Mystery Cards Revealed- Monday 29/09/14
Thank you so much for sharing with your friends… Okay so if you have not done already, to never miss out on a free card reading, freebies, one card giveaways - Just hit the like button on my facebook page - scroll down & press ‘’Get Notifications’. Facebook keeps changing the settings Guys- So i am still posting =) Even if you are not receiving! <3
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Now Scroll Down
So if you Chose LEFT you got Guilt & if you opted for RIGHT then you got Self worth
Now the theme is about trusting in your self to experience and to not need to know so much… Experience the feelings and understand why these things keep popping up for you. It is a time for releasing and letting go. Do not hide who you are, how you're feeling it’s time to confront such things, situations and allow it to be in the open which will allow you to move forward. It’s about taking responsibility and not placing blame… The truth will surface and things will start to feel better. (check my astrology from today you will see what i mean- Can be found on my facebook page posted @ 7pm)

Guilt - GUILT- This is a Orange Chakra (Sacral Chakra) it’s about paying attention to all those emotions and feelings, being brave enough to admit some things about how you feel, and not feeling the need to tread on eggshells, because what you feel, you feel that for a reason, you burying it is just going to bring more of it to you - until it overflows and you have to deal with it. So Guilt is a Sacral Chakra, it encompasses our emotions, our feelings, and guilt is being brought to you to give you that ‘’do something about it’’ energy, to give you that action you need to take. It’s the time to tie up loose ends, get out of your mind and get into your feeling body.
Are you feeling bad for something, there is nothing wrong about doing something for yourself, are you giving away your energy to the wrong places/people. Do not feel like you owe someone something, like you have an expectation to fulfil. This is your life, your choices, yes you can listen to advice does that mean you have to take it? The time is to release GUILT - BE honest, state exactly what it is your feeling, wanting, needing… Stop worrying what others will think! Don’t lead people down the garden path if you can not give them what they need - this time is for you…
What is it you desire most? why are you not doing that, following that, stop neglecting your self - you are important - yes you are giving and that is beautiful, and yes you don’t do it to gain - but come on there are people who are taking you for granted and you need to address that, don’t give so much, sacrifice so much - do something for yourself - it’s never to late to chase a dream or find ways to make steps towards them. The people who love you want you to be happy - release guilt do this for you!! you deserve it =)
SELF WORTH - Another Sacral Chakra Card but this is one on a high note than that of Guilt. (Sacral Chakra) it’s about paying attention to all those emotions and feelings, being brave enough to admit some things about how you feel, and not feeling the need to tread on eggshells, because what you feel, you feel that for a reason, you burying it is just going to bring more of it to you - until it overflows and you have to deal with it. So Guilt is a Sacral Chakra, it encompasses our emotions, our feelings.
How do you see your self? Do you love all you are, are you kind to yourself or do you pick away at yourself so others cannot? Self worth comes from self love. When we love our self completely you will see that all manor of things start to flow into our existence. It is not just that of a positive law of attraction. When you light up in self love you put out your self worth. Do not stand for less than you deserve. Raise your energy and watch so much greatness be drawn to you. I cannot express how much it means for you to love yourself and know your worth. Do not allow others to dictate to you who you are. Know who you are for it is your life and whatever you feel inside is being reflected out to you in reality.
Know who you are, be happy with your self and have faith.
Thank you again for sharing - Cards will be up until Thursday ready for Friday’s cards at 11 am when the new cards go up to choose from - have a beautiful Week <3