simple Way to Promote Happiness

Hi everyone!! So people always ask ‘’when will I finally be happy’’, ‘’how can I be happy, when and what do I have to do - to be happy’’.

Well let me tell you something, it may shock you but happiness is a choice, 100% it’s your own choice to feel a certain way. Yes certain things, situations, and even people can come into our lives and knock us sideways. But there is always a choice!

Happiness is a state of being and it is not a destination. We can choose, who, how, where, why and when can makes us happy. We can make a choice to surround ourselves with positive people, and eliminate the negative ones from our life. We can choose how we see a situation… 
for example, you’re working in a café and you get a really difficult and rude customer, this guy might of woke up late, missed his bus, late for work, it started raining and his umbrella broke….

Yes there is no reason for a customer to 

talk to you in a rude way, but CHOOSE to see it like this… although ‘’the customer’’ was rude it makes you appreciate all the lovely customers you will serve that day… Choose to reject the negativity. You don’t know what’s caused them to behave a particular way, but you can choose to not let there negativity effect you…Ask them if they are okay, wish them a good day and break the cycle… Kindness can make all the difference to somebodies day!

Do more of the things that spark creativity and passion within you. Spend time walking through the park and appreciating the beauty in the world that we almost always take for granted. And here it is…. The 1 Thing you can do every day, whether it’s when you’re getting ready, making breakfast or heading into work… COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS!!!

Start from one and work your way to ten, list TEN things your grateful for in life… we all have something to be grateful for… like our home, water, heating, clothes, soap, shampoo, food, our health, transportation, money (wage), it’s all something to be thankful for and guaranteed you will feel great about the day ahead you’re going to have knowing how lucky you are.

Have fun with it, because what we think we create!! Give it a whirl… what have you got to loose

Love your Little Witch
X x X

Tuesday 10 December 2013

How Tarot Works

How Tarot Works…

Let’s start at the beginning

Tarot has been around for at least six centuries now, it’s hard to  say exactly where Tarot came from as there are no written documentation confirming dates. However there are many myths saying that Tarot originated from ancient Egypt and another myth claiming that the Gypsies brought Tarot to Europe.

Tarot for centuries has been used to solve your most burning questions or to catch a glimpse into the future or that of the recent past. Sceptics argue the fact that a set of cards with obscure pictures, could ever possibly tell us anything about our lives. There are a lot of misconceptions spread around by superstitious and religious people who shy away from Tarot in fear. They say that the cards are evil and that demonic entities will curse you or doom your life. The honest truth is that they are just cards and on their own hold no real power.

So we have discovered that the cards are not supernatural and controlled by evil spirits, they are used as a divination tool. Like with any tool, they are only as good as the skilled person wielding them.

About my readings

I have been reading cards since I was Thirteen years old, first for family and friends, then for friends of friends and family friends, and so the word spread…’’It runs in the family’’. I completely understand the stigma that comes with this line of work, and so I make it top priority that the client understands fully what tarot is, how it works and also the new law legislation implemented by the government, that all spiritual workers now have to inform clients. When booking or paying online you will receive this ‘’disclaimer’’.
I like to make YOU, the client feel at ease before beginning anything, as the more relaxed, calm and open you are the more you will gain from the reading. I also only read for people genuinely intrigued, or open to the possibility of what tarot and spiritual readings can offer, as I have out grown the need to feel like I have to prove anything, it goes without saying the reading speaks for itself.

There nothing wrong with being skeptical, belongs your open minded tarot will never seize to amaze you.

Let me explain further…

So once we have one through the essentials, payment has been made, and we have discussed how it is that you came for a reading, what it is you may be interested to know… We begin the reading.
Now bear in mind that the cards will show you whatever it is that they feel you should know – all for the higher good of course. They will only tell me the things that you need to know, they will clarify things that have happened in the past and work up to the future. People often worry about getting bad cards, but in all honesty there is always something positive to come out… & always guidance and advice for you follow so the bad, doesn’t end up bad. But of course it’s your life, your choices to make, your lessons to learn… I am here to listen and guide you onto the right path… the happy path!
So here I am, your spiritual guru, counsellor or witch – whatever you like to call me!
I’m not a professional psychiatrist, or medical doctor… But in all honesty I believe healing is not cured by taking pills, not to say that modern medicine is not good I just feel it’s used without fully understanding what’s making the patient ill. I feel it’s impersonal and I have yet to find a good doctor and so always use a more holistic approach to health (that’s not to say it’s for everyone). We get ill, discouraged by a range of physical, emotional and spiritual strains on the body and mind. But this is an entire other subject. What I’m trying to say is, think out side the box, listen to your body, heart and mind… Stuck in a difficult relationship, keep getting ill, want that job you always dreamed of… tarot will help you but it’s you that has to make the choice, and step into the life you long for.

"Remember those that do not believe in magic… never find it! It’s good to dream! "

How I do online Readings

With an on-line reading, I tune into you by photograph and using your date of birth. With your payment you are giving me consent, allowing me to connect with you. I then draw cards, with any questions that you may want to know about. Please do bare in mind that the cards will tell me what they feel you need to know, they will never tell me anything that you cannot handle. And so, I will guide and prepare you for what’s to come… Please do check out my feedback on my Facebook page… and all links can be found on my website. I truly hope I can help you like i have helped so many others

I truly hope I can help you like I have helped so many others. 

Drop me a message for any questions or enquiries I'm always happy to help. You can keep in contact through Facebook, email, twitter and soon YouTube!

<3 your little witch 

x x x

Saturday 23 November 2013

Updated - What it means to be a witch

Ask a Little Witch

1     What it means to be a Witch

‘’A Witch is someone who lives the Art, Science, and spirituality of witchcraft’’
First let’s touch upon where witches originated. Well the old ones were simply nothing more than that of wise men and women of there tribes, towns, families who those would go see for spiritual assistance, divinatory and medicinal purposes. In ancient cultures people would go visit the high priestesses and priests for healing. At the time, healing was much more that what our modern medical profession is today. Modern medicine is great in many ways, but in the ancient times, healing was a process involving the mind, emotions and spirit as well as the body. Healing was an energetic process.
A healer would give counsel and advice, and minister the spiritual balance of the individual. You will probably find many witches of today are involved in the healing arts, traditional of otherwise, because helping others in such an important part of witchcraft.

A witch is someone who ‘’walks between worlds’’ – like that of a shaman. The shaman believes in non physical, spiritual realms, in these worlds, one can get information and healing energy, and communicate with spirits. The Shaman ministers to his people though the ability, to effect healing of the mind, body and spirit. Witches like Shaman believe in non physical realms. They are bridges between worlds. 
The belief in and the practice of magic has been present since the earliest human cultures and continues to have an important religious and medicinal role in many cultures today. Witchcraft is a spirituality, you walk a spiritual path for nourishment of the soul, to commune with the life force of the universe, and better your own life.

To determine the Witch you must first determine the craft the witch practices. I myself am all of the above, I aim to help others and to heal them and to better the
individual. I'm not a villain from a fairy tale story poisoning apples or placing curses upon people.

I help heal people through the art of Tarot and the three fold law. I’m a strong believer that what you put out you shall receive.

I hope this can somewhat explain what being a witch means, I shall upload soon more about my craft as always <3 your little witch x x x

Oil Pulling - teeth hygiene

Ask a Little Witch

The Art of Oil Pulling

Oil pulling has been used for 1000’s of years from culture to culture. It’s a traditional way of cleaning your teeth but with added benefits.

Oil pulling is easy and effective, it aims to remove harmful toxins, bacteria and plaque from your mouth. In time it will improve the overall health of your mouth, gums and teeth, as well as other benefits in your body.

So what is Oil pulling 

It’s a holistic remedy for bleeding gums. It involves swishing a tablespoon of oil (coconut & sesame oil are my favorites) around your mouth for 5 minutes working up to 20 minutes. 

Now what this does is pull any bacteria, toxins and plaque from your mouth. It does this by mixing with your saliva, turning into a white liquid. Lipids in the oils begin to pull out the toxins from the saliva. As the oil is swished around the mouth, teeth, tongue and gums, the oil continues to absorb the toxins, it will then sometimes start to thicken. Once the oil has reached this consistency, it’s time to spit out in a bin (not down the sink), it’s important you do not swallow as you do not want to re-absorb the toxins you have just removed with the oil.

- How do Oil Pull –

  1. 1.     You will need a table spoon of oil. Place the table spoon of oil into your mouth and begin to swish. I often set my timer for 20 minutes. Obviously when starting out you might find it difficult to swish for the full 20 minutes, so maybe start with 5 and build up.
  2. 2.     To see full benefits I recommend doing this for about 21 days in a row, in the morning is best as it’s the time that you have the most bacteria in your mouth. After the 21 days you can do it 3 times a week, and work your way down to just once or twice a week or as and when you feel you need it.
  3. 3.     Spit out into a bin, never down a sink oil is not good for house hold piping.
  4. 4.     Rinse mouth with water & then brush teeth as normal

>>Brighter, whiter teeth

>>Healthier gums
>>Prevents bad breath
>>Increased energy
>>Clearer mind
>>Decreased headaches
>>Clearer sinuses
>>Alleviated allergies
>>Better sleep
>>Clearer skin
>>Regulated menstrual cycles
>>Improved lymphatic system
>>Improved PMS symptoms

What have you got to loose… I always advise everyone to do their own research and see what they find out. Do what works best for you! This is my natural way of keeping my smile bright and white.

As always Love your Little Witch 

x x x