Thursday 25 September 2014

Astrology News - September 25th 2014

Astrology News - September 25th 2014

So last night things got a little intense… didn’t they just - That was the moon square pluto - Testing us to keep the balance! So those that were stepping into their truth and power and being balanced may not of necessarily felt it quite so much but i know i had a few messages from yal saying and asking

‘’what is happening…. why is this happening… It’s a new moon??? =(“

In all honesty is was some powerful stuff going on… On with today! There is a lot of fiery energy today and it certainly going to build, asking what actions we are starting to take, where are we heading right now, yes things are getting exciting but we need to be able to find stability and balance  throughout all this.

To top it off we have Mercury starting to slow down now… Details, facts, conversations are really starting to get intense - especially when it comes into Libra it really starts to process relationships. This energy will really be about how you are truly communicating to another person.

This is a time where a lot of big things are happening, and a lot of excitement but there are just deep reflections of our self that are coming out and a need for some patience that might not be easy because Mars is coming into a powerful positivity storm, which wants things NOW, bigger & better, and exciting… then you have mercury slowing down for a retrograde which will frustrate people because we all want it now and we are being made to stop & slow down.

So today is reminding us to stay cool, calm and chilled! There is a need for true balance. The universe is opening some strong powerful doors in our lives but we have to pay attention to that deep truth and those deep reflections of our self that are coming to the surface and being played out in front of us to our face through relationships and other aspects - really make sure you are mirroring the right energy now in your life!!

Be patient & don’t get too excited try and find that chilled energy. <3

Wednesday 24 September 2014

The New Moon

The New Moon
The New Moon is the start of something new, a new cycle, the seeds are being planted for this next month. Opportunities come about & it’s a time of setting goals. Fresh Energy!! What will you invite in…

Astrology News - September 24th 2014

Astrology News - September 24th 2014

This New moon has really been signaling this excitement for this new start, fresh start, new lease in your life.  New opportunities coming, new places to go, new people to see and it will really put relationships under the knife so to speak.

Are you mirroring the right people in your life, are you being who you truly are  - being honest with yourself. The New Moon in Libra the relationships that are in your life are going to be shown.

If you are looking to be successful in your business for example and you're partnering with someone who hates your idea of business - Then WHY & what are you doing with that person??

Today is a good time for meditation, going deep and send out to the universe the kind of relationships you want in your life, romantic, business, friendships ect… be clear about what energies you want around you - just put it out there, because Libra is all about relationships.

It’s important today to be very clean, by clean i mean energy wise, very high vibrational… Because if you are around a negative person they are mirroring you then you're not going to benefit so much. This energy with libra you will be stuck with a half, so it will affect a relationship in your life, it’s about choosing the right one, mirroring the energy that is on par with you i guess… Libra always draws in another half so it is important to look at your halfs and see what is being mirrored or reflected back to you.

This is a time where we get lots of oomph to step into things the energies are moving forward. But with this pluto energies up there it will really ask you to think, are you truly connecting to things that are really connecting vibrationally with you right, or are you investing your time and energy in a path that is truly mirroring your right self.

This is a time to sort out those details… Are these people really benefiting you in the path your going on is it the right energy inspiring you on?

We all know what we want by now, it’s about looking around us and making sure the right connections are coming in. Relationships is going to play a big part over the coming weeks. The reason being we need to find that perfect relationship, that balanced relationship of Yin & Yang.
We GOT to sort that out because everything we been doing has lead up to this - you know what to do now!

Anything is really possible right now… But Saturn will not allow you to stick to something/connection that is not in your truth. You know where your heading and so it’s about being with the people,making the right connections that will help you get there.

So we all need to get REAL & get HONEST and step forward… Relationships 7 connections are going to play a huge part here… It is about following and finding and connecting with people who really mirror you, not energies that pull you away from who you are.

Enjoy this beautiful NEw Moon Guys! <3

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Astrology 101 - Ask a Little Witch


Astrology 102 with Ask a little Witch


Astrology 102 with Ask a little Witch


Dreaming of a Rabbit

Dreaming of a Rabbit

To see a rabbit in your dream signifies luck, magical power, and success. You have a positive outlook on life. Alternatively, rabbits symbolize abundance, warmth, fertility and sexual activity. Perhaps your sex life needs to be kept in check.

The dream can also be associated with Easter time and your own personal memories of Easter.

In particular, to see a white rabbit in your dream symbolizes faithfulness in love. The white rabbit also serves as a guide to steer you toward the right direction. To see a black rabbit in your dream refers to fear of intimacy.

If the rabbit is hopping in your dream, then it indicates fertility. You will be surrounded by children. Alternatively, the dream may be analogous to your lack of commitment and how you jump from one thing or another. If you dream that the rabbit scratches or bites you, then it means that you need to pay more attention to your personal relationship or love life.

Astrology News - September 23rd 2014

Astrology News - September 23rd 2014

Today should be a really magical day, the day of balance harmony, relationships coming in and beauty ruled by venus. It’s a time for us to connect with the people we want, and with this magical energy and the new moon coming tomorrow… 07:14 am here in the UK.

This is crazy because the sun and the Moon are following each other from Virgo and into Libra for the next few days (odd, odd, ODD) I guarantee magic or something really quite amazing has or will have changed in a positive way within the next 24 hours because it is just so rare to happen - Sun & Moon following each other.

Then you have the Pluto energy going direct which is all about taking these new steps forward into your life, making those big decisions and taking that step you just have to follow it. When looking at astrology things have really kicked in…

We have this next week and half before Mercury goes retrograde… To really move forward, get to the bottom of thing, getting into the details and weighing things out with, partnerships, relationships really going deeper and finding ways to reharmonize. How can we find harmony and how can we manifest the exact things we want - and that might not be so simple, because you have to be bold there is all this fire and energy.

You got to know right now what your heart wants & to see the bigger picture… Got to take those bold new actions, and it might not be simple. One thing about the sign libra is that it wants to compromise, negotiate and keep the peace then with the mars in Sagittarius it also want that deep truth and that in itself is so hard because the glue’s not sticking.  

Can you get that glue to stick and get that compromise?I think relationships are going to big part of this now in our life - it’s really going to be highlighted. Everything that is happening right now is building up to some big powerful things in our life, as we have a powerful full moon, and eclipse!! BIG STUFF!!

So today is really the start… Things are going to really take off =) Pay attention to what’s really going on deep inside of you. What your ready to launch, what your ready to mirror correctly- This is the day before the New Moon, so a day of preparations… It’s not the day to make the call but the day to make the notes ready for tomorrow.

You will know where you're heading, what you need to set into, where you're going to step into -  <3

Monday 22 September 2014

Autumn Equinox - Mystery Cards 22/10/14

Autumn Equinox - Mystery Cards 22/10/14
Thank you for sharing & raising awareness to my magical space on Facebook - I truly appreciate it!!


Okay, so I don’t know if you can tell but in Autumn i’m in my element! Today is the Autumn Equinox where the day’s & night’s are balanced - from here on out the day’s get shorter and the night’s get longer… This is true for us too, today we are being asked to balance out self tremendously as well as taking that leap forward - tricky stuff for almost all of us!
So the Theme tonight/Today is really asking you if you're living and communicating your truth or just playing along… The tenacious balance between what is true in our hearts and what we communicate is reflected within the day & these cards. I think this will be a time for many of us to awaken to a new way of being.

If you have not already please check out today’s astrology on my page… Now the theme and what i want to stress & it’s funny because it relates so well with what i posted on my personal page last night…

So many of us think we will be happy when we get enough money, we just stick at something for all the wrong reasons, and yes it took hard work and dedication - but our heart wasn’t in it… So there will never be enough to make you fulfilled - only when we find joy can we be fulfilled. I think that is what this is all about.

Okay so If you chose Left you got QUEST & If you went with RIGHT you got GUILT…

Okay So QUEST - This is a throat Chakra card, and yes it fits beautifully within the energy of today and the coming days ahead. It’s saying you need to be honest with yourself, get deep & speak your truth - stop lying to yourself… you know what you need to do and with this card i feel you are ready for it and all it will bring. This card is saying do you feel you need to be somewhere else and then you will be happy? is that true of you? I think you will go on a journey whether a physical one, emotional one or a spiritual one - you will be discovering more about you, what it is that makes you spark and working a way to do more of it… Sometimes though we can over complicate things, so be wise, don’t search the world to find the thing you wanted all along was right where you are… This card is about being open to seeing all possibilities and what ones align with you the most to bring you JOY!!

GUILT- This is a Orange Chakra (Sacral Chakra) it’s about paying attention to all those emotions and feelings, being brave enough to admit some things about how you feel, and not feeling the need to tread on eggshells, because what you feel, you feel that for a reason, you burying it is just going to bring more of it to you - until it overflows and you have to deal with it. What is it you desire most? why are you not doing that, following that, stop neglecting your self - you are important - yes you are giving and that is beautiful, and yes you don’t do it to gain - but come on there are people who are taking you for granted and you need to address that, don’t give so much, sacrifice so much - do something for yourself - it’s never to late to chase a dream or find ways to make steps towards them. The people who love you want you to be happy - release guilt do this for you!! you deserve it =)

I hope you love tonight cards - some truly amazing stuff is going to take place over the next few months & i cannot wait to share it all with you

thank you again for sharing i’m so blessed!!

The Autumn Equinox

The Autumn Equinox

This is the midpoint when things are in balance, from now on the days get shorter & the Nights get longer… It’s a time of reflection, to look and see all that we have! How much we have reaped from all that we had sown. A time for Family, rest and Gratitude

Astrology - Autumn Equinox - September 22nd 2014

Astrology - Autumn Equinox - September 22nd 2014

Now although when reading your birth chart i do not focus so much on pluto, when reading general energy of the day, week, month i do… Pluto goes direct in Capricorn - powerful change & transformation - combined with Capricorn would indicate structure & your purpose in life.

Since April until now it’s been going really deep about reviewing the structure of your life in a very intense way. Here it is for you now to make that next move. You're moving into the next step of your life and it is a powerful one of change.

We are not only having to find the balance within our self with this Autumn equinox but we are being edged to make that big step forward as well - which in itself is really not easy!!

Decisions are needed if we want to move forward, and over the next few day’s we could be weighing those decisions up and out.  Do you have the courage to make them?

The energy is really about moving things forward, stepping into our power and stop being such a baby - blinded about doing what’s best for us instead of what’s comfortable.

Also Sun and moon are following each other for the next four day’s which has not happened since May 2012… This could mean it could be reflecting a lot of what happened back then, some deep stuff that could be repeating now - symbolically it is pointing towards a HUGE transition in your life. A BIG CHANGE.

It’s time to light up, step into these new doors of excitement!! If you're not in it 100%, like all in… Then why the hell bother? You will only be wasting your time! It’s a all or nothing type thing, put it all in a see where it leads you. If it is something that is not connecting with you, where you want to go or what you want to be, do - then again don’t place your energy here! It’s a waste!! This is a time where you can really manifest the life you want… You just have to be willing to take that step

Happy Autumn Equinox - if you would like a Mini Reading with me - today only i am doing same day readings for £10. Worldwide. Via PayPal. To your Email. Sprinkled with lot’s of love. In a fancy 500+ word Doc & photo of your spread… To book email me, inbox me on Facebook or book online and select ‘’other’’

I’m EXCITED!! I hope you are too <3

Sunday 21 September 2014

Dreaming of an Ex

Dreaming of an Ex

Now People sometimes find comfort when dreaming of a ex boyfriend or girlfirend. But before i get into that, there has been many traditions amongst spiritual people that are an exception to rule of this kind of dream. If you dreamt of a partner before you ever met them, then for sure you are bound, entwined together for the rest of your life… This is known as the famous ‘’twin flame or soul mate connection’’. Usually these matches will find it difficult in the beginning but it really is something so unique that nothing else will match to it.  So if you dream constantly of someone it’s showing you and reminding you of that said someone, it’s the universes way of drawing you back together and this serves more of a premonition than a psychological analysis that is what dream interpretations are.

So for the rest of you folks here is what it means to dream of an ex… This is just a brief meaning, there are lots of factors to be taken into it, if you would like to know more or have specifics then feel free to comment below.

“To dream that your ex is missing you suggests that you "miss" some aspect of that past relationship. A situation in your current life may be reminding you of your relationship with your ex. Alternatively, the dream may mean that you have moved on with your life. The notion that your ex is missing you may be a pun on that he has "missed" his opportunity or "missed" his chance with you. If you dream that you walk off or walk away with your ex, then it indicates that your current love interests are not measuring up to your ex. To see your mate's ex in your dream suggests that you are comparing yourself to the ex. The dream is telling you not to make the same relationship mistakes that ended that relationship…” Dreammoods <3

Saturday 20 September 2014

The Turtle/Tortoise

The Turtle/Tortoise

It’s important to remember with any sign or symbol, that some things will mean something different to some people. So sometimes, yes it may sound a little funny, but some people remind us of certain animals and so when you keep seeing that animal it could be in relation to that person.

The Turtle

The turtle has a hard shell, symbolically speaking someone with a tough exterior & a guarded heart with an incredible strength like no other. They symbolise someone who is deeply intuitive, to find peace they just have to shut of and look within for answers.
They are explorers, journeying,  everything they need is around them, one with nature and have a good heart. These people are calculated, slow and steady unless in the water- again saying when they delve into their emotions things become clear and they know where they are heading. They are a master of knowledge… You can not rush a Turtle they require time and patience - a free spirit! Resilient - Persistent - determination - Endurance

If you keep seeing turtles this is an indicator that you need to strong at this moment in your life, your journey is proving to be hard, if in doubt go with in for answers. Turtles symbolise Knowledge, strength, intuition, driven, resilience, determination, endurance to follow through… Pace your self there is no rush think of that end goal - YOU WILL GET THERE!!

Love Languages

Love Languages

My Personal Favorite Post of The Week

So I wanted to share with you a little something that can really transform your relationships! IT’s Called the Five Love Languages - A book by a man Named Gary Chapman. So It’s importnant to know that each person gives and expects love in different ways, i mean we are all individual and we all have different veiws as to what love even is.

Gary Chapman Claims there are Five Love Languages, The first being Physical Touch, The second, Words of Affirmation, the third, Acts of Service, fourth, receiving Gifts and the fifth Quality Time.

So i highly recomment you go online and take the test to know how you, your self expect love to be given… then maybe convince your partner to give it a whirl. It changes everything when you can understand each other. Because someone might concider doing the dishes as an act of love while the other would prefer you undivided attention instead.

Here is the link… Please Share, Like & comment below if this was something you enjoyed.

Friday 19 September 2014

Astrology Friday & the Weekend 19, 20th & 21st

Astrology Friday & the Weekend

A pretty chilled weekend in comparison to what is coming in the next few months -being eclipses! This is about us really getting prepared for some big things, it’s when things really hit the fan, or destiny opens up and changes your life forever always with eclipses. I know it sounds extreme right i guess we can look back at this in a month and see what happens =)

This weekend is a time for us to get ready as the planet Pluto comes direct on Monday 22nd which is huge… it’s about exposing and change. Big changes in our lives, changing the structure of our lives. This weekend there will be a lot of positive energy, good emotions and excitement brewing, This weekend will light a lot of us if not all of us up at some point - lots of opportunities, new things happening, new perceptions taking place, new doors opening and new beliefs we are stepping into.

You will still be made aware of the restrictions to life still, making sure your looking at the decisions you make very carefully, to ensure you do not jump into things without knowing if it is based off of our truth, to make decisions that will advance your life in moving forward correctly.

It is also about finding ways to advance to our highest goals, that we change, adapt or re invent ways of stepping into our destinies that in turn make us or get us on the way to who we really are.

There will be a great healing this weekend also. A lot of great things are coming together this weekend as well, and maybe out of no where - but in a realistic sense that you don’t go overboard, get ahead of your self.

Late saturday into sunday there will be some strange things happening with sun and moon, It’s the universe aligning things very uniquely this weekend to empower your happiness, to find your heart and make any last adjustments because these next couple weeks begin a powerful eclipse season into a powerful october that will change peoples lives.

This month is really about capturing that vision, and there is one for us all - because we need to have this goal/vision with us for what’s to come in the next month or two. Some major tests for us all, we will be learning to be bold, finding balance, which is not easy to be both of these things at the same time. It will be a time of stretching ourselfs, and trying to now get lost along the way…. That’s with Neptune in Pisces which will be teaching us to follow our gut, the need to know what is going to happen before it does.  

This weekend will be lovely - know that these are just the doors opening of what’s coming in the months to come

Thursday 18 September 2014

Crystal Water - Crystal Elixir?

Crystal Water - Crystal Elixir?

So, I you might of seen a while back that i posted a scientific experiment about labels, words, intentions and how they affect planets, water and other things…

Well to cut a long story short, when we apply labels, with certain words written upon them, or even when we speak certain words that they in turn carry an energy with it and effect the ‘’said thing’’.

So that happens both ways, if we say particularly good things, or we make food with love and gratitude it tastes different to that of something that was made by someone who was thinking or saying horrid things! I’ll try find a few experiments and link them below.

What i’m trying to say is we are all energy! Everything is energy and we all vibrate on different levels, same as certain words have different energy within them - This being said you can change your mood simply by changing your language… Now i’m not talking about swearing because in some cases we see and use certain words with a positive intention so this would not count.

So, I have been testing out the difference with drinking water. Yes i might be a tad loopy… But i kid you not - TRY IT!! you will be amazed. Now all i am doing is placing a Clear quartz crystal  in the water - I personally bottle the water up and keep it in the fridge and place a quartz at the bottom.

Now the taste is so much different in my eyes… Might just be my energy with the crystal but i know people who have done this and it has made a difference, it’s just so energizing.

Note: You cannot put all crystals in there as some can be harmful - Id recommend staying with the quartz family - Clear, rose, amethyst, green aventurine… Now each crystal has different properties so depending on your own personal preferences you might like to experiment with different ones, or mix and match… I’m only using Clear quartz for now as it  purifies, amplifies all other crystal elixirs. It can be be used for healing on all levels and on any of our bodies. Strengthens, heals and amplifies energy. It really does give a boost it is not like drinking normal water this stuff is magic…

Give it a whirl and let me know what you think!! =) Again research the crystal before adding it to your water

Link to Myth-busters plants have consciousness

The Rice Experiment

Astrology News - Thursday 17th September

Astrology Thursday

All lot more comfortable today than yesterdays energy. Things are flowing a lot more today, with stability, will and action with a little pick me up later on.

Lots of fire starting to grow, which in turn will light up a lot in our lives. Exciting new things & opportunities too - to the extent we could feel a little stretched - So advice is to stay within certain limits don’t get to crazy!!

The universe has opened doors so powerfully, that your able to do, explore new areas, things that you have never done before and go into new directions that you have not before. Breaking free & moving forward leaving the troubles in the past.

It’s about your passions and what you want today - there is no need to take every opportunity, just stay within your truth. There is the need to get deep here!

We have been learning to get our life together these past few weeks, re-adjusting things, getting organised and we are starting to get there. AGAIN Make  sure you are following your truth.

A surprise tonight when all the fiery energy kicks in, the love starts to come around, something really exciting is coming our way.

HAppy Thursday to all

Wednesday 17 September 2014

The Sufi Quote

The Sufi Quote
If your heart is like an ocean & you body is just it's beach... why do you wait for the emotion to surface, instead search and dive deep within for you will find the answers that you seek.

We rationalize everything, constantly battling with our thoughts... but it is within our emotions that lye the truth... The heart will never lead you wrong it follows what makes us happy - where is the harm in that?

Wednesday Astrology NEWs!!!

Astrology Wednesday

Today there is a lot going  could be the sort of energy that we want to nothing but be in comfort, but good luck with that! That is just not going to happen today, busy, busy, craziness so much happening so many demands upon us. A Intense & Restless energy with lots of test’s - Can you handle the emotions with the intensity? Things are also very changeable and we want to just find a place amongst the craziness to feel at ease and be in comfort.

Let go, there is a need to face our wounds with relationships & we can heal from them today No rest for us today, lots of questions brewing to the surface… Stay with the plans that you have made and don’t allow the little things to get to you. Today we should be some what more clear about what it is that we want, where we are being pulled towards, those doors are opening, it’s the day of realization - AN intense day for all.

Stay true to yourself

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Symbolism of Flies

Symbolism of Flies

Fly indicates that within the next two weeks be prepared for some sudden/quick changes. Things are going to multiply rapidly, prosperity, ventures, projects and the fly teaches us how to act quickly to achieve these results. Keen eyesight & expanding awareness! on another note the lesson lies in the value of carrying our, thoughts, feelings, and emotions in order to act quickly in sometimes unfavourable circumstances.

The Fly teach the ability to greatly multiply prosperity, endeavors and ventures at enormous rates. He shows how to be quick to act and respond to achieve results. Fly aids in demonstrating the power of keen eyesight along with expanding awareness in many directions. Although flies are known for carrying diseases in unfavorable surroundings, the lesson of fly is in the value of carrying your emotions, thoughts and feelings in order to act quickly in sometimes unfavorable or uncomfortable conditions. It takes about two weeks from hatching for new eggs to be laid, likewise, two weeks is significant in one's personal development. Are you ready for quick and abrupt changes? Are you ready to move quickly? Fly will show how to make quick changes for rapid growth.

Finding Happiness


Astrology for Tuesday

Astrology Tuesday

Today in astrology the energy is shifting as moon goes into cancer. So Moon loves to be in cancer it’s where it feels at home, so should bring out some nice emotions and starting to feel more grounded about things.

Mercury & north node will be exact at 630-7pm, which brings about destiny with a message, bringing out your true passion, having a true understanding about your path and where you're going. Really powerful truths with lots of fiery energy. But it is also about narrowing things down if your not paying attention to your deep emotional core, then there is a need to start to invest in the right energy.

There is an intense couple of months to come… It will be about knowing  your path & getting secure in all aspects. There will be lots of clean slates.. It is our time right now to grasp the day, knowing where you are going.

Big contracts could be coming, something strongly linked with your destiny, passion or obsession & communication is KEY!

The New story of your life is just beginning bringing powerful new things - So the energy will not be good for all as many of us are resisting. It will test if you're emotionally comfortable in the life you're living… or will be asking questions like can you be comfortable in the way you are living!!

Big things to come - Today is a balanced day if you're one of the ones staying true to yourself.

Monday 15 September 2014

Breathing - The Cure for all

Breathing - The Cure for all
Breathing is something i learnt when i began to meditate... & it was mastered when i started Yoga! - I realize this sounds totally WEIRD - But it's true...

I used to suffer from intense anxiety and breathing really can change your state of being - It teaches us to be in the now, & to know right now you have the power to change how you feel, the power to change your future... So JUST BREATHE - slowly - deeply - Watch the change it has upon you  <3 Nothing is as scary or as bad as it seems in the moment


Astrology Monday

Today in astrology we are starting to see a very rare occurrence be triggered - We have cleared a lot of karmic debt/issues & are being given a message or clarity from the universe. We have fixed, repaired or are now ready to step into this new energy that is coming.  New doors are opening, have opened already & there is a lot of energy as everything is shifting.

Today you will feel excited for the day although you might be a little all over place and scattered. Today going into tomorrow - Last quarter moon we have finally gotten over whatever it is that you have been trying to fix and stepping into new waters.A big light is about to turn on and we need to be absolutely clear, serious, about what it is we want/are manifesting… Are you Aligning with what you truly want deep down.

Saturday 13 September 2014



If you went with the LEFT then you got FORGIVENESS & if you went with RIGHT then you got REJECTION

FORGIVENESS - Is a Third eye Chakra Card, this is saying that you need to trust your feelings, listen to the heart & pay attention to the signs. Follow what your intuition is telling you, it's time to forgive because if you hold on to this for too long you are only wasting time... Trust in yourself to know what is right, forgiveness will set you free to see clearly. It's a time for healing for you. Its about focusing upon the intention of what you want rather than the pain that is preventing you

REJECTION - This is a Crown Chakra Card and it's about knowing what you need to know, you cannot quite explain it, your being pulled, keep thinking about something, something keeps popping into your mind... Signs and everything is pointing in that direction - but you either ignore it or you follow it because it will bring much happiness... But can you over come the fear of rejection? Are you seeking outsiders approval? You should know you are protected during this time and the only thing you need is courage... to follow your heart.

So here we have again a similar energy or theme... Both indicating an inner trust & following the heart, the first is talking about getting out of your own way in term of past hurt, forgive and move forward because when we act in defensiveness out of hurt we can sometimes regret - this one is about trusting in your self to do the right thing, follow your gut & intuition... The other is saying you know what you should do, but your so scared of being rejected or denied that your stopping your self from being truly happy. You know what to do so have courage to do just that, again stepping out of your own way, sometime things don't go as to plan, but are you willing to miss an opportunity this great?

again please give me a thumbs up if your liking these... It motivates me to do more <3

Choose a Card Saturday

Choose a Card!!

Hey Guy's... So every Monday, Friday & Saturday i'll be posting up these beauties @ 11 am and all you have to do is pick Left or right - comment below and then i will reveal the cards with meanings at 8pm! I hope you like this version, please like and share with friends as always...

I'm still doing free one card readings on my Facebook Page 'askalittlewitch' every Weds for something more personal and of course you can still book a full online reading with me, just drop me a message or book online at my website - details can be found in the About me section.

Friday 12 September 2014

Fridays Cards! Left or Right Your Choice

So what card did you pick tonight?? LEFT - Destiny & RIGHT - Miracle 

It's funny to see that these two cards have come up again - From what i know astrologically there is this pull in the universe, and it's pulling us towards something that we are supposed to be doing, or someone we are supposed to meet... There has been a lot of upset the past few weeks but i feel it was important to get us clear about all we want in our life, be honest with our self & deal with it. There is this air of passion around today, listening to our hearts and going after what we want.You will know what to do - pay attention to your emotions.

Destiny - I feel like the energy from this card is powerful, like i always say we are being guided through our life, spirit is always with us... This is a perfect example of this - Something has brought about some synchronicity and something that was supposed to happen will indeed happen this weekend. It's also a card that reminds us that the answers we seek are within, and that we should not question our gut instinct... You have a vision of how you want your life to be, and sometimes we become inflexible in how we want it to happen.. IT's asking you to take a risk, is this how you want your life to be, if i's not then take a risk, you may have to sacrifice something in order to get what it is you really want. Sometimes it's important to remember that in love you are better together than alone, you can accomplish so much more. KEYWORDS: True love, taking a stand, positive omen, radical thinking, deep satisfaction and the ability to change.

Miracle - So yes something amazing is going to take place with this card... It's a card of joy and maybe something unexpected taking place - a little surprise. But are you ready to allow it in? Do you let someone in or do you pretend not to see them? You cannot shut out pain without shutting our pleasure... Then come as a pair, just as you cannot really know joy without feeling sadness. This card asks you to think of this... Know and trust that you know what feels authentic and go with it. You will of come from a place of being scattered and now find your self become whole and undivided. You will be required to be honest and to stand by your morals - Something amazing is going to happen, big or small, material or internal there will be a positive shift.

If you found these relevant to you please give me a like or thumbs up even a comment - it makes my day <3